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Aegis Amulet and
Purification Beads are interchangeable depending on who you're facing in mid-lane.
Tap each threat level to view Aphrodite’s threats
Aphrodite has two shining qualities going into mid-lane that no other mage can bring:
1. Effective, safe, and simultaneous wave clear + healing
2. A knockback on approaching junglers
On top of that, Aphrodite is great at confirming combo damage against a majority of her mid-lane counterparts, and she can assist her jungler with sustain whenever they drop by for a gank.
The primary factors to properly playing this magnificent goddess are to prioritize wave clear, minimize poke damage taken, and out-sustain your opponent.
Before assisting your jungler with speed buff, place your free ward on the mirrored side of the jungle to stay wary of a potential early game gank.
Aphrodite's wave clear is just a bit slower than most other mages' for the first 3-5 levels. To combat this, she needs to stay behind her minions or close to tower to keep safe. The provided build also reflects the need to maximize Aphrodite's wave clear and damage potential, this way she can gradually put more pressure against the enemy mid-laner.
As a mage, Aphrodite needs cooldown reduction, damage, health, mana, and movement speed.
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Shield of Regrowth |
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As far as Mantle of Discord, Spirit Robe, and Breastplate of Valor go, I do have a spoiler under the Build chapter that explains why I wouldn't recommend most defense items. They all provide CDR, but purchasing them also negatively impacts Aphrodite's wave clear and healing since they're taking up the slots of damage items that she needs early game. Plus, giving Aphrodite defense items insinuates that she has the base def stats of a guardian when she needs to be in the backline of action, avoiding damage to keep her teammates alive.
There's a number of reasons why Asclepius isn't generally beneficial for Aphrodite:
1. Its passive only affects allies, which isn't useful early game
2. She requires items that provide more damage than Asclepius does during the mid-game since mid-lane roles are meant to be dealing the most magical damage on the team
3. Soul Gem is a better option in the late-game because it provides Aphrodite with team healing that she wouldn't otherwise have
4. It would really only be beneficial in the mid-late game if one of your teammates is also a healer, but that gives the other team an opportunity to counter such a dynamic by building multiple anti-heal items
5. Mages with AOE healing abilities are better off using this item over Aphrodite
Spear of Desolation is another item I wouldn't recommend because:
1. The combination of Mage's Blessing, Shoes of Focus, and Chronos' Pendant already provide 40% CDR
2. The item's passive is only useful when you get a kill or assist, which you're more likely to get with items that give a higher damage output
Thank you for the feedback!
There's a number of reasons why Asclepius isn't generally beneficial for Aphrodite:
1. Its passive only affects allies, which isn't a useful early game
I don't know why people always think that aura items only affect the other gods. Probably because of the word ally but let me clear something up.
Aura items that consider allied gods affect all allied gods including thyself (you should see yourself as an allied god to the item anyway). meaning that in the case of sovereignity,
you can easily test this by going into jungle practice. for sov and heartward just check your prot they will go up by what the item provides + what the aura divides.
same for
with no rod (used [[gem of isolation}} to negate the power gain): 19
with Asclepius: 24 or 21 (after 5 seconds).
There's a number of reasons why Asclepius isn't generally beneficial for Aphrodite:
1. Its passive only affects allies, which isn't useful early game
2. She requires items that provide more damage than Asclepius does during the mid-game since mid-lane roles are meant to be dealing the most magical damage on the team
3. Soul Gem is a better option in the late-game because it provides Aphrodite with team healing that she wouldn't otherwise have
4. It would really only be beneficial in the mid-late game if one of your teammates is also a healer, but that gives the other team an opportunity to counter such a dynamic by building multiple anti-heal items
5. Mages with AOE healing abilities are better off using this item over Aphrodite
2. Aphro also has her Jealousy buff from her 1 to her soul mate, usually the jungler. Also you list options like Regrowth and Void Stone which provide little damage.
3. Soul Gem isn't awful but there are much better mage users of Soul Gem than Aphro. I'd have to test which abilities can stack it out of combat though. Also if you can list Soul Gem then surely Deso is also an option.
4. I think you should take a look at this:
"Healing % Effects
All abilities and items that apply healing % changes – for increasing or decreasing healing – will now affect all forms of healing:
lifesteal, ability healing, item heals, relic heals, potions, HP5, jungle buffs"
5. That's partially true, similar to Lotus Crown but Asclepius will / can also buff other forms of sustain (especially looking at Fire Giant buff regen). Also look at 4.
Spear of Desolation is another item I wouldn't recommend because:
1. The combination of Mage's Blessing, Shoes of Focus, and Chronos' Pendant already provide 40% CDR
2. The item's passive is only useful when you get a kill or assist, which you're more likely to get with items that give a higher damage output
2. Aphro's application of Magus isn't as good as other mages though it's still viable on her, which is where prioritisation of deso could come in.
2. Aphro also has her Jealousy buff from her 1 to her soul mate, usually the jungler. Also you list options like Regrowth and Void Stone which provide little damage.
3. Soul Gem isn't awful but there are much better mage users of Soul Gem than Aphro. I'd have to test which abilities can stack it out of combat though. Also if you can list Soul Gem then surely Deso is also an option.
4. I think you should take a look at this:
"Healing % Effects
All abilities and items that apply healing % changes – for increasing or decreasing healing – will now affect all forms of healing:
lifesteal, ability healing, item heals, relic heals, potions, HP5, jungle buffs"
5. That's partially true, similar to Lotus Crown but Asclepius will / can also buff other forms of sustain (especially looking at Fire Giant buff regen). Also look at 4.
2. There is truth to that. In mid-late game, though, the timeframe in which we're discussing whether or not Asclepius ought to be purchased, Aphrodite's Kiss should be applied to the solo role; that's the player who should be the one initiating team fights close up since they're defensively built and benefit the most from constant healing. By this point in the game, junglers should have already built up enough damage to be able to jump into a fight, get a quick kill or two, and get out if they need to. Please refer to the second comment of the reply where I mention Void Stone, and then back to the Build chapter where I talk about Shield of Regrowth and how it fits into this particular build. In addition to those notes, the damage that Aphrodite needs is largely put together early-mid game, when those items are purchased mid-late game.
3. Outside of combat, Aphrodite can build stacks on Soul Gem by Kissing her allies (which reduces the cooldown of Kiss to a mere 1 second) and by using Love Birds, even she's at full health. I'll discuss Spear of Desolation more in the bottommost portion of this response.
4. That will be wonderful to test out Asclepius when the 7.11 patch is released then.
5. It sounds like this can be put to much better use in the next patch, especially with the Fire Giant buff, than the current one since it's only helping with ability heals in 7.10. And with the 7.11 patch coming up just within the next week, there isn't really much discussion left to be had about Asclepius until then. So thank you for giving me this info so I can look into Asclepius and improve this guide for 7.11.
2. Aphro's application of Magus isn't as good as other mages though it's still viable on her, which is where prioritisation of deso could come in.
1. If we're talking about purchasing Spear of Desolation late-game, then yes, it could be viable if you're looking to build up extra damage. Like you mentioned, though, there would be a bit of an overkill on CDR, and I recommend the healing buffs + health from Shield of Regrowth and Soul Gem for the late-game sustain. As for the "non-Chronos' Pendant builds," there's no reason to not purchase Chronos' Pendant as Aphrodite, ever. She absolutely needs the 20 MP5 for early-game sustain, 20% CDR (not to mention Chronos' Pendant's passive that GUARANTEES even more CDR), and sufficient damage vs Spear of Desolation's lack of sustain assistance and 10% CDR (with POTENTIAL for extra CDR from it's passive) despite the higher damage.
2. That's true to the extent that Aphrodite's combos are only foolproof if you can connect the Kiss first. It's also useful when connected to a teammate who's diving the enemy and you can get in a successful use of Back Off!. Spear of Desolation can have a spot in place of Spear of the Magus if that suits the player's playstyle; I simply recommend Spear of the Magus because it's better at suppressing the oppenents during team fights and ganks.
I meant, something like Cdr boots > Doom Orb > Deso early. You would have 30% cdr with mage's blessing stacked. Also Doom Orb has 5 more mp5 than Chronos'.
I usually only consider Doom Orb if I want Breastplate though. (Though of course you may prefer Chronos + Lotus early, Doom Orb + Breastplate is extra mobility + slight extra power).