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HOW FORTUNATE- Ganesha Arena Build

1 7 12,165
by HealsNFeels updated February 15, 2019

Smite God: Ganesha

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Ganesha Build

Notes Arena works differently than other maps due to it's shape. THis is a great build that compliments his passive beautifully. Remember your goal is to stay close to the minions as they will heal you.


Arena works differently than other maps due to it's shape. THis is a great build that compliments his passive beautifully. Remember your goal is to stay close to the minions as they will heal you.

Build Item Guardian's Blessing Guardian's Blessing


Notes Just the pen you need!


Just the pen you need!

Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi

Notes Great Support item for your team. Works well with ULT and makes your 1 and 3 easier to land.


Great Support item for your team. Works well with ULT and makes your 1 and 3 easier to land.

Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation

Notes Because arena is a small map, after getting just one Passive ult kill, you will now get assists even when you are dead in your camp, and you will basically constantly have health coming your way.


Because arena is a small map, after getting just one Passive ult kill, you will now get assists even when you are dead in your camp, and you will basically constantly have health coming your way.

Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal

Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Notes I like both of these, or if you aren't dying much, you can build something to help your team or boost damage output.


I like both of these, or if you aren't dying much, you can build something to help your team or boost damage output.

Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard


I am a lover of Ganesha, and think he is the best guardian in the game for arena. Arena is basically built for this god because the map is so small, his passive works amazing if you choose the right items that build off assists.

It's not uncommon for me with this build to get 8-10 "Kills" granted to others. You can easily be 1-3 levels above all members of both teams. It's super OP, but its super fun to play with. At Level 20 you can often take 2-3 ults and still be alive!

I am a level 10 diamond ganesha on PS4, but recently switched to the Switch. My username is Kentelope with a bunch of weird letters used. If ya see me, add me!


So the core of this build is Guardian Blessing, Pen Shoes, Mail of Renewal, and Rod of Tahuti. Once your built you can really play around with the other two items at will.

Note: Mail of renewal should not be built if you are losing the game. It works off of assists, so if your not gettting any, you should build with a stone of Gaia instead, or a talisman of energy (for extra fun!)

Relic- I like speed boots and the slow amulet.


1- This is a great waveclear - but it works differently than khepri's in that you use this on an enemy to boost your allies, it doesn't protect them at all.

ULTIMATE- Remember that your ultimate after the rod of tahuti and your pen shoes, will kill anyone at low health.

The best place to put this is a team running as a group somewhere or backing up away from your team.

IF you are hoping to kill a single player like an assassin or hunter try and get them to pass by a < (corner) so they run through two sides for double damage.

Team Work

Remember you don't solo well and this is arena, and its very difficult to get a kill, therefore do your best to "steal kills" and give them to others!

Lastly, you are a middle lane person in this build, you will die if you try and jungle alone.


I know I know! This seeems like a weird build, but give it a try and be aggressive! I use this build all the time and its super fun in Arena.


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Gary169 (7) | February 22, 2019 9:35am
Hi heals. I see you have not responded to the feedback. Unfortunately, I have to downvote your guide. Will retract my vote if you want to have an actual conversation.
Branmuffin17 (400) | February 15, 2019 5:38pm
Hi Heals,

Ganesha DOES have some damage potential. Understand that what I'm seeing from the build is that it's not optimized.

When you mix the variety of items you do, it sort of decreases the overall potential of different purposes.

I'd categorize as such:
  • Guardian's Blessing: early sustain. Needed for slower games where the sustain (health & mana) is important to allow you to stay in lane longer. This mostly means Conquest, but also perhaps for select gods in Joust, Clash, or Siege. Not for Arena, with quick gold spooling and close base to heal up.

  • Magi's Blessing: Used for offensive gods, due to the flat pen, which is helpful early game for higher damage potential.

  • Gem of Isolation: Used for control. It activates on damaging abilities. His 1 is somewhat difficult to hit unless you're close, as the travel time is sort of slow and easy to dodge from range. His 2 doesn't deal damage, so Gem's slow doesn't work there. His 3 does damage, but part of it is a stun and knockup, so part of that function is a bit wasted. His ult already has a slow. That doesn't mean Gem's further slow isn't helpful, just that it's not quite needed. Gem is situational, if anything, but not core.

  • Mail of Renewal: utility tank/sustain. Completely unneeded in Arena. Again, you can heal up from the nearby base...just don't see this as being needed.

  • Rod of Tahuti: Pure offense item specifically purchased when the entire build (or almost the entire build) focuses on power and pen. This is a terrible item for him, especially in this build.

  • Chronos' Pendant: CDR for higher ability use. This is technically fine, as more ability use is very functional. But typically Ganesha will get tankier CDR items. You list 1 ( Genji's Guard), but don't list any of the others, such as Breastplate of Valor, Spirit Robe, or Mantle of Discord.

  • Genji's Guard: CDR and magical protection. This item is fine for him overall.
And again, he's best built tankier. His strength is bringing control to the team. Silencing, stun/knockup, and the large AOE ult. If you want decent damage, you should be adding in Void Stone or other pen items. Other than Magi, the build has none.

Not going to link here, but you might check out my own Ganesha guide to see what I'm talking about with build suggestions.
boogiebass (46) | February 15, 2019 6:17pm
Hey Heals. I want to add to Bran's comment.
Try this build out. It gives you damage and penetration (which is what you are trying to do in your current build), while giving you tankiness and Cooldowns to bring control to the team (aoe silence, stun/knockup, aoe ult, and other stuff mentioned by Bran).

Shoes of the Magi
Breastplate of Valor
Void Stone
Spear of Desolation
Divine Ruin/situational
Ethereal Staff/situational

If the enemy tanks build Gauntlet of Thebes or Heartward Amulet, you'll want to keep Shoes of the Magi. Otherwise sell Shoes of the Magi for Shoes of Focus late game. OR sell Shoes of the Magi for Elixir of Speed and another item of your choice.
boogiebass (46) | February 15, 2019 6:19pm
For a more standard Ganesha build, I highly recommend you check out BranMuffins guide.
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HOW FORTUNATE- Ganesha Arena Build
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