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The Overarching Assault Guide (S9, Patch 9.5, "Slipknot")

107 6 601,501
by Branmuffin17 updated May 21, 2022

Smite God:

Build Guide Discussion 165 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info


Recent updates:

2022/5/20: Guide is current as of Patch 9.5, "Slipknot." Charybdis, Cliodhna, Atlas, Shiva, Yu Huang added. Builds updated.

Revision History

Artwork by Getsukeii via DeviantArt


Hello everyone! My name is Branmuffin17 (PC IGN: Muffinman17), and I'm a SMITEFire admin and casual SMITE player on PC. Welcome to the first guide I created, originally published in 2014 and (sort of) maintained ever since!

This is a general guide for SMITE's Assault mode. It is a comprehensive build-and-tips guide that is designed to apply on a high level to all gods in the Assault mode, organized by class, rather than by individual god.

This guide targets the following players:
  • New players familiarizing themselves with gods/items

  • Regulars that employ rigid, static builds no matter the situation (from relative success or laziness)

  • Regulars that rarely play Assault and don't think about this mode's unique restrictions

  • Regulars looking to improve with or try new gods but dread risking the wrath of jerks in Conquest

  • Regulars that enjoy providing feedback, suggestions, and thoughts (thanks!)
Assault isn't everyone's bag, baby. In many ways, it's less complex and competitive compared to the standard Conquest mode. Unless you're the most positive person in the world and absolutely OMG <3 LOVE <3 every god, you're often going to be stuck with gods that drive you [#*@^%$#] crazy. I personally enjoy that it forces me to play a random god, and matches me up against some really variable team compositions. Being in different situations makes you learn to adapt, and that can only help your game in the long run.

Assault provides some unique experiences that you won't get in other modes (especially Conquest), which also makes it a great mode for beginners in some ways:
  • No worrying about the jungle and getting ganked from around a corner
  • You don't have to ward or hope that others will ward
  • You can't go back to base to buy/heal, so no worrying about timing for that
  • You don't need to know rotations for mid-harpies, Gold Fury, Fire Giant, etc.
As a final thought before we begin, understand that I'm not saying my guide/builds/suggestions are better than anyone else's. I've played the majority of my games in Assault. With time and experience, I have found the following to be helpful to me, and hope it may help others. At minimum, these builds will beat mindless ones. The ideas I'm sharing are meant to get YOU, the reader, to think.

If you get something out of this, hopefully it will help increase your enjoyment of this awesome game. Keep in mind, though, that nothing beats experience. Keep an open mind to what you're doing correctly, as well as what you need to work on, and it's inevitable that you'll improve.

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Assault Overview

What Is Assault?

  • 5 vs. 5, single lane, no jungle (aka ARAM, or "All-Random, All-Mid")

  • Gods are randomly assigned from the entire god pool

  • Trade gods with others during the God Selection stage, or re-roll (only once) using either 25 gems (no!!!) or 125 favor (that's reasonable, at least)

  • Cannot go back to Base/Fountain...only way to heal is via Vital Orbs, HP5, lifesteal, abilities, Healing Potion/ Multi Potion, and Cloak of Meditation

  • As with healing, the only way to buy items is to die. Mostly, try NOT to die, but if you're sitting on a chunk of $$$ (enough to buy at least 1 full item) and you can die without giving the enemy credit, do so strategically (more on this in the Tips section).

  • You start with 3,000 gold. This allows you to buy almost any tier 3 item at the start, if you choose.

  • You start out at level 5. This allows you to activate all abilities, if you want. Why wouldn't you? See my Tips section (under General Tips/Skill Prioritizing) for examples.

  • Stacking items banned from purchase: Book of Thoth, Devourer's Gauntlet, Transcendence, Warlock's Staff.
  • Healing God Rolls: There is a chance a team will roll a healer. If so, the other team will also be given a healer from the same tier. They are categorized in these tiers based on the healing potential they provide to their team. *NOTE* Healers cannot be re-rolled, but they can be traded.

  • Vital Orbs: All four of them spawn 60s into the start of the match and have a respawn time of 60s after being picked up. Players need to walk into these to collect them. Vital Orbs provide:

    • 15% Increased movement speed for the player who picked up the Orb for 10s.
    • 15% instant Health and Mana heal for the player and allies within 60 units.
    • 1% Health and Mana regeneration per second aura for 10s around the player. This affects all allies within 60 units.

Main Assault Concepts

What does this mean? Either you have to be an insanely great player that can dodge EVERYthing thrown your way, or you should build mindfully for sustained and extended play. Thus, lifesteal (via items or abilities), HP5, MP5, Cloak of Meditation, aura and protection items have heightened importance for ALL gods.

You're going to see some interesting and unbalanced team compositions in Assault. In certain circumstances, building protections can really help your survival. Yes, in Assault, you CAN buy Breastplate of Valor as a Mage and not be laughed at or ridiculed (as long as there are 4-5 physical enemies). So plan ahead. Before the game even starts, think about the following to help counter-build the enemy:

  • Tanks: How many tanks on each team? If more than 1, who will tank, and who can go bruiser? How much penetration will you need to build against enemy tanks?

  • Healers: Healers on both teams? Which ones? Self or group healing? Will their healing be sufficient enough that you won't need HP5 items like Emerald Talisman/ Stone of Gaia? Do you need to build Divine Ruin, Brawler's Beat Stick, or Pestilence to counter the healer? What about the relic Curse?

  • Your team composition (# magical vs. # physical): Is your team balanced? If you have 5 physical gods, expect them to build physical protection, against which you'll need more penetration to remain effective with damage output.

  • Enemy team composition (# magical vs. # physical) and type (how many ranged vs. how many melee): If the enemy team is heavily skewed toward one type (mostly melee or mostly magical, for example), you can counter-build to gain an advantage.

  • Individual enemy gods of note: e.g. if you see Ares, and you don't have an ability that gets you out of it, you'll probably want to get Purification!

Finally, remember that if you die, you're likely feeding most of the enemy team. Constant teamfight often means everyone contributes to a kill. It's better to play a bit conservatively and back off, if you've got the means to jump back into the fight within a reasonable amount of time after you've healed up. If you've built up 5k gold, though, try to pick an opportune time to die to a tower, so as not to give the enemy a cash bonus. Even choosing when to die is important (see my Tips section, under Location Scenarios/Suicide Backing (and dying Strategically)).

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Relic Essentials


What are Relics? They are a type of activatable item with long cooldowns that provide extra abilities. You are provided 2 slots for Relics; at the beginning of a match you are able to choose one, while the other Relic slot contains a Vision Shard that can be replaced once you reach level 12. Once you choose a relic and leave your base, you can no longer sell it.

There are 3 tiers for each relic. The 1st tier is free. The 2nd tier provides a small decrease in cooldown at a cost of 300 gold. The 3rd tier provides 2 upgrade options with enhanced effects at an additional cost of 500 gold over the tier 2 version. If you're willing to spend the gold, you can upgrade your relic up to max even at level 1.

With this in mind, having a balance of various Relics, along with good teamwork, is essential to getting the most out of them. I will go into detail on use, who should choose, etc., and break these down into 2 sections (ones I consider more critical, and ones that have more niche use).

Although they may save you in a pinch, they're no match for general skill and awareness. E.g., if you're up against an Ares, Purification Beads are great to have, but for all the gods' sakes, please don't bunch up with your teammates!

Critical #1 Relics

These are the relics that are the most helpful to get at the start of the match. They provide you with key early function that can be essential to survival.

Critical #1 Relics

Optional 2nd Relics

Relic #2 can be obtained once you reach level 12 (at the fountain, once you die). You can choose from the above relics, as they are solid picks in most situations. The following relics may also be considered situationally for specific gods.

2nd Relic Options:

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Assassin Builds


Assassins are separated into 2 groups, based on the standard focus of their kits: Ability-Reliant and Basic Attackers. Some of the gods (e.g. Ravana and Nemesis) can be played as hybrids, focusing partially on both abilities and basic attacks.

Ability-Reliant Assassins:

Basic Attack Assassins:

General Assassin Qualities:


+ High single-target damage
+ Decent to good escape abilities

- Usually pretty squishy
- Have to get in close to be effective

Assassins typically focus on offense, so they often build CDR, power, penetration, attack speed, lifesteal, and/or critical damage. Some are ability-dependent (e.g. Bastet), while others' quick basic-attack string (e.g. Kali) make them perfect as melee-ADCs.

Assassins are usually designed for single-target damage, and often struggle in teamfights. Assault can be a difficult mode for them, especially when they face multiple ranged enemies. Your best strategy is to poke when possible, and wait to strike until the enemy team is weakened or an individual is separated from the pack. Building at least one protection item can really help their survivability in this mode.

ALTERNATIVELY, you may find that your team lacks a true tank. Some of the Assassins can work as a Support type by building tanky. Fenrir, Ne Zha, Ratatoskr (via tank acorns) and Ravana are examples of Assassins that can work in this role. If you plan to go this direction, refer to the Warrior Builds chapter for build examples.

Quick note: Most Assassins shouldn't focus on the minion waves except possibly late-game for lifesteal/health...leave that to better wave-clearing gods (usually Mages). Consider a cheap Support sustain starter item such as Sentinel's Gift, Benevolence, or War Flag.

Assassin Build Discussion

Example Ability-Reliant Assassin Builds:


Attack-Canceling Specialist, Anti-Heal

Ability-Reliant Assassin Items:

Example Basic Attack Assassin Build:


Basic Attack Assassin Items:

Example Assassin Builds

Example Assassin builds:

Quick Tags

Guardian Builds



General Guardian Qualities:


+ High protection / survivability
+ Great CC abilities

- Usually lower damage
- Have to get in close to be effective

Guardian builds generally focus on protections, health and CDR. They all rely on abilities for maximum effectiveness, as they often provide a lot of CC / support function. A Guardian's main purpose is usually to be the focus of enemy attention in the front line, and to use their abilities in a timely manner to allow their teammates to secure kills and/or escape to safety. This is hardly glorious, as a great Guardian may not get many kills, but they may also be the biggest reason their team wins.

Some Guardians have great base damage and can work well as bruisers (some offense, some defense). If you find yourself on a team with multiple potential tanks, figure out who should be the main tank, and who can build more damage.

Guardians should usually NOT focus on the minion wave. Using one of the Support starter items (described below) can allow guardians to keep up gold-wise with the rest of the team, and can also be helpful for health/mana sustain in the early game. The upgrades can also be functional.

DO NOT REROLL if you have Ares; he is OP in Assault with his ult.

A Quick Note On Blink Rune

Some Guardians really benefit from getting Blink Rune. Let's go over some of these instances.
Blink Rune Discussion

Guardian Items

With all of the counter-building options, it's difficult to provide a great build list without making it too complex. I will try to keep it simple and provide basic build schemes, and it's up to you to choose supporting items accordingly.

Note that AURA items often have great function in a teamfight mode. Consider these to help the entire team out.

FYI: my playstyle is on the conservative side. I never go full damage as a guardian. Since they have an inherent tankiness (higher base HP and protections), I like to accentuate that with items. The most aggressive build you'll see from me is a form of bruiser. If you want to go full damage, you can check out some build examples from the Mage section. If you are the team healer, you should NEVER build full damage.

Starting Item Considerations:

These are items that you might consider at the start as a Guardian, specifically for their ability to help sustain you through the first portion of a match. Their use depends on the god, and whether or not you have a healer on your team. For the true starter items, you can combo with some tier 3 items due to their low price (such as Sovereignty, Gauntlet of Thebes or Heartward Amulet), while you can also double-up sustain by getting both a starter AND Stone of Gaia for some great selfish health sustain.

If your team has a healer or your god has some personal or situational healing (e.g. Artio, Cerberus), you may consider the more group-oriented HP5 of Sovereignty over the higher but selfish HP5 from Stone of Gaia).

Starting Items

General Item Considerations:

The following item listings are in addition to those already mentioned above, and are generally helpful to tanks. They're separated into 2 categories: Protections & Counter Items, and Bruiser / Utility.

Suggested Protection & Counter Items

Shield of Regrowth
Situational Bruiser & Utility Items

Example Guardian Tank Build:


Example Guardian Healer Build:

Lotus Crown

Example Guardian Bruiser Build:


Example Guardian Builds

Example Guardian builds:

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Hunter Builds


The below categorization may be argued for other modes, but in the constant teamfight mode of Assault, this consideration fits well. All of them can be built either way, but based on their unique kits and the constant teamfight situation of Assault, you may find better effect building based on these categories.

Ability-Reliant / Hybrid Hunters:

Basic Attack Hunters:

General Hunter Qualities:


+ High single target damage
+ Strong late-game

- Squishy
- Extremely reliant on items

Hunter builds focus on attack speed, power, penetration, critical damage, and lifesteal. CDR items make an appearance on ability-reliant and hybrid Hunters, though Fail-Not can be extremely useful for more ults with all gods.

Some Hunters have functional escapes, but others (like Ah Muzen Cab, Artemis, and Skadi) just really suck at getting away. The main role of a Hunter is to do immense late-game damage, so most builds focus on the most efficient build progression to achieve that.

DO NOT REROLL if you have Cupid. Although his healing capabilities are fairly low, any extra team healing options are extremely helpful, and his ult is a huge disruptor. If you don't have a healer on your team, consider prioritizing Share The Love before other abilities to support your team.

Example Hunter Builds

Most stacking items that hunters commonly build in Conquest are not allowed in Assault. This means Devourer's Gauntlet and Transcendence are unavailable, and need to be replaced. These builds look for different ways to remain effective, with emphasis on early lifesteal for sustain.

I won't cover the individual situational items here, but if facing 4+ magical or physical gods, you may consider a single protection item to help your survivability.

Note that my personal preference in many situations is to start with Soul Eater. In a teamfight mode, even basic attackers will have to rely a bit more on their abilities, so a bit of CDR (for more ults, especially!) and a mix of sustain from both basic attacks and abilities is really helpful. You don't have to start with it, but I've found it to be effective, and the reasonable price means you can get a starter item as well. Bloodforge is a traditional alternative for starting health sustain, if you decide you don't want a starter item.

(Top Build: High AS & Sustain / Bottom Build: High DPS & Crit)
Death's Toll Basic Attack Builds

Wind Demon
Cowl / Crit Build

Wind Demon
Arrow / Crit Build

Wind Demon
Hybrid Crit Build

Ability Builds

Quick Tags

Mage Builds


I've categorized Mages into 3 groups: Basic Attack, Healing, and Ability-Damage.

Basic Attack Mages:

Healing Mages:

Ability-Damage Mages:

General Mage Qualities:


+ High damage (some single target, some AOE)
+ Most have good minion wave-clear
+ Many have good utility skills
+ Some of the best group healing in the game

- Super squishy
- Escape ability is often weak
- Extremely reliant on items

Mage builds typically focus on power, penetration, CDR, and lifesteal. This class has both the highest number of individual gods, as well as the widest variety of abilities, including group healing capability, long-range attacks, mid-range attacks, CC, and mobility. Barring the basic attack group (sort of), all are extremely ability-reliant.

Mages are often the first choice for minion wave clearing (e.g. Ra, Anubis, Eset, Kukulkan, Poseidon, and Vulcan). Depending on if you're wave pushing or freezing (more on this in the Tips section under Location Scenarios), it may be best to prioritize clearing the wave before targeting enemy gods.

DO NOT REROLL if you have Ah Puch or Zeus (my suggestion). Ah Puch's abilities have great burst AOE and he can deal a lot of damage. Zeus can get a ton of damage off with his Chain Lightning and Lightning Storm provide stacks for Detonate Charge easily in a teamfight.

Mage Items

In almost all situations, I do not recommend going with a bruiser or tank build; your team is likely going to rely on you for damage output. If you do feel you need to go bruiser (or *puke* tanky), you can reference the Guardian section for some of those builds. The best gods for building with some protections/survivability are Baron Samedi, Hades, Nox and Zhong Kui.

The items I'll be presenting in these categories are not exhaustive lists; they will target some of the most key items that help in teamfight situations. The more you can fit in appropriately into your build, the better.

Key Basic Attack Mage Items

The key stats for magical basic attackers are attack speed, power, and penetration. The below items provide at least one of these stats, but have additional function for teamfight modes.

Key Basic Attack Items

Key Healing Mage Items

The key stat for magical healers is CDR; more CDR = more healing. However, healing can benefit from other stats (e.g. power affects scaling of heals), and item effects can be activated by healing. Here are the key items that can specifically benefit a healer.

Lotus Crown
Shield of Regrowth
Key Healing Mage Items

Key Ability-Damage Mage Items

Ability-Damage mages should mostly just concentrate on the main damage stats: power and penetration. Some gods do better with high CDR, while others do better with burst damage enhancement. In a teamfight mode, some items provide great effects for others than just themselves, while not overly hurting their damage output.

Key Ability-Damage Mage Items:

Example Mage Builds

Example Mage builds:

Quick Tags

Warrior Builds


I've categorized Warriors into two groups...ability-reliant and hybrid / basic attack. Those in the 2nd grouping can work well with a partial or full focus on basic attacks, situationally.

Ability-Reliant Warriors:

Hybrid / Basic Attack Warriors:

General Warrior Qualities:


+ Flexible build styles
+ Great initiation/escape abilities

- Reliant on items
- Have to get in close to be effective

Warrior builds typically focus on a mix of CDR, protection, and utility / counter function, though this is never set in stone. Perhaps more than any other class, their item choices influence their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Tanky builds focus more on protections, health, and counter items

  • Bruiser builds partially target power and penetration

  • Amaterasu, Bellona, Erlang Shen, and Osiris have unique attack progression and thus will sometimes focus on key attack speed items

  • Some Warriors have great mobility, some have strong CC
As you can see, they're all over the place. It can be very important to know the god and how you want to build / play them.

A Quick Note On Blink Rune

Some Warriors really benefit from getting Blink Rune. Let's go over some of these instances.
Blink Rune Discussion

Warrior Items

With all of the counter-building options, it's difficult to provide a build list without making it too complex. I will try to keep it simple and provide basic build schemes, and it's up to you to choose the various options properly.

FYI: I personally never go full damage as a warrior. Since they have an inherent tankiness, I like to accentuate that with items. The most aggressive build you'll see from me is a form of bruiser. If you want to go full damage, I'm sure you've got enough experience and knowledge to build the way you want.

Part of your build structure is going to depend on your role on the team. In some cases, you'll be relied upon as the main tank. In other cases, you can focus more on damage.

Starting Item Considerations:

These are items that you might consider at the start as a Warrior, specifically for their ability to help sustain you through the first portion of a match. Their best use depends on the god, and whether or not you have a healer on your team. With the starter items Sentinel's Gift and War Flag, you can combo with some tier 3 items due to their low price (such as Sovereignty or Heartward Amulet), while you can also double-up by getting both a starter AND Stone of Gaia for some incredible health sustain.

If your god has some personal healing (e.g. Chaac, Hercules), you may consider the more group-oriented HP5 of Sovereignty over the higher but selfish HP5 from Stone of Gaia). Consider Blackthorn Hammer as a bruiser option to provide some power, CDR and mana sustain, or think about Breastplate of Valor or Genji's Guard to counter unbalanced enemy team comps.

Starting Item Options

General Item Considerations:

The following item listings are in addition to those already mentioned above, and are generally helpful to tanks. They're separated into 2 categories: Protections & Counter Items, and Bruiser / Utility.

Suggested Protection & Counter Items

Caduceus Shield
Shield of Regrowth
Situational Bruiser & Utility Items

Example Ability-Reliant Tank Build (With Team Healer):

This is an example build if you are the main tank for your team, and your team has a source of healing that can support you. Provides high balanced protections, good health and CDR.


Example Ability-Reliant Bruiser Build:

This is an example bruiser build when you don't have to be the main tank, focusing on items with CDR, mana sustain, power, and some protections.


Example Basic Attack Bruiser Build:

This is an example build for a basic attacking Warrior, providing some early protections against highest threat of damage, control via Frostbound Hammer's slow, and a variety of AS and utility to allow you to be aggressive and still take some damage.


Example Warrior Builds

Example Warrior Builds:

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Tips & Scenarios

This chapter contains an assortment of tips, scenarios and other things that others have suggested to be added. Some parts might be long-winded and lacking pictures =( Thanks to everyone for their feedback!

Item Scouting, Skill Leveling w/ Point Skipping

Minions as a Resource, Self-Healing & Lifesteal

No tanks on your team? No problem! (Substitute Tank Discussion & Ratings)

Counter Building: Unbalanced Team Compositions & Enemy Healing

Lane Pushing / Lane Freezing:

Suicide Backing / Strategic Dying / Damage Tagging

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Quick Definitions & References

Here are some helpful references and tools:

Here is a quick list of some of the abbreviations/terms that I use in this guide:
  • ADC: Attack Damage Carry. Refers to a god (usually a Hunter) whose main form of attack is the basic one (left click!), and whose effectiveness usually peaks late-game, from having a full item build centered around max damage potential.
  • AOE: Area Of Effect. Refers to abilities that have the ability to hit an area, rather than a single target.
  • AS: Attack Speed. Caps at 2.5.
  • CC: Crowd Control. An effect from an item or ability that limits or prevents an opponent from moving or taking action. Examples include slow, cripple, freeze, and silence.
  • CDR: CoolDown Reduction. Usually from items, this reduces the time it takes for your abilities to become available again after previous use. Caps at 40%.
  • HP5: Health (Hit Points) regenerated per every 5 seconds
  • MP5: Mana (Mana Points) regenerated per every 5 seconds
  • MS: Movement Speed. Has diminishing effects as you build more and more.
  • RNG: Random Number Generator. Term used for abilities (especially crit items) that have a percent chance to activate. Sometimes frowned upon as this brings a bit of luck into an otherwise skill-based game.
  • Tank: generally of the Warrior or Guardian class, built mainly with protection items
  • Bruiser: generally of the Warrior or Guardian class, built with both protection and damage items. Can also include an Assassin built with protections.
  • Squishy: Low HP gods (usually Assassins, Hunters, and Mages)
  • Magical (gods): Guardians and Mages
  • Physical (gods): Assassins, Hunters and Warriors
  • Penetration: A stat that helps bypass an enemy's inherent or item-based protection. I tend to lump penetration (e.g. Jotunn's Wrath) and protection reduction (e.g. The Executioner) in the same category for ease of consideration regarding general function. It's a lot more complex than that, so I suggest reading this article by Professor Proxy in your spare time.

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Some Of My Guides

If you liked this guide, check out my other ones below!

The Overarching Series

Assault Guide

Conquest Guide

Individual God Guides

An Alcoholic's Chugging Guide

Pulsing to
the Beat

Gifting Kills

Shifu Guan Yu:
The Battle

Loki: The Backstabbing Bastard

Medusa: Getting Everyone Stoned


So that's it! Thanks for reading! I hope it's been helpful and enjoyable. Please feel free to provide feedback...let me know if you think my build structure sucks (and provide reasons why, and propose an alternative), or if you would like me to add some specific content, or have suggestions on presentation/formatting.

And okay, the jumping party at the beginning (before minions spawn) is fun. But my suggestion...don't tempt the jerks that will ruin your party before it even starts!


Brandon / PC IGN: Branmuffin17

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Devampi (105) | February 10, 2021 10:03am
took a quick look at it as I haven't played assault yet this season.

might be useful to note you only get 1 reroll per player.

Also starts look mostly fine, I would however not go for Gilded Arrow builds or at least grab it to start. The wave contesting teammates will ruin you. Better to grab something else.

also no clue if it suffers from the same problem as joust, however do you hit lvl 20 before finishing your build as in joust it happens that you're able to swap an item instead of upgrading your starter.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 10, 2021 10:24am
Good note add for reroll.

I'll argue that starting Gilded in this isn't so much for gold gain or attack speed. The bonus basic attack damage will still be functional, but really it's in preparation for the later upgrades, which are just very strong.

You can always sell the starter rather than upgrade it...unless I'm missing the point there?
Devampi (105) | February 11, 2021 9:47am
it's more that if you grab it for late game it's better to pull a animosity and buy it at lvl 20 (or not at all as you can be 6 items at that point). I just feel starting it is gonna feel weak.
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Branmuffin17 (401) | February 8, 2021 5:32pm
Holy hell did this S8 update take waaaaay too long. But it was due a huge update, so I've done it. For the 3 people that care about this guide, this mode, and don't mind checking, would love some feedback XD
boogiebass (46) | February 9, 2021 11:09am
"For the 3 people that care about this guide...". Wow way to exclude everyone except for Kriega, BD, and Devampi.
I 100% bet those were the 3 you were talking about.
Gulfwulf (81) | February 9, 2021 11:50am
I care about it. :P
Big Damage (37) | February 9, 2021 11:25am
Official statement here that I do not care.
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Branmuffin17 (401) | February 9, 2021 11:24am
I think Dev can appreciate my Assault guide, it being one of the longest-running guides on the site. I doubt Biggie cares, and I know for sure Kriega couldn't give 2 rats' ***es.

I was thinking of Gulf and Dev for sure. I was hoping there would be 1 other person in the universe that might appreciate this as's a long shot, but you gotta have hope, you know?
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Big Damage (37) | February 8, 2021 11:20pm
Sorry you've used all my feedback tokens. To gain more click '+Rep'.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 9, 2021 9:51am
I just gave you one like 3 days ago! What a needy bastard...
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Revenant7755 (1) | August 2, 2020 9:16am
I know you don't update the guide much, so I'll just ask: Why didn't you add teleport glyph as a situational relic? I mean it can be extremely useful for catching up with the rest of the team if their winning and there towers are stil up, and upgrading it can allow even faster travel. I know it is extremely rare, but it can happen.
Kriega1 (143) | August 2, 2020 10:56am
Because Teleport Glyph is not worth it in assault.
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 2, 2020 12:07pm
Basically this, but also because you 1) need to upgrade it to teleport to wards, for example, which is the main situation for being super far from the team when you respawn. It's better to have that 500 gold for other items as items are the priority since you can't back and buy.

2) When people hit level 12, you lose your free ward, AND pretty much no one will be getting wards as a consumable. This makes it fairly worthless.
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Branmuffin17 (401) | February 18, 2020 12:59pm
For the 5 of you that care about Assault, I've finally updated the guide =P
Gulfwulf (81) | February 18, 2020 1:13pm
'Bout time. :P
Devampi (105) | February 18, 2020 3:56pm
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HashtagYouDead | January 21, 2020 10:56am
This guide has been so helpful, I would love to see it updated. Thank you for the work you put into it.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 18, 2020 12:59pm
Hey Hash, sorry, I apparently missed this message...but it was on the update schedule, and it's finally done. Sorry it took so long.
FootFetish (4) | August 21, 2019 7:31pm
Hi bran! i hope you're having a chill day.

In the tips part, you specificate:

Wind Demon: Crits reduce healing by 40% for 8 seconds.

A perfect counter item for a basic attacking Assassin or Hunter.

That's not anymore like that ofc, so yeah.
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 21, 2019 7:40pm
Work's been absolute hell. I don't even touch my phone all day these days.

ERRR...hmmm...good catch. Obviously I don't review some sections very often. I'll make that change next update...not sure when that will be. Appreciate the find though!
FootFetish (4) | August 22, 2019 4:41am
don't worry Bran! you don't have to be 24/7 to the disposal of this site. I'll keep reviewing to help you and when you can or when you want you can correct them. It's okay, take time for yourself :)
Gulfwulf (81) | July 31, 2018 1:54pm
Bran, you don't list Baron Samedi and Ravana's now an assassin. :P
Kriega1 (143) | July 31, 2018 2:01pm
I would list Baron under Mid and Solo.
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 31, 2018 2:09pm
(This is the Assault guide, Kriega)

@Gulf, good call. I hadn't updated. Will do that really quick.
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DV-8 (35) | July 31, 2018 1:59pm
It is updated as of Patch 5.12
boogiebass (46) | June 14, 2018 12:30pm
Future update request: I would suggest listing items that are banned in assault.
Branmuffin17 (401) | June 14, 2018 12:46pm
Adding now (I do give multiple examples in the Assault Overview section, but don't list all).

Do me a favor...confirm the following for me: Doom Orb, Gauntlet of Thebes, Talisman of Energy.
Branmuffin17 (401) | June 14, 2018 3:13pm
Tentatively final list added. It's to the right of the map. Listed items right now: Book of Thoth, Devourer's Gauntlet, Doom Orb, Gauntlet of Thebes, Talisman of Energy, Transcendence, Warlock's Staff. Still to confirm: Shaman's Ring.

Also added a bit of extra wording to the Guardian and Warrior sections regarding considered starting items if you have self-healing. Boogie, I'm looking at you.
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Gulfwulf (81) | June 14, 2018 1:21pm
I know that Thebes is banned; I'll have to test the others.
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boogiebass (46) | June 14, 2018 12:52pm
yes, i meant a comprehensive list. you also missed Warlock's Staff
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Kriega1 (143) | May 16, 2018 12:53pm
Not too sure about the Basic attack mage builds for Sol/ Chronos. It has 50% CDR. Divine Ruin is also a great pickup in Assault against ever-present healing. Pythagorem's Piece is nice for the team but I would rather get more power for Chronos/ Sol considering you are picking up Hastened Ring and Demonic Grip.

I would build this instead: Chronos' Pendant, Shoes of the Magi, Divine Ruin, Bancroft's Talon, Demonic Grip, Hastened Ring.

Also a good Freya start would be Specialist's Blessing and Pythagorem's Piece, I might be wrong on that though. Hastened Ring or Demonic Grip may be better paired with it.

And how good is Hunter's Blessing and Asi start for hunter in assault compared to Bloodforge? It gives extra gold for further items/potions/chalices.
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 16, 2018 1:44pm
Oops, I screwed up. I breezed past the basic attack builds for Sol/Chronos. Thanks for taking the time to review. I like that build. I agree also with focusing on their abilities first and getting into basic attack function late. I'll use that build as the example if you don't mind. Will give credit in the update section at the top.

For Freya, I do find Specialist's Blessing (which I do suggest) to be a weird item, but one that fits in the end. Although she doesn't heal allies, she should still get stacks quickly, and I'm pairing it with Hastened Ring early for that extra MS and the AS, which as you know she needs to do any reasonable amount of damage. Also like the CDR that comes with it. I strongly would prefer Ring, personally, over Pythag's, though I can see how that has some appeal for immediate team benefit. Guess I'm just selfish that way =P

I've honestly never done a Hunter's Blessing + Asi start. I like the lifesteal potential out of it, along with extra cash for whatever. Since some damage is going to come from abilities early game when my basic attack DPS isn't all that great (safer to poke, item reliant), I'll expect Blessing to be fully stacked before I even die (unless I start like *** and die quickly). So the inherently high power from Bloodforge is a better balance for overall DPS (along with that power having at least some effect on scaling of damaging abilities). With stacking items not being available, BF has just been my go-to, and I'm very comfortable with it.
Gulfwulf (81) | May 16, 2018 3:48pm
The next time I play an AA hunter, I'll try out the Hunter's Blessing/ Asi start because I'm not crazy about buying Bloodforge first and spending all but 200 of my starting gold. I would definitely keep it for ability hunters like Skadi and Hou Yi.
boogiebass (46) | October 12, 2017 11:57am
I would like to bring to your attention how powerful lotus crown is as a first item, in this game mode, on Hel or Terra (due to their huge AoE heals). I've played a couple games with this, and it has allowed my team to be very aggressive early. +20 dual protections is A LOT early game.

I like playing these lovely ladies (I was gonna make a MILF joke about Terra, but my better judgement tells me not to) as tanky support medics. So my build for both of them would look something like:
lotus crown
shoes of your choice (reinforced/focus for Terra and magi/focus for Hel)
Breastplate of Valor
Rod of Asclepius (Keep your guys alive!)
Shogun's Kusari to support a good ADC or Pestilence (if no one else builds it)
Void Stone (Help an offensive mage)

Getting lotus crown instead of boots or BoV on Hel hurts her survival chances, so stay in the back and pop heals/use your #2 to debuff/buff enemies/allies. lotus crown also includes MP5, so you won't be running out of Mana too fast.
boogiebass (46) | October 12, 2017 12:06pm
I don't play Chang'e or Aphrodite, so I don't know how well this would work on them.

I haven't had the chance to play Ra in this gametype, so I can't say how well this will or won't work.

Bran, next time we play Assault together, and you get either Hel or Terra, try this out.
Gulfwulf (81) | October 15, 2017 10:02am
RNG hasn't been kind to me, but I have played a few games with Ra using the lotus crown and I think it makes a difference. It's especially great when an enemy team has an assassin like Loki who's gunning for you. I think I pissed one off because he only managed to kill me once or twice during a ten minute match (his team surrendered) and he died every time he got near me. I'll try this on Hel and/or Terra if I ever get either again...
Branmuffin17 (401) | October 12, 2017 1:18pm
I'll try it out. I agree it has good potential, but it all depends on what you prefer. In my case, I think I value starting with CDR for most healers, more than anything else. I guess I would consider this if there were 4+ physical gods, 3+ if they were all high damage. The MP5 isn't too bad either, and the cheap price would still allow me to get at least Sands of Time.

It's a good suggestion.
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