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Let's Make Patch Notes - Guardians

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Geb's Shield
Ares' Uselessness
Hades' Uselessness
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » February 1, 2014 6:20am | Report
I do not think Ares is super useless, he is just extremely hard to play.

The chains can cripple up to 3 targets at once while you deal tons of damage with the flames. The CC reduction on the aura is pretty solid and the ult is extremely good at forcing beads and aegis.

But if you hit less than 90% of your chains he is pretty bad :P

Hades though, he should just be made into a worrier and stay as is. Or he needs some change to the amount of CC or something.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » February 1, 2014 6:45am | Report
Hades ult just must have a cripple again in his ult. Beads and aegis still would counter it, but that would make him as a supporter more viable maybe also increase the protection while he ult again.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » February 1, 2014 6:56am | Report
I agree with All4Games about Ares' Searing Flesh. It should have a minion-knock-back effect like Taolu Assault so that he'd have wave clear. (I originally heard this idea in a squiddiish video)

I have a few general ideas off the top of my head:
  • Make his Shackles cooldown scale - 15/14/13/12/11
  • Make shackled enemies that stand within the raidus of Bolster Defenses when he activates it to be feared for 1 second or so. And maybe change the name to 'Battle Cry'.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 1, 2014 7:42am | Report
@Arka: Passives aren't balanced by themselves, they're balanced by themselves + their kit. For example, Sobek's passive does almost nothing but he is an incredibly strong god. Ares can get 120 magical power from his passive yet he is a terrible Guardian.

@All4Games: I agree, Ares' ult is difficult to balance because it is mechanically broken. Also, I agree with your idea about Searing Flesh.

@Setlino: His shield can still double a squishy's health bar late game with no counterplay other than to simply tear through it. Also, adding cripple to Hades' ult would be broken as unlike Ares' ult, it deals insane damage alongside the insane CC effect. It'd be like an instant version of No Escape that dealt a ****load of damage. No.

@Dark Jaw: Both are at 4 votes.

@BMO: Pretty sure you mean warrior. Not worrier.



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 1, 2014 7:45am | Report
Problems with Ares:

1. Mechanically broken ultimate.

2. Failure as a Guardian, due to lack of peeling, disengaging, engaging, and picking enemies off. He literally fails in every single role as a support except engaging with his ultimate.

3. Useless roamer due to lack of waveclear and poor ganking.


1. Mechanically alter his ultimate.

2. Give him some form of hard CC that can be used to at the very least, peel.

3. Give him some waveclear and something to make him roam well.

Some problems that would be nice to address:



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 1, 2014 7:50am | Report
My Solution:

New No Escape:

Ares pulls on his Shackles, stunning enemies for 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 seconds and pulling them toward him by 15/20/25/30/35 feet. Enemies are stunned for 0.1 seconds more for each individual target. Cooldown: 20 seconds. This ability cannot be activated if Ares has not shackled an enemy.

Yes, I just gave him a 20 second ult. So?

I gave this no damage because frankly, he doesn't need any more. This gives him some much needed hard CC and peeling, rewards being able to hit with Shackles, and frankly, the idea of a Thresh pull in Smite excites me. Why not give the strongest support ability in LoL to the weakest support in Smite?

Edit: There is one more change that I think needs to be addressed if this change is implemented: Shackles needs to latch to minions. It would be way too easy to get an instant kill with this ult, so by removing the ability to pierce minions, it is gives some counterplay in-lane.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » February 1, 2014 7:55am | Report
Actually decreasing the dmg would be the only way to fix hades. So you just use the ult to make them a easier target. Decrease damage a lot on Hades, increase his proc a bit and cripple. This or a complete rework is the only way to fix hades as a guardian.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » February 1, 2014 8:04am | Report
Setolino wrote:

Actually decreasing the dmg would be the only way to fix hades. So you just use the ult to make them a easier target. Decrease damage a lot on Hades, increase his proc a bit and cripple. This or a complete rework is the only way to fix hades as a guardian.

Also, changing his Basic Attacks into a progression plus at the end making a small AoE of Blight could fix Hades's problem.

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Swampmist1142 » February 1, 2014 8:06am | Report
I say change Ares' ult entirely, and just make it so that he can pull with his shackles, and it pulls them closer the more he has. It's great peel and still rewards high-level play.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » February 1, 2014 8:08am | Report
Give him the guan yu treatment. He already has all the qualities of a damage bruiser, make him pysical and your done.

That is actually a lie because you would not be done. They could make him a magical bruiser fully but like sub said.

The sword=noodle. If he was pysical that would be less the case.

At 3 chains the target is feares for x seconds scaling with how many levels put into it. His 2 is fine.

His 3. To give full numbers i would need to read deeper into the ability which i don't have time for right now.

His ult. Complete do over. My suggestion is change it to this. Ares new ult. Ares shoots a large amount of chains out in a cone in front of him.

If the chains find an enemy god they are grabbed, if ares walks somewhere the enemy god is forced to follow. If the enemy god tries to run away ares is slowed for 10% for every enemy god caught (gods caught go up to 5) the enemies can not be moon walking to slow ares.

After 2.5 seconds of pulling ares throws the enemy gods in front of him.
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