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Abilities -
1:Divine Presence,
2:Heavenly Reflection,
3:Glorious Charge,
4:Dazzling Offensive
Combo A:
1:Divine Presence>
2:Heavenly Reflection>
4:Dazzling Offensive>
3:Glorious Charge
[*] Valor strengthens Amaterasu's power as
2:Heavenly Reflection charges while executing
4:Dazzling Offensive. Once
4:Dazzling Offensive has been completed in success the stun allows a few basics as
2:Heavenly Reflection explodes additional massive damage at full charge. If the target somehow survives you can use
3:Glorious Charge to seal the kill while temporarily preventing an escape.
Combo B:
2:Heavenly Reflection>
3:Glorious Charge
[*] This combo is used to create an illusion that you're aiming from a distance, but you dash in close with
3:Glorious Charge while impacting the target with
2:Heavenly Reflection. This will take practice mainly because you're timing your charge to your dash for two ability impacts.
Amaterasu's abilities aren't the core of her damage, they mainly provide edge to the basic attack damage being applied. Since
Amaterasu basic attacks proc her passive the "Final Shine" build allows her to hit hard & fast with slight penetration thanks to
The Executioner. This allows one to transition into her abilities for more damage with the proc applied. I've seen Amaterasu players use pure attack speed items such as:
Hastened Fatalis or
Ichaival; which can be included in your build since it compliments Amaterasu's passive eminently. I recommend items that have the combination of power & attack speed so her scaling isn't penalized greatly.
Team fights is where Amaterasu shines; therefore you want to ensure Amaterasu's presence is always available.
Mantle of Discord passive literally negates any CC when at 30% health while stunning enemies. This has helped when being chased by enemies and the passive activates negating CC to aid in my escapes.
Breastplate of Valor only will get you melted by mages, applying only magic protections will get raped solo lane. Applying both magical and physical protections as separate items will take away from the power and attack speed. This is why
Mantle of Discord is the best item defensively, in my opinion, for Amaterasu.
Overall "Final Shine" isn't recommended for novice players. You want to build more protections & counter build against enemy gods to stay in the match longer if you're newer to the game. On the other hand, experienced players who know how to position and communicate with the team will succeed with this build.
[*] Increases scaling on abilities and strengthens basic attacks
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Alright, gonna give my full feedback on the build/guide. Will try to keep the concept intact as you've stated, but still want to make some of my own points. You did say comment good/bad, so I'll take that as an invitation. I haven't voted yet, BTW.
But in terms of the writeup, he's going for a different playstyle and that sort of justifies the different build direction. Definitely feel build could be optimized better though.
"I, NeoXceptr, will be guiding towards CONQUEST ONLY, no other game modes." - none of these builds look viable for ANY roles in conquest, and if you make decisions like buying mantle of discord third item it's clear you struggle to make basic functional builds in the first place.
The "not looking for standard build" is used as a crutch to get away with bad builds.
PsiGuard will probably contribute here and there with helping guide writers, since he knows very well how to use the bbcoding system...but his main job is moderation, when someone besides me needs to step in for anything.
Hades4u is going to focus on guide contests (after this last one by Wayne) and giveaways.
miyari is managing social media (e.g. Twitter/Facebook).
And Wayne is handling database.
- So is all the god ability descriptions going to be updated like on Smite wiki?
Also they could added useful information e.g. In
This kind of details are not in game descriptions.
Bran, solid write up on your feedback, as always.
1. NEVER get Crit items on Ama, she's not an auto-attack focused god.
2. The standard build you have given doesn't provide much protections besides MoD.
3. Ama DOES NOT need AA based items besides FBH, she dose nice with it but she's more of a hybrid warrior who can chain her abilities with her autos.
I don't even know what to say about this, ADC Amaterasu is not how she is meant to be played. Amaterasu is a bruiser that uses her abilities, crowd control, and passives to support the team with increase movement, power, or dealing extra damage. The way you have her build is the wrong approach to her, she needs items to dish damage and take a beating, having it so one sided with one protection item will make her drop faster than a house fly. Please rethink this as I can tell you're trying, but you're going at this the wrong way.
Other than that it's fairly decent. However
Besides, the passive can work with pure power items as well, that's not even a valid argument to pick DB over another item with more power, or even equal power.
Regardless of you having 60% attack speed, if RNG dictates you're not getting any crits you aren't getting any, that's how RNG works. Let me clarify with an example:
A player with 30% attack speed but 40% crit chance, does 3 hits in 3 seconds, and has 2 of them critical hit.
A player with 60% attack speed but 20% crit chance, does 6 hits in 3 seconds, and has only 1 of them critical hit.
If you really want an attack speed build, Wind demon would be better.
Heck, even
I also dont think deathbringer is a good item without other crit chance, and it makes the build wayy more expensive then it needs to be. If I would change anything, It would be getting earlier defense and removing DB from the build altogether.
I like the executioner on her because it takes advantage of her passive, so does qins, but trans just gives power and mana, two things I dont think she really needs. I'd suggest removing that and giving her frostbound instead. Better ability to stick to people, more health so inherently tankier, and it cost 300 gold less.
Overall my build path would look like
550 more health, 90 more protections, spirit robe passive > mantle passive, can actually live and apply your damage, slows enemies for your team as well, all for $1800 gold cheaper.
And the build may work for you, but it will not work for everyone in EVERY scene. Ranked scene? Conquest? Only tank in Assault? I like the idea of damage warriors do not get me wrong. You may want to emphasize tho that this WILL make you more likely to die if you are not positioning well, no health pots, behind, etc. Not for being tanky or actual ranked games. Some new players wont understand the difference sometimes.