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My skills are unmatched - Arena & Siege (Threat level update)

2 8 106,298
by DangerousRival updated May 17, 2018

Smite God: Artemis

Build Guide Discussion 52 More Guides
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Artemis Build

Core Build

Build Item Hunter's Blessing Hunter's Blessing
Build Item Odysseus' Bow Odysseus' Bow
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Poisoned Star Poisoned Star
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings

Last Slot & to Replace Starter at end game

Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner

Defense (if needed)

Build Item Talisman of Energy Talisman of Energy
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion

Artemis's Skill Order

Transgressor's Fate

1 X Y
Transgressor's Fate
4 12 14 18 19

Vengeful Assault

2 A B
Vengeful Assault
2 8 11 15 16

Suppress The Insolent

3 B A
Suppress The Insolent
1 3 6 7 10

Calydonian Boar

4 Y X
Calydonian Boar
5 9 13 17 20
Transgressor's Fate
4 12 14 18 19

Transgressor's Fate

1 X
Artemis places a trap on the ground. Enemy gods coming within 5 units of her traps activate them, Rooting, Crippling, and revealing the enemy god while dealing damage every second for 3s.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage per Tick: 35 / 48 / 61 / 74 / 87 (+30% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Total): 105 / 144 / 183 / 222 / 261 (+90% of your Physical Power)
Root Duration: 2s
Max Traps: 4
Cost: 45
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10s
Vengeful Assault
2 8 11 15 16

Vengeful Assault

2 A
Artemis attacks at a furious pace, increasing her attack and movement speed significantly. Additionally, Artemis cleanses herself of slows and becomes immune to Slows for 0.6s when activated.

Ability Type: Buff
Attack Speed: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80%
Movement Speed: 25%
Duration: 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14s
Suppress The Insolent
1 3 6 7 10

Suppress The Insolent

3 B
Artemis fires a volley into a ground target, suppressing all of her enemies. Enemies caught within the volley are damaged and are slowed.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+75% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 25%
Slow Duration: 2s
Radius: 15
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 9s
Calydonian Boar
5 9 13 17 20

Calydonian Boar

4 Y
Artemis summons the great Calydonian Boar on her enemies, doing damage to the nearest enemy god and Stunning them, and itself. The boar is immune until it hits the first god and then continues to charge other gods for its lifetime. Artemis is also immune to Crowd Control for 1.5s.

Ability Type: Area
Damage: 150 / 220 / 290 / 360 / 430 (90% of your Physical Power)
Stun: 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5s
Boar Lifetime: 6s
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90s

Artemis Threats

Tap each threat level to view Artemis’s threats


Pros & Cons

- VERY high damage in the mid game which can give your team a considerable advantage.
- Trapping someone with clear line of sight is almost a for sure kill if they have no physical defense or are a guardian.
- Minions? What minions?

- Low movement speed without using Vengeful Assault
- High mobility gods, and pulls can be difficult to escape from.
- Expensive build making you have to play very cautiously at the start since others with be buying cheaper gear right away.

Flow and motions

If you notice there are no boots and that's by choice. Use your buff skill and heavenly wings if you need to move fast Artemis really doesn't need movement buffs if you lay your traps right and dont constantly pop your buff for situations when you really need it. In arena and siege you dont need the movement as siege monster do portals and arena is small.

First thing u need is the starter and the basic bow, work your way up to Odysseus Bow but if u have to go back to fountain dont be shy about grabbing the basic gauntlets for the lifesteal, staying in the fight is more important then kills. Once you have odysseys & bloodforge your ready to start your murder sprees. If you avoid the boots your damage will be way higher and by the time you get both your buff will cover the missing atk/movement speed. Next is the Deathbringer which really is all you need crit wise but I put on malice too and it's great for killing the ones that think they slipped away.

Lastly theres a free slot (if you havent wussed out and bought boot) This is for playing against your enemy either use it defense (not preferably) or to counter the enemies heavy. If one has massive amount of health Quin Sais, if they put on phys defence either Executioner for more faster shots for nimble enemies or titans bane if your accuracy has been good throughout the game. the poisoned star is purely situational since ur crits already through the roof, you can swap it for malice too if needed, I had to use the P.S. and Hide of nemian lion to stop few nemesis and bellona from beating me down so quickly once they are on top me and slow em down when they try to run.

Just keep doing volley pokes and laying traps once they land in a trap pop ur buff and unload the enemy will likely died in 3-5 hits without health or defense buffs. Work with your allies you dont need to kill everything (that happens naturally) even if you cant get the kill your dps is insane for lvls 5-15 and if you can't make a lead happen there then it's likely you were already outplayed. Do not show fear if a warrior or assassin rushes you stand your ground and when they realize they screwed up, let them walk into the trap you threw behind them when they rushed u and finish them off.

Lastly ALWAYS take the heavenly wings and upgrade at some point between the deathbringer and bloodforge. The heavenly Wings upgrade might as well be a 2nd ultimate for artemis in this build.

This new starter item take alot of the item grind outta artemis it's amazing for hunter but especially for artemis IMO who kit relies on crits and attack speed.

Anyways having alot of success with her. Last season artemis wasnt my best but this season, it's hard to not just instantly lock her in for me now.

Note: this build worked in conquest too but i had to grab boots right after bloodforge to keep up with the junglers. It's my new core build but Siege and Arena are where it shines

How to work with your allies.

Your main focus is to provide covering fire and back your assassin & warrior and help them finish off who their target is quickly. While you can move foreward for some quick damage if someone is snared in one of your traps your gonna want to play close to either your guardian or warrior.

Warriors - can have trouble closing the gap on rangede targets in arena especially if they are running two archers/one mage or two mages/one archer forcing them to heavily build into defense instead of damage. If they can be your shield you can be their sword quite effectively. While they are dealing with the warrior you have to be successful in landing your abilities before they die and the focus is switched entirely on you.

Assassin - have penetration and the speed that your lacking in this build. Let them focus on the high defense targets and help them focus them down when you can. Dont sit so far back your not gonna be able to help your assassin when they need you.

Guardians - stay close to them, most guardians have pulls/stuns and if you get dived they are gonna main reason you live and your gonna be the main reason your team got any kills out of the engagement.

Mages - Not much to say likely they'll be right by your side hiding i the backline throwing out pokes and CC damage. Keep an eye on them and they'll keep an eye on you. If you lose track of the enemy assassin and they not trying to harvest your skull for a new cereal bowl, more then likely your mage is about to be attack. Dont wander so far off you two can support eachother to avoid being easy picks.

Hunters - If you have another Hunter on your team more then likely they be running the staple archer build (Boots, executioner, wind demon, deathbringer, etc.) and be a speed/rapid fire archer thats shreds tanky gods little better then you do. If they start focusing a tank you focus the tank with them, if they get dived you should be trying to pick off their assailants. When an enemy runs away dont chase them trying to squeeze a kill out let them chase and cover their back.

Your not gonna win this battle alone, EVERY build has strengths and weaknesses, and the person that tells you "my build can handle anything" is talking out their arse and shouldn't be taken seriously. You have to know how to play to your strengths and weaknesses of your allies and vice versa, when you have to retreat they have to know your gonna be easy prey for Arachne or Nemesis who can close the gap between them and a fleeing enemy quite rapidly and force you to fight your way out vs running as fast as you can which isnt very fast.

Closing thoughts

This build is not for the player who just started playing Artemis, it's requires a very high skill cap especially being able to use her trap properly. Most artemis player's just toss them out randomly and hope someone steps in it, but you really need to time the traps so they stop an enemy trying to kill you an ally in their tracks and it's always a good idea to have one nearby you so if you get dived you can bait them into it and create some space.

It's a VERY drastic change in pace from the typical hunter/Artemis build, that doesnt really on arrow spam to get the job done. think like Neith (who i also play) that rewards higher accuracy vs arrow spam. If your not very accurate with your bow your not gonna get much done, but the shots you land will be inflicting some major damage the enemy has to respect.

And though i highly emphasize not using the boots, if you see 3+ "extreme" or "major" threats in you match, probably dont run this build cause theyre that high of a threat for good reason, they cause low mobility characters/counter artemis kit very well and should be treated like the threat they are.

Give it a few runs and maybe play with a friend who knows that your gonna need some extra babysitting at the start of a match till you get enough gold for the bloodforge.

Like I say, not for everyone, but if your have little success with the regular artemis builds that rely on arrow spam maybe this will do you better, or you just want to try some something new. Your a hunter, hunters are patient and dont charge their prey, they wait for their prey to be off guard and fall into a favorable position for a clear shot.

If i wasnt having above average success with it, i wouldnt have taken so many hours to type all this information out. What works for me might not work for you and what works for you is just fine by me. I have my style you have yours, but this is definitely worth a try if your a die-hard artemis player who knows how to use her kit in combat.

"You know what you feel when you shoot a helpless target from a mile away... recoil."

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DangerousRival | July 21, 2019 5:02am
Kinda sad people archived this. I'm still using this build to this day more or less but some items have changed in the past year since I really played. It's definitely not a build for beginners on artemis. I'll be updating this eventually, I recently got back into SMITE a week ago and have to really play around with the new stats on items.
Kriega1 (143) | July 21, 2019 7:18am
It was archived because the build was awful. If you need help properly building Artemis we are here to help you.

It's definitely not a build for beginners on artemis.

It's not suitable for beginners or experienced Artemis players, full stop.

If you think Heavenly Wings is an acceptable replacement for boots, you need to stop playing Smite for a while and just educate yourself about the game in general, watch experienced players, consider coaching etc...
DangerousRival | July 22, 2019 9:16am
Again this is not a conquest build. Just about anything that can dive artemis can kill artemis if they avoid the traps. No boots are gonna keep you alive from a dive god with boots. Even if you pop the buff for a small burst of speed your dead without support from your team. However you have a niche option with Artemis to ignore boots cause she does have a speed buff. Also there is that speed potion in the game if you feel like you need speed in arena. Personally I prefer the "stand your ground" approach on Artemis. She can demolish alot of gods with raw damage in a head on fight as long as you aim. You need to know Artemis as well as the threat levels of the other gods to her. I made it clear if you end up versing multiple gods that are on the high end you need to maybe take a different build. This isnt the end all be all Artemis build I use, but the "classic" and obvious builds are already up here and beaten to death.

SMITEFIRE is (used to be) a website for sharing unique builds and strategies for Gods. Maybe some people dont like want to run the staple archer build or other builds dont work well for them in-game but they want to play Artemis. This build is another option for out of the box thinking that may work better for them.

Just because it's not popular doesnt mean it's a bad build, and for 9 people who voted it DID help them. There's no reason to take it down if it's helpful to even a handful of people. If everyone used the same one-trick build this game wouldnt be as fun or diversified as it is.

PS. This does need to be updated since the time it was made items have changed and I am working on new items/builds with her to replace, but for the most part it's still what I used in arena and siege for a "stand your ground" approach. Not to mention this guide did win me a "grim reaper" thanatos skin from the site. If stuff from the previous seasons can stay up for view, surely a guide that placed in a contest deserves to stay for others to look over and try.
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Kriega1 (143) | November 12, 2018 11:11am
This one needs to be removed too.
Branmuffin17 (401) | November 12, 2018 11:41am
I can partially agree with this. Suggesting no boots on a squishy god with no escape is never a good thing, even if there are suggested strategies behind it, and that's not good for helping newer players. Author also hasn't been on in months.

That said, author DID put a lot of effort into this build, AND did respond to some comments, so it's not exactly troll. It does have 2 crit items (not just 1), and at least has the option for the core pen item (Exe)...though of course it should be core.

I'll archive this, unless Wayne feels it's not warranted.
Gulfwulf (81) | November 12, 2018 12:16pm
While it's not a troll build, it isn't very viable unless used by either a very skilled player or against a team that doesn't know how to counter Art's burst.
boogiebass (46) | May 16, 2018 7:56pm
xZeroStrike is an Artemis main. I wonder what he has to say about this.
xZeroStrike (46) | May 17, 2018 4:18am
You called? To be fair, I have only played SMITE once in the entirety of S5, but I'll go ahead anyway.

Odysseus' Bow is most definitely a good item for Artemis but I see it more as a comfort pick. It isn't mandatory. In fact with O'bow and her Vengeful Assault you're very likely to overcap AS.

Boots seem to have lost their popularity in S5, as seemingly more and more people run without it. I still consider either Ninja Tabi or Warrior Tabi as a core item though. Lack of true escape makes movement speed all the more valuable on her. And they provide other nice bonuses, too. I'd go Ninja Tabi early game, switch to Warrior Tabi late.

Penetration is lacking. The crits won't do $#!t with this build. Especially since DB saw some nerfs compared to S4, and even there penetration was a must-have. Any tank that stands between you and other enemies will feel like a brick wall you're shooting at with a NERF gun. Seriously. Either Titan's Bane or The Executioner. Seeing as he likes Odysseus' Bow and Malice, Titan's Bane would be his go-to. Personally I would get The Executioner, and leave Odysseus' Bow out.

Malice is bad on Artemis. It's just a big no. Transgressor's Fate is a utility tool. It has a DoT but it's laughable. Vengeful Assault doesn't do any damage, Suppress The Insolent is probably the only real ability that Malice's passive would work with but I consider that not worth it. Add to that that Suppress The Insolent doesn't do much damage to begin with. Calydonian Boar has good damage, but it's your ultimate. It's going to be on cooldown or not be used more often than not, and it serves far better as a utility tool rather than damage. Also considering the lack of movement speed would make Calydonian Boar more of a make-shift escape ability more than anything.

Qin's Sais is an okay item, but penetration + crit serves Artemis much better in every way.

Hide of the Nemean Lion is something I wouldn't consider viable, to be honest. Yeah it does return damage which can scare enemies off, but Artemis simply doesn't have the sustain to make much use of it. You'd probably be dead before the item even served you in any useful way.

All the other items seem good to me personally, depending on your enemy team picks.

Personally, I would not use nor recommend this build to anyone, except memers, but you can give them everything so long as it's weird. My go-to build would be Ninja Tabi, Rage, The Executioner as "core", in no particular order. That leaves 3 open slots for whatever. Some defenses, lifesteal, another crit item like Deathbringer or Poisoned Star and whatnot.
DangerousRival | May 17, 2018 4:55am
By popular opinion ill took the malice out (i'll still keep it for increased poke/final blow potential but only in my brain.) The titans bane usually is the last slot since it created and ton of pen, which tanky enemies who thought they were safe from get suddenly blindsided by and makes for a nice suckerpucnh late game.

As you say the ultimate is more of utility, I keep it purely to escape and secure final blows on enemies i know will run soon, or to save allies potentially (worked very well to save our Ares my last match who would yolo when things got rough...) Hide of the nemian lion provide the mosts phys defs for your buck and it's a good deterrent so half hp heroes wont try and chase me since they know they be taking return damage on top of the arrows.

the main problems is high mobility characters even though I did a match where the threat levels i posted were in the even-tiny range their kits were all geared towards speed so i knew it was a bad idea and, took the standard archer arrow spam, mostly because i knew accuracy would be a big issue with so many mobile targets but my kills count definitely suffered for it but i was able to help assist better. Theres a time and place for this to work properly and it's alot of fun when the conditions are right.

i still think Rage is overkill in the crit department though. alot of assassins and hunter need rage so i can see why people flock to it, but it'd rather have any other crit item then rage on Artemis.
Gulfwulf (81) | May 16, 2018 3:45pm
I love playing the red-headed minx, but I would not use your build unless I saw it in action against a competent team.
DangerousRival | May 16, 2018 1:05pm
The last item slot i said was "to play around your enemy teams heavy" whether thats a high hp tank or a high defense. theres a set mentality to building this up as i have that getting penetration too soon would throw off.

In general to win arena you want to knock out as many of the enemy as you can as quickly as you can. Focusing guardians and high hp meatshield does not accomplish this, which is why i dont focus on the ones running high defence build, i let our warriors and assassins do that that job while i pick off the squishy and supports, the sooner you turn the fight into a 4 vs 5 the sooner you make it a 3 vs 5 and so on. Most people think picks arnt important in arena but if you can focus a one or two enemies and keep them out of the fight consistently they will earn less gold and be much weaker come end game where by then you have the last item slot (and the starter item you can sell for space which i realise i didnt point out now) for the endgame where you can get some penetration or quin sais and mop up the last problematic tanky players your warrior and assassin have been fighting mainly.
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 16, 2018 1:30pm
I just still find it a difficult thing to get my head around. You say not to focus tanks (which is a good strategy if you currently have the option of targeting the tank or a squishy). But, in order to get in range of that squishy, you need to get BEHIND the tank...which, unless they're not very skilled or aware, is going to be difficult. Are you able to sneak around the enemy every time you want to engage? Or does that tank (or 2 tanky gods heaven forbid) allow you to just walk by them? You're dealing with poke too, from mages and whatnot. And all the while, you have to maneuver to get in range of those enemies...but you don't have any MS!

And this is what I find confusing. Higher MS allows you to get set up better. With no MS, you'll likely be in contact with tanks first, but you have 0 pen/protection reduction. What players are you playing with/against?

I can kick *** too if I'm against low skill players...but unless I'm surrounding myself with high skill teammates that protect me extremely well, or always facing low skill (maybe account is lower level so still getting paired with lower level players?), then you can't escape the fact that there are things in the build that prevent you from dealing optimal damage, and the strategy relies too much on enemies being, frankly, stupid and not focusing you like they should.

It's fair for you to say that I haven't tried the build for myself...but I've also played the game long enough that I know inherently how certain things should turn out given a build and strategy. Again, I don't deny that you should be able to deal decent damage...but damn if I'd expect to get an equal amount of deaths. A 12 kill 10 death game isn't a good game. I'd consider a 3 kill 0 death game significantly better, personally.
DangerousRival | May 16, 2018 6:16pm
Remember your not alone it's not Artemis vs 5 players, it's Artemis & friends vs 5 players. Alot of the threat level is based off the weaknesses and strengths that this build plays off of.

You basically want to give people the mindset "if you attack me, I'm not gonna run, and your gonna die." And as a hunter it's not your job to initiate combat, thats up to your guardian/warrior/assassin and once the fight breakout you literally on aveage only have to walk forward 5 paces in most and your in the thick of the action with multiple target open for choosing. If they run past 3 of your allies to target you or your mage first most likely whoever tried that is dead if they went alone.

Tanks are very killable but no where near top of the list of targets.

Your main role is to picks and thin the numbers once the fighting starts. typically in one on once fights you'll have the upperhand but as with this build there are ways to other people can build that can counter your style.

If your gonna try this build I highly recommend you have 1 player/friend that knows your not a speed a speed artemis and you'll need some babysitting from a guardian or warrior till your bloodforge is done. Once you have that though your problems become much less cause anything that attacks is gonna filled with cannon-sized holes if they cant tank the damage well.

Your assassin typically has alot of speed of penetration, for those tanky people, you can work well by covering them while they flank. Arena is not a one person show. EVERY build has strengths and weaknesses and this is no exception. They need to protect you as much as you need to protect them. This build is mainly arena is siege because in modes like clash, or joust not having mobility will get you killed where in arena its almost entirely team-fight focused and in siege your main concern is dealing with siege weaponry and guarding your own. Conquest, no you need boots.

It's not gonna be for everyone, and if your messing up your boar/traps alot your gonna get stabbed repeatedly for your mistakes till you figure out how to survive without running away anytime someone gets in knife range. Alot of this is standing your ground and making it a bad idea to try and take it from you. When it comes to glass cannons you'll be queen maybe only surpassed by one-shot builds, which will force you into defensive items.
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Kriega1 (143) | May 16, 2018 10:39am
Malice is terrible on Artemis.

Fixing your arena/siege builds: Warrior Tabi, Asi, Rage, The Executioner, Wind Demon, Poisoned Star. (Can sell Asi lategame for Bloodforge).

Alternative build (non-crit): Warrior Tabi, The Executioner, Qin's Sais, Titan's Bane, Bloodforge, Odysseus' Bow.
Gulfwulf (81) | May 16, 2018 3:38pm
Why didn't you list Deathbringer, Kriega? I'm not faulting your build, I'm genuinely
Kriega1 (143) | May 17, 2018 12:29am
Mainly due to the cost but you can pick it up instead of Rage, although I would buy it 5th or 6th instead possibly.
DangerousRival | May 16, 2018 11:02am
If you read the description you'd have seen the no boots is by choice and has done me quite well turning her into a high physical attack hunter. the Malice is mostly just a power buff and turns almost every shot into a crit, like i say the poison/dot it inflicts has helped me get more kills then you would think. I suggest you actually "try" the build first and rely on you abilities more then your gear before you go suggest the "basic hunter" staple build. Also maybe read it completely before you comment on a "fix"

Your first build doesnt even have odysseus which is a TERRIBLE move not take on Artemis that item mights as well be mandatory for her in any build, and your 2nd build has it at the end which has almost no point on being purchased then.

I have a strong feeling you dont actually play artemis alot much cause Rage is a waste on her unless its the ONLY crit item your using since her passive is crit increase.
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 16, 2018 12:13pm
Understood that no boots is on purpose (I read your writeup). Not arguing you seeing success with the build, but do have concerns with it.

(Also, Kriega, I'd argue that for Art, I'd just always go crit...she and Jing are the two that I'd almost never build Qin's over crit, but maybe that's me looking to be efficient and utilize the crit function from her passive)

Anyway, I agree with Kriega that Malice isn't the greatest crit item for her. Depending on the rest of your item choices, well... Deathbringer is core, but as for the other item, it would either be Rage or Wind Demon.

I can also agree on a modification of his crit build suggestion...go 3x crit, with both Poisoned Star and Wind Demon along with Deathbringer to get a unique, high crit chance build with you making up for the lack of movement speed by slowing enemies with Poisoned while speeding yourself up with WD.

Honestly, if I were to see you building Art without any MS, I'd tell the team to jump you. No way you'd live very long unless you had your ult AND Heavenly Wings up. Your other major lacking in the build is penetration. Yes, you can deal pretty good damage because you've got crit and generally good power...but I don't think you realize just how much you're handicapping your potential DPS by not getting either Titan's Bane or The Executioner earlier. Sure, you have them as options (only as last item?!?, and are you saying that you keep Hunter's Blessing as a main item...really???), but that should be CORE, not an option.

You do address that your build is expensive. You get 3 items in a row (after your main 1st item, O-Bow) that are 2,800-3,000 gold. That's a terrible power curve, even for a quicker match like Arena. If you're fed like crazy, then sure, it'll help...but otherwise, you're going to be behind enemy builds overall.

You really need to replace Hunter's Blessing...that's a starter item, and although it does provide great stats for the price, it is no replacement for a good, full T3 item. You'll increase your DPS just getting The Crusher, for example, and that's not necessarily the best item for her.

Commenting also on your last 2 paragraphs in the comment above...

Odysseus' Bow as a first main item is...okay...but it's not great. Key point of note would be covered in this forum post. Balancing power and attack speed properly is important in maximizing your damage potential at any point of the game. Your first 2 items (starter + O-Bow) provide 0 actual power, though the passive of Hunter's is basically equivalent to 15-30 power on basic attacks only, and the same can be said of O-Bow's 30 damage (but only on every 4th hit). Note also that the passive benefits the more power you, after finishing O-Bow, you have...0 power. This means...0 additional damage out of that passive. This is a reason why most people, when building O-Bow, get it later-game, once they've already built up some good power, and can get more out of that passive. The only other reason you might get it is as an off-meta option to help with early wave-clear, in a slower paced game like Siege (but not Conquest). You'd use that passive's extra damage to help with wave-clear...but although it works, it doesn't work that well, and you're still better off getting power over AS to start.

As for Rage being a waste on her? WHAT? Tell me you understand her passive. If you don't, here it is. She gets 0-15% crit chance out of the passive, building by 5% each time it doesn't proc, and resetting to 0 every time it does. Passive + evolved Rage + DB = 65-80% crit chance. That is NOT a waste, ESPECIALLY in combination with DB. I just don't understand why you would say it's a waste!

Another component of Rage's benefit is due to her steroid. Since Vengeful Assault gives her up to 80% AS at max rank, she needs less AS from items compared to other ADCs. Yes, Malice fits that mold as a crit item also, but although it has higher power, its actual benefit is in a decent reliance on abilities for damage, which isn't Art's main focus.
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Kriega1 (143) | May 16, 2018 11:38am
Odysseus' Bow is a lategame pickup if you actually read the item's passive (notice it says 50% of your physical power on the passive? Your power is quite low early game which is why you DONT pick it up early, and if you mention the flat 30 damage just remember that all gods have base physical protections which means the damage is irrelevant except on minions because you need some physical penetration) Getting it second item after boots is pointless because the item has no power and Warrior Tabi only has 40.

Also let's see: 15% crit from art passive at max stacks, 40% crit from rage evolved, 20% from wind demon, 20% from poisoned star for a total of 95% crit chance (Crit caps at 100%) Don't see how it is a waste when it guarantees a crit for every basic attack. If anything the Wind demon or poisoned star can be replaced (20%), not rage (40%).

Again, Malice is bad on a AA focused hunter.

The point of boots is to actually have a decent early game and either chase kills or run away from enemies on low health. Only certain god's like Freya can skip boots due to the fact she picks up the magical ring items which have movement speed on them.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DangerousRival
My skills are unmatched - Arena & Siege (Threat level update)
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