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"Time Heals All Wounds" S6 ADC Conquest

4 0 16,782
by IAmTheWraith updated May 7, 2019

Smite God: Chronos

Build Guide Discussion 12 More Guides
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Chronos Build

AA-Based Start

Notes Standard start for pretty much every game with Lifesteal. You have decent sustain in lane, and against aggressive lanes you are going to be glad to have the extra health pot.


Standard start for pretty much every game with Lifesteal. You have decent sustain in lane, and against aggressive lanes you are going to be glad to have the extra health pot.

Build Item Hunter's Blessing Hunter's Blessing
Build Item Tiny Trinket Tiny Trinket
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Auto-Attack ADC (Check Notes for Selling Boots)

Notes Generally good for powerful basics

Late, sell Shoes of the Magi for Elixir of Speed and Obsidian Shard or some defence if you are needing it.


Generally good for powerful basics

Late, sell Shoes of the Magi for Elixir of Speed and Obsidian Shard or some defence if you are needing it.

Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Demonic Grip Demonic Grip
Build Item Hastened Ring Hastened Ring
Build Item Telkhines Ring Telkhines Ring
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Tanky Start

Notes If you are trying to be a bit safer in the midgame and lategame teamfights, you can sacrifice some of your early pressure by rushing into a Warlock's Staff early. This is generally good against less aggressive lanes where you can build a lead farming Warlock's Staff early.


If you are trying to be a bit safer in the midgame and lategame teamfights, you can sacrifice some of your early pressure by rushing into a Warlock's Staff early. This is generally good against less aggressive lanes where you can build a lead farming Warlock's Staff early.

Build Item Hunter's Blessing Hunter's Blessing
Build Item Uncommon Staff Uncommon Staff
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Tanky ADC (See Notes for Selling Boots)

Notes Lategame, sell Shoes of the Magi for Elixir of Speed and Obsidian Shard or defence if you need it, such as Magi's Cloak


Lategame, sell Shoes of the Magi for Elixir of Speed and Obsidian Shard or defence if you need it, such as Magi's Cloak

Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Demonic Grip Demonic Grip
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Telkhines Ring Telkhines Ring

Book of Thoth Ability Based Start

Notes For Midlane:

The only Ability Based build I'm going to go over. I generally think it's best to skip a blessing and just get t2 book so you can get online faster.


For Midlane:

The only Ability Based build I'm going to go over. I generally think it's best to skip a blessing and just get t2 book so you can get online faster.

Build Item Book of Souls Book of Souls
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Book of Thoth Ability Based (See Notes for Selling Boots)

Notes For Midlane:

Other options are Shoes of the Magi over Shoes of Focus if you feel like you need the pen, but with pen coming online next item anyways I don't think you need it.

Divine Ruin is good over Spear of Desolation against heal heavy comps, but it will hinder your one-shot potential.

Lategame, sell Shoes of Focus for Elixir of Speed and either Book of the Dead for defence or Soul Reaver for more damage.


For Midlane:

Other options are Shoes of the Magi over Shoes of Focus if you feel like you need the pen, but with pen coming online next item anyways I don't think you need it.

Divine Ruin is good over Spear of Desolation against heal heavy comps, but it will hinder your one-shot potential.

Lategame, sell Shoes of Focus for Elixir of Speed and either Book of the Dead for defence or Soul Reaver for more damage.

Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Shaman's Ring Shaman's Ring
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Situational Items

Notes Divine Ruin for the situational antiheal

Mage's Blessing for some matchups, though I don't use it enough to tell you how viable it is

Rod of Tahuti is for really closing out build. I really only use it a lot through my AA build, but it can be built in most of these builds.

Spear of Desolation is good in the ability based build, you can build it last slot if you don't need a ton of pen

Mantle of Discord, Magi's Cloak good all-around defence that grant CC immunity, which is very good for our man Chronos

Celestial Legion Helm, Dynasty Plate Helm, Void Stone situational defence


Divine Ruin for the situational antiheal

Mage's Blessing for some matchups, though I don't use it enough to tell you how viable it is

Rod of Tahuti is for really closing out build. I really only use it a lot through my AA build, but it can be built in most of these builds.

Spear of Desolation is good in the ability based build, you can build it last slot if you don't need a ton of pen

Mantle of Discord, Magi's Cloak good all-around defence that grant CC immunity, which is very good for our man Chronos

Celestial Legion Helm, Dynasty Plate Helm, Void Stone situational defence

Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Mage's Blessing Mage's Blessing
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Celestial Legion Helm Celestial Legion Helm
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Dynasty Plate Helm Dynasty Plate Helm


Notes Purification Beads and Aegis Amulet are your go-to relics for most games. If you are playing something like Chronos solo, you can pick up Meditation Cloak, but it seems like you would probably want beads over it.

Teleport Glyph is a sound option for solo as well

Phantom Veil if you absolutely need it for Odin


Purification Beads and Aegis Amulet are your go-to relics for most games. If you are playing something like Chronos solo, you can pick up Meditation Cloak, but it seems like you would probably want beads over it.

Teleport Glyph is a sound option for solo as well

Phantom Veil if you absolutely need it for Odin

Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment
Build Item Phantom Veil Phantom Veil

Chronos's Skill Order

Time Rift

1 X Y
Time Rift
1 4 6 8 9


2 A B
3 12 13 15 16

Stop Time

3 B A
Stop Time
2 7 10 11 14


4 Y X
5 17 18 19 20
Time Rift
1 4 6 8 9

Time Rift

1 X
Chronos creates a rift in time, damaging all enemies in the area.

Ability Type: Circle, Damage
Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+80% of your Magical Power)
Radius: 10
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 5s
3 12 13 15 16


2 A
Chronos accelerates himself over time, allowing him to move faster initially and gain speed over time. While active, his Attack Speed is increased. This ability also stops the Wheel of Time.

Section I: Heal 1% Max Health Per Second
Section II: 100% Mana Refund On Abilities
Section III: +35% Magical Power
Section IV: +35% Magical Power Contribution to Basic Attacks

Ability Type: Buff
Movement Speed: 20% Initial + 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20% over time
Attack Speed: 25 / 27.5 / 30 / 32.5 / 35%
Lifetime: 7s
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 12s
Stop Time
2 7 10 11 14

Stop Time

3 B
Shooting forward spinning gears of time, any enemies hit by Chronos' attack have their Attack Speed reduced and Ramp to a Stun, taking damage on the initial hit and again when they are stunned.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage (Applied Twice): 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+45% of your Magical Power)
Stun: 1s
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
5 17 18 19 20


4 Y
Chronos travels through time to where he was 8 seconds ago, gaining Health and Mana back to the values of that time. All of his Cooldowns are instantly reset as well.

Ability Type: Buff
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 100 / 95 / 90 / 85 / 80s



Hey guys! I'm relatively new to SmiteFire, and this is my very first guide!

Just a few things about me before we start

I play ADC as much as I can, though juggling school full time, a job, and a game can be pretty difficult, so if some of my stuff is slightly out of date just let me know, I'll update it :)

I am planning to do a guide for each hunter as well as each magical ADC eventually, I just don't have tons of playtime on some of them in the new season.

Pros / Cons

Scales into Mid-lategame well, has good damage potential
Has great sieging for a mage. His Accelerate IV makes your basics hit really hard
Can really fill the "Carry" role, sieging towers and objectives easily and poking backline consistently.

Has little to no escapes from hard CC without beads
Has trouble against gods with lots of CC Immunity
Can struggle to transition into late game if the early game goes especially bad



His item builds depend on whether you plan on being an earlygame AA based true ADC, or a more lategame teamfighting ability based mage.

For AA Based builds, Hastened Ring and Telkhines Ring are pretty essential for attack speed, as well as having autos that can chunk squishies. Hastened Ring's passive is reminiscent of Hastened Fatalis, albeit fixed and for mages. Against frontline, Demonic Grip is good pen, and against squishies it's good damage..

For Ability Based builds, you are able to rush Book of Thoth, which goes very well lategame with Book of the Dead These two make it very hard to get bursted in teamfights, since it gives you time to use Rewind while a very large shield is up.

My Thoughts on Gameplay


Early game, be as aggressive as you can. Try to get deep wards placed to alert you to incoming ganks, therefore letting you push much further. Being able to push your opponent back and force them under their tower & back to base often means that you can take the tower early, which means that you are allowed to start rotating and sieging other lanes and joining teamfights for objectives.

In the midgame, you want to be dealing consistent damage while being as safe as possible. Even if you had an amazing early game, it can all fall apart here if you give up a couple of kills by overextending. Relic choice plays a huge part in how aggressive you can be, as a relic pair of Purification Beads and Blink Rune doesn't let you be as aggressive as if you had Aegis Amulet in the last spot because you will have trouble disengaging.

If you do make it to lategame and are still in very good shape (you made it through the midgame without sacrificing your earlygame pressure & lead), you can start filling in as a split pusher that needs attention, letting your team siege on the other side of the map successfully, or as a traditional hunter, poking down structures while your team tanks and peels for you.

Notes on combos:

The 3+1 combo

Stop Time+Auto Attack+ Time Rift lets you get a guaranteed hit of Time Rift, which packs big damage once you get just a couple levels and an item into it.

The 2+3+1 combo

Accelerate taking the 4th quadrant, AA, then doing the combo above can one tap some squishies early, and can really pressure squishies late.

The 2+3+1+4 combo

Doing the same combo as above then using Rewind, with good setup, lets you use the whole combo over again, dealing dangerous amounts of damage to tanks, and most likely killing squishies at any stage of the game.


Thanks for reading my take of Chronos Carry!

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Kriega1 (143) | June 13, 2019 9:59am
Add Pythags as alternative for Bancrofts.
Kriega1 (143) | May 6, 2019 9:20am
Ok I came up with yet another ability based build: Book of Thoth, Shoes of Focus/ Shoes of the Magi, Spear of Desolation/ Divine Ruin, Obsidian Shard, Shaman's Ring, Rod of Tahuti. Oh and Section III is pretty decent somewhat once you have stacked Shamans and Rod. Test it, and see how it feels, though note that having to get divine over deso may somewhat lower any one-shot potential, and also you need to factor in any aura effects like Heartward and Thebes. Lategame you can sell boots for Book of the Dead for survivability or Soul Reaver for more damage.
IAmTheWraith | May 6, 2019 5:02pm
Played around with it, definitely enjoy it a lot more than what I have now. I'll fix the build shortly. Thanks for your ongoing help!
Kriega1 (143) | May 2, 2019 3:08pm
Ok I had a chat with Wlfy ("who?" - and he said he feels Shamans could work on Chronos if you build Tahuti as well in the build but im not sure what the full build would look like.

Im still trying to figure out an optimal ability based Chronos build myself, and whether poly or instead, soul gem could be needed.

He did give this build as his mosted recently used (for ability based): book of thoth, cdr boots, deso, obs shard, reaver, tahuti, sell boots for book of dead (or AA-Ring like Telkhines or Demonic). (not saying switch the build, just something to try if you want to test for an optimal ability based build like im trying to find).
IAmTheWraith | May 3, 2019 6:35am
How do you feel about Chronos Pendant in ability based builds?
Kriega1 (143) | May 3, 2019 8:03am
I've tried it early on in the build, but it feels like your damage suffers quite a bit, and the book of thoth build is also weak early game, but at least somewhat makes up for it lategame (with the high power + you're building mana items to complement), if you get pendant early it just makes the build feel lacklustre. You could consider it a boots replacement but otherwise I wouldn't recommend it.

You could try how this style of build work out (similar to the ones I tried to use but didn't feel right for me):

There is another build you could try, but it's auto-attack hybrid (though I don't see why you would prioritise it over warlocks + bancrofts - which gives you lifesteal and more health): Book of Thoth, Shoes of Focus, Book of the Dead, Obsidian Shard, Hastened Ring, Rod of Tahuti/ Telkhines Ring, sell boots for Demonic Grip or Rod of Tahuti or Soul Reaver. Again it's more of hybrid and I don't see it giving out the potential burst I would be expecting from a proper ability based build (that im still looking to find , whether it includes soul gem or poly or neither).
Kriega1 (143) | May 1, 2019 12:46pm
AA-based start - fine, though you can also start tier 1 dynasty plate instead of tiny trinket (which I usually do in ADC).

AA-build - fine, though if you're getting Dynasty plate helm, get it after boots and before bancrofts. (sell it late for like a mantle of discord or hide of the urchin or a damage item).

tanky start - fine. Also warlocks start is worse against "aggressive early adcs" because it's a weaker start than the tiny trinket one, second, warlocks makes your early game pretty slow and weak and forces you to farm as much as possible.

Tanky adc - im not sure why you're building spear of the magus on Chronos. The only good situation you would gain benefit from it's passive is hitting both your 1 + 3 on a target, and then auto-attacking afterwards. The passive is pretty meh for ability damage as Chronos isn't a DoT mage, so you're missing out on ability damage with it. The problem with hitting your 1 + 3 is that the 3 is on a long cooldown and is pretty much your only self-peel outside of ult and relics, so just by this alone you can already tell why Magus isn't a great idea, then there's also the fact you actually need to hit your 3 which in quite a few situations won't be very easy, unless you're melee range next to someone (but this isn't going to be a good idea in a lot of situations). Demonic Grip and Obsidian Shard are better items to consider, and also cheaper than Magus.

Also the tanky adc build does not have enough pen by the lategame to deal with tanks, and I don't like the idea of just relying on only Telkhines in a "ADC" build. Chronos' Pendant isn't the best choice for damage, but if you want it badly for the cdr thats ok.

Improved "tanky adc" - Shoes of the Magi (get this first), Warlock's Staff, Bancroft's Talon, Demonic Grip, Telkhines Ring, Chronos' Pendant. Can sell boots for obs shard, tahuti, hastend or magi's.

Book of Thoth Ability Based Start - you can only get 3 potions if you start tier 2 thoth.

Book of Thoth Ability Based (See Notes for Selling Boots) - Should be going Shoes of Focus if you're getting Book of Thoth due to it's passive, Chronos' Pendant third item is a bad idea when building book of thoth. Also I assume this is a mid lane build and not a carry one.

Now onto Shaman's Ring, not entirely sure about this one, for ability damage the passive is only benefitting either your 1 or 3 depending on which hits the target first, as for AA-damage you would be better off with Telkhines or Demonic for AA DPS.

I already explained why Magus isn't a good choice.

Book of the Dead is fine since you're building Book of Thoth.

Also this is an ability based build, yet no Polynomicon? I don't think this build is just going to do enough without it, since you're not building any of the rings so you won't even have high AA-dps, even Shogun's Kusari won't help much.

Improved "Book of Thoth Ability Based" - Book of Thoth, Shoes of Focus, Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard, Polynomicon, Soul Reaver. Can sell boots for Book of the Dead or Chronos' Pendant. This build isn't very effective till you get Poly/Reaver (or perhaps either demonic or telkhines), but 1. That's usually the case with ability based Chronos, 2. Chronos is late game focused anyway.

Situational Items - Mage's blessing - In mid you want this over hunter's if stacking warlocks.

No Dynasty Plate Helm listed? It's a better option than Celestial Legion Helm since that item got nerfed, it's less protections than celestial but it has pen which gives you more damage than the slight extra power.

Relics - Meditation Cloak - you don't need this in solo lane, you have Section II on Accelerate (and you can mana sustain with blue buff), and you can pick up Warrior's Blessing which you can proc at range with your autos or 1.

Phantom Veil - only if your team doesen't pick it up, Odin is kinda meh now anyway, also your ult can get you out the cage as well.

Blink - If you blink and then you rewind, you get returned to where you blinked to, not where you blinked from, just telling you that.

I would list teleport just as a solo lane choice.

Levelling order - fine.

Really good early game, can take towers exceptionally early"

Yeah im not sure about this one chief. Maybe you were thinking of Sol for the second part.

Has trouble being mobile"

What? We just forgetting what accelerate does? Or how Rewind works if you don't stand still for like 10 seconds?

Can struggle to transition into late game if the early game goes especially bad"

This applies to basically anyone that isn't The Morrigan.

Also you didn't listed one of his biggest cons which is CC immunity counters Chronos harshly, whether it's beads, magi's cloak, or a CC-immune ability.

"His item builds depend on whether you plan on being an earlygame AA based true ADC, or a more lategame teamfighting ability based mage." - Chronos isn't an early game adc... The aa-build just comes online sooner and is more META.

"For AA Based builds, Hastened Ring and Telkhines Ring are pretty essential for attack speed, as well as having autos that can chunk squishies." - Hastened is bought for the passive, not for it's stats. If you don't need the passive badly for chasing/juking/boxing, then you can swap this item for something else.

"Against frontline, Demonic Grip is good pen." - has good base stats, cheaper and does more damage than hastened, even against squishies.

"Early game, be as aggressive as you can." - only if the enemy duo is not putting up much pressure in lane, and you still have to watch out for ganks.

"The 2+3+1 combo

Accelerate taking the 3rd quadrant, then doing the combo above can one tap some squishies early, and can really pressure squishies late." - You almost never want to do this combo unless you won't get a chance to use autos. You get much more damage off by using AA-cancelling with the 3 + 1 with Section IV activated, even when going ability-based. Not to mention if you're going ability based you should have poly in your build at some point.

If you're not going to AA-cancel with the 3+1 and not building poly on an ability-based Chronos, play another burst mage instead.
IAmTheWraith | May 2, 2019 6:44am
Thanks for all the input Kriega1. Fixed the builds and some of the wording in the description.
Kriega1 (143) | May 2, 2019 6:47am
Did you publish? I don't see any updates. (saving does not work you have to republish each time).
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"Time Heals All Wounds" S6 ADC Conquest
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