Core Item 1
Ninja Tabi are some amazing boots, providing you with +25% Attack Speed, +100 Mana, but at the downside of only +20 Physical Power. While I generally run these boots on every other Hunter, I rarely use them on any of my Hachiman builds. I'll add this in for everyone, but I generally prefer Warrior Tabi.
Core Item 1
Warrior Tabi is my preferred choice for boots with both my Critical and Penetration build with Hachiman. They provide 50+ Physical Power, and allow you to hit harder early game!
Core Item 2
Devourer's Gauntet is probably the most vital start for any Hunter in order for them to have a decent Early Game Power spike. Once stacked, it gives you immense lifesteal and power advantages over your enemy Hunter.
Core Item 3
Atalanta's Bow is an amazing item! Giving you +25 Physical Power, +30% Attack Speed, and a WHOPPING +20% Physical Penetration! And the passive makes it even better! When you kill or assist on a kill on an enemy God, you gain Atalanta's Agility. This increases Attack Speed by 20%, and decreases Movement Penalty for attacking, backpedaling, and strafing by 40%! This can easily allow you to snowball in teamfights, giving you a massive power!
Critical Item 1
Rage is possibly the most powerful Crit item to exist in the game right now. Rage is a simple Crit item that requires stacks. The 30% Critical Chance is nothing to scoff at, but when you get all 5 stacks required, the Critical Chance shoots up to 45%. This alone allows you to run only
Rage and Wind Demon as your only two Crit items.
I used to run Deathbringer instead, but Spectral Armor hurts you heavily if someone snags it. I recommend Wind Demon into Poisoned Star for the amazing passive of reduced damage!
Critical Item 2
Wind Demon is an amazing Crit Item, one that boosts Attack Speed AND Movement Speed by 20% on a Critical Hit! This can allow you to box anyone easily, giving you an advantage for strafing and landing Auto's!
Power Item 1
Qin's Sais is an amazing item for melting through those pesky Support and Solos! When you have Qin's, every auto you hit deals Physical Damage that is equal to 3% of their Maximum Health! This scales up more when the Enemy God has more Health, maxing out at 5% at 2750 Health!
Power Item 2
I used to believe Beserker's Shield used to only be good on AA based Solo's like Bellona, or Amaterasu. Then Hi-Rez reworked it, and made the passive reward you for hitting under 40% Health, giving you 20 Flat Physical Power and +25% Attack Speed! This effect will refresh if you heal over that margin again!
Where is Odysseus’ Bow and Toxic Blade on alternative items? Also the point you’re getting Ichaival in the first build is so late you may as well get Asi or Odysseus’ instead.
But I disagree with Odysseus' Bow overall, as I rarely see a use for it in this Meta. Hachiman's clear spikes up the second you hit Level 6, requiring only a few auto's to finish off the Brutes.
Ichaival being late seems weird, but with how often you'll proc the passive in teamfights, it's easily better than an Asi or Odysseus'. Both of those items are good in their own right, but Ichaival helps your team in the fights, allowing you to slow down Attack Speed of any Enemy God you're fighting.
But I do respect your opinion, so I'll add it instead of Ichaival, and add Ichaival to Alt items.
In any case, I still feel it's important for him to save his 2 when possible, and being able to clear the wave a lot more quickly with basics is invaluable for spending less time in clearing and more time rotating and other things mid-game on.
I will go over it by guide sections reviewing the top in their section or afterwards.
So first a minor layout thing. It's the ability explanation before the pros & cons (honestly pros & cons are usually an introduction thing). Not something you have to change necessarily. The Top layout is clean and very well understandable.
So on abilities mostly additions that I am missing:
The gameplay section is decent, but can maybe include a bit of a how to box playing as hachiman. Like is it better to use
Same for how to teamfight, who to focus, who to stay away from. When to ult.
Your item section feels incomplete. At the top you have so many items and 2 different builds, however you only talk about 6 items in total. In most cases this is the biggest reason people search for guides as they don;t understand item building. Also Core items are items you need regardless of going with a crit or pen build. Really sad you missed the perfect adc item in your explanation:
Now the builds itself. They are solid builds, altough it's a playstyle thing I prefer to move oddy later in the build as I feel the major powerspike qin's gives comes to late otherwise.
Also a warning for
Threats that are there are quite solid, can be expanded with the other adcs
2. Add Poisoned Star, Mantle as situationals. Remove Malice, just no reason to build that over other crit items if building Crit.
3. I wouldn't build Trans on Mid Hachi, just use same build paths as ADC.
4. I would max the 3 before the 1.
Would be nice you write your items decisions on the guide.
I go Bloodforge over it because it works better with the Pen build instead of Devo's, imo. It gives a better power spike, which will work better with the Pen, and allows you to have a much quicker spike than Devo's would give.
So I assume you get hit harder by O-bows no power than others, as your crit build does use Devo's.
I honestly have to say I don't find the item cost worth it, I don't think it will give you that much of an edge especially since a pen build is a late game build that sees it's main power spike late in the game (qin's), while crit sees it "early" (rage)
So, I'm with Devampi and I don't see sufficient reasons to build forge early, specially over Devo. You may still building it as a Boot replacement.
Instead create your own matchup section you can go in the "Threats", type the god name and add your thoughts there so you don't need to BBCode it like you did. Plus it is much easier to see than in a section.
You may also add some title banners in each section to make easier to the reader identify which section is that.
Sure. Check your inbox in some minutesDone!! Check your inbox!!
Also you don't need heavenly wings on Hachi, Beads and Aegis are all you will ever need.
And you need to fix your levelling order, you put extra points for the 2 that were meant for the 3. Also missing a 5th point for the ult.
Lastly, list Elixir of Speed so it's clear what items are being sold.