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Ganesha - Selflessly Gifting Kills (Y11, All Modes, Patch 11.1, "Year 11")

163 12 505,382
by Branmuffin17 updated January 24, 2024

Smite God: Ganesha

Build Guide Discussion 64 More Guides
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Ganesha Build

Starting Items (Aura Support)

Notes Standard Support start with Sentinel's Gift. Sentinel's provides very strong early sustain and is the safest choice for universal defensive support function throughout a match.

Sentinel's Gift will build into Sentinel's Embrace, supporting the protection aura concept with other items in the example build.


Standard Support start with Sentinel's Gift. Sentinel's provides very strong early sustain and is the safest choice for universal defensive support function throughout a match.

Sentinel's Gift will build into Sentinel's Embrace, supporting the protection aura concept with other items in the example build.

Build Item Sentinel's Gift Sentinel's Gift
Build Item Glowing Emerald Glowing Emerald
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Sturdy Shard Sturdy Shard

Example Build (Aura Support)

Notes Cookie-cutter Support build with early aura items providing passive teammate assistance. Once you reach level 15, upgrade Sentinel's Gift to Sentinel's Embrace.

Upgrade glyphs when all T3 items are completed.
  • Gauntlet of Thebes is a solid early item for Ganesha, since even his minion kills count as assists, making it easier for him to stack than any other Support.
  • Sovereignty provides an aura of physical protections along with good consistent health regen.
  • Heartward Amulet (and glyph upgrade Stronghold) is an optional magical protection aura item providing mana sustain.
  • Reverent Pridwen provides high CDR. Allows for more aggressive ability use.
  • 6th Item Optional: Relic Dagger, shown here, provides more CDR and lots of relic use, which should align pretty well with your ult being up. You can replace this with counter items if needed.


Cookie-cutter Support build with early aura items providing passive teammate assistance. Once you reach level 15, upgrade Sentinel's Gift to Sentinel's Embrace.

Upgrade glyphs when all T3 items are completed.

  • Gauntlet of Thebes is a solid early item for Ganesha, since even his minion kills count as assists, making it easier for him to stack than any other Support.
  • Sovereignty provides an aura of physical protections along with good consistent health regen.
  • Heartward Amulet (and glyph upgrade Stronghold) is an optional magical protection aura item providing mana sustain.
  • Reverent Pridwen provides high CDR. Allows for more aggressive ability use.
  • 6th Item Optional: Relic Dagger, shown here, provides more CDR and lots of relic use, which should align pretty well with your ult being up. You can replace this with counter items if needed.

Build Item Sentinel's Embrace Sentinel's Embrace
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Amulet of the Stronghold Amulet of the Stronghold
Build Item Reverent Pridwen Reverent Pridwen
Build Item Bewitched Dagger Bewitched Dagger

Starting Items (Mitigations & Counters)

Notes Alternate Support start with Benevolence.

Benevolence provides a unique healing mechanic for teammates and small but steady health and mana sustain. You choose this starter with the intention of upgrading to Compassion later.


Alternate Support start with Benevolence.

Benevolence provides a unique healing mechanic for teammates and small but steady health and mana sustain. You choose this starter with the intention of upgrading to Compassion later.

Build Item Benevolence Benevolence
Build Item Glowing Emerald Glowing Emerald
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Sturdy Shard Sturdy Shard

Example Build (Mitigations & Counters)

Notes Support build with Benevolence upgraded to Compassion at level 15. Good for consistent XP gain and more helpful against magical enemies.

This example build showcases earlier CDR, and uses some items that provide non-protection utility for your teammates (including anti-CC and anti-crit).

Breastplate of Determination is shown here immediately after Thebes to provide a boost in CDR. It can be subbed for Reverent Pridwen if preferred.

Upgrade the glyphs once all 6 T3 items are completed.


Support build with Benevolence upgraded to Compassion at level 15. Good for consistent XP gain and more helpful against magical enemies.

This example build showcases earlier CDR, and uses some items that provide non-protection utility for your teammates (including anti-CC and anti-crit).

Breastplate of Determination is shown here immediately after Thebes to provide a boost in CDR. It can be subbed for Reverent Pridwen if preferred.

Upgrade the glyphs once all 6 T3 items are completed.

Build Item Compassion Compassion
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Breastplate of Determination Breastplate of Determination
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Magi's Shelter Magi's Shelter

Defensive Aura Items

Notes Standard Support items:

Sovereignty (Anti-Physical): Provides great physical protection and health sustain for you and nearby teammates. Choose before Gauntlet if highest incoming damage is physical and you want higher health sustain.

Heartward Amulet (Anti-Magical): The converse of Sov, and is good if facing 3 magical enemies, or both ADC & Support are magical and you're looking for an early counter. This is the item you can most easily substitute with other items.

Gauntlet of Thebes (Balanced Protections): Great balanced protections, with some health and health sustain. Needs stacking from minion & god kill assists. Can be picked up early, but is okay to pick up later in a build, as it shouldn't take long to stack and provides very solid stats.


Standard Support items:

Sovereignty (Anti-Physical): Provides great physical protection and health sustain for you and nearby teammates. Choose before Gauntlet if highest incoming damage is physical and you want higher health sustain.

Heartward Amulet (Anti-Magical): The converse of Sov, and is good if facing 3 magical enemies, or both ADC & Support are magical and you're looking for an early counter. This is the item you can most easily substitute with other items.

Gauntlet of Thebes (Balanced Protections): Great balanced protections, with some health and health sustain. Needs stacking from minion & god kill assists. Can be picked up early, but is okay to pick up later in a build, as it shouldn't take long to stack and provides very solid stats.

Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes

CDR + Protection Items

Notes Tanky items that also provide CDR; useful later in a match for higher ability use:

Breastplate of Valor (Anti-Physical, High CDR): this is your main source of physical protection that also provides high CDR. Typically upgrade to Breastplate of Determination.

Genji's Guard (Anti-Magical, Mana Sustain): incredible mana regen which means you'll never run out. This is a very balanced item that can be considered especially when facing 3 magical enemies.

Spirit Robe (Balanced Protections, Anti-CC): one of the most well-rounded protection items, and the passive's damage mitigation works very well when facing lots of CC.

Magi's Cloak (Anti-CC): Helpful against lots of enemy CC, consider the upgrade Magi's Shelter to provide CC protection to nearby teammates.

Prophetic Cloak (Constant Mitigations): Best to build earlier to start building stacks and get the passive mitigations up.

Pridwen (Late-game CDR): Solid pickup if you're looking for CDR and are looking to play a bit more aggressively after you've ulted.


Tanky items that also provide CDR; useful later in a match for higher ability use:

Breastplate of Valor (Anti-Physical, High CDR): this is your main source of physical protection that also provides high CDR. Typically upgrade to Breastplate of Determination.

Genji's Guard (Anti-Magical, Mana Sustain): incredible mana regen which means you'll never run out. This is a very balanced item that can be considered especially when facing 3 magical enemies.

Spirit Robe (Balanced Protections, Anti-CC): one of the most well-rounded protection items, and the passive's damage mitigation works very well when facing lots of CC.

Magi's Cloak (Anti-CC): Helpful against lots of enemy CC, consider the upgrade Magi's Shelter to provide CC protection to nearby teammates.

Prophetic Cloak (Constant Mitigations): Best to build earlier to start building stacks and get the passive mitigations up.

Pridwen (Late-game CDR): Solid pickup if you're looking for CDR and are looking to play a bit more aggressively after you've ulted.

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Prophetic Cloak Prophetic Cloak
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen

Counter Items

Notes Build these mid to late-game to counter specific enemy strengths:

Midgardian Mail (Anti-Physical, Anti-Basic Attack #2): When hit by basics, slows enemy attack and move speed. Great against multiple enemy basic attackers.

Spectral Armor (Anti-Physical, Anti-Crits): Specifically used to counter critical strikes.

Contagion (Anti-Physical / Anti-Heal): Specific use to counter enemy healing and lifesteal of all types. Good physical protection and mana pool/sustain.

Pestilence (Anti-Magical / Anti-Heal): Specific use to counter enemy healing and lifesteal of all types. High magical protection and health are helpful.

Winged Blade (Anti-Magical / Anti-Slow): If you're finding yourself slowed constantly, this can give you the added mobility you need to get to the place you're needed ASAP.


Build these mid to late-game to counter specific enemy strengths:

Midgardian Mail (Anti-Physical, Anti-Basic Attack #2): When hit by basics, slows enemy attack and move speed. Great against multiple enemy basic attackers.

Spectral Armor (Anti-Physical, Anti-Crits): Specifically used to counter critical strikes.

Contagion (Anti-Physical / Anti-Heal): Specific use to counter enemy healing and lifesteal of all types. Good physical protection and mana pool/sustain.

Pestilence (Anti-Magical / Anti-Heal): Specific use to counter enemy healing and lifesteal of all types. High magical protection and health are helpful.

Winged Blade (Anti-Magical / Anti-Slow): If you're finding yourself slowed constantly, this can give you the added mobility you need to get to the place you're needed ASAP.

Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Contagion Contagion
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade

Utility Items

Notes Most of these have some offensive teamfight function (except Oni Hunter's Garb). They can be picked up anytime, but some are fairly situational, so consider with some caution.

Divine Ruin (Offensive Anti-Heal): Strong offensive item if you need anti-heal and your team is consistently on the offensive.

Ethereal Staff (Health Steal): Nice passive effect in stealing health from others and giving it to you. Comes with CC reduction and pretty good power as well.

Bewitched Dagger (Relic Utility): Specifically beneficial when you've picked up good teamfight relics, as the relic CDR means you can utilize the added effects more often. The Bewitched glyph also counters enemy basic attackers.

Stone of Binding (Offensive Support): This is an item that provides additional offensive potential for your team. Easy to apply to enemies with Ohm.

Oni Hunter's Garb (Defensive Teamfight Mitigations): This has magical protection, but the passive mitigates ALL incoming damage in a teamfight when multiple enemies are near.

Emperor's Armor (Structure Siege / Defense): Useful in the mid game, allows for strong defense of structures or diving offensively under enemy towers to secure a kill.

Manticore's Spikes (Team Offense): Good support stats combined with a passive that Ganesha easily gets use out of with easily-applied hard CC abilities.

Shogun's Kusari (Teamfight / Objective Push): Works well when your team has multiple basic-attacking gods.

Void Doumaru (Anti-Magical / Penetration): The passive protection reduction helps your magical teammates deal more damage.


Most of these have some offensive teamfight function (except Oni Hunter's Garb). They can be picked up anytime, but some are fairly situational, so consider with some caution.

Divine Ruin (Offensive Anti-Heal): Strong offensive item if you need anti-heal and your team is consistently on the offensive.

Ethereal Staff (Health Steal): Nice passive effect in stealing health from others and giving it to you. Comes with CC reduction and pretty good power as well.

Bewitched Dagger (Relic Utility): Specifically beneficial when you've picked up good teamfight relics, as the relic CDR means you can utilize the added effects more often. The Bewitched glyph also counters enemy basic attackers.

Stone of Binding (Offensive Support): This is an item that provides additional offensive potential for your team. Easy to apply to enemies with Ohm.

Oni Hunter's Garb (Defensive Teamfight Mitigations): This has magical protection, but the passive mitigates ALL incoming damage in a teamfight when multiple enemies are near.

Emperor's Armor (Structure Siege / Defense): Useful in the mid game, allows for strong defense of structures or diving offensively under enemy towers to secure a kill.

Manticore's Spikes (Team Offense): Good support stats combined with a passive that Ganesha easily gets use out of with easily-applied hard CC abilities.

Shogun's Kusari (Teamfight / Objective Push): Works well when your team has multiple basic-attacking gods.

Void Doumaru (Anti-Magical / Penetration): The passive protection reduction helps your magical teammates deal more damage.

Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Bewitched Dagger Bewitched Dagger
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Emperor's Armor Emperor's Armor
Build Item Manticore's Spikes Manticore's Spikes
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Void Doumaru Void Doumaru

Relics to Consider

Notes These are all relics helpful for Ganesha, with a variety of effects:
  • Sundering Spear (Offense / Aggression): Likely best 1st relic option for aggression and early kill potential. Easy to apply immediately after hitting someone with Remove Obstacles.
  • Heavenly Wings (Chase / Escape): 1st or 2nd relic option. Great function to counter slows, with a boost in move speed to help chase down fleeing enemies or escape a dangerous situation.
  • Magic Shell (Teammate Survival): 1st or 2nd relic option to help teammates absorb some damage.
  • Belt of Frenzy (Teamfight / Objective Offense): Provides an increase in damage and attack speed to help in teamfights or to quickly take down objectives.
  • Cursed Ankh (Anti-Heal): Specifically used to counter enemy healing and lifesteal of all types.
  • Bracer of Radiance (Utility / Vision): Consider for greater map vision and teamfight utility.


These are all relics helpful for Ganesha, with a variety of effects:

  • Sundering Spear (Offense / Aggression): Likely best 1st relic option for aggression and early kill potential. Easy to apply immediately after hitting someone with Remove Obstacles.
  • Heavenly Wings (Chase / Escape): 1st or 2nd relic option. Great function to counter slows, with a boost in move speed to help chase down fleeing enemies or escape a dangerous situation.
  • Magic Shell (Teammate Survival): 1st or 2nd relic option to help teammates absorb some damage.
  • Belt of Frenzy (Teamfight / Objective Offense): Provides an increase in damage and attack speed to help in teamfights or to quickly take down objectives.
  • Cursed Ankh (Anti-Heal): Specifically used to counter enemy healing and lifesteal of all types.
  • Bracer of Radiance (Utility / Vision): Consider for greater map vision and teamfight utility.

Build Item Sundering Spear Sundering Spear
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Bracer of Radiance Bracer of Radiance
Build Item Divine Barrier Divine Barrier

Ganesha's Skill Order

Turn of Fate

1 X Y
Turn of Fate
1 4 6 7 10


2 A B
3 8 11 12 14

Remove Obstacles

3 B A
Remove Obstacles
2 15 16 18 19

Dharmic Pillars

4 Y X
Dharmic Pillars
5 9 13 17 20
Turn of Fate
1 4 6 7 10

Turn of Fate

1 X
Ganesha curses his Enemies with his considerable willpower, damaging them. For each Enemy he hits (up to a maximum of 5), all Allied Gods within 55 units of Ganesha gain bonus Damage.

Minions give 1 stack, enemy Gods give 2 stacks.

Ability Type: Line
Damage: 90 / 150 / 210 / 270 / 330 (+55% of your Magical Power)
Bonus Damage Per Stack: 3%
Duration: 4s
Range: 55
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
3 8 11 12 14


2 A
Ganesha begins chanting and rises into the lotus position, where he is slowed slightly (-15%) but may travel freely in all directions. While chanting, he silences Enemy gods in a cone in front of him, increasing Physical and Magical Protections for all nearby Allied Gods. He gains an additional 50% of the Protections he provides, and he is knockback immune while channeling this ability.

Ability Type: Cone, Silence
Duration: 1.8s
Protections: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60
Radius: 35
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10s
Remove Obstacles
2 15 16 18 19

Remove Obstacles

3 B
Ganesha charges forward, hooking an enemy with his goad, holding them in place and damaging the enemy before knocking them up. While dashing, Ganesha passes through player-made deployables.

Ability Type: Dash
Damage: 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 (+45% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Dharmic Pillars
5 9 13 17 20

Dharmic Pillars

4 Y
Ganesha summons the Four Great Pillars of Righteousness to imprison his Enemies. Between each pair of pillars a magical field is created, and Enemies who pass through the field take Damage, are Slowed, and have their Protections reduced for 3s.

The first tick of this damage does an additional 60%, and Enemy Minions and Jungle Monsters take 40% of this Damage.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage Per Hit: 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 / 250 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 30%
Protection Reduction: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50
Debuff Duration: 3s
Radius: 20
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 75s


*NOTE* Writeup on items are all contained in the notes in the build at the top!

Recent Updates:

2023/2/3: Guide is current as of Patch 11.1, "Year 11." Builds updated.

Revision History

Hello everyone! My name is Branmuffin17 (PC IGN: Muffinman17), and I'm a SMITEFire admin and casual SMITE player on PC. Welcome to my quick 'n' dirty guide for Ganesha.

I'll assume you know the basic gist of gameplay in the various modes. If you want further details, I invite you to check out my other guides:

Conquest Guide
Arena Guide

For Conquest, you may find the Support and Warding chapters to be useful.

This is his best skin by far. The Voice Pack is AMAZING.

Play This While Reading...Trust Me!

Ganesha is a unique Support god, and is suited particularly for the true Supports at heart. You'll get very few kills if you're playing correctly, because you gift kills to nearby teammates when you get the last hit.

He has high utility with a root / knockup, a movable cone of silence, and situational bonus damage, combining to create a well-balanced support.

I have a great relationship with Ganesha. I've been in love with his kit since release, and my wife has always loved him (the concept of the God, not the game). She's (apparently) Hindu + Buddhist, due to the Buddha and Ganesha figurines throughout our home.

Ganesha has invaded our home

...... Strengths ......

+ Early wave clear boost
+ Movable silence
+ Mobility w/ root/knockup
+ High damage / zoning ult
+ Boosts teammate kills
+ Escape player-made obstacles
... Weaknesses ...

- Weak individual clear
- Ult is easily escaped
- Few kills = less farm

When playing him, your main focus will be to ALWAYS be with your teammates, and use your abilities at opportune times to help peel, secure kills, and interrupt enemy actions. Ready to learn more? Let's give life back to music.


Quick note on skill leveling: Early game, you'll usually focus on getting your wave-clear ( Turn of Fate) leveled. You don't necessarily have to max it first, because leveling Ohm provides lower CD and a very nice protection aura buff (albeit for less than 2 seconds) that you might appreciate.


Good Fortune
Any time Ganesha deals a killing blow, the nearest Friendly God receives credit for the kill (Ganesha receives the rewards for an assist instead). In addition, his assist range is increased by 20 and time before he loses assist credit is increased by 5s.

Discussion: This is a passive that really changes how you can play as a Support. Granting kills (and getting assists yourself) allows you to ignore the typical "avoid last hitting" rule...yes, you even grant MINION kills to nearby teammates.

As such, you don't have to worry about "kill stealing," especially with gods that rely on kills to get unique bonuses (e.g. Kali's Marked for Death, Thanatos' Harvester of Souls, Xbalanque's Dead of Night). This also allows you to continually help clear the wave, which can give you an early advantage in-lane.

In addition, your assist range is larger than any other god, so you can be further away and still get credit!
Skill #1:

Turn of Fate
Ganesha curses his Enemies, damaging them. For each Enemy he hits (up to a maximum of 5), all Allied Gods within 55 units of Ganesha gain bonus Damage for 4 seconds (2% per stack, up to 5 stacks). CD 14/13.5/13/12.5/12 seconds.

Leveling Priority: Max this 1st / 2nd to help with wave clear.

General Use: Wave Clear / Poke / Bonus Team Damage

Discussion: This is your main WAVE-CLEAR ability. Use this on the enemy minions BEFORE your ADC uses their wave clear to have them get the bonus damage.

In teamfights, use on the team's main target to increase the damage they take.
Skill #2:

Ganesha begins chanting and rises into the lotus position, where he is slowed slightly but can travel freely in all directions. While chanting, he silences Enemy gods in a cone in front of him and increases Protections (20/30/40/50/60) for all nearby Allied Gods. CD 14/13/12/11/10 seconds.

Leveling Priority: Max this 1st or 2nd for the reduced CD and increased protections it grants.

General Use: Control / Peel

Discussion: Use as a PREVENTATIVE by silencing enemies (possibly forcing Purification Beads) and preventing them from using abilities.

Use as a COUNTER to channeling or multi-activation abilities to either interrupt their flow, or completely cancel their abilities mid-use.

Combines very well in combination with Remove Obstacles or Dharmic Pillars (more in the Ability Combos section).
Skill #3:

Remove Obstacles
Ganesha charges forward, holding them in place and damaging the enemy before knocking them up. While dashing, Ganesha passes through player-made deployables. CD 14/13.5/13/12.5/12 seconds.

Leveling Priority: Max this last.

General Use: Initiation / Escape / Kill Secure

Discussion: Use to INITIATE and SET UP KILLS, by holding enemies in place and then knocking them up, making them an easy target for teammates.

Use as secondary WAVE CLEAR in combination with Turn of Fate, only when you know enemies aren't close.

Use to PEEL for teammates that need to retreat.

Use to ESCAPE when you need to save your own bacon. Remember it GOES THROUGH ENEMY DEPLOYABLES (such as Odin's Ring of Spears and Ymir's Ice Wall). Combines well with Ohm and Dharmic Pillars (more in the Ability Combos section).

Dharmic Pillars
Ganesha summons the Four Great Pillars of Righteousness to imprison his Enemies. Between each pair of pillars a magical field is created, and Enemies who pass through the field take Damage, are Slowed, and have their Protections reduced for 3s. CD 75 seconds.

Leveling Priority: Level this as it becomes available (generally).

General Use: Zoning / Damage

Discussion: This is mainly a CONTROL and ZONING tool. Drop it anytime you need to control an area, focus enemies, etc. You can also use it defensively (due to the potential damage and the slow) to try to create distance between the enemy and yourself / teammates.

It can also provide a surprising amount of DAMAGE, if you can keep enemies in the field. Combines well with Ohm and Remove Obstacles (more in the Ability Combos section).

It's on a very low base CD, so don't hesitate to use it if you think it'll be useful!

Ability Combos & Gameplay Tips

For general tips on how to play Supports, please visit the Support section of The Overarching Conquest Guide.

Key Ability Combos

  • Remove Obstacles ---> Ohm: After connecting with Remove Obstacles, IMMEDIATELY use Ohm to further prevent them from taking any action with an easily-applied silence. This is best when teammates are near, helping them deal more damage and preventing the enemy from using escape abilities.

  • Ohm ---> Remove Obstacles: The silence from Ohm can make enemies panic...they may not be able to use an ability immediately after Ohm stops. Use the silence time to close distance and immediately use Remove Obstacles as Ohm ends to further prevent them from taking action. Keep in mind that you CAN miss if they have an escape and they're quick enough.

  • Dharmic Pillars ---> Remove Obstacles: After activating your ult, wait for the enemy to attempt an escape through the field. With good timing, you can hit them with Remove Obstacles as they are in the midst of the field, trapping them for multiple seconds and dealing immense damage.

    Further to this, you can also BODY BLOCK them if they're running toward you in an attempt to escape. Situationally, you can use the pillars as an additional wall to trap them.

  • Dharmic Pillars ---> Ohm: After activating your ult, use Ohm to force Purification Beads or prevent them from using escape abilities to leap out of the square.

Gameplay Tips

  • If needed, remind your ADC of the damage boost from Turn of Fate, and to hold their wave-clear ability until after you've used it.

  • To connect more successfully with Remove Obstacles, be patient and don't use it on an enemy close to max range. Instead, close ranks, or wait until an enemy commits to a specific action (closing on a teammate, retreating).

  • Try to be aware of the enemy's use of escape abilities. If you know those abilities are down, you can more successfully trap them inside Dharmic Pillars.

  • To get some added damage, if you know the enemy is retreating in one specific direction, you can drop Dharmic Pillars JUST IN FRONT of the enemy. As it drops, they'll hit the first field and take damage. They will then either continue inside the pillars (dropping their protections), or have to reverse direction, forcing them back toward you / teammates.

  • As a last resort, you can use your ult to try to help secure a Gold Fury or Fire Giant kill. It only deals 40% to objectives, but still provides a DPS boost. Your better general bet is to use your ult to ZONE the enemy out, IF you know they're only coming from one direction.

Some of My Guides

If you liked this guide, check out my other ones below!

The Overarching Series

Assault Guide

Conquest Guide

Individual God Guides

An Alcoholic's Chugging Guide

Pulsing to
the Beat

Gifting Kills

Shifu Guan Yu:
The Battle

Loki: The Backstabbing Bastard

Medusa: Getting Everyone Stoned

God Guide Collaborations

Towards The
New Season

with Daelinn

50 Shades
Of Flame

with KingScuba

I See A
Red Door...

with Tlaloc1050


So that's it! Thanks for reading, and I appreciate any and all comments, suggestions, etc. Feel free to add me/invite me if you want to play!

Brandon / PC IGN: Muffinman17

(I hope you're satisfied, boogie. This took me hours to write. XD)

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Kriega1 (143) | February 6, 2021 2:07pm
Why does the Bruiser build have no starter upgrade / sentinels embrace
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 6, 2021 3:49pm
HAHAHA cuz I forgot to update that one =P Thanks for the catch.
FuzzyTheInhaler | September 5, 2020 9:09pm
Is this build still useful with the current patch?
Big Damage (37) | September 6, 2020 3:13am
My personal Ganesha build for the current patch would be:

Reinforced Shoes > Gauntlet of Thebes > Shogun's Kusari / Pestilence if healing > Sovereignty > Relic Dagger > Spirit Robe / Mantle of Discord > replace boots with Ethereal Staff or any situational item, for example Winged Blade if they have heavy slows.

I would also get Magic Shell and Belt of Frenzy as my relics most of the time unless I situationally needed something else.

For the start Hand of the Gods is a must so get guardians blessing, 4x Healing Potion, Boots and Hand of the Gods.

The rest of the items in Branmuffin17's build are useful situationally so you can make use of them as you see fit.
jgchdjkhg | August 7, 2020 6:11pm
this build has made support fun for me, and I just started ranked in path 7.7. thank you
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 7, 2020 6:54pm
Excellent, I'm really glad it's helped, and of course fun is the name of the game, right?

I've played 2 ranked games this season, one of which was with Ganesha. I love his kit.
Gulfwulf (81) | April 14, 2020 5:08pm
With the Hide of the Nemean Lion nerf, is Spectral Armor a better counter for crits?
Kriega1 (143) | April 14, 2020 6:00pm
If it's a Deathbringer crit build, then yes
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 14, 2020 6:46pm
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Weazolxx | December 5, 2019 11:19am
Hello, i read that her 3 goes trough enemy deployables. "Use to ESCAPE when you need to save your own bacon. Remember it GOES THROUGH ENEMY DEPLOYABLES (such as Odin's Ring of Spears and Ymir's Ice Wall). Combines well with Ohm and Dharmic Pillars (more in the Ability Combos section)"
If i use her 3 against a ymir wall i will get "pushed" aside? anyone can explain this to me? im sorry. Great build BTW!
Branmuffin17 (401) | December 5, 2019 2:40pm
I'll have to retest to confirm, but the concept of going through the deployable (such as Ymir's wall) means you should just go right through it (as long as your end point is not in the middle (inside) of the wall. This is a significant advantage over most dashes.

And thank you, glad you like!
Gulfwulf (81) | December 5, 2019 7:32pm
I can help you test that if necessary.
CafPow | August 28, 2019 6:09am
additional Question.
His Passive gives away all kills, Gods and Minions included. Does this also count for Stacking Items, let's say the Carry has Devo's and i'm killing a Minion. Should count him for a stack, no?
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 28, 2019 7:47am
Yes. You gift the kill, it counts for sure.
Kriega1 (143) | August 28, 2019 6:35am
Yeah I think it does if you're in assist radius. Might have to double check it somewhere though or search online.
CafPow | August 17, 2019 10:55am
another question (sorry if this is considered spamming ^^)
you postet only Midgardian Mail, in "final Build" and in "options" too.
Do you mean Mystical for one of them? I guess Mystical could be good for a little bit of extra Damage, since one is in the Middle of Fights a lot.
Also, when in another role, i don't hit a lot on that Meatbag when there are ADCs / Assassins / Mages to focus. So it makes Midgardian weaker, i'd guess...?
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 17, 2019 11:22am
Hey Caf,

Not spamming, good questions. I'm guessing you're referring to the Conquest build tab, last build in the list? It's still an example build, so you have an option to build a variety of items of your choosing.

Mystical Mail, though, is just not one I would suggest in most cases. Yes, it can provide a bit of added damage, but you need to understand that the "40 damage" every second is the base damage. It counts as magical damage, and as such is subject to mitigations. Although Ganesha can output pretty decent damage (especially with his ult), Mystical isn't something you should consider just for extra damage.

Mystical's most common usage (when it's even purchased, these days) is for pressure in the early game, when protections are lower, and you're in, say, Solo lane. It helps clear minion waves more quickly, which means you can turn your attentions to the enemy solo and push them back, make them lose farm, etc.

Yes, you have a good point on Midgardian; you have to be hit to take advantage of the passive. It still has a high chunk of health, which is nice, and when enemies DO hit you, the effect is nice. You can get right in their faces with your ult and 3, so with good positioning, it can make you the one they HAVE to hit if they want to hit anything. But again, Midgardian and my build examples are just options. You can build what you want given the situation.

I'm updating this now. If you don't like Midgardian, you can consider Ethereal Staff, or Witchblade (which applies its passive just have to be in range). Or just get more prots.
CafPow | August 17, 2019 11:36am
there's a Tab?
so, ye... conquest. *laughs*
Yeah sometimes i pick Mystical as Bellona in Solo to get that "extra pressure" since first counteritem is physical Prot. But as Support, it's different.
I try to consider a lot of Items and slowly, i get behind it and try out new stuff (sometimes, it sucks ofc ^^). But it's always good to have a Guideline.
Witch seems nice, with Pridwen and the other thingie (i mean the boots) i think one's at 40% CDR which would be nice. Yeah .. Situative.
Thanks a lot for explaining.

what about other offensive options? I usually go Spear or something when i'm feeling "safe" and "solid" so i get that extra damage pressure.
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CafPow | August 17, 2019 8:35am
does guardians blessing and the passive stack?
CafPow | August 17, 2019 10:42am
and YES... the Voicepack / DJ-Skin is really cool. Wish i also had the Neith-One. ^^
PS: the Ult is kinda hard. They need to cross it for it to make Damage. Cool enough, in Casual a lot don't know what it does exactly. ^^
Kriega1 (143) | August 17, 2019 8:44am
I think so, so I think it's fine to last hit if you have an ally nearby.
CafPow | August 17, 2019 9:06am
last hitting is anyway no problem cause of the passive. But since you kinda have a guardians blessing automatically, one could consider taking another starter to get double bonus. That's what i'm thinking about.
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xCudz (1) | February 20, 2019 9:10am
I just want to say, this build made me make an account just to thank you. This made me actually enjoy the support role and I now request it. This guide is AMAZING!
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 20, 2019 10:50am
Hey Cudz, wow, awesome, thanks for the kind words! (Hope you listened to Daft Punk while reading it, hahaha)
cptfalcon25 | September 20, 2018 9:53am
Ty so much for your guidance 👌
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 20, 2018 12:44pm
Hope it was helpful!
DV-8 (35) | September 5, 2018 11:52am
Why don't you include Stone of Binding in your Conquest builds? Do you feel that it's not viable?

Just curious.
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 5, 2018 12:12pm
Oops I need to. Oversight. Thanks =)
RonPerlas (3) | May 8, 2018 9:49pm
love Ganesha :D Thumbs up for me!
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 12, 2018 6:28pm
Thanks Ron!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Branmuffin17
Ganesha - Selflessly Gifting Kills (Y11, All Modes, Patch 11.1, "Year 11")
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