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Hunter Guide : Neith, Your Lovely Girl

13 2 50,097
by RazeMage updated March 4, 2015

Smite God: Neith

Build Guide Discussion 4 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Neith Build

Example Finished Build

Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Ancile Ancile
Build Item Malice Malice
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane

Start #1 (Normal)

Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings

Start #2 (Snowball)

Build Item Death's Toll Death's Toll
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker

Picks of Boots

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi

Core Item

Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Ancile Ancile
Build Item Malice Malice
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer


Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Hastened Fatalis Hastened Fatalis
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament

Possible Actives

Build Item Greater Sprint Greater Sprint
Build Item Greater Purification Greater Purification
Build Item Combat Blink Combat Blink
Build Item Greater Aegis Greater Aegis

Neith's Skill Order

Spirit Arrow

1 X Y
Spirit Arrow
1 4 6 7 10


2 A B
2 8 11 12 14

Back Flip

3 B A
Back Flip
3 15 16 18 19

World Weaver

4 Y X
World Weaver
5 9 13 17 20
Spirit Arrow
1 4 6 7 10

Spirit Arrow

1 X
Neith fires a shot that passes through everything. Each enemy hit takes damage and is Rooted. If the Spirit Arrow hits a Broken Weave, the Weave detonates, dealing an additional 100% of the damage and applying the Root to all enemies in the area.

Ability Type: Line, Root, Damage
Damage: 90 / 155 / 220 / 285 / 350 (+90% of your Physical Power)
Root: 1.6 / 1.7 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 2s
Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Cooldown: 13 / 12.5 / 12 / 11.5 / 11s
2 8 11 12 14


2 A
Neith neatly unravels the world weaves, damaging all enemies in the target area, reducing their Attack Speed while increasing her own, and healing Neith for each enemy hit, up to 3. Any Broken Weaves in the area are removed, healing Neith an additional amount.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+100% of your Physical Power)
Attack Speed Buff/Debuff: 30%
Buff/Debuff Lifetime: 4s
Heal: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80
Weave Heal: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160
Radius: 20
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 15s
Back Flip
3 15 16 18 19

Back Flip

3 B
Neith back flips through the air, creating a Broken Weave as she leaps while damaging and slowing enemies in the area in front of her.

Ability Type: Cone, Leap, Damage
Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 30%
Slow Duration: 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 16s
World Weaver
5 9 13 17 20

World Weaver

4 Y
Neith charges up and fires an arrow across the entire world, seeking its target and passing through all obstacles. Enemy gods take damage and are Stunned. The arrow can be fired quicker for diminished results.

Ability Type: Target, Stun, Damage
Damage: 235 / 300 / 365 / 430 / 495 (+115% of your Physical Power)
Stun: 1.5s
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 100s

I. Introduction


Who is Neith?

Neith is the Weaver of Fate and is a hunter in smite. Like any other hunter she deals a lot of damage from basic attack and a bit from skills. But, like any other hunter as well, she needs a great team to help her so she could carry her team. A nice support like Sobek or Athena could help her achieve her greatest potential.

What is in this guide?

This guide will cover all things you need for Neith. Skills, items, gameplay, synergies, counters and everything else. If you see something missing and you don't know what to do, don't be afraid to ask. If there is something wrong in this guide, please give your feedbacks. I love feedbacks :D

II. Nobody Is Perfect

Althought Neith is pretty powerful (some people even call her OP) she also has her own bad things. In this section, we will see the good quality of her but also see the not-so-good quality about her./center]

+ Great CC
+ Has Escape
+ Worldwide Ultimate
+ Great Sustain
+ Good Waveclear
+ Good Zoning

Neith has a very great CC that couldn't be beaten by any other hunter. Her CC will help her able to land her basic attacks easier and helps her mobility and safety. And she has a good escape that is very easy to use. She also has a worlwide ultimate, able to help her teammate from the other side of the map. Her Unravel gives her a very great sustain and a backflip+ Spirit Arrow combo gives her one of the best waveclear and zoning.
- Has no steroid
- Not the best 1vs1 fight
- Expected Escape
- Ult can be blocked
- Mana hungry most of the time
- Squishy

The bad thing about Neith is she has no steroid for basic attack. This cause her to be a not so good 1vs1 fighter as her DPS will be beaten. And her escape range cannot be controlled so a good enemy could now where she will land. In duo lane, the ult can be easily blocked by the support or aegis, making the ult almost useless. Finally she could easily run out of mana almost in all part of game. And like any other carry, when she is focused, she is dead.

III. More Than Just Weavering


Broken Weave: Neith passive on its own has no use at all. The great thing about it is that it "upgrades" her abilities (except her backflip). There are 2 ways to have a Broken Weave on the battlefield. Either when an enemy died or after using backflip. Try to always use it before it expires

Tips and Tricks
  • Use this for zoning and maximize Spirit Arrow damage as it deals CC area damage
  • Use this for extra sustain as it has 2X usual heal
  • Use this for heal if there is no minions around as it can have a difference between life and death

Spirit Arrow: This is one of her best skill, both for damaging enemies, zoning, CCing and waveclearing. Unfortunately it hits lower to the second enemy it hits. Because of that, comboing this skill with her backflip could reduce a mage health early in game by half of their health by double hitting.

Tips and Tricks
  • Using Broken Weave will clear a wave faster especially when outpush
  • CCing an enemy with this will make auto attacks easier to hit
  • Don't spam it early game as it will eat your mana fastly

Unravel: Unravel gives Neith the best sustain from any other hunter. Additionally it debuff enemies attack speed, but still the heal is good. The damage is still good enough as it has a big AD ratio.

Tips and Tricks
  • The heal is very big, use it to outpush enemy
  • The damage is nice to either poke or finishing, but be careful, there's a delay
  • Try to always hit 3 or more enemy to maximize heal and even Broken Weave when needed

Backflip Backflip: Backflip is one great escape tool of Neith. It deals damage at the start instead at the landing and you cannot control where to land. The other main use of this skill is it makes a broken weave, upgrading her Spirit Arrow and Unravel

Tips and Tricks
  • Learn how long is the leap and try to land at safe place especially from Loki's Vanish
  • Use this to combo with his other skills to maximize damage/heal
  • When escaping, you could use it to slow down enemies as well

World Weaver: This skill gives Neith worldwide presence. As long as you have vision of the enemy you could target the enemy and the damage is pretty big. Though, it needs to be charged before reaching its maximum potential.

Tips and Tricks
  • Using this will immobilize yourself, use it in safe place
  • Other than finishing enemy, it could help an ally as it also stunned the enemy
  • It could be blocked by enemy, so ask your teammate to distract their ally

IV. Time For Shopping

Starting Items

Normal Start

Snowball Start

Boots Choices

Boom Damage

Over Time Damage

Core Items


Lifesteal+Health Melting

Critical Chance

Critical Damage

Situational Items

devourer's gloves
Extra Lifesteal

Healer Counter

Cooldown Reduction

Extra Penetration

Better Positioning

Auto Attack Boost

Actives Options:

Damage Immunity

CC Immunity

Extra Escape

Quick Back
Movement Boost

V. Time To Make Some Play

Neith has a very flexible skill, in fact, she could fill all role in the game. I will make the list from the best area to the worse

1. Hunter Role

Early Game

As a hunter, Neith will duo lane with a support. Early in game, she should keep behind his support and keep farming. When your support is initiating or your jungler is going to gank, use your Spirit Arrow to help them and keep auto attacking. Don't waste your backflip unless you know you are safe. If you are outpush, use your backflip+ Spirit Arrow combo so you don't lose any gold. Early in game, your World Weaver might not be so useful for your own lane because enemy support could block it. Though, it is possible to use it for helping other lanes. Careful with your mana though. Early game without transcendence is very mana costly

Mid Game

When it comes to mid game, you should keep staying at your lane because your support might be going to other lane. Just keep your tower safe and don't overextend. Keep your jungle warded as gank in this time is very dangerous. Don't forget to watch the map to help ally with your World Weaver

Late Game

Late game, Neith is a beast. Her CC gives her team a great advantage and your ult can finish an enemy running away. Keep behind your allies as you are very squishy and try to don't die as at this time, a carry like Neith can make a difference between win and lose. Finally, keep warding FG and GF. This is very important to keep you in a good place

2. Solo Role

Early Game

Solo Neith has a very great sustain. Her waveclear is also great. HoG is not necessary for solo Neith but always buy teleport as you are very mana hungry early. Ask your jungler for help at blue so you can stay in lane longer. World Weaver is much easier to use as there is only one enemy. Finally, remember to ward the jungle as gank happen often in solo

Mid Game

When it comes to mid game, start rotating. If your mid is having trouble help them. But an important note is not to leave your lane completely. If your tower get destroyed, it will cause some trouble. As much as being a hunter, the rest of the game is almost similar

Late Game

Late game, Neith is a beast. Her CC gives her team a great advantage and your ult can finish an enemy running away. Keep behind your allies as you are very squishy and try to don't die as at this time, a carry like Neith can make a difference between win and lose. Finally, keep warding FG and GF. This is very important to keep you in a good place

3. Mid Role

Early Game

Early in game, Neith may lose in pushing competition. You should keep on the back until level 6. After 6, you have almost the same potential as the enemy. Like solo lane, using World Weaver is easy and don't overextend. The better part of Neith than any other usual mid mage, she has a built in escape (except Agni and Hades). This gives her better ability to push safer.

Mid Game

When it comes to mid game, start rotating. If your solo or duo is having trouble help them. But an important note is not to leave your lane completely. If your tower get destroyed, it will cause some trouble. As much as being a hunter, the rest of the game is almost similar

Late Game

Late game, Neith is a beast. Her CC gives her team a great advantage and your ult can finish an enemy running away. Keep behind your allies as you are very squishy and try to don't die as at this time, a carry like Neith can make a difference between win and lose. Finally, keep warding FG and GF. This is very important to keep you in a good place

4. Jungle Role


5. Support Role

Early Game

Finally, support Neith. This one is very different from the other. But, unlike any other hunter, Neith might be the best for supporting. When supporting it is possible to either maximize Spirit Arrow first for longer root (though only a little) or Unravel so you stay at lane longer. As usual support, go HoG and Eye. Try to use Spirit Arrow so enemy is rooted and use backflip to slow them. This will cause your hunter to be able to hurt the enemy. World Weaver is also possible to use to help teammate finish enemy/running away.

Mid Game

When it comes to mid game, start rotating to help teammate at other lane. Neith Backflip can be used to help ally running away. Remember to spam abilities so your ally can kill enemy.

Late Game

Late game, Neith supporting ability might fall off. So, she should buy a bit more damage to actually help. Just try not to kill an enemy so your ally is more fed. and use your HoG to safe your a GF or FG. World Weaver is very useful for helping ally too.

Unique Build


VI. Her Enemy W.I.P













VII. Duo Laning Partner (Support) W.I.P

S Tier

Spoiler: Click to view

A Tier

Spoiler: Click to view

B Tier

Spoiler: Click to view

C Tier

Spoiler: Click to view

D Tier

Spoiler: Click to view

VIII. Nice Finale

That's the end of my guide right now.

I wish you learn something from it and good game.

You can check this guide later when i add more information such as how to use World Weaver, finishing enemy section, finishing ally section, adding arena, joust, domination, assault and more to come.

Thanks for reading. Bye

Special Thanks

Special thanks for :

Jhoijhoi with her amazing guide to bbcoding

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Subzero008 (112) | February 2, 2014 12:15am
This guide needs way more than five votes and three comments.


Seems alright, but the general lack of penetration worries me. I'd add at least a Titan's Bane in situationals.

Item Explanations

Qin's Sais's description is outdated, but the explanations are sound, for the most part. I'd honestly remove Sais from the core build and put the third item slow for a situational.

Skill Explanations

Pretty good here.


Laning phase is good. Play passive, keep farming, let your support or jungler make the plays. I don't have a lot of experience with Neith, so I'm not sure if she can go aggressive. She seems like a very defensive god to me.

Mid game is also alright, since being a hunter is a pretty simple role.

I think you should expand late game though. Neith's basic attacks are weak for a hunter, and she livea and dies by her utility, so you should give a section on A. Dealing Damage, B. Using Utility, and C. Facing other Hunters.

I'm going to disregard the other two roles because I haven't tried them yet. But I will.

As for the matchups section, here is your biggest problem: You give why they are difficult, but give no answer to dealing with them. Guides are supposed to answer more problems than they give.


BBC coding is fantastic. You have a few grammar/spelling errors, but they don't make it too difficult to understand your meaning.

Pictures are good, data is well-organized.


Pretty good. Not the best guide in the world, but you provide good item/skill explanations, a good build, and shaky but somewhat useful gameplay. The extras like the matchups section and lane synergy need work, but the essentials are intact.

Upvote, please W on those WIPs and expand gameplay.
Jordenito (66) | January 9, 2014 4:02am
Nice build, nice BBcoding.
Although I think your build lacks penetration. And I don't think that Ninja Tabi is a good choice for neith. The 15 Physical Pen will fare you better. Especially now, when jotunn's wwrath give you only 11 pen instead of 15. Titan's Bane would be a great choice. I know you put The Executioner in there, but you need more if you fight against ones that aren't that squishy.
I've never tried Transcendence on neith. I mean, yes, she is very ability reliant, but she isn't Xbalanque with his 1. Yes, it does bring you about 100 power if not more, but there are better choices.

The rest is good, and yes, the spoilers are a little bit too much, bur all and all this is a good guide.
An upvote from me.
RazeMage (58) | January 7, 2014 1:08am
Ohw, it turn blue, i didn't realize that XD

Thanks for your feedbacks, i appreciate it so much
TormentedTurnip (96) | January 7, 2014 12:56am
I'm no expert with physical gods, so I won't comment on the builds, but the fact that there is variety is certainly a plus. The coding is also very nice, even if the spoilers are a little overdone.

I'm actually surprised at how little the language barrier affects this guide. It's much better than your Isis and Apollo ones, so I guess your English skills have improved since then.

Anyhow, I'll leave the guide reviews to those who can offer input on its content. But please, remove the blue font in the sixth chapter (her enemies). It is more than just an eyesore, it is simply overwhelming.

You certainly seem to have put more effort into this than many other guide makers here put into theirs, so nice job.
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