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3.11 PTS Patch Notes | Expelled From Hel | June 15th

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Forum » News » 3.11 PTS Patch Notes | Expelled From Hel | June 15th 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LevasK » June 17, 2016 9:59am | Report
New God Skins

Expelled Hel

Sun Wu Xing Sun Wukong

Duke Dan De Lyons Anhur

Squirrel Squad Ratatoskr

Centurion Mercury

Constable Moosejaw Chiron

Susano Mastery Skins

New Avatar

Cutesy Ah Muzen Cab

  • The “Escape” Menu has undergone a visual update.
  • Implemented a pop-up notification for when you receive a chat/friend notification while Smite is not in focus.
  • Implemented a Coupon System for purchases
    • We will be starting our Beta run of a new “Coupon” system we have been working on. Starting this patch, certain purchases will trigger a bonus coupon for users which they can immediately redeem to gain a discount or bonus on their next purchase.
      • Example: In this patch, users who buy the Infiltrator Loki skin and do not own the voice pack or Loki, will receive a 50% discount for the Voice Pack if they choose to redeem it.
  • The important things to note are that Coupons will only be rewarded for things we set up and flat (no automation), and that Coupons will have an internal cooldown so they won’t happen back to back. This is our first round of implementation and we are going to be watching it closely to see how it performs and collect any feedback on the system.


Ah Puch

Rise My Pretties

As Ah Puch, release 100 Zombies in one match.

Corpses aka Landmines

As Ah Puch, blow up and hit an enemy with 6 corpses in one cast of Corpse Explosion.


Take That

As Fafnir, slow or kill three or more enemy gods at a single time using Cursed Strength

Get To Work

As Fafnir, boost all of your allies’ Power and Attack Speed in a single match using Coerce.


End Of Days

As Fenrir, have an ally kill an enemy God that you have grabbed using Ragnarok

Unleash The Beast

As Fenrir, stun or kill at least three enemies with a single use of Unchained.

Item Changes

  • Reduced Movement Speed from 20%10% when the Blood Shield is active.

Demonic Grip
  • Stacks now provide 12% reduction and cap at 3 stacks, changed from 8% reduction at 4 stacks.

The Executioner
“Both Executioner and Demonic Grip are seeing an increase in the amount of shred they provide per stack, at the cost of one stack. This should allow these items to provide their benefit more quickly (as well as share the shred with your team), allowing them to better compete with other pen options.”
  • Stacks now provide 12% reduction and cap at 3 stacks, changed from 8% reduction at 4 stacks.

Throwing Dagger
“Throwing Dagger (as well as Golden Bow, both directly and indirectly) are receiving a downward adjustment. Throwing Dagger has found a place in allowing more hunters to flourish and this is something that we like, but we want to ensure it remains balanced within the realm of other popular hunter starts and ensure players can choose a start that best suits their style of play.”
  • Reduced Physical Power from 2515.

Golden Bow
  • Reduced Physical Power from 5550.

Mark of the Vanguard
“Mark of the Vanguard is seeing a few adjustments to make it a more enticing start option. By moving the Magical Protection to raw Physical Protections and adding a small amount of sustain, this item is better equipped to deal with early game physical damage from minions and other physical characters.”
  • Removed Magical Protections
  • Physical Protection increased from 510.
  • Added 5 HP5

Soul Reaver
“With Soul Reaver we wanted to adjust two key issues. The first was readability, so the visual effect for those who get hit by it was adjusted to be easier to see. The second issue was that often players who go Soul Reaver would have to restrict themselves from dealing damage to “save” their burst. While knowing when to use this passive is key for the item, allowing it to happen more often can enable players to feel less punished on spending the proc if they find a good chance. To compensate for this, the passive damage is going down slightly for Soul Reaver.”
  • Updated Visual FX
  • Passive Damage reduced from 15%10%.
  • Passive Cooldown reduced from 60s40s.

God Changes

Ao Kuang
“Water Illusion functions as a great escape tool that can punish enemies who get close, but in many cases the offensive use of this ability in conjunction with the damage from Wild Storm was giving him a bit too much damage. The base damage and scaling for this ability is receiving a hit to both adjust the early game and late game use of this ability.”

Water Illusion
  • Damage reduced from 90/140/190/240/29070/120/170/220/270.
  • Magical Power Scaling reduced from 70%60%.

Jing Wei

Explosive Bolts
  • Fixed an issue where Explosive Bolts could miss enemies at max range.

“Judgement Tether is one of Osiris’ primary tools at engaging enemies, either forcing them to flee or reducing damage for enemies who choose to stay. We are reducing the cooldown of this skill to allow Osiris to have more opportunities to use this ability in a given engagement.””

Judgement Tether
  • Cooldown reduced from 18s15s.


“The Sly Messenger is receiving an additional adjustment around his passive. We are reducing his Heal to better position it as a light sustain tool rather than a semi-potent burst heal. Additionally we are fixing a hitbox issue with Acorn Blast that will impact his performance, notably making the Acorn Blast stun more difficult to confirm at middle to far ranges.”
Acorn Of Yggdrasil
  • Healing reduced from 2015
  • Scaling reduced from 40%30%

Acorn Blast
  • Fixed an issue where the hitbox of the acorn projectiles were too large and not matching their visual FX.


“With this patch we wanted to help make enemies who are fighting him have the tools to keep track of him in an engagement, as well as look to tone down some of the damage and cooldown reduction in Storm Kata and Jet Stream.”
Storm Kata
  • Damage reduced from 70/105/140/175/21055/90/125/160/195

  • Dash speed reduced

Jet Stream
  • Updated the Sound FX for this ability’s teleport.

  • Increased cooldown of Jet Stream after Susano teleports to an enemy from 6s8s.This is still unaffected by cooldown reduction.

“Thanatos is receiving some love to his Soul Reap, allowing it to have more of an impact in the mid and late game where the windup for this ability can be more punishing.”
Soul Reap
  • Scaling increased from 60%70%


“Hi! Ymir excels as a character that can bully players with his club and strong base damage abilities but he often struggled to maintain a powerful frontline presence in the mid and late game. Frostbite now decreases the damage dealt by those afflicted (in addition to what it already does) which should not only allow Ymir to survive in the front line more reliably, but give him a nice tool to help his team as the game progresses.”
Frost Bite
  • Enemies afflicted by Frost Bite now deal 10% less damage to all targets

* Source: the official Patch Notes


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Technotoad64 » June 17, 2016 10:52am | Report
The only skin I like is the Hel one. And the Susano Mastery. As for god balancing, I can't complain. Except that the nerfs might still not be enough.
#ffe699 #ffff99 #e6ff99 #ccff99 #afff99 #99ff99 #99ffb3 #99ffcc #99fff3 #99f3ff #99e6ff #99ccff
#ffcc33 #ffff33 #ccff33 #99ff33 #66ff33 #33ff33 #33ff66 #33ff99 #33ffcc #33ffff #33ccff #3399ff
#cc9900 #cccc00 #99cc00 #66cc00 #33cc00 #00cc00 #00cc33 #00cc66 #00cc99 #00cccc #0099cc #0066cc
#664d00 #666600 #4d6600 #336600 #1a6600 #006600 #00661a #006633 #00664d #006666 #004d66 #003366


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 17, 2016 12:22pm | Report
3.10 PTS Patch Notes

Branmuffin17 wrote:

So, if they don't do anything to decrease all of his other utility in his kit, let's just look at this ability. What if this was adjusted to 50/85/120/155/190, keeping the original 90% scaling, or even considering boosting to 100?
“With this patch we wanted to help make enemies who are fighting him have the tools to keep track of him in an engagement, as well as look to tone down some of the damage and cooldown reduction in Storm Kata and Jet Stream.”

Storm Kata: Damage reduced from 70/105/140/175/210 → 55/90/125/160/195

Holy ****...I just threw it out there, and I was so close!

I like the general changes...a bit of a nerf to Susano, a bit of a nerf to Ratatoskr, which may mean we're not going to be seeing one or both in what seems like every single match.

Also like the bumps to The Executioner and Demonic Grip, which fell way out of favor compared to their % penetration counterparts ( Titan's Bane and Obsidian Shard). The Demonic Grip stacks now fall in line with Spear of the Magus, making them a more synergistic pairing. Slightly higher pen effect at full stacks, with added damage for same-damage teammates, opens things up a bit.

Not as sold on the Bloodforge nerf, as it's not like it was that meta, was it? Seems like it will hurt an ADC more than a Jungler, as many Junglers can build a bit tanky with other items...but when an ADC wants to pick it up, it's likely the only health item they'll get in their build. Was it being built a lot on Ratatoskr, Susano and Kali a lot?

Finally, the Soul Reaver adjustment seems interesting. Not quite as much crazy single burst for a god like Scylla, but building it on a Support will allow them to contribute a bit more damage, more often.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CakeSlapping » June 17, 2016 12:47pm | Report
I'm really liking that 5 elements wukong skin! Now I just need to remember how to play him and work out how to build him again...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DucksRock » June 18, 2016 5:39am | Report

I'm DucksRock, But you can call me Ducks.

Kuzenbo rights advocate, guide-making delayer and passionate pop music fan.

Kuzenbo guide coming soon.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CaptElfimis » June 18, 2016 7:08am | Report
It says Artemis next to Jing Wei's changes lol.

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- Winston Churchill


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LevasK » June 18, 2016 9:17am | Report

Uh, that's clearly photoshop'ed :>


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DucksRock » June 18, 2016 9:25am | Report
LevasK wrote:

Uh, that's clearly photoshop'ed :>


I'm DucksRock, But you can call me Ducks.

Kuzenbo rights advocate, guide-making delayer and passionate pop music fan.

Kuzenbo guide coming soon.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » June 20, 2016 2:18pm | Report
Really digging the new Wukong skin, and the Chiron skin is perfect.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Daelinn » June 21, 2016 5:56am | Report
The Wukung skin has a great voice, too bad I don't own that voice pack.

Anhur's voice on the other hand... is exaggerated to say the least- Slashington Fenrir wins in that regard.


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