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my problem..

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CoffeeTableOG » December 23, 2013 7:41am | Report
Hey guys, when i started playing smite it was with 2 or 3 of my buddies and they mostly wanted to do arena games, while i wanted to do conquest/all of em. after just reaching level 30 yesterday with like 60% of my games being arena type and not playing conquest in forever (to accommodate my friend wants) how should i go about getting back into conquest? i dont want to be "that guy" on any team. i want to be helpful and be a good teammate or at least not suck/minimize my drag on the team. i've watched a lot of streamers and a couple of the tournies to learn what should be done. but i dont know how to execute that into real gameplay.

i guess i have like 3 options;
1: jump right into conquest and learn as i go.
2: stick to arena type and not feed in conquest.
3:make a new account and learn conquest with the noobs.

anyone got any advice? it would be really helpful.


Posts: 14
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » December 23, 2013 7:45am | Report
Starting on a new account isn't recommended because you'll go back to a small champion pool, yet never playing onquest isn't good either. My suggestion is hop into conquest with the knowledge you already have, but play either a solo lane or support. ADC and Jungle is a little more demanding team-work wise, whereas solo and mid can get away (not that it's recommended) with focusing on yourself, and support is a little more straightforward. Pick up teamfighting tips as you go along and you'll do fine.

And it's always best to learn conquest with a friend - even if yours play arena, there's a lot of people you can pair up with either on smitefire or probably from around your gaming experience who would play with you without stress, so they can accept an inevitable loss or two while you get used to it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Phil725 » December 23, 2013 11:12am | Report
If you've watched streams from some of the better players (especially ones in the role that you're planning on playing the most,) you're going to be ahead of a lot of people just from that. You can pick up stuff like standard meta and proper builds, plus learn some stuff to never do, all without doing it yourself. Watching ranked streams is what I would suggest for anyone to learn. Not starting with Meditation and not building Hastened Fatalis on every character puts you a step up on a lot of people, even those in level 30 conquest games.

There's no substitution for experience, so you'll make mistakes, no way around it. You'll probably get some early deaths by attacking into a full wave of creeps and eating 500 Olympian Archer damage, just learn from it and don't do it again. Same with pushing without ward coverage or rotating too slowly, etc. The overall level of play isn't nearly high enough to be concerned with never making mistakes like that though.

For learning, try to focus on solo lane and ADC. Solo lane is the most team independent of the roles through the laning phase, and it's very forgiving as long as you know to buy Shielded Teleport. Just don't die 1 on 1 and you're probably not going to be a big negative on the team. Coming from arena (I made a similar move playing arena up to 30 before going into conquest,) you should be fine making an impact in late game team fights.

ADC is the other good learning position since it's so simple. There's basically no matchup or item knowledge necessary; don't get pulled by Sobek. Anhur, Artemis and Cupid will burst you if you're not careful. Neith/ Athena will just be boring and sit under tower AFK farming... that's about it. If you build Death's Toll/ Warrior Tabi/ Heartseeker/ Qin's Sais/ Malice/ Deathbringer/ Titan's Bane/ Purification Beads/Sprint every game, you'll do fine. You need to rotate occasionally, but it's not that tough to pick up. The support has a much tougher responsibility on rotations, you need to focus on farming to late game above all.

One big tip I'll give that bit me; try to avoid playing support until you know what you're doing. It seems like a good idea to play whatever the team wants when you're learning, but that usually means playing support. Support is very hard to play well. You need to rotate constantly, you need to play aggressively or you're useless, you can't die too much or you're also useless. You end up with some horrible scores in bad games too, and it can be disheartening. In other classes, you can avoid feeding by playing smart/conservatively until you know what you're doing and feel comfortable going aggressive.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » December 23, 2013 11:23am | Report
I'm pretty sure your rating is different between Conquest and Arena, considering I'm literally always the top in the lobby of Arena, but I'm usually second, third, or fourth in the Conquest lobby. You'll probably be grouped with Conquest rookies as well, and since you've watched streams, you probably will have a better time than you're expecting.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CoffeeTableOG » December 23, 2013 7:22pm | Report
Thanks for the helpful answers guys, i'll probably try all of the roles and see what i enjoy the most/what i'm good at. and go from there and improve as i play. i hope to become semi decent in all roles and then later on narrow my focused into a particular role. i hope one day to get into ranked play and maybe even find a casual clan to get more into the community. thanks again guys.
Wish meh luck :P


Posts: 14
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » December 23, 2013 8:12pm | Report
Feed to learn

no seriously the more you feed the more tips you will receive :D
Feeding is like tip boxes that pop up on video game tutorials.

For every feed you will see a nice tip in your chat box, examples of these tips may say
"quit F#%#$@ dying you #%#%$^# mother #%$#$@%@"
"Buy Beads you scrub"

feed for tips


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CoffeeTableOG » December 24, 2013 1:15pm | Report
that is the best advice i have ever gotten, now i just need to get on your team. :P


Posts: 14
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Phil725 » December 24, 2013 6:54pm | Report
"Buy beads you scrub" actually may be the best tip in the game. They should put that on the loading screen.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » December 24, 2013 7:15pm | Report
Phil725 wrote:

"Buy beads you scrub" actually may be the best tip in the game. They should put that on the loading screen.

Or you could just change the autobuy items to Purification Beads and Creeping Curse. That would introduce them to tiered actives, a self buff and a debuff, the concept of an active that saves your life, and "area" actives like Shell and Girdle.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CallMeCam » December 24, 2013 8:38pm | Report
It's difficult to jump back in and can be challenging, feel free to add me in game IGN: CallMeCam and I will play with you. I could probably even grab a buddy or you can get one and we can get a party of 3. At least that way if you feed we can give you tips or try to carry you until you start to catch the hang of it. MOBA communities are ruthless and Smite is no different, despite what some people may claim. Overall, just have fun and the rest will follow.
Recruiting for our young clan Vybe Gaming! All applications accepted, but this does not mean you will start. We are wanting to pursue a competitive aspect of play. My IGN is CallMeCam, add me for more details.


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