Passive - Fastest God Alive
Fastest God Alive is what makes Mercury love Movement speed so much. The First part has a fairly minor effect on playstyle, basically always be moving at least a little bit to charge it up, and if you want to get fancy make sure your first hit is either your first or third in the attack chain, since the second hit does less damage.
The second part of the passive gives you a power boost for movement speed items. This boost is based off your base MS of 381, and basically boils down to 10% MS = 9.5 Power. This means cool things like
Warrior Tabi giving 57 Power, Sprint and Wind Demon Buffs granting Power, Yellow buff gives extra power, etc. This actually can help his early game a bit, since
Boots + Yellow Buff gives him 21 Power!
1 - Made You Look
Made You Look is
Mercury's main poke / camp clear. Level this first since it makes it both hit harder and easier to land. It apply's on-hits which is nice, especially if you built lifesteal, but there's nothing too fancy about using this.
2 - Maximum Velocity
Maximum Velocity is
Mercury's steroid, and its one of the best in the game. Passively gives him Movement Speed (and through that some extra power), gives him a MASSIVE Attack Speed increase at rank 5. Merc shreds tanks and towers with this buff on. It also means it is very easy to overcap on Attack Speed, so try to keep your items under 35% extra AS.
3 - Special Delivery
Special Delivery is an odd ability. In seems like its designed as a clear, but it doesnt do enough damage for that until late game, and the god tick-damage is nothing to write home about. This ability is mainly used as Set-Up for an auto attack or two.
Basically, you can initiate with it to throw them away from their tower so they have farther to run, and hit them with a Basic attack before they have landed, or toss
Made You Look to where they are going to land.
This ability is also your main escape: simply use the dash to run away from someone / out of an AoE.
4 - Sonic Boom
Sonic Boom is amazingly fun to use, taking you nearly across the map in an instant. Hitting multiple people with this can instantly change a team fight in your favor, and no where is safe at low health from
Mercury with you in his sights.
If you are not in a teamfight, the two main times to use this are as an initiation or a last hit (though it is a decent escape in emergencies).
As an Initiation, you want the dash to end just barely past your target, so they are hurt and stunned, but you dont have a 2 minute walk to get back to them. If your aim is good, you can often kill them before the stun ends. This is probably the hardest thing to perfect as
As a last hit, you can charge through towers, past enemies, whatever you need to blow through the god getting away. This requires much less precision, though ideally you will both hit your target and end the dash close to a jungle entrance to escape the incoming retaliation.
Something like:
_|^|____________| |________
- -M- - - - -X- - - - - - - -
- Normal Gank -
Special Delivery or
Sonic Boom ->
Made You Look ->
Maximum Velocity -> Basics
Sprint is always an option
The main things to practice with
Mercury are:
The aim of your
Sonic Boom
When to jump into a fight vs hanging back
Special Delivery being used appropriately
Dodging while hitting with your basics
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