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Hades is the Best(December Update)

13 3 41,916
by alphacar updated December 30, 2013

Smite God: Hades

Build Guide Discussion 11 More Guides
Choose a Build: Tank all day everyday
Tank all day everyday AP Mana Killer
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Hades Build

Starting off

Build Item Vampiric Shroud Vampiric Shroud
Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Laning phase

Build Item Plated Greaves Plated Greaves
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings

Mid to late game

Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Wall of Absolution Wall of Absolution
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings


Build Item Potion of Magical Might Potion of Magical Might
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion


Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Witchblade Witchblade
Build Item Watcher's Gift Watcher's Gift
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin

Hades's Skill Order

Death From Below

1 X Y
Death From Below
1 9 15 16 17

Shroud of Darkness

2 A B
Shroud of Darkness
3 4 6 7 11

Devour Souls

3 B A
Devour Souls
2 8 10 12 14

Pillar of Agony

4 Y X
Pillar of Agony
5 13 18 19 20
Death From Below
1 9 15 16 17

Death From Below

1 X
Hades descends into the ground and erupts from below at his ground location, doing damage to all enemies in the area. If the enemy is Blighted, they are also Slowed. Applies Blight.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Slow Duration: 2s
Radius: 20
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 14s
Shroud of Darkness
3 4 6 7 11

Shroud of Darkness

2 A
Hades silences all enemies in a cone in front of him. If the enemy is Blighted, they are also Feared. Applies Blight.

Ability Type: Cone, Crowd Control
Silence: 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2s
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9s
Devour Souls
2 8 10 12 14

Devour Souls

3 B
Hades devours the souls of his enemies, dealing damage in an area around him. Blighted enemies hit by this ability are Detonated, dealing damage to enemies and healing your allies around the Detonated targets. Enemy gods only take 50% of the damage from Detonating Blights.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Damage: 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 (+85% of your Magical Power)
Detonated Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Detonated Healing: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80
Detonation Radius: 20
Radius: 20
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 10s
Pillar of Agony
5 13 18 19 20

Pillar of Agony

4 Y
Hades calls to all enemy souls nearby, creating a Vortex which drags targets toward him, dealing damage every .5s for 4s. For each enemy hit Hades reduces his ability cooldowns by 0.4s. If the enemy is Blighted, their Protections are reduced. Hades also gains Protections and 10% damage mitigation for the duration.

Ability Type: Circle, Vortex, Damage
Damage per Tick: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 (+35% of your Magical Power)
Protections: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160
Protections Debuff: 10% + 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
Protections Debuff Lifetime: 4s
Radius: 30
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s


Welcome to my Hades guide for all of those who need help on Hades.Hades is a Magical ranged tank.This is quite unique for a tank. Hades is the Greek god of the Underworld and riches.He decides if you are noble enough to live a great afterlife or shall perish.Of course he is the brother of Zeus, Poseidon,Hera,Demeter,Hestia and Chiron.

Pros / Cons


  • Good lane clearing
  • Good escape
  • Self-heal
  • Ult is good for team fight


  • Sucks getting buffs alone
  • May die in team fights if ult is used
  • A ranged magical tank...
  • low damage if tank build
  • Purification Beads can be a B****

Overall Hades is a good god. His damage is low but he makes it up with his tankyness. The fact that he is a bit of a mage is quite good if you don't want to take much damage. But he is a tank so he has to be on the front line and stuff like that.



Your basic attacks and Death From Below applies a debuff called blight. Blight gives an extra effect to your abilities.


An underground jump that does 50/90/130/170/210(+70% of your magical power) of magical damage. When enemy is blighted they're slow by 20/25/30/35/40%. Death From Below can be use as an escape, to close some distances or as an initiator.
Cooldown: 12 seconds-Applies blight

A cone attack that will silence the enemy for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 second(s) and, if blighted, the enemy will also be feared. If you don't want the enemy god to escape or/and want to a kill, use this move so the enemies can't.
Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11 seconds-Cost: 50/55/60/65/70

In a 20ft radius around you will do 75/110/145/180/215(+60% of your magical power) magical damage and, if blighted, enemies will detonate damage to nearby enemies and detonate heal to allies.
Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11 seconds-Cost: 65/75/85/95/105-Detonate Damage: 20/27/34/41/48(+50% of your magical power)-Detonate Heal:30/40/50/60/70(+15% of your magical power)

In a 30ft radius Hades will bring enemies closer to him for 4 seconds so he can give them a kiss that does 45/60/75/90/105(+30% of your magical power) for .5 sec and 40/50/60/70/80 protection so you can be HARD. If blighted enemies will reduced their protection so they can receive the kiss. Good with other gods' ult like Ao Kuang who sends a dragon to give a gentle breeze or Ra beam of sunshine. A lot of AoE damage can be done.
Cooldown: 90 seconds-Cost:100

A good combo you can do is 1+2+3(which equals to 6). You can surprise the enemy god, silence
them so they can't do anything, and then finally devour their souls to do damage and heal. Another combo is 1+3(=4) which is just to clear lanes or damage the enemy.


Items are what makes the god. Any item you buy during any part of the game can really make the difference. And with Hades it really matters.There are 2 ways to build Hades:Tank or All damage with little defense. I am not going to explain both in this chapter because that would be a waste of time for me and you.


Tank Hades, in my opinion, is the better Hades. So lets begin!

Starting Off

It is always good to start off with this item. For each enemy you kill you are healed by ten in health and mana. Near the end of the laning phase and the beginning of mid-game it would be advise to replace it with Wall of Absolution. That heal is good early in the game.
To clear those pesky camps in the beginning and help get blue buff for your partner. Best to wait a little before using it on camps.

Laning Phase

Getting both physical and magical defense right off the bat. Plus these are like boots so there unique is a 18% speed boost. Greaves for the speed and defense.
65 Physical defense and 450 health is got to have a tank. Th aura is to give allies in a 70ft radius a +20 physical and magical boost which is really good in team fights and op late game.
For about 3 sec your ground speed will increase by 30%. It is not expected of you to buy it on its final level so don't try to buy it all. Another escape if you want to get far away or you want to get to your allies quickly and body block.

Mid to Late game

After replacing Vampiric Shroud with this item, you'll be getting 60 magical protection and 450 health. The passive is that when below 25% you'll take 50% less damage for 1 sec. That helps to stay in fights plus dat health!
Time to get 70 magical protection and 15 HP5 and MP5. The passive makes you gain back 2% of you health every 5 sec. A very nice heal if you are low but you want to get in the action.
Better get 60 more physical protection and 30 magical power(**** you 15 MP5). The passive is that every time you're hit by an basic your physical protection by 15 for 5 sec(3 max stacks). Anybody who physical can't bust you or your physical protection WILL RISE!
Now your done building protection. Giving yourself 40 magical power and 15 magical penetration. Passive is that if an enemy god is hit by an ability then their protection is reduced by 10 and an extra 10% for 5 sec(max 2 stacks). This is goo for your ult. Death From Below+ Pillar of Agony=Death everywhere.
Deals 480 damage to minions, camps and the Minotaur. If the Gold fury and Fire Giant are at least at 25% health then it will die automatic! A viable tool for a tank
For 5 sec your ground speed should increase by 50%. Should be finished off by now. DAT ESCAPE!


Replace Soverieghty if the enemy team has a mainly physical god (like 4/5 of them). In order for them to fight against this they have to build POWER,PENETRATION, and LIFESTEAL.
Witch Stone
Replace Wall of Absolution if the your team isn't being that offensive and if you're not getting at least 1 kill.
Replace Vampiric Shroud if you know you not going to get enough gold but it will still be replace by Wall of Absolution.
Replace Spear of the Magus if you need/want that extra defense.

AP Mana Killer

This is a build that I use for the mid lanes. just a heads up, if you finish this build in a game you have 721 magical power if I do my math correctly. That is stronger than friendship! This is a high risk high reward build so if you're successful at surviving then your late game is going to be scary for the other team.

Starting off

Just like the tank build it's good to start off with this. Each enemy killed is 10 health and mana. back A good way to heal early in the game.
Good magical power and mana for the start. The unique is that your movement speed is raised by 18%. You always start with shoes to be faster.

Laning phase

You'll be getting 100 magical power, 125 mana, and 15 MP5. The passive permanently gives you 10 mana per stack(max 75 stacks[gods=5 stacks, minion=1 stack]). And 3% of your mana turns into magical power. Buy this before you finish the shoes so you can get those stacks early.
By now you should have enough to buy these. 50 magical power and 250 mana. The unique is that you gain a 21% movement speed. The passive is that you have a +15 magical penetration. Again the speed and you that penetration to go hard.

Mid to Late game

You'll have 40 magical power and 15 magical penetration. Passive is that if an enemy god is hit by an ability then their protection is reduced by 10 and an extra 10% for 5 sec(max 2 stacks). Again, your ult and blight makes it a must have.
Giving yourself 70 magical power, 10% magical lifesteal, and 300 mana. After you use an ability for the next five seconds your basic will do +100% of your magical power. That mana and passive is the main reason why you get this.
125 more magical power and 15MP5. The passive is that your magical power is increased by 25%. A good way to be come a threat and the ultimate power!
You'll get 100 magical power and 300 mana. The passive is that an ability will take 15% of the maximum health of the enemy god with the highest health. A way to kill easier plus that mana.
Removes all cc effects, makes you immune for 3 sec and reduce cooldown by 5 sec. Good for getting out of sticky situation that you know you're going to die in if you stay.
A good way to to get rid of camps, minions, and secure Fire Giant and Gold Fury. Also to stun enemy gods if they're in range.


focused voidstone
If you are targeted by the enemy mage so much or so many magical on the other team then replace Spear of the Magus.
Replace Polynomicon if the jungler always comes at you and lifesteal ain't goin' to help you with that.
Replace Boots of the Magi with this item. If you you are being out matched early on the game the you might put these shoes on. The cooldown should make you even.


Probably the most important thing in Smite. It a must to buy these so I'm going to make this short.

Healing Potion is a must if you want to survive and don't want to be "feeder".

Mana Potion is another must if you want to do your abilities and outlast the enemy.

Ward or Sentry Ward is a must have at such a low price of 135 or 75 gold. If you are worry about your security and is a victim of multiple ganks, well get them will they're still hot!

Potion of Magical Might is optional if you have the gold to buy it. But if you don't buy it all the kids at the school yard will make fun of you for being poor so I guess you don't have an option.

Nice people to be around

Laning partners

There are few good laning partners for Hades and a few bad ones. It's good to tell a player that is taking there time to picking a god to come you and play the god that is good with Hades. For any god that I didn't put here is because of time purposes and they're moderate gods with Hades.

Red=Should Have Never Be Played With Hades And The Person That Thought It Was A Good Idea To Lane With You Should Go To Prison For Being Alive.


Poseidon and Zeus
The reason why a put the brothers together is because they are basically the same and compliment each other. Their ult are so good together. Best match up for Hades in my opinion. the guys will wreck house out there. Hades why do have to be different than your brothers and grow a mustache and beard already.
Support and a tank, do the math. Hel is that mean girl that you really hate and wish she gone away. Yes she does heals you but really? A support and a tank? Get the HEL outta here. See what I did there!
Ao kuang
That sexy serpent is quite good with Hades. Obviously the ults but also they can really push a lane together without any worries even if they get gank. Ao kuang is man best friend or... erm dragon?
Just like Hel, she is the worst to be with Hades.Aphrodite depends on her partner too much if you think about it. She is like that girl who really likes you and tries to help you but really she is just being annoying. Hades can't control his beautiful looks.
Another support mage? Actually he is quite good with Hades. Ra ult plusHades'= Major, no...Commander in Chief damage! Ra doesn't depend on Hades that much but do need his protection.

Chang'e can not and will not help you push a lane unless she is building AP which isn't likely. The only moves that will do damage will be her 1 and 4 so that means you have to do most of the work. Everyone know Tanks are lazy.
Probably has the greatest burst damage ever + a Support/Tank. This is a match made in heaven. Mummify+ Shroud of Darkness+ Grasping Hands+ Pillar of Agony+ Death Gaze= An Op way to kill somebody. Hard to pull off tho.


A Herc 2.0. Chaaca and he seems to work great with Hades. When you Ult look at Chaac rape face.
A great match up to push the lane and get an assist or kill. You guys are bros 4 lyf. Someone who is built like an assassin but a bit tanky is good in my book.
Another good match up for Hades. The lanes are going to be pushed and the wombo combos.
Most of them you can lane with because they evwewhere and are better off jungling. There are like two who can be with Hades
This guy will secure those kills for you. Your support and his passive are great.. for him.
Thanatos will follow your lead because,like in the mythology, he is Hades's bottom *****.
Idiot-sura(If you see a lot of anime or speak japanese then you will get that joke.)
Nice to have around with you. Major damage and kill securer-erer-er-er-erer.

Physical Ranged

This guy is amazing. Best for you and easily can clear a lanes.
Amusing Cab
This AD caster is quite good with Hades. The Bees! plus blight equals certain death to who ever tries to gank or fight. Ah Muzen Cab can really clear lanes too.


All of them are only good for ult AoE damage and all what they are good for.


The way you play really depends on how you build. Each person plays differently than the other. I will tell you how I play. The first ability I usually get is Death From Below just so i can add blight and escape. If you are building tank it's advise to finish off Shroud of Darkness first, Devour Souls second, Death From Below third, and Pillar of Agony when you can. I usually upgraded it last for some odd reason. If you soloing then it better if you upgrade either color=#800080][death from below[/color] or Devour Souls then Shroud of Darkness and Pillar of Agony.

Laning Phase

Mid & Late game

This is just to reach out to all of you who had this happened to you. I feel your pain brotha.

Change Log


Overall I think that Hades is very good and stuff. Don't know what to say other than that. There goes the first full guide I'd ever made. The reason why I chose Hades as my first (hehehe) is because he is like my favorite god and supa kool. If you lose using this guide it is not my fault. There are other Hades guide that you can use. Obviously this guide would be updated for every update or release.

Anyway, I want to try something out. I want to give you guys a challenge. Since this is like my first guide the challenge would be to show me you using this build. I don't care if you win or lose, just show me.

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alphacar (13) | November 3, 2013 5:17am
Well thenks
squenchy | November 2, 2013 11:34pm
This guide is awesome.I'm playing hi till he reaches legendary ;P
alphacar (13) | September 30, 2013 8:12pm
Thenks and i don't know if you should give me an upvote as of now since i'm not finished.
Talenhiem (33) | September 29, 2013 5:59pm
You actually did update it. And it looks AWESOME. I'm impressed, upvoting and a +rep.
alphacar (13) | September 29, 2013 5:55pm
MetaCow | September 29, 2013 5:37pm
Just a little correction, Hades cannot, and will not ever be an AD Carry. Why do I say that? Because AD means attack damage, which means building physical, not magical. The phrase AD Carry mage is an oxymoron, theyre two completely different things. What you really mean to say is an AP Carry, which is a magical damage carry. You probably just misunderstood the term ADC, you probably just thought it meant anyone who does high amounts of damage and "carries" a game. Not trying to be mean or anything, I'm just giving you a quick correction and helping you understand what the term ADC means because you'll probably get a lot of hate from other people if you don't fix this.
alphacar (13) | September 29, 2013 10:45am
thenks man
TormentedTurnip (96) | September 29, 2013 7:57am
It's looking much better, but I think it'd be a good idea to explain why you selected those items, rather than just when to build them. In addition, explaining when to use each skills is very important in a guide, and a playstyle section is extremely helpful.

-Just an update while you update: I know that you said it's not finished yet.
alphacar (13) | September 26, 2013 3:09pm

Haha, I think you messed up on your "Skills" section, bro; it literally only says "Quoted: hades."

I understand being limited on time, so I don't hate on short guides. But, please, if it's going to be this short, put (Build Only) in the title.

Also, the BBCoding is broken in your very first sentence. If you have the time, I recommend reading the Guide to BBCoding that can be accessed under the "God Guides" section near the top of the page.

Thanks for the advice man. Don't worry the guide isn't going to be this short.
Talenhiem (33) | September 24, 2013 5:37pm
I really hope you follow through on this like you say you will, otherwise this will just clutter up the guides page and choke out the good ones. If you garuntee that you will work on it more to the point that people can call it good, then I'm happy. If you don't...

God dammit, I can't be threatening at all. The only thing I can think of is to call the Natsu missile down, but Jararo will probably repeat what I just said.

TormentedTurnip (96) | September 24, 2013 5:25pm
Haha, I think you messed up on your "Skills" section, bro; it literally only says "Quoted: hades."

I understand being limited on time, so I don't hate on short guides. But, please, if it's going to be this short, put (Build Only) in the title.

Also, the BBCoding is broken in your very first sentence. If you have the time, I recommend reading the Guide to BBCoding that can be accessed under the "God Guides" section near the top of the page.
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