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Everyone Gets Venom! ~Serqet Build {WIP}

6 1 1,317,298
by Iyashi updated May 7, 2016

Smite God: Serqet

Build Guide Discussion 19 More Guides
Choose a Build: Serqet ~ Conquest Jungle
Serqet ~ Conquest Jungle Serqet ~ Arena -To Be Added
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Serqet Build

Starting Items

Build Item Bumba's Mask Bumba's Mask
Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)
Build Item Rage of the Gods Rage of the Gods
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion


Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Fist of the Gods Fist of the Gods

4th Item, Choose One

Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge

Last Items

Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer

Need Physical Defense

Build Item Void Shield Void Shield
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak

Need Magical Protection

Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Ancile Ancile
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Runic Shield Runic Shield

More Physical Power/Penetration

Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament


Build Item Fist of the Gods Fist of the Gods
Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)
Build Item Greater Purification Greater Purification

Serqet's Skill Order


1 X Y
1 4 6 7 10

Cobra's Kiss

2 A B
Cobra's Kiss
2 8 11 12 14


3 B A
3 15 16 18 19

Last Breath

4 Y X
Last Breath
5 9 13 17 20
1 4 6 7 10


1 X
Serqet dashes three times from side to side, dealing damage and applying Deathbane Poison to each enemy hit. This ability can Critical Hit, and Serqet is immune to Knockup while dashing.

Deathbane Poison reduces a target's Physical Protection for a short time, and remains in a lingering dormant state for 20s.

Ability Type: Dash, Debuff, Damage
Damage per Hit: 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Protection Reduction: 5% for 3s
Range: 50
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 13s
Cobra's Kiss
2 8 11 12 14

Cobra's Kiss

2 A
Serqet launches her two blades forward, dealing damage and applying the Cobra's Kiss Poison. Cobra's Kiss Poison drives gods to madness, forcing them to attack nearby allies dealing this damage again, or walk harmlessly towards Serqet. Cobra's Kiss remains in a lingering dormant state for 20s.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 (+75% of your Physical Power)
Madness Duration: 1.2s
Range: 40
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 12s
3 15 16 18 19


3 B
Serqet vanishes, Rooting herself in place. She may leap once, revealing herself and dealing damage to enemies. She will stay hidden until she leaps or cancels this ability. Enemy gods within range 12.5 will also reveal her.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+100% of your Physical Power)
Range/Radius: 65 / 15
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 16s
Last Breath
5 9 13 17 20

Last Breath

4 Y
Passive: Serqet gains increased Critical Strike Chance.
Active: Serqet leaps to an enemy, Stunning them and gaining 50% damage mitigation. She then applies the Last Breath poison and pushes them 30 units away. The poison deals true damage to the target over the next 5s, and prevents them from healing. If an enemy dies while infected with Last Breath, they will explode, applying the poison to all enemies within 20 units.

Ability Type: Target, Debuff, Damage
Damage: 102 / 150 / 198 / 252 / 300 (+130% of your Physical Power as True Damage)
Stun Duration: 1s
Healing Reduction: All Healing
Critical Strike Chance: 0 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20%
Radius: 10
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

Profile and Pros/Cons

Profile and Pros/Cons

Serqet, The Egyptian Godess Of Venom

View The Lore

In smite Serqet is a melee assasin, with quite a unique kit; she can hide herself the whole game if she likes to. (See Skills)
  • High Damage
  • High Mobility
  • Good Kit
  • 2 Escaping Abilities
  • Very Low Heath Points
  • Very Squishy
  • High Mana Consumption
  • Escaping Abilities Also A Damage Source
  • Can Be Difficult To Master



Passive ~ Catalyst

Serqet's Basic Attacks apply Catalyst, which consumes her lingering Poisons. If the target is affected by two different lingering poisons they are dealt 10% of their maximum health as physical damage. If affected by three different poisons they are dealt 20% of their maximum health as physical damage.

This means that whenever Serqet uses Deathbane or Cobra's Kiss she applies lingering Poison to her target.
Each of these lingering Poisons will last 20s. If Serqet then hits her target with a basic attack, she deals additional damage according to the amount of lingering Poisons the targat has. If the target has 2 lingering Poisons she deals 10% of the target's maximum damage as physical damage. If the target has 3 lingering Poisons she deal an additional 20% of the target's maximum hp as physical damage.

1st Ability ~ Deathbane

With this ability Serqet will dash from side to side 3 times, enemies hit take physical damage. Also when an enemy is hit by this ability, they get the Deathbane Poison debuff, wich will reduce their physical protection by 20% for 3s. After those 3 seconds the target gets the lingering Poison effect wich is used by her passive ands lasts 20 seconds.

View Skill

2nd Ability ~ Cobra's Kiss

When Serqet casts this ability she shoot out 2 blades that each deal their own damage, when hit enemies get the Deathbane Poison effect. Gods hit with this ability will gain a "Madness effect" and target their allies for a certain amount of seconds and attack them. If there are no allies closeby, the hit god will start walking toward Serqet. When the Madness Effect is over, the target is left with lingering Poison wich is used by her passive ands lasts 20 seconds.

View Skill

3rd Ability ~ Ambush

When used, this skil will make Serqet invisible, she may stay invisible as long as she wants while using this ability. After a short delay a hitbox apprears. Serqet can jump to the hitbox and deal physical damage. When she has leaped, she becomes visible again. If god come close enough, they can also see her.

View Skill

Ultimate Ability ~ Last Breath

This ability is Serqet's ultimate. When she uses this ability she jumps on her target and stuns the for 1 second, then she throws him away. During the stun she applies The Last Breath Poison wich will deal damage over 5 seconds.
If the enemy god dies, he will explode and apply The Last Breath Poison to all enemies in range.

View Skill

Main Items

Main Items

Note about View Stat-Spoilers

Warrior Tabi

If you're playing a god like Serqet that deals physical damage, you should get these boots. These boots will give you some nice physical power (30) and some attack speed (9%), but most importantly; they give you and extra movement speed (18%) and physical penetration (15).

View Stats

Jotunn's Wrath

Jotunn's Wrath is very usefull for Serqet. It grants you the power and penetration you need to kill, especially in early-game.

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Qin's Sais

I mostly buy this item to destroy tanks. Since this item deals 5% of the enemy god's maximum healt points, you'll shred them. You'll form a big threat, not only for the enemy tanks. When buying Qin's Sais you'll see your damage numbers rise.

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Asi vs Bloodforge

For your foruth item I'd choose between 2 items: Asi or Bloodforge. Both have their own advantages. I myself prefer Bloodforge over Asi. I think that the extra lifesteal and physical power are more usefull than physical penetration and attack speed. Why do I think it is more usefull?

1. Serqet allready has a high attack speed.
2. Because you allready have some penetration from your Warrior Tabi, the 15 extra physical penetration isn't really worth it.
3. I just think Asi isn't really worth the money.

However, if you like Asi more, no one i here to say you can't buy it!
View Stats (Asi)
View Stats (Bloodforge)


This item is great for Serqet, it increases her pysical power. But the main reason why I choose Rage is because it grants you and extra 30% critical chance. "Why is that so great?" you ask. Since her 1st ability, Deathbane, can crit, this is a really good item to have. It hits three times so you'll probably crit at least once if you hit one enemy with all three dashes. On top of that you get an extra 30 physical damage.
View Stats (Asi)
View Stats (Bloodforge)


This item will make you so powerfull, that it's beyond imagining. It lets you crit more than you would ever want. Your damage rises to the skies. I don't think there's any reason not to pick up this item. Besides as the names says, everyone will get a present from you; called "Death"
View Stats (Asi)
View Stats (Bloodforge)

Total Price Tag: 14995(asi) & 15770(Bloodforge)

Situational Items

Situational Item, When & Why?

Need More Physical Defense

Magi's Blessing
I suggest this item because it is really helpful when you are up against an enemy team with many gods that have a lot of CC. Since this item gives you 40% CC reduction and can absorb 1 hard CC effect, you will be much safer. Additionally, Magi's Blessing also gives 350 hp, wich is very useful for Serqet, simply because her base health is so low.

You should buy this item when you just need that little bit of extra magical protection. Shifter's Shield does not only granny you 15 extra physical protection, but also 15 magical protection. On top of that you get 40 physical power.The passive of Shifter's Shield grants you 20 physical power, when above 50% health, and 20 protections when below 50% hp. So in total you will get 60 physical power and 15 protections, if your health is higher than 50%. If it is not you will get your standard 40 physical power and 35 protections.

Buy this item when you are up against an enemy team with mostly physical type gods. Void Shield will add 50 to your physical power and 25 to your physical power. The passive of Void Shield will reduce the physical protection of all enemies within the range.

Need More Magical Defense

Magi's Blessing Magi's Blessing is usefull for when u need some physical as well as magical defense. As said before you shoudl buy this item when you're also in need of CC reduction.

Again when you just need a little bit of protections, then Shifter's Shield is a good item to pick up.

Ancile is a good item when you need magical protection, it'll give you 50 magical protection. You should pick it up when you're up against a lot of magical type gods. Ancile also grants you 20 physical power and can it stacks 0.5 physical power and 0.25% cooldown reduction per stack. Ancile will hold up to 60 stacks so when you've fully stacked it up you'll get 50 power, 50 protection and 15% extra cooldown reduction.

Runic Shield has the highest magical protection of all items. You should buy it when your enemy team consist mostly (4-5) out of magical typed gods. The passive of Runic Shield increases your magical protection by 30 when you're hit by an ability, the efeect will last 5 seconds. So for 5 seconds you can have an extra 100 magical protection. Also Runic Shield grants you 25 extra physical power.

Need More Physical Power/Penetration

Titan's Bane is useful when you're up against a lot of enemy gods who are sort of tanky. Titan's Bane will boost your physical penetration by 33% and increase your physical power by 30. You'll be able to pierce to your enemies' defenses.

I suggest you this item mainly because of the passive. After you've cast an ability your next basic attack will deal an additional 175%, and this every 4 seconds! Say for example, you first cast Cobra's Kiss, you'll apply 2 lingering poisons to your enemy activating Hydra's Lament's passive. The next basic attack you do ,to the enemy you've just poisoned, will deal an additional 10% of it's maximum health as physical damage because of your Catalyst and also deal 175% damage from your Hydra's Lament.

Basic Combat

Basic Combat


Serqet is mostly played in the jungle. The following section informs you on how to play Serqet in the jungle.

General Jungling, Solo-Right

Spoiler: Click to view

General Jungling, Solo-Left

Spoiler: Click to view


Here is the first picture I have of a game with this build. I know this probably isn't really good, that's cause I'm still quite a noob at Smite, even tough i've been playing it very long.

God Changes And Updates

God Changes And Updates

Find the changes that Serqet undergoes troughout the patches here!

July 18th, 2014

  • Tooltip showed 30% scaling instead of 50% in the description.
  • Madness Physical Power Scaling increased from 30% to 45%. (Working, but tooltip and K screen will still show 30%)

Cobra's Kiss:
  • Madness Physical Power Scaling increased from 30% to 45%. (Working, but tooltip and K screen will still show 30%)

Last Breath:
  • Damage increased from 150/275/400/525/650 to 228/342/456/570/684 True Damage over 5s. (38/57/76/95/114)
  • The first tick of damage now happens on application, rather than 1s later.

July 15th, 2014

General Changes:
  • Fixed an issue where Serqet was not gaining magical protection per level.
  • Fixed an issue where Serqet was gaining 76 health per level, rather than the desired 74.
  • Reduced Serqet’s base starting health to 400.

  • Protection reduction reduced from 25% to 20% for 3s.
  • Fixed several tooltip errors.

  • Fixed an issue where Serqet could cancel this ability early to reset her basic attack chain.
  • Fixed an issue where Serqet could cancel this ability and keep the cooldown on it from triggering.
  • Fixed an issue with the stealth reveal ground targeter being too big.
  • Fixed missing FX on Serqet’s recolor skin.
  • Fixed issues with the interaction between this ability and Loki’s Assassinate.
  • Fixed several tooltip errors.



2nd Aug 2014:
  • Changed Build because of the comment from Devampi
  • Changed item order in Main Items.
  • Put spoilers in Main items next to eachother for comparison.
  • Situational Items section removed for a close look.
  • Reworked of Situational Items.
  • Small BBccode Changes.

3rd Aug 2014:
  • Changed Ability Section
  • Added Basic Combat (will be continued asap, had to go)

Important Notes

This build isn't complete yet but I tought, I'd allready publish it. Thanks for looking at the guide allready and leaving your initial feedback!

Also I wanted to add videos for the skills, but the recording was terrible. Sorry for that.

There is going to be a delay on finishing the build. This is because SmiteFire is bugged and I can't update the build. I apologize for the inconvinience!

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Vithaliy (8) | September 21, 2015 7:21am
You can use them simultaneously, especially if you have a lot of tanks in front of you. If they're not tanky, then one is enough. Most of the time, I have one in my build and I consider the other one as a situational. On hunters I usually go for The Executioner while you'd prefer Titan's Bane on warriors because you don't always land basic attacks before abilities (so you don't have the full peentration with The Executioner). On most assassin's I'll build Jotunn's Wrath which give flat pen, so Titan's Bane is enough most of the time. I'd say it is very rare to go with more than 2 pen items.
iReauxbot (11) | September 21, 2015 6:57am
Thank. Youre always really helpful. Unfortunately ive been using Titan's Bane and The Executioner simultaneously. Really not sure how item synergy works. Except the usual armor plate and Runforged Hammer combo. Im sure doesnt work well on assassins.
Vithaliy (8) | September 21, 2015 6:11am
Qin's Sais (no U) is no longer used, mostly because of its price... except for some specific cases (for example with Kali) or for Kret's Banshee build.
The Executioner gives a lot of penetration with is really good (especially if you're not using Titan's Bane.
iReauxbot (11) | September 21, 2015 5:22am
Quin's Sais are still recommended? I hear a lof people using the battle axe item instead since the nerf.
Iyashi (1) | December 30, 2014 10:43am
FullBlaze wrote:

Realy nice guide, played sequet couple of times and didnt go that well. Now i cant wait to get home from work and try her out again.

i know she is realy strong but couldnt get her kit under controle. Now i feel like i can.

you might want to add soe video's. Perhaps the skil combo's she can use.

thanks for this guide. Upvote :)

Thanks a lot for checking the guide out!

I wish you good luck in game ^^

About the skills, I tried recording them, but the recoding sofware I had was of terrible quality. I will try again some time tough.
FullBlaze (1) | December 12, 2014 2:15am
Realy nice guide, played sequet couple of times and didnt go that well. Now i cant wait to get home from work and try her out again.

i know she is realy strong but couldnt get her kit under controle. Now i feel like i can.

you might want to add soe video's. Perhaps the skil combo's she can use.

thanks for this guide. Upvote :)
Iyashi (1) | August 2, 2014 4:53am
Devampi wrote:

nice build guide. for only a build you have more then enough. for it to be a guide you need to add:
    game play
so you are already on a good way to it.

The sequence seems right to me.

On the skill tab you can better take those pictures out of the spoilers and replace it with the same text. and add the icon's is a good thing too (so people now how the ability looks).

your build It's a nice one but still I don't find Breastplate of Valor a core item over Jotunn's Wrath. Why? The power of Junglers is mostly in the early-mid game. They need to get a kill fast and then get out really quick. Jotunn's Wrath is a really good item for this because of power and the pen. Also do I find the Qin's Sais a better core item over Rage because of the tank shredding (and your job is go in get the kill fast and go out)

Also there are a lot more items good for her like Titan's Bane for more pen. or magi's blessing for the passive

and now your situational items. Okay I agree on them but not on there replacement. You already take Breastplate of Valor as second and then let's go another defensive item on third. Then you are really leaving your power behind. I would sooner take it as the 5th item because then you are entering late game. And also if you are going to take Ancile I would swap it out for Breastplate sooner because it gives more power and cooldown etc. but all these items depend on the other team.

Now on the BBcoding:
it's really nice could change some thing like instead of using icons you can in some cases (when you say something in a sentence) use double brackets (examples are used in this comment). oh and Mekali even if the BBcoding is gorgeous the content depends if it's going to be an up-vote not the BBcoding. because you can tell a lot of non true information and make the guide mega gorgeous and receive a up vote for it.

Also I spotted a typo in the fourth item by the item tab you mistyped fourth (foruth)

hope this helps you to improve your guide

Thanks for the comment. I am planning on adding those when Smitefire doesn't bug this much for me.

  • On the topic of Jotunn's and Breastplate. I know that Jotunn's Wrath is a must for most jungler. In my original build I had Jotunn's Wrath as a core item, but then I started to hesitate, so i changed it to Breastplate of Valor, simply because i tought she neede the protection more since she has so low hp and is very squishy. Also because she is so mana consuming in early-game i tought the 550 extra mana from Breastplate of Valor would be quite usefull. I'll take your advise and make Jotunn's Wrath a core item again, tough i'll still keep the breastlpate, since i find it very usefull for Serqet.

  • I find that Rage is very usefull for Serqet since this allows her to crit more. Escpecially her for her 1st ability Deathbane. If you are lucky enough you'll crit 3 times. With Rage you have a 30% chance to crithit and since your Deathbane damages 3 times you have a 90% chance to crit in total of the 3 hits. I like Qin's too but I tought Serqet could really use Rage for her crits as explained. I'll reconsider the build.

  • I Will look for all possible items that Serqet can use and them to the build, when smitefire isn't bugged anymore (the bugs are a real pain in the a$$)

  • On situational items. Again I tought that Serqet really really needen Breastplate of Valor for the physical power. I'm a bit confused now; if i replace Breastplate of Valor with Jotunn's Wrath wich item should I replace them, they all seem equally important.
  • BBcoding. I didn't really know that it was possible to use """, I'll change them asap.
  • Typo. Thanks for pointing it out I allready changed it. (btw if I make more typos, that's bc English isn't really my native langauge)

End note: I will look into the whole build and improve it as good as I can. I was allready planning to improve bbcode so yeah, i'll do that do asap.

I wanted to thank you for commenting and pointing out my mistakes!

Good day, ~Iyashi
Mekali (17) | August 2, 2014 4:33am
Devampi wrote:

Now on the BBcoding:
it's really nice could change some thing like instead of using icons you can in some cases (when you say something in a sentence) use double brackets (examples are used in this comment). oh and Mekali even if the BBcoding is gorgeous the content depends if it's going to be an up-vote not the BBcoding. because you can tell a lot of non true information and make the guide mega gorgeous and receive a up vote for it.

Well it's one of my nature :3

Devampi (105) | August 2, 2014 4:06am
Iyashi wrote:

Yeah I think so. I just wanted to finish the guide, but then when i saved and published it, it didn't display the changes. I couldn't even comment on my own build to say that there'd be a delay. 5 minutes after that i couldnt even go on the website anymore.
This is what I got from trying to connect to the website.

This just sux, I hope it's fixed soon so I can get back to guide making :D!

it has this (and a glitcy forum) for some days now
Devampi (105) | August 2, 2014 4:05am
nice build guide. for only a build you have more then enough. for it to be a guide you need to add:
    game play
so you are already on a good way to it.

The sequence seems right to me.

On the skill tab you can better take those pictures out of the spoilers and replace it with the same text. and add the icon's is a good thing too (so people now how the ability looks).

your build It's a nice one but still I don't find Breastplate of Valor a core item over Jotunn's Wrath. Why? The power of Junglers is mostly in the early-mid game. They need to get a kill fast and then get out really quick. Jotunn's Wrath is a really good item for this because of power and the pen. Also do I find the Qin's Sais a better core item over Rage because of the tank shredding (and your job is go in get the kill fast and go out)

Also there are a lot more items good for her like Titan's Bane for more pen. or magi's blessing for the passive

and now your situational items. Okay I agree on them but not on there replacement. You already take Breastplate of Valor as second and then let's go another defensive item on third. Then you are really leaving your power behind. I would sooner take it as the 5th item because then you are entering late game. And also if you are going to take Ancile I would swap it out for Breastplate sooner because it gives more power and cooldown etc. but all these items depend on the other team.

Now on the BBcoding:
it's really nice could change some thing like instead of using icons you can in some cases (when you say something in a sentence) use double brackets (examples are used in this comment). oh and Mekali even if the BBcoding is gorgeous the content depends if it's going to be an up-vote not the BBcoding. because you can tell a lot of non true information and make the guide mega gorgeous and receive a up vote for it.

Also I spotted a typo in the fourth item by the item tab you mistyped fourth (foruth)

hope this helps you to improve your guide
Iyashi (1) | August 2, 2014 3:51am
Yeah I think so. I just wanted to finish the guide, but then when i saved and published it, it didn't display the changes. I couldn't even comment on my own build to say that there'd be a delay. 5 minutes after that i couldnt even go on the website anymore.
This is what I got from trying to connect to the website.

This just sux, I hope it's fixed soon so I can get back to guide making :D!
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