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Hello everyone! My IGN is MajicPotatoRA and I main Fenrir and am currently diamond with him. I play a heavy damage crit Fenrir which can get you pretty far if you play him right (Every build needs a different playstyle). He can be a really fun god to play late game and even early game with his Seething Howl. I won't be going into too much detail as to what playing a Fenrir takes as this link will be very helpful with that.
Okami Fenrir Guide
Unchained is a Fenrir's best ability to engage and with full runes you can easily get a basic off without the opponent being able to do anything without wasting Purification Beads. It also makes for a great Escape/Chase even without cool down reduction.
Seething Howl
This ability just got a rework which I personally love. Before Seething Howl would have the lifesteal increase as the ability levels up. However, now it gives a constant 30%. As Fenrir is weaker late game compared to other gods this ability is terrific early game. I recommend engaging with Unchained and then later using Seething Howl for sustain.
Brutalize makes for a great chase when they try to escape. Sadly I feel like this build makes this ability lose a lot of potential damage. I have never engaged with Brutalize that was more effective than engaging any other way. At full runes this ability is a great way to clear camps with ease.
This ability is an amazing way to get a kill, chase, steal someone away from their teammates, and so many more things can be done with this ability. I use this ability to chase someone down if they are retreating to a tower and a simple Brutalize is too risky or is on cool down. I rarely use this as an escape however it does make a very good one, but I believe that its full potential is reached to chase someone down or steal them out of tower range.
This guide is still in progress but hopefully this guide and build was helpful. I will try my best to make it as best as I can and if you would like leave a comment telling me what I need to improve or what I should add.
Thanks, have fun and devour everything ;)
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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That guide has a lot of useful info on bbcoding :) . About the builds, i understand that it isnt supposed to be a meta build, but getting
First of all, damage and kills on assassins are not everything, the amount of times I see these full damage builds on assassins is sort of unbelievable. Yes, it works on SOME assassins, but not ALL assassins, and the likes of Fenrir doing well with this build is only if the enemy team is hopelessly disorganized, and have no idea how to prioritize targets. A Well rounded team will see your lack of defence and punish you for it in an instant. This is why you build protections, LS is not reliable when your zoned out and cannot get close to the enemy, it's barely reliable in a 1v1 situation because it only serves you if you are doing BASIC ATTACK damage, which you want to avoid on Fenrir unless your getting passive stacks or your abilities are down.
Secondly, remember that utility, positioning and strategy wins more fights than all out damage. You have a Stun, which does huge damage, and will serve you through out the game, but your stun puts you in the middle of a team fight, and like I said, any team or even any PLAYER worth half their salt is going to punish you before you can do anything about it. You also have a VERY utility ult, remember that it's not just damage, it's a pick up and relocate for an enemy, which can be game changing if the target is vital to their team. Junglers SERVE THEIR TEAM with Damage injection, CC, and sometimes both. Fenrir allows this with minimal effort, play to your strengths, and don't waste time (and gold for that matter) on trying to keep his burst potential as high as possible when his kit fights against it.
masterricu has given you the ideal build for this type of assassin, but you could even modify it to do slightly more damage, by replaceing Titan's or BBS (Not recommended, but whatever) with the likes of Hydra's Lament, so you still have a "bite" to your kit. I see where you're getting this build from, but it's a build that would only work at very low ranks, Remeber that Item builds are meant to work with a God's kit, not try make the God something they're not.
P.S. Your guide has more Cons than Pros, which is an instant red light.
P.S. I fixed the Pros/Cons and need to review them to improve upon them later.
Hunters can crit safely from a distance, assassins cant. And your forgetting about fenrir's abilities, which is his advantage over adcs. If you want to play adcs, then play them. If you want to play assassins, then take advantage of the early game, build pen and cooldown, and use your single target kit to its full advantage and play to your strengths, not your weaknesses.
^^This is the standard ability based assassins build. You will be tankier, your abilities will do more damage, you will kill people before you are killed, you can ult more often, and save a metric **** ton of gold so you can get potion of physical strength faster. Assassins also get less farm than adcs, so they need the cheaper build.
Also, using my high damage build I can easily 1 vs 1 anyone that tries, even 2 vs 1, and usually in team fights if I am not targeted by multiple people I can easily take down an entire team so depending on how you play him he can do better than a hunter.
I forget the name of the YouTuber, he's fairly small channel and he does this series called "One Hit Crit". Pretty self explanatory, but he tries to get these massive Crits out of Gods.
Anyways, after I watched that, it inspired me to try it on Assassins and Hunters and I have found tremendous success thus far.
I typically build:
Occasionally switch out
I must say the damage on these type of builds is pure insanity. You basically Basic Attack for 350+ and Crit between 800-1500, depends on the God of course. Off the top of my head,
Also, depending on the God, I will take out
My first is why
Second is there is definitely a lot of damage and
My last thing is especially now that they've made
Love it though I'll definitely have to try this build out. Shoutout to Okami's guide btw, there's nobody better to make a Fenrir guide than him and it's a shame that his guide doesn't show up with the rest of them.