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Snowballing OP

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Forum » General Discussion » Snowballing OP 47 posts - page 2 of 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 30, 2013 4:46pm | Report
@Sunfall, fair enough for DOTA, but if you lose lane in league, literally 1 gank puts you back in the game, with 500 shutdown gold. You can also farm under turret if you're good at all, losing effectively no gold, whereas in smite it's much much harder as minions can block the minion being hit by tower, and since you can't choose what minion to hit, it gets complicated. I find it easier to bounce back in LoL than in Smite due to that heavy bounty bonus and easier way to farm under turret.

@Kripox again yes you can easily win late game, as I've said, because you can farm up the difference then. But fine, to rephrase, it's *nearly* impossible to win laning phase after someone snowballed. Even if they get ganked 1, 2, 3 times, if they've snowballed enough, having an entire item ahead of you is a HEAVY disadvantage. But alas, I was assuming an even skill-level, but not even item-level, playing field, in that they wouldn't stupidly overextend repeatedly to get ganked, or let you poke them down to nothing without doing so in return, for you to get a kill. If they get ahead, and are as smart as you, it's very very difficult to ever get back in the game, especially with you losing gold to tower from being forced to play passively, or die.
Granted in really really low ranked play, it's very easy for someone to snowball out of hand, and then just do moronic things and give it all back. In very high rated play, it's much more difficult to pry the snowball out of someone's hands.

Alas, I hope I've clarified my points, but there's not much more for me to offer to the conversation, so to save myself from becoming a mouthbreather, I'm going to respectfully remove myself from this thread, if that's ok. :)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zerosaviour » September 30, 2013 4:50pm | Report
I've come back to win lanes on carries a lot of times. It's not easy and overall not something that should be done on a regular basis; but can be done.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Blissey1 » September 30, 2013 5:33pm | Report
see, stuff like this is why I only play arena.

sure, snowballing can still happen there, but since it's all team fights, they have to get like 7+ kills ahead of everyone else for it to become noticeable.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 30, 2013 6:16pm | Report
Hi-Rez just take my money and don't listen to this snow ball ****. Obviously your snowballing is good for smite because I gave you a **** load of money Hi-Rez to make sure you continue to make this game SMITE and not "I feed so please reduce snowballing"

#1 your fault if you feed, get better at the game or stop feeding is all I can say
- a snowball only happens when you feed

#2 1-2 kills is not that much of an advantage, ya you can say big deal they have a item quicker but its nothing too crazy unless you are feeding them 5 kills quickly with no break, in the case QUIT FEEDING.

#3 in call of duty I should also cry that my team mates feed kills and let the other team get A NUKE. Too bad my team fed thats their fault, thats how the game goes.

It is not impossible to come back.

I will forever remember this match FOREVER, some of you may remember this, as I posted this months back in a thread of an amazing comeback.

My team had 21 kills and the other team had 74 kills.

So you are telling me its impossible when they had a GODLIKE lead?
We came back and won. This was when sun wukong was still in smite.


I don't want to hear about 1-2 kills because it doesn't make the match impossible to come back from. I have played a few matches today where I seen enemy bakasuras go 7-1 in the first 15 minutes.

Yea bakasura got fed, ya my team fed him, ya I fed him 2 kills as well because he was already fed. But guess what, we stopped being idiots and started catching up and they quit.

It doesn't matter if the snowball for a few reasons.

#1 if you fed them thats your fault you shouldn't be a feeder

#2 stop feeding didn't I just say this?

#3 you catch up with every level you gain no matter if they got fed.

The later the game goes on the easier it gets if you are facing a fed team.

Hi-Rez just keep my money and let us snowball.
I like it when I snowball, don't feed my *** then.

Also I like snowballing it helps the match making system better, and lets me end games with nubs on my team.

If I have a nub team mate who is a feeder I like snowballing because then my team will quit because of it and I don't have to deal with these nubs on my team.

SNOWBALLING = nub control and takes the nubs out of your games by letting you give up because you have a flawed idiot on your team bring you all down.

I like snowballing and I deserve to snowball if you are a nublet and keep dying by me.
Again go stop snowballing on call of duty, letting the other team get damn UAV's, AC130's and nukes.

Smite is a blessing compared to that type of snowballing.
At least in smite you can't get a Nuke that wins you the game.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sirsir94 » September 30, 2013 6:38pm | Report
Wow this took off more than most (any) of my threads.
First, snowballing is not nearly as big a problem in League, cuz you get shut down bonuses and the difference is not quite as large.

And as for this ICEN character, is it just me or has anyone else noticed this guy being a real jerk when it comes to others expressing their opinions? I've only seen a few of his posts but in ALL of them he is, well, a real jerk (I would be more expressive but that seems kinda ironic and not very helpful)
Quadras: Cupid, Artemis, Loki, Ah Muzen Cab


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zerosaviour » September 30, 2013 7:00pm | Report
Some times its impossible to not feed.

One game I was a solo Apollo laning against a Cupid and Bacchus. Bac was tipsy, belly flop in to lift me off the group. Cupid would come in and land his stun bomb. Water rinse and repeat adding in more CC when they continued to level.

Bacchus would then use his belch of the gods after the stun bomb wore off. Cupid would then have his stun bomb back up. They eventually started adding Ults into the mix.

It didn't help that they were doing this while I was basically hugging tower. With cupids heals and pots, they could do it with impunity.

Also didn't help that my team refused to help at all. Our jungler and duo lane were basically being stalled out by the enemy solo laner.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » September 30, 2013 8:09pm | Report
There is only one place in SMITE where I find the snowballing to be bad, and that's in Joust (both 1v1 and 3v3). In a normal conquest game, you can simply switch lanes or jungle a bit to avoid falling too far behind, but the Joust map offers no such luxury if you're behind.

I never really found the bounty system in LoL an effective countermeasure to snowballing. A player on a 7-kill streak will still have much more gold than the one person who manages to shut him down. Better hope that whoever killed him was actually your carry too; a support or tank picking up that kill is a total waste.
Again, I will remind you LoL is very by-the-numbers when it comes to fights, with slight advantages in level or items going a very long way, whereas SMITE has a greater skill variable.
Waiting on a good new MOBA, please.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sylverlune » September 30, 2013 8:29pm | Report
Sunfall wrote:

There is only one place in SMITE where I find the snowballing to be bad, and that's in Joust (both 1v1 and 3v3). In a normal conquest game, you can simply switch lanes or jungle a bit to avoid falling too far behind, but the Joust map offers no such luxury if you're behind.

I never really found the bounty system in LoL an effective countermeasure to snowballing. A player on a 7-kill streak will still have much more gold than the one person who manages to shut him down. Better hope that whoever killed him was actually your carry too; a support or tank picking up that kill is a total waste.
Again, I will remind you LoL is very by-the-numbers when it comes to fights, with slight advantages in level or items going a very long way, whereas SMITE has a greater skill variable.

Well you are right about 1v1 or 3v3 joust being hard to get yourself back from a really fed enemy or enemies. But that doesn't mean it's not possible , I was playing joust 1v1 with a bakasura and I was choronos(first time playing wanted to try out). Of course I fed him really hard 7-0(Bakasura). I never killed once in that game, but my phoenix did :) anyway he killed me then my phoenix punish for it.

And this is where the funny thing happen, I respawn back rush all the way to the mino (I atleast destroyed his tower and phoenix) got him to half heath before he respawn, I started running away from him he caught up using jump and creeping curse. I almost died but then I ULTED ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE MINO AND FINISH THE MATCH.

Anyway I won the game he rage quit before I could say gg.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 30, 2013 8:42pm | Report
I'm not 100% sure that counts as a comeback as much as a fluke, and the fact he picked a horrific god, heh.

Very funny story though, that's priceless and I can only imagine his anger xD


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Blissey1 » September 30, 2013 8:47pm | Report
why would you ever go 1v1 joust for your first time trying out a god?


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