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Hello. Subzero here. I make guides.
Why jungle as Athena, when you can be jungling as
Fenrir or
Mercury? Athena has several advantages not found in your typical assassin, and they come with a matching set of weaknesses.
Global Presence: As Athena, you can react to threats anywhere, as long as an ally is nearby. You can turn around teamfights, counter a gank, fend off an invader, or unleash a deadly gank of your own. This should not be underestimated. |
High Defenses: Athena is a tank, and has access to higher innate defenses than other junglers. Not only that, but her entire kit is extremely defensive, with the ability to block basic attacks, a zoning damage ability, and a global escape/counterganking skill. You are very, very hard to kill even without any protection items. |
Mobility: Athena has a fairly low cooldown dash with a cheap cost, as well as a global teleport. She is very, very fast. |
Counterjungling Ability: Athena is one of the few gods where I would feel completely confident in invading at later levels. Her kit allows her to easily steal camps, and she is a good duelist as well. |
Flexible Build: You can see the mass of listed items up there? Athena has an extremely flexible build, with literally two core items. You can adapt to nearly every situation, which is a considerable bonus. |
Long Cooldowns: Without any cooldown reduction, your cooldowns are ridiculously high. This translates to long period of vulnerability between abilities, of which any smart enemy would take advantage. |
Weak Early Game: Athena lacks early damage and burst, and so her early game is weak compared to gods like ![]() |
High Skill Floor: Athena must be able to hit with her ![]() |
Athena's kit, unlike most junglers and like most guardians, relies more on repeated use than raw power. I find that cooldown reduction is nigh-essential on her for this reason. The sheer utility you gain from being able to use Confound,
Preemptive Strike and
Defender of Olympus more often is, in my opinion, far more useful than a stronger
Shield Wall. Because of this, I would recommend at least 25% cooldown reduction on whatever you build.
In general, my builds have some of both kinds of defense, some penetration, some cooldown reduction, some magical power and Polynomicon w/
Rod of Tahuti. A magical bruiser, to be precise.
I've listed two example builds: The Might of Athens and Rapid Response. I'll list the pros and cons of each.
Go with the standard jungler's start: Bumba's Mask,
Hand of the Gods, and potions of your choice.
Now, where to put that one skill point?
Shield Wall: This ability is everything. It is your main damage skill. It is your zoning skill. It is what you will use to clear camps, it is what enemies will fear you for. Level this one first, but at an equal rate to ![]() |
Shoes of Focus: These give CDR, which, as previously discussed, is quite important, and Athena's clear speeds are fast enough without the 15 penetration. Get these if you want to increase your damage output and CDR. |
Shoes of the Magi: If you want to maximize your damage as soon as possible, get these. You'll have some time on your hands, so this could help you if you are that desperate for early invasions/ganks/whatnot. Get these if you want to maximize your damage output. |
Reinforced Greaves: These greaves are often underestimated. You'll spend a bit more time clearing camps, but some would consider the extra speed and resistivity to be worth it. Get these if you want further defenses, more mobility, and a spot of CC reduction. |
Athena's clearing methods are simple. Use your Shield Wall, and maybe a
Preemptive Strike, a few basic attacks and you're done. While Athena's early clear speeds are not the highest in the world, it is somewhat mitigated by her high mobility. Mainly:
Preemptive Strike: This is a cheap and long dash, and more importantly, hitting anyone with it grants you a stack of Block, which is the cornerstone of your dueling potential against enemy junglers. You can use this all the time, for slowing enemies, chasing, clearing camps, running away. It's a very versatile and useful skill, but level this last. |
Polynomicon: This item synergizes brilliantly with your passive, granting Athena a strong ranged attack and significantly increasing your damage output. You can switch this for one of the defensive or offensive items, and save ![]() |
Breastplate of Valor: Gives the always important CDR, and huge amount of physical protections, and increases your mana pool significantly. Not much else to report. |
Focused Void Stone: A hybrid tank/power item, this versatile piece can be used as both an offense and defense item. The penetration helps, as well. |
Bulwark of Hope: Gives a ****load of magical protections and health. The passive is also helpful. |
Idol of Concentration
Idol of Concentration: Gives a tiny bit of CDR, but the passive is universally useful. If you need some magical defense, I'd get this almost all the time over ![]() |
mystical mark
Mystical Mark: This item grants a highly useful damaging aura, which is good for both clearing and ganking, and a good amount of physical protections and health. Also works well with any magical penetration you might have. |
Midgardian Mail: This is basically ![]() ![]() |
Ethereal Staff: This is rather overpriced, but it gives a good amount of magical power while providing you with 600 health. Even without other defensive items, 600 health is still 600 health, and the power this item gives should not be underestimated. If you are getting this, consider buying ![]() |
Hide of the Urchin: THE most efficient tank item in the game. When you buy this, you are buying it for the stats. Not much else to say. |
Magi's Blessing
Magi's Blessing: Even if this gives a tiny amount of protections, the CC reduction and passive are good enough on their own. Get this if your enemies rely on CC for their attacks, since you'll be able to avoid most of the damage without any protections by negating their combos. |
Magi's Cowl
Magi's Cowl: If you bought ![]() |
Each buff has their own use and all, but I find that the red buff is best for Athena. Her mobility is fast enough, and her already good clear speeds are enhanced to give her more free time. Not to mention that Athena doesn't really depend on basic attacks, so her clear speed only marginally improves with the orange buff.
At later levels, you might want to consider the blue buff, as the cooldown reduction is a great help for those without maxed CDR. At the very least, it won't hurt.
(I know this section is unpolished, but I'll leave that for future updates.)
Ganking as Athena is fairly simple, and utilizes a simple, three-step combo of Shield Wall and
Confound. The latter is especially important. It is your bread and butter, your Alpha and Omega, the foundation of Athena's ganking potential. For Athena's ganks rely more on teamwork and coordination instead of raw damage, although she can certainly do well enough in that area.
Confound: This is Athena's signature ability. This is what makes your ![]() ![]() |
Eye of Providence
Eye of Providence: Free wards, enhanced counterjungling potential, and the ability to destroy enemy wards, once fully upgraded, should not be underestimated. It seems odd to think of this as an offensive item, but that's what it is. Get this if you need vision and want to counter the enemy's. |
Fist of the Gods: This allows you to shut down an enemy for a very long time, as well as not consume an active slot. A very good item, and very good for taking down those pesky few who always seem to get away. |
Defender of Olympus: The other signature ability of Athena's. You will use this to deliver a massive chunk of burst damage during a synchronized gank, you can use this to escape or to come to an ally's aid, and the damage mitigation is also good when paired with an initiating tank during teamfights. There are so many uses for this, this is the main reason why I advocate getting CDR on Athena. |
Invasion is a powerful tactic, and Athena is good at utilizing it.
Enemy presence and wards are simply bypassed by communication and awareness. The biggest problem is the enemy jungler. He'll be guarding and taking his camps, as well as fight you over the mid furies. He is your nemesis and should be treated with respect and caution.
Firstly, you need to make sure that the enemy doesn't invade you. Put a ward or two, or make sure that your camps are finished. The wards are especially important, as Athena's teleport is useless if you don't know when to use it. Shielded Teleport is especially useful here.
Athena has three tools she can use to invade:
At this stage, you'll likely have a pair of footwear, Polynomicon, and your choice of defensive item. Now you need more power as well as utility. You have quite a bit of options here:
Chronos' Pendant: If you are getting this, it is best bought early, where the MP5 would do its work. Gives a spot of power while granting you a large chunk of CDR. |
Obsidian Shard: If you are getting just one penetration item, I'd recommend this. Very versatile, while giving a fairly large amount of power. Cheap, too. |
Book of Thoth: Athena has a deep mana pool, and items like ![]() |
Bancroft's Talon: A cheap source of power and lifesteal. I don't usually get this item, but it is useful nonetheless, especially for jungle fights. |
Focused Void Stone: This also works as a power item. More importantly, it gives you the penetration you need to remain an effective damage dealer, while rounding out any possible gaps in your defenses. |
Doom Orb: If you're getting this item, you have gotten a few kills, want to snowball, and want the cheapest source of raw power you can find. |
Rod of Overcompensation: Just for once, I'd like to see a phallic symbol NOT be the ultimate object of power in a video game. It's always a sword, or staff, or rod, or something like that. Why not a book? Knowledge is power, after all. And League of Legends even lampshaded it with the Needlessly Large Rod. Why not? |
Aegis Pendant: This one is best if an enemy has a heavily damaging move that doesn't require much setup to kill you, such as spirit's tempest or ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Purification Beads: These can be just as damage-mitigating as Aegis if the enemy is particularly reliant on CC for their damage, and have a lower cooldown to boot. They can also be used offensively, to get the CDR needed for that essential dash or taunt. |
Sometimes, you'll be called to defend a tower or two. Athena can certainly do it. Her waveclear isn't the best in the world, but it's pretty good all the same.
Unfortunately, most situations like this also have a conspicuous lack of allies near the structure in question. You'll need some help.
Teleport to Towers/Shielded Teleport: For some reason, there is no image to Teleport to Towers. Mod, please fix this. Anyway, this helps you id you wish to reserve your ultimate for ganks, provides you with even more mobility, and is excellent for saving a tower. I wouldn't consider this for most junglers, but it synergizes well with Athena, so why not? |
Your role in teamfights changes depending on your degree of squishiness. We'll start with presenting a universal role regardless of your build. First and foremost, your goal is to deal damage.
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Mercury isn't so bad. His greatest threat is that he is just as fast as you, and you have different kits. His early game is roughly on the same level as yours, but he specializes in sustained damage while yours is burst damage. I'd classify this as a medium-ish encounter.
Direct Confrontation
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Tips and Tricks
![]() Save your ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mercury has a rather inflexible build, but his items are not. ![]() ![]() At later levels, you'll be able to kill him only slightly faster than he can kill you, so watch out. Reaction speed is important here. |
This guide was a trip down memory lane for me. Athena is truly a fun goddess to play, and I hope you'll have as good of a time as I have.
December 30 2013: Published guide!
12/31/13: By torches and pitchforks popular demand, I added a few example and/or recommended builds to start on. Also did some visual reworking on that hideous wall of text that was the "Role in Teamfights" section. Turned "Clearing Camps" into "Clearing your Jungle" because I added a "Clearing Their Jungle" section. Also added matchups: Mercury.
1/4/13: Added a section explaining the builds, included the rest of the actives, expanded Teamfights by adding Initiation, and a tiny little section on what buffs are best.
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I don't like to see phallic discussions in a guide.
Plenty of overly obvious information > "Bulwark of Hope: Gives a ****load of magical protections and health. The passive is also helpful." > Orly?
*no words*
Plenty of overly obvious information > "Bulwark of Hope: Gives a ****load of magical protections and health. The passive is also helpful." > Orly?
awesome guide,
pierrebffmoha (its my game name; plz add me so you can show me how Athena works)
You should provide builds for specific circumstances rather than a list of every item that can be beneficial. I could currently relate it to telling someone how to play Smite by "using your keyboard and mouse."
The rest of the guide is stellar, but I still think the build section could be improved.
Are the bruiser builds listed above good for Arena too? She's my number 1 character for Arena and that build seemed so good I was just curious.
They work pretty well for Arena, but I'm not an Arena player. If you want Arena help, I'd recommend asking TormentedTurnip. He's our Arena specialist on Smitefire. Raventhor also mains Arena.
Honestly, I feel that the choice of buff and routes are best in a general guide. The blue buffs are
pretty muchnever for you, since the laners are better off with it, and I already discussed the pros and cons of red and orange in my general guide. But I can put that maybe it would be useful once laning phase has dissolved thanks to the CDR and mana for that CDR.Meh, even if
Counterstrategies, well, every match I had as her was either a stomp (fairly common), I didn't see the jungler (most common), or the enemy jungler snowballed (least common). Mercury was the only one where he and I maintained a relatively equal footing*. Of course, I'll be adding more with updates.
I goofed on the actives. Will be in the next update.
And yeah, DoF needs it's own little section.
Ty for the review.
*In League, no less, which is why I think Athena is a fine counter to him.
All righty, first and foremost: another great guide, nice job.
Now for the critiques!
Although PowaManG is acting like an imbecile, his point about the builds does hold validity. What I see when I look at your build is a database of every item in the game. I highly recommend you add several new builds dedicated to certain situations. For instance, build one could focus on early game magic power, build two could focus on a healer in the enemy solo lane, etc. As it stands, I can't help but accuse it of lacking its "guide" aspect; show us builds for different situations, not a medley of items that provide certain stats.
I also don't think I saw this stated anywhere in your guide, but you can actually dodge the basics from taunted enemies. They have to be near the edge of the taunt, but it's worth noting - there's no use taking basics if you're under the effects of Heavenly Agility and can easily juke them, or something.
And finally, the underlined word should read "them" not "then."
Again, nice job.
I'll explain the recommended builds in my next update. That should hopefully eliminate the problems with it. And thanks for the tip about
Include (unless I missed it) a place that talks about your OWN jungle clear route. What buffs to give away and which to keep. Should you take a blue buff for the mana and CDR instead of the duo or solo lanes, or take the usual red?
Polynomicon is a dangerous item for Athena nowadays, since it's now a 4 second pause before it can activate again. Due to how her shield wall has to lead directly into a confound, and you have insanely long CD's, it's not like you can weave in the basic attacks easily and pump out damage. You might get one poly off, MAYBE two if you don't have to blow your dash and can still get everything off well. Even so, then you're waiting for a lengthy amount of time. I'm a personal fan of the item, but I feel like, even with how awesome it is with her passive, the rest of her skills don't compliment it. =/
Why does Counterstrategies only list Mercury?
Rabadon's Deathcap isn't a phallic weapon ;D
I love the icons used in each section pretty well, gives it a nice feel.
Include an actives section, please. You include a couple in your ganking section, but not much. Also, from what I Remember, Supports get
I'd also like, if possible, a specific section on
But it's a great guide, and covers everything a beginner or expert jungler needs to know for using Athena. I like it. +1 :D
Now for the critiques!
Although PowaManG is acting like an imbecile, his point about the builds does hold validity. What I see when I look at your build is a database of every item in the game. I highly recommend you add several new builds dedicated to certain situations. For instance, build one could focus on early game magic power, build two could focus on a healer in the enemy solo lane, etc. As it stands, I can't help but accuse it of lacking its "guide" aspect; show us builds for different situations, not a medley of items that provide certain stats.
I also don't think I saw this stated anywhere in your guide, but you can actually dodge the basics from taunted enemies. They have to be near the edge of the taunt, but it's worth noting - there's no use taking basics if you're under the effects of Heavenly Agility and can easily juke them, or something.
And finally, the underlined word should read "them" not "then."
Again, nice job.
However, the sheer amount of details in this guide on how to play Athena are absolutely brilliant, and you have my vote. +1
Don't listen to that first guy, by the way. I think he had a bad Christmas.