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300 IQ Chaac Build - Ranked Conquest Gameplay

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Forum » Videos & Streams » 300 IQ Chaac Build - Ranked Conquest Gameplay 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by OhHolyDuck » June 4, 2018 2:51pm | Report
What is up, OhHolyDuck back with another Solo lane video.

I implore you to find a better Chaac build than this guy. He is living in 3018 right now. Check it out!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 4, 2018 3:46pm | Report
It's this game.

Full damage Chaac is bad Chaac.
  • One early thing I notice on both sides is that you probably want to focus more on attacking and clearing the back minions (archers) before the front. Both you and the Chaac seem to be targeting either each other or the melee minions first. Reason you attack the back first is that 1) they deal more damage, and from range, and 2) they have lower health so you can clear them more quickly.

    Reference to minion info (health, damage, etc.) is here:

  • Also, hitting the enemy god when you're still clearing minions is fine strategically, but you don't want to incur minion damage without purpose. If you're using Furious Roar, just hit the whole wave. But if you're using Hook Slam, you can first hit the enemy god with Furious Roar or a basic, and aggro the minions. Draw the melee ones back toward the archers, then use Hook Slam (or Sky Cutting Axe) to hit all of them at once. This is also sometimes a good strategy when you've got cleave basics like Nike or Bellona when using Bludgeon, as they can then hit all the enemies and clear them quickly.

  • If you can recognize that Chaac's throw is off CD and he's likely to use on the minions soon, make sure you're not around them. Spotted a few times where you were just walking next to minions and got nailed when you didn't need to. Of course, maybe you didn't need to worry all that much...don't know why he was building that way.

  • Just as bad as Chaac's build (lol Deathbringer) was Hachiman's. (assumed) Devourer's Gauntlet to Warrior Tabi to The Executioner to Titan's Bane to Breastplate of Valor to Poisoned Star??? WTF??? Ra's build also makes me a bit sad.

  • Saddest thing continues to be matchup. Can't say about exactly where the qualifing people are on the radar, but your team had all gold and 1 plat, while the enemy had 2 gold and 3 qualifiers =(

  • Tell your Ganesha friend not to get Soul Reaver, but rather invest in some CDR. He'll likely deal more damage with more ability use, and gain more protections and/or health at the same time.

  • Good job with your tanking. Solid numbers.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » June 4, 2018 11:55pm | Report
It's players like that Chaac that I want to slap around and ask them what the hell they were thinking. Chaac is an ability based warrior, not an AA one and he damn sure doesn't get much out of crits. I would have gone:

Warrior's Blessing, Warrior Tabi, either Pestilence or Genji's Guard, Breastplate of Valor, Spirit Robe, and maybe Masamune. I had an arena match the other day where I did much better than our Neith, but they didn't know how to build either. :(

<Guardian Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Tlaloc1050 » June 5, 2018 6:00am | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

It's players like that Chaac that I want to slap around and ask them what the hell they were thinking

Don't we all?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by OhHolyDuck » June 5, 2018 6:45am | Report
"One early thing I notice on both sides is that you probably want to focus more on attacking and clearing the back minions (archers) before the front. Both you and the Chaac seem to be targeting either each other or the melee minions first. Reason you attack the back first is that 1) they deal more damage, and from range, and 2) they have lower health so you can clear them more quickly."

So the reason I target melee minions over the Archers is that your minions are targeting the melees, not the archers. I play mostly Guardians in Solo, so I am used to having bad clear, and if I was to target archers over melees, he would clear the entire wave before I killed a single archer, then would have an entire wave to deal with without mine, then risk losing blue or back XP camp. I think past level 8ish I can do that since I have (with Xing) 1, then 2 or 3 the archers and kill them all, but level 1 I just don't see it being a good idea at all to target archers over melee.

I will say that my Ra and Hachi didn't know how to build either. My Ganesha (IRL friend as well) just bought Soul Reaver as a troll pick when the game was out of reach. At least that is what I am assuming and giving him the benefit of the doubt.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » June 5, 2018 7:36am | Report
I'm really laughing about this Chaac build. In fact I don't know if I cry seeing this "solo" build or laugh.

Have you ever looked at someone and thought: "What's happen in his mind?" ? 'Cause I'm doing this now hahahaha

Plus the best name for the video!!! lol


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » June 5, 2018 7:45am | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

I had an arena match the other day where I did much better than our Neith, but they didn't know how to build either. :(
> Odin
> Wind Demon second item
> Odysseus' Bow
> Rage

WTF? And once again:
xmysterionz wrote:

Have you ever looked at someone and thought: "What's happen in his mind?" ?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by OhHolyDuck » June 5, 2018 8:56am | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

I'm really laughing about this Chaac build. In fact I don't know if I cry seeing this "solo" build or laugh.

Have you ever looked at someone and thought: "What's happen in his mind?" ? 'Cause I'm doing this now hahahaha

Plus the best name for the video!!! lol

I was pretty proud of that one when I thought of it lol.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 5, 2018 10:03am | Report
OhHolyDuck wrote:

So the reason I target melee minions over the Archers is that your minions are targeting the melees, not the archers. I play mostly Guardians in Solo, so I am used to having bad clear, and if I was to target archers over melees, he would clear the entire wave before I killed a single archer, then would have an entire wave to deal with without mine, then risk losing blue or back XP camp. I think past level 8ish I can do that since I have (with Xing) 1, then 2 or 3 the archers and kill them all, but level 1 I just don't see it being a good idea at all to target archers over melee.

Ah ****, that's a very good point. I don't play guardians there, I would likely default to the best clearing god available XD

I think my suggestion is only better if you're a much stronger clearing god.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by OhHolyDuck » June 5, 2018 1:35pm | Report
Yeah I have tried it. With Sobek, so Ok clear for a Guardian. But then I had 3 waves worth of archers plus 2 waves worth of melees to deal with after I got blue. Was stuck at level 1 for so long. No bueno.


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