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As of 9.10 as long as Spiked Gauntlet has this 10 pen in it, its good enough to build on Jing Wei, it offers sustain which means you can go something like
Gilded Arrow which on Jing Wei can be very rewarding as the passive of Gilded Arrow fits well with Jings passive
Rapid Reincarnation and offers great crit for late game which is Jing Weis strength
In case Spiked Gauntlet gets nerfed or you dont feel like stacking, rushing Wind Demon has always been an option for Jing , in this case you might consider upgrading the 2
Explosive Bolts as your primary ability to get the crit going as fast as possible. As we need sustain in the first levels we will also be replacing
Gilded Arrow with
Death's Toll
This Build offers high burst and consistent damage. With a max stacked Ornate Arrow you will have 95% Crit using
Explosive Bolts
You can Replace Qin's Sais with
Dominance if you are facing tanks that prefer a lot more protections over health
A really strong build, but without Explosive Bolts your chances of critting are only 50%, however once you stack up
Death's Temper passive your damage goes over the roof.
If you are going against a lot of healthy bois, build Silverbranch Bow first and replace
The Executioner with
Qin's Sais
This build is inconsistent and takes a lot of set up, such as having your purple buff and your Persistent Gust buff if possible, but its probably as much damage as Jing Wei can dish out even if its in small bursts. But its still a good option if you dont want to build
Devourer's Gauntlet
As for most hunters and mages, Aegis Amulet and
Purification Beads are what you should be building usually. However
Entangling Wings is a good aggressive relic and adds a more consistent CC, not to mention even more ways to run away as Jing Wei, as nimble as she already is. Or the other way around, it allows you to use
Persistent Gust more aggressively while still having a good escape.
As a hunter you usually don't need to build anti-heal as you should be killing your enemies before they get the chance to heal, but in case you are going against a lot of healing and your team is stubborn on not building it themselves Shadowsteel Shuriken is a great replacement for Wind Demon
Usually you dont need to build protections but if you are going against 5 physicals or magicals Breastplate of Valor and
Genji's Guard are great options. If 3 or more enemies are building crit you might consider
Spectral Armor or if there is too much CC in the enemy team
Magi's Cloak would be a good choice. Finally if you really feel like you are getting bursted left and right
Mantle of Discord might be the choice for you.
Jing Wei has a lot of flexibility in her Skill sequencing.
This is my got to but in case you are rushing crit, you might consider upgrading Explosive Bolts instead of
Persistent Gust. If you feel like you always have to back out of fights or use
Air Strike to escape, consider leaving upgrading it past level one until you fully upgrade
Persistent Gust and
Explosive Bolts at least you will be always using them for damage, weather it be on the minions or enemy gods
Tap each threat level to view Jing Wei’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Jing Wei’s synergies
Rapid Reincarnation
Lets start with talking a bit about the passive Rapid Reincarnation
This allows you to be able to back to base much more often then most other hunters, although this does not seem as much it allows you to be able to back at moments notice when you can upgrade your items and instantly come back so you don't lose farm. Similarly if you die you can also come back, making the loss and death not as punishing, which in turn is what makes this character a good pick for beginning players. This passive can allow you to slowly creep on gold and xp over your opponent if you know how to farm.
Persistent Gust
With this being Jing Weis main clear it should now come to a surprise as to why her wave clear is not the best, as most often she will only be able to hit either the archers or the melee minions.
As the archers are often stationary, further back and have less health I would advise using it on them, this can often lead to them taking a lot of tick damage in addition to the initial cast, either killing them or leaving them on low HP. If possible you can also bait the melee minions to come to the archer minions to be able to hit all of them.
Another thing to note is that Persistent Gust can give you an INSANE attack speed boost or can set you up for an even safer escape with
Explosive Bolts
Although the ability itself has a cooldown, the bolts don't, meaning you can use Explosive Bolts to charge your crossbow and the cooldown will start as soon as you cast it but the bolts will stay, this means that after you fire your 3 bolts you can immediately recast the ability again making the bolts from 3 to 6
The glue that sticks all of her kit, Agility is not only a great escape tool but also a really good engage tool, it gives Jing Wei a boost in power which is increase if she used it while knocked up, OH and what do you know, Jing Wei can knock herself up using
Persistent Gust which also so happens to give her an attack speed buff, this combined with the buffed bolts from
Explosive Bolts makes an insane buffed up hunter with one too many types of buffs. Power, Attack speed and crit, everything a hunter could ask for and some movement speed for good measure. Only problem is that its her main escape. Unless...
Air Strike
If all things fail and the battle looks dire, pop this on the direction of "not enemies" and you should be good to go. It gives CC immunity and gives a nice long range. You might even consider upgrading your Persistent Gust and
Explosive Bolts before this ability as to rely more on your 3 ability buff combo and use your ult for the main escape in case things don't go as planned.
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