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Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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Now my feedback aligns quite a lot with bran.
for boots I myself wold also opt for
I know in teamfight modes double prot can be great early, but for
Like bran, I would also suggest building regrowth later especially in teamfight modes if you're playing as a tank no reason not to grab
Like bran, I feel you will gain a better advantage and more damage with
I myself would;t bother with
Some situationals I would change:
I would personally not really bother a lot with
So for me seeing as you're playing a teamfight 24/7 modes, I would go with a different approach. first identifying if I need to be the main tank (in joust unless a guardian or another warrior is picked you will often become a more of a support as the tanky character. although in this case I would not pick chaac as he can't really peel that well. only pick him in a double bruiser comp in joust) or can be a bruiser. My prefered build will usually be something like this (will give them with some situationals)
Teamfight tank:
Core/first 3 items
cadeuces shield (mitigate the effect of anti heal and if anti heal is not present it gives you a lot of sustainability and some more damage).
after this core it's time for some dedicated by situation dependent defense. At this point threats will have developed and been identified, so you will have to decide if you need magical or physical defense. The easy way to do this is being checking which source puts out the most damage/kills (checkable with T, Y if you died and tab). also keep in mind if the source is AA focused gods and your team.
Against physical options:
Against magical option:
after picking one of each dedicated prot types we will have 1 item left this one can be more defense or an offensive item. the four choices will often become:
any of the above dedicated prot items
heartseekr or brawler's beatstick as offensive options.
you can also go with shield of regrowth or
Now if you prefer a bruiser playstyle the above changes a bit:
cadeuces shield (cadeuces can be delayed to 4th slot in place of a below health option)
the dedicated section changes slightly depending on the plan it's either 2 dedicated prot items or a health double prot item.
against magical:
agaisnt physical:
double prot:
guantlet of thebes (best single item defensive prot in the game)
Health option:
shield of regrowth or more situationally
and lastly finish it off with
For the boots swap either one of the dedicated or double prot items or
Lastly one note on the relics I would get used to using
If your reason for reinforced is because your next 2 items in the "main build" don't have protections, I understand it, but I think those next 2 items should also be considered.
1. Use Warrior as base boots.
2. Move Regrowth to a later spot or list only as situational. You don't need Regrowth as much since your 3 has a strong slow for a good duration...and you especially don't need it as much if you're also investing in Frost.
3. You can choose Blackthorn 2nd. It'll satisfy some early CDR needs and make sure you don't run out of mana for long.
4. Your next item really should have protections. If you want balanced prots, you can go for
5. Consider getting any further of the above mentioned items, but you can also slot Regrowth in here.
In the end, here is a build example:
It's got better survivability and honestly better damage potential. You have less up-front CDR, but can make up for that late, while also having increased healing potential, better burst from HS, etc.
If I recall correctly slows don't stack well intensity wise, as after 40% of slow DR will apply so you won't hit a 70% slow more something like a 50-55% one, making frostbound slightly useless when
That said, combining Chaac's MS slow on his 3 with Frost will make the enemy move like molasses (not going below the MS floor of 150), and is of course helpful when the 3 isn't active. FYI your calc is correct, it would be 53.8% slow.
Wording considered, "useless" is an extreme word and it's weird to apply "slightly" to it. Rather, it'd be better to say "less effective."
In any case, FB is no longer listed so it's a moot point. =)
In that case I would say barely effective as you gain less than 50% of the slow during rain dance.