Once, a beautiful and talented weaver of cloth and fabric, a single prideful mistake made a monster of
Arachne for all time.
With loom and thread, there were none more skilled than the mortal Arachne. Viewers traveled leagues just to see her art. So wondrous and majestic were her tapestries, it was said the spinner must have been instructed by the patron Goddess of Weavers herself,
Athena. To this comparison, Arachne proudly scoffed, claiming not even the Gods rivaled her talent at weaving.
When Athena heard this, disguised as a crone, she visited
Arachne and encouraged her to show proper respect to the Gods.
Arachne dismissed the old woman and issued a challenge that no God, not even
Athena, could weave better than she. Furious,
Athena revealed herself and accepted the challenge.
They both set to the loom with fervor.
Athena wove a glorious tapestry depicting her battle with
Poseidon over the city of Athens. Her detail and imagery were exquisite. Yet
Arachne’s weavings depicted
Zeus in his many infidelities with mortals. So flawless, so lifelike was her artistry, not even
Athena could refute the skill, nor could she contain her anger at such a sleight. Violently, she tore
Arachne’s tapestry and pressed a finger to
Arachne’s forehead. Twisting in anguish,
Arachne fell to the ground as additional legs grew from her body, screaming as she transformed into the first spider.
It was an act of anger and pity, a lesson and a curse, for spiders are the greatest of weavers, and
Arachne, in particular, was to weave for all time, but none could doubt the consequence for
Arachne’s pride. Still, within her twisted heart,
Arachne never forgave
Athena, consumed by a dark hatred that can be sated only by the destruction of the Gods.
Arqchne early game is weak? Really? Arachne have the strongest early-game in smite lol.
Her early-mid to mid game is strong. Her early game is weak because her main leveling ability,
Arqchne early game is weak? Really? Arachne have the strongest early-game in smite lol.
No, Want me to disprove you?
LOL I know, right? Glad you like it! (saying that like I made the site, hahaha...)
I use it quite a bit, it's neat to see how builds work, damage wise.
And since I didn't really know, I needed to ask about jungle builds using things like BoV and BoH...but they're essentially telling me to keep my day job. They look like solid builds, though I think you might use the builder site to see if you can delay
Anyway, +1
I'm so impressed with everything you've done! You, sir, are quite the "Smite Guru". Thanks for the +1 and I hope you have plenty of success here and for the site!
And (I had to look up the day job thing, you could do jungle builds too with your intelligence!) using defensive items gives more sustain (obviously but there's still more to it) to the junglers, not just, "Oh I can take hits and stay in longer." because junglers are made for ganking lanes and farming in the jungle. So those defensive items should be more or less, "This item can help me survive
I'll keep playing around with the website (of course) and try any build I'm contemplating about, I'll take a check on the swapping of
I use it quite a bit, it's neat to see how builds work, damage wise.
And since I didn't really know, I needed to ask about jungle builds using things like BoV and BoH...but they're essentially telling me to keep my day job. They look like solid builds, though I think you might use the builder site to see if you can delay
Anyway, +1
If you want to play with numbers a bit, check out http://eliteownage.com/smitebuilder.html
It's not fully intuitive, here's the way I do it.
Create your character and build at level 20. Make sure all ability levels are at 5 if you want to see what damage they do as well.
Next, hit the + tab at the top, and create 3 separate gods, just to see damage comparison. This is how I break it down:
So there, you have 3 different tiers upon which you can check your DPS. Go back to your original character (e.g.
Now one thing that makes this tricky.
Anyway, if you like Exe, you like Exe. It's not like it doesn't work, but of course it's generally best not to make items fight against each other. As a comparison, if someone has 150 protection, and you build up 4 stacks of Exe, it reduces it to 102. At this point, Titan's Bane takes 33% of the 102 (not the original 150) reducing it to 68.34. This is around 33 penetration. At 150, it would have taken 50, not 33, so you've reduced Titan's effect by around 17...it's operating at 78% efficiency. Just something for you to understand, but if you already know this, cool. Just looking to help out.
The space in the skills section does help. How about for the items? There are literally no spaces there, either. Not trying to be a pain!
Finally, as you've stated this is a Conquest build (Jungler), my suggestion is to add starting items. I'm guessing it's
THE WEBSITE IS SO COOL!! I saw this comment in class today, but had no time to reply with something more then three sentences. I've been messing around with it all day and it's a really cool site. Thanks for showing me it so I can add more mathematics into why some items can or cannot be chosen in the builds.
It'll take me a while to fix the space with the icons because the code wasn't made by me, but by Technotoad64, and I have no clue on how BBcoding works. I'll try to find a way to get the saying of the item to be on the same level of the item icon
I fixed, or I at least I think I did, the problem with the Icons being to cramped. Hopefully they look better. I also added starts for the jungle.
It's not fully intuitive, here's the way I do it.
Create your character and build at level 20. Make sure all ability levels are at 5 if you want to see what damage they do as well.
Next, hit the + tab at the top, and create 3 separate gods, just to see damage comparison. This is how I break it down:
So there, you have 3 different tiers upon which you can check your DPS. Go back to your original character (e.g.
Now one thing that makes this tricky.
Anyway, if you like Exe, you like Exe. It's not like it doesn't work, but of course it's generally best not to make items fight against each other. As a comparison, if someone has 150 protection, and you build up 4 stacks of Exe, it reduces it to 102. At this point, Titan's Bane takes 33% of the 102 (not the original 150) reducing it to 68.34. This is around 33 penetration. At 150, it would have taken 50, not 33, so you've reduced Titan's effect by around 17...it's operating at 78% efficiency. Just something for you to understand, but if you already know this, cool. Just looking to help out.
The space in the skills section does help. How about for the items? There are literally no spaces there, either. Not trying to be a pain!
Finally, as you've stated this is a Conquest build (Jungler), my suggestion is to add starting items. I'm guessing it's
Hi Flaze,
My personal opinion, but if you could hit that enter key between lines, sections, etc., it would really help readability. Everything is smashed together. It may make for a bit more scrolling, but clear separation is much easier on the eyes (or at least mine). Check any of my guides to see how I do it. Of course, it's up to you, and I won't hold it against your guide.
I REALLY like the look of the intro, with the abilities lining her card.
You state "no teamwork potential," but I'd say this is inaccurate. No TEAMFIGHT potential would probably be true, but since she can slow an enemy and distract them with her little ones, it can really help when ganking a lane. The teamwork in making this happen is important, as you can work with your teammate to possibly try to draw the enemy away from their tower to give you more time to attack and kill.
Build overall seems solid, but you really should try to move away from either
Thanks for the heads up on the guide. I spaced them out by one line so hopefully it looks better now.
My personal opinion, but if you could hit that enter key between lines, sections, etc., it would really help readability. Everything is smashed together. It may make for a bit more scrolling, but clear separation is much easier on the eyes (or at least mine). Check any of my guides to see how I do it. Of course, it's up to you, and I won't hold it against your guide.
I REALLY like the look of the intro, with the abilities lining her card.
You state "no teamwork potential," but I'd say this is inaccurate. No TEAMFIGHT potential would probably be true, but since she can slow an enemy and distract them with her little ones, it can really help when ganking a lane. The teamwork in making this happen is important, as you can work with your teammate to possibly try to draw the enemy away from their tower to give you more time to attack and kill.
Build overall seems solid, but you really should try to move away from either
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And what he means by maxing a skill is by taking a priority on one of the skills, with the ultimate being leveled whenever you can. By maxing out one skill first over others, your damage output becomes greater.
3 (for clear in conquest), 1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 1, 3, 4, 1. Then level her
Aren't you maxing a skill? It seems that you are putting lvls to every skills.
Nerf? I haven't heard of any nerfs coming/happened to