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Chang'e season 8 build(cdr rush/ dmg agro/solo)

2 0 11,391
by Change_main updated March 2, 2021

Smite God: Chang'e

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cdr rush Damege/aggressive solo lane
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Chang'e Build

cdr starter

Build Item Sands of Time Sands of Time
Build Item Lost Artifact Lost Artifact
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet

cdr full build with boots

Build Item Pendulum of Ages Pendulum of Ages
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

boots replacment

Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard

anti heal alternative (replace book of thoth and sands of time))

Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Tainted Steel Tainted Steel
Build Item Tainted Breastplate Tainted Breastplate

cdr rush

if you enjoy spamming your abilities in the early game id go with this build (i personly like this build myself) and I tend to go Sands of Time chronos pendant then Shoes of Focus but if you prefer going boots after Sands of Time that's totally up to you and how you think you will be more successful. I know Book of Thoth is more on the expensive side but it comes useful with the unlimited manna and how it pairs up with Pendulum of Ages and with the theam of spamming abilities when using your abilities and trying to do damage fast you're going to want to start off with Moonflower Dance then Crescent Moon Dance for faster damage because the animation on your 2 is faster than your one.


this build and concept is more for the people who are comefterble with Blink Rune and diving into a fight because the whole point of Blink Rune is that you get to take out the damage dealers in the back in a team fight or to secure a kill. it also comes in handy when getting a kill because it tends to catch the enemy off guard when you blink in. after you blink in and trying to escape after getting a kill or taking out enemies in a team fight you're going to want to use your Moonlit Waltz or Waxing Moon (if you didn't use it to get a kill) effectively to escape or engage on the next target. id also try saving your ult to hit multiple enemies in a team fight not just one.


chang'e solo can be hard depending who you go against because your squishy and warriors deal a lot of damage towards mages at the beginning of the game so you're going to want to try to play a little safe at the start or until you get Moonlit Waltz. in the solo lane your passive truly shines you get an advantige being able to buy potions or items when your enemy solo laner cant you need to use this advantage to the best of your ability and try to think ahead what potions/items are you going to need in a minute try to buy ahead of the game since the travel time is quite long.

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Branmuffin17 (401) | March 1, 2021 4:10pm
So I'm not a Chang'e main or regular mid player, so this will go with how I'd probably build her.

Firstly, I think it's good to keep in mind Kriega's point about Conduit Gem / Archmage's Gem being a strong pick for her especially if you combo with Blink Rune as a 2nd relic. That obviously is a burst damage build and combo. I think going Blink is less advised if you don't quite have the same burst potential.

However, I don't think it's a bad thing at all to go Sands of Time, especially since the buff to Pendulum of Ages. That probably opens up your options when considering other CDR items.

Before we go further, some specific mistakes I need to point out.
  • In your full build example w/ Shoes, you're showing a major, major overcap of CDR. That's a fair waste of some stats, and it really means you should be building differently there.

  • When you pick up Sands of Time as a starter, you cannot pick up another starter / starter tree item later. You've listed Tainted Steel and Tainted Breastplate, and you just can't even get those items if you got Sands. Meaning, impossible. In addition, while I get that it might be nice to get anti-heal, the Tainted line is NOT the way to go for Chang'e at all. It just shouldn't be considered. It's already niche as-is, and it's an item for a tankier god, not a squishy that's looking to deal damage. Remember, you already have built-in anti-heal in your 3. I don't think you should be committing anything to that other than the standard Divine Ruin.
So looking at the build, if you go Sands to Pendulum later, that means in terms of permanent items, you either go Chronos' Pendant as your ONLY other CDR item, or you can sort of do what you did, which is Shoes of Focus, Chronos' Pendant, and then it's a combination of upgrading Pendulum and getting Elixir of Speed while selling off Shoes of Focus. I think that might be a bit awkward, so perhaps one suggestion I would have would be to go Shoes of the Magi instead of Focus if you plan on getting Chronos early.

And the other option is skipping Chronos. That could open you up to considering Spear of Desolation (in the case you don't need anti-heal from Divine Ruin) or maybe Soul Gem for a bit more damage and team potential.

I still don't know that Book of Thoth is an item she should get right now. It's currently not the strongest item, and in your build you're getting it pretty late (4th). Normally you'll rush it in Mid if you do pick it up, meaning you'd start the game w/ T1 book...but again, don't think that's the direction I would go right now.

You have other options to sort of adjust or tweak your build. I think knowing what you need at the beginning of the game can help define how you want to build.

Right now, I feel the build still needs a decent amount of work, due to the points I brought up above. I am curious to see what others might suggest though; maybe I'm a bit off with my suggestions.
Change_main (2) | March 1, 2021 4:21pm
i think you got confused i said if you needed anti heal you would replace sands of time i know you cant use 2 starter items xD if we could i could only imagen and i use soul gem alot myself but ill be honist i tend to switch up my builds all the time and omg im so bad at this i ment to put tainted on the solo build because its a solo item but thank you for leaving all the coments following through with your promiss :D this will moast likely be my last guid i will upload there is more for me to lern even thoguh i play the game so much there are 2 pepole in this world one who uploads guids and one who uses them (even though i wouldn't use any of the chang'e builds on here so far)
Kriega1 (143) | March 1, 2021 4:15pm
For pendulum builds I don’t think you should ever go chronos’ pendant. I’d go Cdr boots and Deso/Divine early instead. Granted I probably wouldn’t ever go Chronos’ on Chang’e right now when she has Deso, Myrddin, soul gem as Cdr options. Even in conduit builds.
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 1, 2021 5:42pm
Myrddin seems a bit less effective for Chang'e...her abilities just aren't as bursty and don't provide CC. Is it really that decent on her?
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Change_main (2) | March 1, 2021 4:23pm
i personly dont use pedalem i always replace it late game for a diffrent item ever sence ive played the game i used chronose so i feel like i just got too atached with it didint i. i just try to rush for max 40% cooldown right away
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Change_main
Chang'e season 8 build(cdr rush/ dmg agro/solo)
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