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Bacchus-The god of awesomeness {W.I.P}

17 2 66,526
by TheAmazingComicBookGuy updated April 29, 2013

Smite God: Bacchus

Build Guide Discussion 24 More Guides
Choose a Build: Tank (Basic)
Tank (Basic) Bruiser {W.I.P} Damage (not recommended)
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Bacchus Build

First items

Build Item Mark of the Vanguard Mark of the Vanguard
Build Item Reinforced Greaves (Deleted) Reinforced Greaves (Deleted)

vs psyhical

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Wall of Absolution Wall of Absolution

vs magical

Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak

Good magic damage items

Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation

Abilities to consider

Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)
Build Item Creeping Curse Creeping Curse
Build Item Girdle of Might Girdle of Might
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation


Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Ward Ward
Build Item Elixir of Defense Elixir of Defense

Bacchus's Skill Order


1 X Y
1 4 11 18 19

Belly Flop

2 A B
Belly Flop
2 7 10 14 16

Belch of the Gods

3 B A
Belch of the Gods
3 6 8 12 15


4 Y X
5 9 13 17 20
1 4 11 18 19


1 X
Bacchus takes a drink from his jug, healing him and giving him additional buffs.

Ability Type: Buff
Drunk-O-Meter: 40%
Protections: 0 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35
Magical Power: 0 / 7 / 14 / 21 / 28 / 35
Heal: 0 / 22 / 29 / 36 / 43 / 50
Duration: 6s
Cost: 20
Cooldown: 8s

*NOTE* This ability is available at Level 1 at Rank 0.
Belly Flop
2 7 10 14 16

Belly Flop

2 A
Bacchus jumps into the air and, not so gracefully, comes slamming to the ground belly first, knocking all enemies into the air and dealing damage. If he is Tipsy, all enemies are also Slowed after they land.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+70% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 20%
Slow Duration: 2s
Radius: 15
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 15s
Belch of the Gods
3 6 8 12 15

Belch of the Gods

3 B
Bacchus lets out an obnoxiously loud belch, doing damage every .5s for 2s and reducing enemy healing. Lane Minions take a small amount of extra damage. If he is Tipsy, enemies are Stunned for 1s. Bacchus is immune to knockback for the duration.

Ability Type: Cone, Stun, Damage
Damage per Tick: 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (+15% of your Magical Power)
Minion Damage Per Tick: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Stun: 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5s
Healing Reduction: 40%
Healing Reduction Duration: 5s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
5 9 13 17 20


4 Y
Bacchus smashes his jug of wine on the ground, intoxicating all nearby enemies and doing damage. If he is Smashed, Bacchus also gains a magical power buff because of his anger over his lost wine!

Ability Type: Circle, Intoxicate, Damage
Damage: 230 / 300 / 370 / 440 / 510 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Intoxication Debuff Duration: 4s
Magical Power Buff: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60
Buff Duration: 5s
Radius: 30
Cost: 95
Cooldown: 90s


Bacchus, The god of wine
Hello and welcome to my Bacchus guide, in this guide you get the item build and some strategies as well as tips that I use with Bacchus! Hope you enjoy, I also want some feedback :)


Mark of the Vanguard: this is a great starting item for tanks just to get the (dubble)buff right at the start. It is also usefull because minions hurt really bad in the beginning of the game
Reinforced Boots Reinforced Boots: these badboys are a must have for anyone going as full tank! It gives some great early protections, hp5 and speeed!
Breastblade of Valor: gives Bacchus the cooldown reduction, the mana and the protections to be agressive, great third item!
Hide of the Lemean Lion: this is a late game item, great aginst loki, xbalanque, freya, apollo or anyone whe rellies on their basic attacks!
Wall of Absolution: if you get hit by basic attacks that means you are gonna attack or you are attacked, that means you could use a bit of extra protection! Also a bit of magic power :)
Stone of Gaia: Bacchus has really bad sustain so he needs something, this is the way to go for him!
Magi's Blessing Magi's blessing: this item gives you health, mana and protections! Also you can absorb hits every 30 seconds! This item gives sustain and tankyness, everything Bacchus needs!
Void stone: if you have a lot of magical dps guys on your team this could really help you out! Also some magical power is always good :)
Gem of Isolation: the slow and the magic power are great while still staying tanky because of the health buff!

Bruiser: to be made
Damage: to be made
Abilities and potions: HOTG for lane and buff clearing, girdle is for (team)fights, meditation is for sustain and creeping curse for gods who are getting away, pick 2 that you need. If they have ares get beads and if they have Neith and you have problems with her ult get amulet! Health and Mana potions are for sustain and at the 10 min mark you should start warding. If it is going well you can buy defense potion but I wouldn't recommend.


Bacchus loves the drink and as Bacchus drinks from his jug, he becomes more intoxicated, gaining buffs when he gets Tipsy and Smashed.
Ability: Buff
Affects: Self
Tipsy: Take 5% less damage and gain 5 physical power
Smashed: Take 10% less damage and gain 15 physical power
How to use/what to do:This is the bread and butter of Bacchus, it gives him a lot of flexibility, damage and protections! To use it to its fullest I recommend taking chugs when your meter is dropping. At least stay in tipsy to be effective.

Bacchus takes a drink from his jug, giving him additional buffs. Bacchus celebrates when he kills an enemy god, giving him 10% on his meter.
Ability: Buff
Affects: Self
Drunk-O-Meter: +22 / 28 / 34 / 40 / 46 %
Protections: +15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35
Duration: 6s
Cost: 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170
Cooldown: 10s
How to use/what to do: Gives some extra protections, use it when going in. This also fills the Drunk-O-Meter, use it with care! You can stay in spawn ultil the 20 sec before the game starts mark and get to the buff in the last couple of seconds. You can also help with dubblebuff and make sure to drink while fighting them to give some protections and be protected!

Bacchus jumps into the air and, not so gracefully, comes slamming to the ground belly first, knocking all enemies into the air and dealing damage. If he is Tipsy, all enemies are also slowed after they land.
Ability: Ground Target
Affects: Enemy
Damage: Magical
Radius: 15
Damage: 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 / 250 (+70% of your magical power)
Slow: 20%
Slow Duration: 2s
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 16s
How to use/what to do: Really fast animation jump, use it to chase or escape. This should be used with the belch of the gods, with that you can knock them up, slow them and stun! Most damaging, but mostly utility ability, that is why I don't max it :P

Bacchus lets out an obnoxiously loud belch, doing every .5s for 2s. If he is Tipsy, enemies are stunned for 1s and their healing is debuffed.
Ability: Cone
Affects: Enemy
Damage: Magical
Damage per Tick: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+15% of your magical power)
Stun: 1s
Healing Debuff: 25% Healing
Debuff Duration: 3s
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 14s
How to use/what to do: Good stun, but remind yourself that it can be cancelled by CC. The stun and the healing de-buff apear at the end of the channel so try to hit at the end for it's max effectiveness.

Bacchus smashes his jug of wine on the ground, intoxicating all nearby enemies and doing damage. If he is Smashed, Bacchus also gains a physical power buff because of his anger over his lost wine!
Ability: Area
Affects: Enemy
Damage: Magical
Radius: 30
Damage: 250 / 325 / 400 / 475 / 550 (+70% of your magical power)
Intoxication Debuff Duration: 8s
Physical Power Buff: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60
Buff Duration: 5s
Cost: 95
Cooldown: 90s
How to use/what to do: Bacchus' ultimate, the teamfight killer XD! To use this the best first get off your belly-belch como than hit them a couple of times with basic attacks, do it over agin one more time and finish them with this. Don't use this when entering a battle because it would just be a waste, I love to use this as a finisher (unless teamfights than you can enter with this)

Images from SmiteBoss


Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you may die. None adhere more vigorously to this creed than Bacchus, the Roman God of Wine, lewd behavior, and madness.

After spending much of his formative years with his impressively intoxicated mentor Solinus, whom Bacchus loves like a father, the God of Wine is now a wanderer and teacher. He's journeyed across all of Asia, through India, and finally back to Rome, spreading the "Mysteries of the Vine," a ritual involving incredible amounts of wine to lower inhibitions, free one from social constraints, oppression of gender, sexual taboos, and the stresses of life. Quite the successful ritual, if there ever was one.

Much of this ritual seems to have come from Solinus, who is widely known to have a vast, secret knowledge and the ability to predict the future, though only while completely drunk. The king Midas, covetous of this knowledge, captured Solinus, endeavoring to extract it by providing the scholar with the finest food, drink, and entertainment he could muster. Bacchus finally tracked down his mentor in the court of Midas and discovered him well fed and cared for. Quickly, Midas lied, claiming Solinus had been lost and the king had taken him in. Seeing through the ruse, Bacchus offered the monarch a boon. Midas asked that anything he touched be turned to gold. Without hesitation, Bacchus granted this. He tested his new gift on a twig and stone and found them turned completely to gold. Elated, Midas called a feast, but found his food turned to gold in his hands and his daughter solidified at his touch. Starving and crazed, Midas begged Bacchus to remove the "gift." Bacchus acquiesced, allowing the greedy king to wash his hands in the Pactolus river. As the golden touch left his hands, the river sands transformed to glittering gold.

Of course, the product of continuous overindulgence in alcohol and deviant behavior, Bacchus could simply be insane.

Ranked Play

To be made when I get into it ;)

Pros / Cons

Hilarious and Fun to play as
Don't need to hit skill shots
Good CC
Passive provides tankyness, flexibility, possibility to go as bruiser and general effectiveness.
Can lane with a variety of other gods (everyone who needs good CC to be effective).
Tanky throughout the entirety of the game, unkillable mid to late game
Great chaser and escaper
You might not get feared like Sobek does, but you are arguably one of the most irritating gods to go up against
Great in all 3 game modes
Great initiation
Wins teamfights

Manahungry throughout the entire game
Lower damage output than a lot of other tanks
Bad early game compared to some other gods
Bad farmer until you get to late game
Can be shut down early because of how hard it is to get your Drunk-O-Meter up early
Your team can get angry at you for not picking Ymir or Sobek (Loooooooooool, just ignore it. You will show them ;))


Not much to say, just don't jungle with Bacchus. If no one is taking buffs feel free to take blue or cooldown reduction (don't take XP because it takes more time to get the buff than the XP you get for it), but if you are laning with a physical carry please help him take buffs if he wants to (one of the reasons why you have HOTG).

Team Fights

As Bacchus you preform great in team fights and you are gonna be the one starting them as well. Every team fight is different but this is how you want to enter/start a teamfight!
--->> --->> --->
Chug first for the power and protections buff, than go in with belly flop knocking everyone up and instantly follow up with belch of the gods. After that you want to use your ultimate just for the fact that their potentionals are reduced and your team can pick up a teamfight ;) (you might get a kill or two with your ultimate if the teamfight is already started and there are some people who are low)

Enemies that you would love to face {W.I.P}

This part is still {W.I.P}

Counters {W.I.P}

Bacchus' weaknesses are any other gods with hard CC because all his abilities can be cancelled by them, even the ultimate has a really short delay

This is still W.I.P

Laning partners {W.I.P}

Well, lets start off by saying no matter what 2 tanks should NEVER go together! You can go magical tank+mage but it would be slightly less usefull than going physical+magical. With that said lets take a look at good laning partners!
Loki: heavilly relies on the CC of his lanepartner and Bacchus can provide him this advantage
Bakasura: also heavilly relies on the CC of his lanepartner and Bacchus can provide him this advantage XD
Thor: you guys CC is really strong while both of you are really tanky
Anhur: is generally a good lane partner with any tank, including you
Artemis: you guys can OWN your lane with all the stuns, incredibly hard to go up against
Cupid: The best lane partner ever, can heal, powerfull ultimate if you can stun them on it and decent chaser!
Hercules: great pull and you guys are chase kings! If you can stun them after they are pulled you have a kill secured ;)
Neith: she is one of the most OP gods ever, together you have great CC and she has a lot of sustain so she can keep the lane when you need to b
Sun Wukong: best melee carry, good ultimate and chase :)
Xbalanque: you NEED to get this guy fed! So OP!

Gameplay {W.I.P}

As Bacchus you have to constantly be agressive, the opposition has to get irritated by you. Your main kill combo should be:
--->> --->> --->
You have to try to help your team out the entire time, it doesn't matter if you die! I will be posting a gameplay here but fraps messed up :(


added counters and enemies that you would love to face

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TheAmazingComicBookGuy (47) | December 22, 2013 2:51am
SacredElite (2) | June 20, 2013 11:23am
My first game with Bacchus was a succes with this guide, I know that I'll probably buy him.. One plus for the great guys anyways!
BestMinionEver (69) | June 9, 2013 9:01pm
Nice guide ;) +1

Personally I would say that Anhur is a better lane partner than Artemis, because Belly Flop makes it impossible to miss with the Shifting Sands Impale combo :p
TheAmazingComicBookGuy (47) | May 13, 2013 7:50am
Brawlerella wrote:

I've been using this guide the last couple days while learning Bacchus and have been having a blast! Thanks for making this.

thanks, I enjoyed making this and I am glad you like the guide, good luck on the battlefield of the gods ;)
Brawlerella | May 13, 2013 7:41am
I've been using this guide the last couple days while learning Bacchus and have been having a blast! Thanks for making this.
Ragingstorm (49) | April 11, 2013 8:09am
Maybe they just wanted to take you below their spot in the front page.
TheAmazingComicBookGuy (47) | April 11, 2013 7:29am
I had 3 votes and ot had 4 bars, than a 4th person voted and it went down, thanks for the upvote tho :)
RazeMage (58) | April 11, 2013 7:26am
I think he got 4 bars before ._.?
Ragingstorm (49) | April 11, 2013 7:23am
Wait how do you know?

The only way to get 5 bars is starting at 11 votes.
RazeMage (58) | April 11, 2013 7:13am
Too bad, i like your guide actually, i'm gonna give it upvote to return the score :D
TheAmazingComicBookGuy (47) | April 11, 2013 7:08am
First downvote :(
Timofy (1) | April 11, 2013 6:18am
I play bacchus got the father chrisnash skin. Dont love this build i like it but i dont love it. But im glad that bacchus love is going around :))
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