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Greetings! I'm DecimusBrutalis, a user playing MOBA games (namely League of Legends) for quite some time. I picked up this game a little while ago and despite being a free champion, find Ra to be my second favorite MP carry in the game, only behind Poseidon. He has a nice heal/damage AoE, a nasty, long range burn, a blind that can royally piss off any range champion near you, and an ult that will rot anyone in a row. All in all, I find this to be a very safe pick for any newcomers to the game, and a nice champion to have in the back pocket for any seasoned veterans. I've based this guide for more quick paced games, namely arena, as it's a very glass-cannon build that will nearly oneshot anyone without high magic resist.
HIGH Burst
Nice utility set
Blind effectively a hard CC
High Risk, High Reward Ult
Very Squishy
No escape
no *actual* hard CC
High Risk, High Reward Ult - it's easy to see and dodge
basically, the pros vs cons are
One Shotting vs One Shottable.
Celestial Beam
Your bread and butter. It has a nice range, and a beam comes along in a line from the sky at a relatively fast pace. It has no ramp up time, activating almost instantly, so close enemies have no chance to dodge it. With a fairly low cooldown, use this to farm minions, and hitting enemies with it at full build will rot about 30-50% of their health. Finish them with an ult afterwards. 70% magic power scaling, so about 600-700 extra scaling full build, no consumables.
Divine Light
I max this ability last because I really prefer not to rush into enemies. It is a VERY nice ability late game against all types of enemies, but early game if you get close enough to use this, you will die. Note that it has a 3 second ramp up time, so you should either charge it before you go in, or use it before you get focused by assassins. It does have a slow to help catch people though. It will blind people FACING YOU, so keep this in mind. It will help you juke melees, blind ranged archers, etc. It will simply piss off your enemy because they will see NOTHING they're doing. My favorite thing in arena is charging it, running to a pillar, and running away once it goes off, watching the melee continue around the pillar before realizing I'm nowhere close anymore. All in all, a good one-point-wonder type of spell.
Solar Blessing
This ability is so ignored, that it's an absolute blessing to have (HA. HA). It buffs any ally in it, healing them and doing more damage, while any enemy in the area has the opposite effect: they're damaged and do less damage. It has the width of about 3-4 gods, so it's a nice area, and will hit enemy minions and heal your own, so it's amazing for pushing waves. Note that as this game is still in its relative infancy, it seems a very high lack of players understand it heals allies, so make sure your allies in Assault or Arena know it. Finally, if you have any gods like Ymir, Odin, or Ares on your team, where they have god-placement control, toss this ability accordingly to assist your allies well.
Searing Pain
The big kahuna. The ace in the hole. The holy **** what just happened to their face.
this ability at full rank will do SEVEN HUNDRED (7-0-0) damage to anybody in a ridiculously long line, plus >100%< of your magic power. That adds up to about 1500-2000 damage based on book of thoth farm and consumables. If any damage at all has been done to a god, this will kill them.
So there's a catch, right?
Sadly, yes. It doesn't say it in its description, but it takes about a second and a half to fire, and you rise up into the air in a near crucifixion type way, so if enemies are paying attention they will not get hit. The hit radius is about two gods wide, so it's easy to avoid, but easy to land if they're predictable or not paying attention as well. Simply, only land if they're, for example, running back to base in a straight line, have a lot of their team in a cluster, or are CC'd.
Basically, use common sense in buying and don't be stupid on the field. Use your AoE to heal allies and hurt enemies, poke them with your celestial beam, and use your ult to finish them off. Do not get in their face because you are a glass cannon - you will get wiped out relatively quickly. You can stand a single non-assassin enemy toe to toe with your lifesteal, extra health, and burst, but a team will wipe you out.
Get MP, Win.
Don't. You're a mage.
Please don't.
If you are DEAD SET on jungle ra, I can try to help, but it's a really really bad idea
Jungle creeps will hit you hard compared to other, melee champions, but ideally, you open by channeling a blinding light. Rush in when it detonates, celestial beam, and AoE to heal yourself/damage them.
Order of Buffs in my ideal mind:
Damage - It's Damage
Speed - Faster speed to lanes or other camps
Mana - You might have issues?
Cooldown Reduction - You really don't have long cooldowns to begin with, but faster ults mean quicker good ganks, I suppose. It's really not that vital.
In Arena Mode, you should generally be helping team and rotting carries, but if they're all back/dead, you won't be ganked, don't want to back, and your wave is ready to enter their portal, pick up Damage Buff and Speed Buff - you won't be as easy to catch or hit, and you'll hit harder. CD reduction will mean faster ult as well, but the mana buff is near negligible. Book of Thoth and
Rod of Tahuti give you enough mana to last until you inevitably die in the arena or back.
In a teamfight, your role is simple: kill. Place your Solar Blessing under where the main bruisers will be, as that's a relatively static area of fighting. Beam through the middle of as many as possible, hitting their carries as you can. If you are being dived, as you very well might be, try to pre-charge your blind to avoid them. Finally, ult through as many as possible to wrap it up. Most of the time the fight will split up as most ults are used, but do not chase unless you're worth a kill - rushing in means most likely dying, unless their entire team is in retreat ahead of you. If you cannot see someone, they are a threat
Note that a dead team is better than a 70 second death timer by trying to go back and doing nothing anyway. If you get ulted by Ares, Loki, or Fenrir, your best bet is probably to live to see another day, because that will HURT. I suggest getting an Aegis, because invulnerability to ultimate attacks is always a good idea!
Just remember, Stay Thirsty My Friends.
Thirsty for blood!
So you've gotten assigned Ra in assault, huh? Well, I'm here to explain just the right mechanics to go through it with a positive outcome (provided the RNG gods haven't completely abandoned you)
First, put a point in every spell, with a 2nd in Q. Follow the normal skill path from the guide.
To start out, I suggest level 2 Bancroft's Talon, level 2 Boots of the Magi, plus a Meditation for the sustain that is so direly needed in assault, or 3 mana potions, 2 health
Now, based on your teamcomp, you're most likely going to be an Isis-type mage in this mode: the support and burst mage. You are, in most cases barring a hel, guan yu, or the sort (which most people don't have as they aren't on free week and aren't insta-buys), the only healing in the game. This puts you at a unique, colossally important position. You will be poking with Q as much as possible, as it's relatively static damage that takes a chunk of their health and they can't regen unless waiting it out. Otherwise, stay in the back of your team, and Solar Blessing to heal your team to full. They will LOVE you for it. If the enemy team has a Hades use Solar Blessing on top of the ult to possibly save any teammates from the instant death. Remember everyone has their ults from the start, so they are usually very quickly blown as soon as a teamfight breaks out - you must stay away from the frontline or you will die very quickly.
All in all, you play the roll as pusher, poker, and healer for your team. If they have no tanks, they most likely will have no MR, in this case you can end up getting a Shoes of Focus instead of the penetration boots, but otherwise there won't be too much variation aside from Book of Thoth-->Pythagorem's Piece. If you get Meditation I suggest
Salvation as the upgrade, because even though it'll end up a lot less health for you, it's healing your entire team for a solid several hundred. Finally, stock up on mana potions - you will need them to keep your team healed with spammed Solar Blessing.
Also, if their team is literally *all* physical, it is NOT a bad idea to pick up a Hide of the Nemean Lion in place of your staff or book of thoth replacement, as it's a solid number of health, a lot of armor, and damage return before mitigation. Tell your tank to pick up a sovereignty, and GG. Again, the RNG Gods can be cruel, so take advantage of unconventional team compositions.
This is my first actual guide to building a champion, and as such I'd like (constructive!) criticism! I'm looking forward to updating very actively, because there's nothing more suspicious than a guide with 300+ upvotes that's 300+ days since its last update. Keep your questions and suggestions updated in the comments, and I'll be happy to respond/update the guide. I'm looking forward to placing a video section, as well as a 'Suggestions from You' section with completely accredited info directly to who suggested it.
I hope you liked the guide, and I hope you do well!
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This build doesn't work for me.
Die too fast und do not enough damage. Standard Build works better.
this guide is outdated. the author didnt update since a long time ago
Die too fast und do not enough damage. Standard Build works better.
Hey, i keep seeing these boots of the magi on posts on here but i don't see them in the god builder, only shoes of the magi and they're totally different and not as good? why cant i find them?
these are the beta
p.s. sorry for my poor english
Best Ra build here, brutal destructive in Joust, 14/2/7, keep working on builds, nice job, gl hf.
Thanks! I'll try to update it more so it's good, AND up to date :)