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Sobek: The Troll of the Nile

11 1 71,930
by Sunfall updated April 7, 2013

Smite God: Sobek

Build Guide Discussion 17 More Guides
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Sobek Build

Tanking Core Items

Build Item Reinforced Greaves (Deleted) Reinforced Greaves (Deleted)
Build Item Wall of Absolution Wall of Absolution
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff

Trolling Core Items

Build Item Boots of Celerity Boots of Celerity
Build Item Mark of the Vanguard Mark of the Vanguard
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak

Other Items

Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Hide of Leviathan Hide of Leviathan
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation

Sobek's Skill Order

Charge Prey

1 X Y
Charge Prey
2 15 16 18 19

Tail Whip

2 A B
Tail Whip
3 6 8 10 11

Sickening Strike

3 B A
Sickening Strike
1 4 7 12 14

Lurking In The Waters

4 Y X
Lurking In The Waters
5 9 13 17 20
Charge Prey
2 15 16 18 19

Charge Prey

1 X
Sobek charges forward at a frenzied pace. If Sobek hits an enemy, he does damage, becomes briefly CC Immune, and throws the enemy behind him. Sobek is immune to knockups while dashing.

Ability Type: Dash, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 12s
Tail Whip
3 6 8 10 11

Tail Whip

2 A
Sobek whips around in a circle, knocking enemies back and doing damage.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Radius: 20
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Sickening Strike
1 4 7 12 14

Sickening Strike

3 B
Sobek does an axe attack that damages all enemies in front of him and lowers their healing received. In addition, Sobek heals for each enemy hit, up to 4.

Ability Type: Cone, Heal, Damage
Damage: 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 / 230 (+30% of your Magical Power)
Healing Reduction: 40%
Healing Reduction Lifetime: 5s
Heal: 22 / 29 / 36 / 43 / 50
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12 / 11.5 / 11 / 10.5 / 10s
Lurking In The Waters
5 9 13 17 20

Lurking In The Waters

4 Y
Sobek submerges himself, where he gains 20% protections, regenerates Mana, is immune to Crowd Control, may pass through player-made walls, and he Slows all enemies. When Sobek emerges, he damages all enemies in the radius. Cancelling the ability decreases the damage.

Ability Type: Circle, Debuff, Damage
Damage: 300 / 450 / 600 / 750 / 900 (+80% of your Magical Power)
Submerge Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%
Submerge Lifetime: 5s
Submerge Mana Regen: 10% per second
Radius: 30
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90s

Update History

April 7th: Sobek Guide published.


Hello, I am Sunfall, and for this SMITEFire guide, I will be covering a god that doesn't seem to get too much attention around here. That god is none other than Sobek, the God of the Nile!

Wait, what do you mean I mislabeled the title? Oh no, that is no typo. Allow me to continue...

Sobek was one of the initial 18 gods that has been around since the begining of Closed Beta. The role he plays is that of a tank, meaning he is supposed to be in the forefront of a teamfight, getting in the way of his enemies in order to safeguard his team. What sets him apart from other tanks, however, is that Sobek is a troll.

Just look at this guy. He carries around this big axe, and if you're new to SMITE, you might be thinking "Oh, he's gotta do lots of physical damage!" right? WRONG! He does magical damage with all of his skills! And speaking of skills, he has the most trollish kit of any tank in the game. Sure, Ymir can stun people who get too close to him and wall you off if you run into the jungle, but those pale in comparison to what Sobek can do in the lane. He can grab you and chuck you behind him for his carry to pick off if you're foolish enough to leave an open space between you and him. And if you think that's annoying, he can swing his tail to knock you around and throw you out of position. Trying to get away? He'll just throw you back to his team. Did he leave himself open? Nah, he'll just sweep everyone away from him and be fine. And that's all just from two skills, and I've barely scraped the surface of his potential!

Of course, it takes considerable skill and practice with Sobek in order to achieve the levels of trollishness I speak of. In fact, a bad Sobek could very well be a troll to your own team! Needless to say, he's not a perfect god, he's got his ups and downs. So lets take a look at those.

+Naturally tanky stats and a passive to compliment it.
+Good at inititating fights.
+ Sickening Strike has a built-in healing debuff and provides decent sustain.
+Zones very well with Charge Prey, and can potentially score early kills.
+Has a lot of skills that can mess with the enemy's position.
+Skills can be used in a variety of ways.

-Low mana + expensive skills = cannot afford to spam skills early on.
-Low damage ouput unless you stack cooldown reduction. Even then, you really shouldn't fight battles alone, you're a tank, not a DPS god.
-Cannot farm minions very well.
- Charge Prey and Tail Whip can potentially backfire or help enemies if used incorrectly.
-Ultimate is tricky to use correctly.

Lets move on to the actual guide!


Blessing of the Nile (Passive)

Every time you land a basic attack, your physical and magical protections increase by 5 per hit, stacking up to three times, and the effect lasts for four seconds. It's a pretty strong passive early on when 15 points of defense and resistance actually make a lot of difference, though it kind of falls off later on as you build your items. Even so, you should always try to make a habit of throwing in some basic attacks to shore up your defenses in each engagement.

Charge Prey (1)

This skill is the main reason Sobek is feared and loathed by many. You make a quick charge forward, and if you hit an enemy along the way, it gets hurt a little and flung back over your head. What makes this ability so strong is the teamwork factor: assuming you do fling an enemy god and not a minion that got in your way, your teammates can set up their skills for when the enemy is dropped behind you. For this reason, having Charge Prey allows Sobek to passively zone his enemies under the threat of possibly being thrown into his lanemate for an easy kill.

While this sounds pretty awesome, keep in mind that you shouldn't be using it every time it's up, even if the enemy is open to a charge. For one, whenever you charge in, regardless of whether you grabbed someone or not, you will have put yourself much closer to your enemies. This means you become highly vulnerable to enemy attacks afterwards, and if you grab a god, you will also take minion aggro on top of it. You might be thinking this is okay because Sobek is a tank, but you'd be surprised how quickly a tank can die early game if he gets focused too much. Therefore, it's advised that you only try to charge enemies if you're confident in your ability to survive or your ally's ability to kill your prey.

Charge Prey also has a variety of other uses. The most obvious one is escaping, but it can also be used for chasing, saving allies, and just overall disruptive trolling play.

Tail Whip (2)

This skill allows you to damage and knock back everything around you that isn't immune to it. When combined with Charge Prey, you can knock your enemies back even further into your zone, making it even harder for them to get away from you! It's a pretty strong skill in teamfights as well, allowing you to displace your enemies and scatter them around so that they're easier to single out.

It should be noted that while Tail Whip does the most damage outside of your ultimate, you should be cautious when trying to use it just for the sake of inflicting damage. If used incorrectly, you may end up helping your enemies more than you are hurting them. This is especially true if you push enemies away from your team when they're weakened, or into your allies when they're trying to escape. The easiest way to avoid these issues is to simply position yourself correctly so you aren't putting your enemies where they'd want to be, and not to use it while you're chasing (unless the enemy is VERY low on HP).

Sickening Strike (3)

Compared to Sobek's other two skills, this one is actually pretty simple. It does some damage in a cone in front of you, and heals a bit for each enemy hit (up to 3). On top of that, it also debuffs the enemy's healing effects for a couple seconds well. It's a decent harass early on, but unless you're going for the kill, use it to help with lane sustain, since your low mana prevents you from using a lot of skills early on.

Lurking in the Waters (4)

When this skill is used, you dive into a big pool of water that suddenly appears around you. This pool will follow you around wherever you go, and slow down any enemies that are in the water. While submerged, you're are immune to crowd control, ignore unit collision, regenerate mana rapidly, and cannot attack or use any of your other skills. After four seconds, you will pop out and deal heavy damage to all enemies that were standing in the water.

This is probably one of the more difficult ultimates in the game to actually use properly. Since it takes four seconds before the ultimate actually does any damage, your enemies have plenty of time to get their escapes or Aegis Amulets ready for the damage. You can also still be damaged while underwater, so don't assume you can just dive and charge into an enemy group without expecting some resistance. Against competent players, don't expect to actually do much visible damage with this ultimate.

So how should you be using Sobek's ultimate? For disrupting the enemy's positioning. Noticing a theme here? Pretty much all of Sobek's kit is designed to force enemies out of position, and because nobody wants to lose a large chunk of HP, your enemies will be running away from you the moment they see you using your ultimate. The ideal way to use this ultimate is as a trap; for example, your team is fighting in a side lane, and after charging into the enemy lines and scattering them with your Tail Whip, you use your ultimate and move around them, preferably somewhere behind them while still keeping them at the edge of your pool. Now your enemies have to decide whether to try and risk running back through your ultimate, or try to find a way to blow past your team. A lot of skills and abilities will probably get wasted by your enemy just trying to avoid your ultimate, which probably wasn't even the biggest source of damage on your team.

Finally, it should be noted that you can cancel the ultimate by right-clicking at any time. You will pop out of the water and inflict weaker damage than you would've if you waited the full four seconds, but there are times when you really need to be doing something else besides swimming around.

The Skill Order
At Level 1, start with Sickening Strike. It lets you poke the enemy gods and heal off the damage you take from the enemy's pokes. I know some people suggest getting Charge Prey first, but lets be honest; unless you're playing against complete noobs and your lane partner is someone who can actually kill fast at Level 1 (i.e. Apollo with his Audacity procced), you're not going to kill anyone with this move so early on, because your damage is almost nonexistent if you take Charge Prey at Level 1. Thus, I recommend taking it at Level 2. At Level 3, you will want Tail Whip to complement your Charge Prey.

The build I listed kind of switches between adding points to Tail Whip and Sickening Strike. That is because these two skills are equally important in my opinion: on one hand, Tail Whip does more damage, but on the other hand, Sickening Strike heals you more as you rank it up. If you truly feel one is more important than the other, go ahead and prioritize that skill, then work on the other. Charge Prey is added last, since the damage boost is very negligible for the added mana cost early on, and the dash+throw distance is the same across all ranks.

Obviously, you should rank up Lurking In The Waters any time you can.


Here's a rundown of the abilities.

Useful Abilities
How do you make the most trollish tank even more of a troll? Give him the ability to become invulnerable for 1.5 seconds every once in a while! This ability causes so much rage when used properly. That short space of time could be all it takes for your teammate to turn the fight around because your enemies wasted time focusing on you instead. It also lets you negate those one-shot ultimates with ease to boot.

These are just so much fun... and so useful too! Set one in a not-so-obvious location, like a jungle camp, and whenever you or a teammate needs to quickly return to the lane or show up for a gank, they can enter the teleporter back at the base to jump right to your portal. It takes some coordination, but if you can do that, you'll realize just how amazing this ability is.

Normally, this is something you should get for junglers, but Sobek is an exception. His farming sucks, so this helps him a lot in that regard. On top of that, he can use this ability to instantly clear minions out of his way for a Charge Prey that most people won't even see coming! Lastly, it helps for securing the Fire Giant and Gold Fury kills.

Other Good Abilities

sprintAs a tank, this ability is far less useful than it is on most other gods, simply because you neither do a lot of damage or die very fast. It still has some uses, but I often take other abilities over this.

To be honest, crowd control shouldn't bother you much you've built Reinforced Boots or Hide of the Leviathan. Sometimes though, it gets out of hand, and then there's Ares... always have beads ready for him.

If nobody else on your team has this, feel free to take it. A lengthy area slow is always nice for your team to have at it's disposal.

Basically a shorter, team-based version of Sprint. It's more for teamfighting compared to Sprint, but still worth considering all the same.

Early on, this is actually not a bad ability. Lets say you flung someone with Charge Prey. If you immediately activate this afterwards, your ally can quickly burst down your victim and get first blood! Later on, it sort of falls off, though the sudden damage boots you can provide your ally can turn fights around.

Abilities You Shouldn't Get

meditationDon't get this, please. I know Sobek's got early mana problems, but that's what Mana Potions are for. If you're still struggling to keep your mana up later on, consider buying MP5 items like Stone of Gaia and Wall of Absolution.


As a tank, Sobek should typically focus on items that will boost his defensive stats. This means you want mostly items with Physical Protection, Magical Protection, and Health.

Unlike my other guides, I'm splitting the core items into two groups. You can mix and match them if you like a bit of both styles.

Finally, note that depending on the circumstances, priority can be changed. For example, if magic damage is a bigger issue early on than physical damage, you might want to consider rushing a magical protection item first before going physical.

Tanking Core Items
These items will allow you to be a very effective tank that can fearlessly initiate fights for your team.

Reinforced BootsThese are pretty much the boots of choice for a defensive Sobek. It provides some of both protections, but more importantly, they allow reduce the duration of crowd control on you, allowing you to handle things like stuns and slows better.

This item just compliments Sobek very well. Since Blessing of the Nile builds up your protections each time you hit something, and this item's passive builds up physical protection each time you get hit, the two effects combine to make you exceptionally sturdy against physical attacks. Throw in the MP5 and the magic damage this item comes with, and you've pretty much got a core tanking item.

This item gets overlooked by newer players. Yes, on it's own, it's pretty damn expensive for seemingly underwhelming defensive stats. It's true power, however, lies in the aura. It stacks with the initial stats this item provides, already making up for the costs. Not only that, but since it applies to your nearby teammates, it allows them to survive a bit longer in teamfights as well! 20 extra physical and magical protection can easily make the difference between surviving a few more hits, especially when raw penetration could otherwise reduce most squishies' base protections to zero!

This is just such an amazing defensive item. Provides lots of health, plenty of magic protection, and a passive that can potentially save your skin in a hairy situation.

Not so much a tanking item, but by the late game, you'll get to the point where stacking more protection is pointless when things like Titan's Bane and Obsidian Shard start showing up on everyone. From this point on, stacking HP and trying to get some damage out of it will serve you better. This item succeeds in doing both of these things very well, not only by providing a sizeable amount of health, but also converting that health in magic power as well!

Trolling Core Items
If you prefer to be disruptive as all hell, and just make people want to cringe at the sight of you, these are the items for you. They sacrifice some of their defensive potential for the other effects.

These are a starting option if you favor more movement speed and faster cooldowns over the early protections. With these, nobody will be able to escape you (well, unless they built these too or that darned Fatalis!), and your skills will be available more frequently.

You pretty much need this if you're running Boots of Celerity. It gives you some protections to at least be decently tanky in the laning phase. While it isn't going to save you from a heavy focus, the passive does make it very strong against gods that rely on damage-over-time (DoT), namely Ares, and Arachne.

Lets say want to be really disruptive and just be a complete troll to your enemies. Combined with the Boots of Celerity, you'll be able to fling and spin your enemies left and right like the hulking green, master troll that you are, and the extra mana will make sure that won't be stopping anytime too soon.

Magi's BlessingAnother item that people seem to ignore because it appears to cost more compared to seemingly more powerful alternatives. The passive alone is pretty good; it nullifies ANY one ability completely, even an ultimate (though most players will never use on to initiate). That alone makes it a strong defensive item

This item gets a bad reputation for some reason. Maybe it's because so many gods already have slows that it becomes a moot point, but Sobek doesn't have any slows, so this is actually a decent option on him if you want to punish anyone who dares to attack you. The defensive stats aren't too shabby for the cost either.

Other Items
Items that fall into the category of being filler or situational, but can still be useful.

Mystical MarkOne of Sobek's biggest flaws lies in his inability to farm effectively. Building this item helps immensely with allowing him to clear minion waves, in addition to adding on some extra damage just for standing near your enemies! The extra health and physical protection are also quite good too.

This is what you build when the enemy team has a lot of physical damage, or when a physical god is carrying them. This will not only give you a lot of physical protection and health to withstand their attacks, but also reflect some of their damage back at them!

A cheaper alternative to the Bulwark of Hope. It provides more magical protection, even at early ranks, so it's a better item for soaking up purely magical damage. The passive regens are quite nice to have, as they reduce downtime and can spare you the trouble of recalling back to base.

This should only be built if you went for Boots of Celerity. It gives you that crowd control reduction that you missed out on, along with a nice mix of defensive stats.

I see this item getting built a lot, often for the wrong reasons. You do not build this to make yourself stronger, you build this to make your other mages stronger. If you don't have good mages on your team and you're just using this item to make yourself stronger, you probably don't understand your role very well.

Warlock's SashIf you can actually manage to find the time to farm up all 100 stacks, this item is pretty good. Sadly, Sobek is such an awful farmer, and your pressence will often be required in the teamfights, so building up all of those stacks is very difficult most of the time.

A weird little item you might consider building in the lategame to make it harder for your enemies to get away from you, on top of some extra health and power to make you a bit more of a threat. For the most part, Ethereal Staff is much better in these regards.

Early Game - Laning

Start off with the boots of your choice, and take some Healing Potions and Mana Potions as well before you step out of the base. Before the game starts, your team will probably want you to help them tank one of the jungle camps (which spawn 10 seconds after the first minion wave). Do this, the experience is important early on, and the buff can really help your teammate too.

Hopefully before the game started, you decided who you were going to lane with, so you can quickly run to the nearest lane with that player. Sobek works pretty well with most gods, unless they are also tanks or support gods. This means pairing up Sobek with Guan Yu or Aphrodite is a very bad idea, since they will not put out enough damage to really kill their opponents, even if the composition does prove to be very tough to kill.

Now for the actual laning. For the most part, you want to try to stay somewhere in front, close to the melee minions, whacking them so you can build up your passive. You want to do this so that just in case the enemy tries to get aggressive, you will be more resistant to their pokes and your teammate can retalliate against them after they draw your minion aggro. If you do sustain some damage, you can use Sickening Strike on a minion wave or even an enemy god to heal off some of it.

You'll be picking up Charge Prey once you hit Level 2. Before I go any further, let me just say right now, do not spam this skill! I see a lot of inexperienced Sobek players who feel like it is their sworn duty to just charge, charge, charge at the enemies, regardless of the situation, just to see if they can pick up the opposing god a bunch and feed his carry a ton of kills. This is not how you should be using the skill. When you do this all the time, it makes you predictable, and your opponents will simply position themselves to always dodge it or worse, punish you for it. Charging puts you in a vulnerable place as well, and it almost always results in drawing minion aggro to yourself as well, so you should only use Charge Prey if it will count.

That said, you should only use Charge Prey as zoning tool. Keep an eye on your enemies and their minions. If you spot them going out of position, and your side has more minions than they do, go for it!

Finally, lets assume you did catch someone. Your lanemate should be able to set up on your victim if he was paying any attention. Meanwhile, you should do your best to try and bodyblock your victim as he attempts to run away from your lanemate. If you have Tail Whip, you should always use it as a follow-up to a successful Charge Prey, as you can push your victim even further back into your side of the lane! If everything goes well, you or your lanemate will score a kill!

Other than that, just play passive. Use Sickening Strike to heal a bit once in a while, and use Tail Whip to shake off aggressive enemies. Most importantly, keep an eye on your mana. You don't have a lot of it, so only use skills when they will count. You do not want your lanemate to get mad that you didn't save him just because you ran out of mana at a bad time.

Mid Game - Roaming

After a while, usually when the lanes are being pushed into the towers and lanes are being frozen, this is usually when players start to roam. This is usually what signifies the start of the midgame. What you should do depends on a few factors. Are any towers in danger of being destroyed? If so, you should quickly run to that tower and fend off whoever is attacking it. Are you underleveled? Find an empty lane to farm for a bit.

If the towers aren't in any danger and you're at a good level, start looking to help your teammates. Sobek is a very good ganker thanks to his skills allowing him to completely screw up the enemy's positioning. For example, lets say you're ganking a Ra mid. You can just run into him from behind, smack him with a Tail Whip, and use Charge Prey to pull him back as he runs past you (or tries to take a jungle escape route). If that still doesn't do it, you can use Lurking In The Waters to slow him down and finish him with a heavy damage burst, assuming he has no Aegis Amulet to save him. Even then, he's sitting still for your mid to finish the job once it wears off. Who by the way, should've been helping you kill him this whole time.

But what if your team isn't ready to go on the offensive? Well, that's not a problem, because Sobek can play defense very well--he is a tank, after all! If the enemy is standing close to your tower, you can throw them under it with Charge Prey, so unless you're outnumbered three to one or something, you can easily hold a tower on your own, so long as you've got mana to spare.

Finally, don't be afraid to roam solo. If an enemy encounters you, you should be more than tanky enough to survive and escape. In fact, you want them to chase you, as you should be able to last long enough to lead them into a trap!

Late Game - Teamfights

This is where Sobek really shows off his trollish side. The amount of disruption he causes in teamfights by himself, combined with your tankyness, will make you very irritating for your opponents.

When it comes to teamfights, there are usually two ways a tank like yourself can approach them.

The most obvious is to just be in the forefront

Before any else, try to bait the enemies into a favorable location for your team until the time to strike. Once your team is in position, run into the enemy team and start throwing everything you've got at them! Ignore the fact they are attacking you, if they are wasting skills on you, you are succeeding as a tank! Tail Whip them around to interrupt skills and break their formation! Charge Prey to catch a squishy for your team to pick off! Sickening Strike to weaken enemy healing! And lastly, use Lurking In The Waters to make them panic once the fight is tilting into your favor!

The other way to approach a teamfight is by surprise.

Nothing is more annoying for your enemies than a Sobek showing up unannounced and throwing their strategy into the water. The same skills mentioned before can easily be used in an ambush attack to feed the rest of your team some kills if you initiate correctly. Also keep in mind that it's much more difficult for players to focus in two directions as opposed to one, so you can take advantage of the tunnelvision effect.

The objectives. Towers, Phoenixes, and the Minotaur..

Once you've built a few physical protection items and are at a rather high level, you can easily tank the damage from these things. In other words, you should not be afraid to dive and tank some tower shots for kills. One thing to keep in mind though, is that the more time you spend taking hits from a structure, the more damage they inflict with each hit. So after taking five hits or so from a structure, they will probably start to hurt a lot, though by the late game, assuming you are pushing with a group, you should easily be able to withstand any damage you take while the rest of your allies destroy the structure. In other words, your team shouldn't need to rely on the minions to push if you're grouping.

Lastly, don't be afraid to die.

This is a little tricky to explain, but here goes. Normally, dying is the last thing you want to do in SMITE, or any MOBA for that matter. However, there are times when your sacrifices can ultimately work out for your team in the end. Obviously, rushing into five people on your own without your team behind you is a stupid idea and you will just be feeding like that. But what if you're in a heated battle, and the enemies are being worn down? You're low on health too, but what if there's an ally nearby? Maybe your team is busy securing an objective while you're getting beaten up? In cases like these, you should always do your best to stall the enemy for as long as possible until help arrives or the objective is secured, even if it means dying yourself. Just remember, you are a tank. You dying is nowhere near as bad as your carry dying, and your enemies must invest more time into killing you compared to other members of your team!


That's pretty much everything I can say. There is more I could write up, but it would be very difficult to explain every little trick to playing Sobek, as a lot of learning how to play Sobek largely boils down to just experience. Item builds and skill orders can only go so far, and the difference between a decent Sobek player and a great one is practically night and day. Using him to his full potential requires a lot of practice, planning, and a willingness to experiment on your own... but once you reach that potential, you will be well on your way to becoming a master troll at SMITE!

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yoavsnake (5) | January 31, 2014 3:16am
This is a great guide, except that sickening strike is better to upgrade than tailwhip, because you aren't building for damage, and healing will be more useful for you.
Ragingstorm (49) | May 2, 2013 7:25pm
Then where's your need to be fancy? Your BB Coding skills could fix that...oh wait. Don't remind me. You don't have any.
Sunfall (29) | May 2, 2013 6:53pm
There's little I can do about that. There was a lot to be said about his ultimate, and I'd rather not sprinkle bits of that all over the guide.
Ragingstorm (49) | May 2, 2013 6:44pm
You never happen to respond to my feedback.

As I said before, and maybe if you pay attention to me you'll actually notice. I said your Ultimate's still a wall of text.
Sunfall (29) | May 2, 2013 3:22pm
StJason wrote:

Good guide nice mention of the portal giving alot of sustain just bought sobek and well..enjoying the trolling .
You can give a mention regarding divine ruin as it stacks up with your 3 to shut down enemy healing and bancrofts talon again goes well with your 3 for the magical lifesteal (you can say i love his 3)

After trolling a carrying Ne Zha earlier today and noticing he was surviving off of a lot lifesteal near the end, I realize now this might be a good idea too if you want to shut down the carry.

HerroPinki wrote:
This is a really nice in-depth guide; I was curious about how to be an effective Sobek after totally failing him in an Assault game last night, I think I'll be playing him more now!

While I normally considered Stone of Gaia to be more situational compared to other resistance items in Conquest, I strongly recommend building it in Assault. Since Assault is all about sustain, and it provides ridiculous HP5+some MP5, it pretty much becomes impossible for the enemy to remove you from the late game. Escape from a fight with almost no HP left? You'll be back in there next minute.

In case you're wondering, my Assault build usually looks like this.
Reinforced Boots
Stone of Gaia
Wall of Absolution
Mystical Mark or Hide of the Nemean Lion (depending on enemy composition/score)
Ethereal Staff

I used to have Gauntlet of Thebes in this build, but they removed those from Assault. HP+protection stacking with regen is generally the way to go in Assault
UnknownPandr (35) | May 2, 2013 2:07pm
Wanted to look at this real quick but, i'll stick with my normal sobek build. xD
HerroPinki | May 2, 2013 1:36pm
This is a really nice in-depth guide; I was curious about how to be an effective Sobek after totally failing him in an Assault game last night, I think I'll be playing him more now!
StJason | April 29, 2013 6:31am
Good guide nice mention of the portal giving alot of sustain just bought sobek and well..enjoying the trolling .
You can give a mention regarding divine ruin as it stacks up with your 3 to shut down enemy healing and bancrofts talon again goes well with your 3 for the magical lifesteal (you can say i love his 3)
Ragingstorm (49) | April 28, 2013 12:31pm
No thanks, that's too powerful indeed. Bacchus can do anything. His burp can easily deal 400 ticks a second.
TheAmazingComicBookGuy (47) | April 28, 2013 11:52am
Ragingstorm wrote:

If you're looking for more damage go with Vamana, if you're looking for a more tanky type go for Sobek since you're deciding between Sobek and Vamana.

LOL Bacchus is a lot better both in damage and general tankyness than vamana, 1v1 me bro
Ragingstorm (49) | April 28, 2013 11:51am
If you're looking for more damage go with Vamana, if you're looking for a more tanky type go for Sobek since you're deciding between Sobek and Vamana.
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