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Susanoo | Sasuke... is that you?! (Multiple Builds)

4 3 140,034
by Blackclaw185 updated June 16, 2016

Smite God: Susano

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
Choose a Build: Cooldown
Cooldown Attack Speed Critical Strike Mixed Tanky No Escape!
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Susano Build


Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer


Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Ichaival Ichaival
Build Item Rage Rage

Susano's Skill Order

Storm Kata

1 X Y
Storm Kata
1 7 11 12 14

Wind Siphon

2 A B
Wind Siphon
3 15 16 18 19

Jet Stream

3 B A
Jet Stream
2 4 6 8 10


4 Y X
5 9 13 17 20
Storm Kata
1 7 11 12 14

Storm Kata

1 X
Susano moves three times in quick succession; after each attack he has up to 3s to fire the next one.

First Attack: 100% Damage to all Enemies in a cone.

Second Attack: 100% Damage to all Enemies in a circle.

Third Attack: 50% Damage while Dashing forward.

Ability Type: Area, Damage
Damage per Hit: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+55% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Max): 100 / 163 / 225 / 288 / 350 (+138% of your Physical Power)
Range: 30
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s
Wind Siphon
3 15 16 18 19

Wind Siphon

2 A
Susano commands the winds to blow, dealing damage in a cone in front of him.

Enemies in the center of the attack are pulled toward him.

Ability Type: Cone, Knockback, Damage
Damage: 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 / 210 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Radius: 35
Cost: 80 / 75 / 70 / 65 / 60
Cooldown: 16s
Jet Stream
2 4 6 8 10

Jet Stream

3 B
Susano throws forward a gust of air which creates a whirlwind, dealing damage every .75s for 3s. He may activate this ability again to teleport to the whirlwind. If the initial gust hits an Enemy, the whirlwind surrounds and travels with them, and teleporting to the Enemy reduces this cooldown to 10s.

Ability Type: Circle, Teleport, Damage
Damage Per Tick: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+20% of your Physical Power)
Range/Radius: 45/10
Cost: 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65
Cooldown: 16s
5 9 13 17 20


4 Y
Susano summons a hurricane at his location, creating a Vortex that drags enemies towards the center while growing to up to twice its size, increasing the damage as it grows. Upon reaching full size, the storm is launched in the direction he is facing, knocking up opponents in its path. Susano may re-activate this ability early to fire the storm at it's current size for reduced damage. If fired at less than half of its maximum size, he also foregoes the knock-up.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Max Damage: 235 / 300 / 365 / 430 / 495 (+115% of your Physical Power)
Range/Radius: 70/15-30
Cost: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100
Cooldown: 90s


Thanks for taking the time to read this guide, this is my third guide on Smitefire. All jokes aside, this god looks amazing, and I want to say that I haven't played him yet (I will later tonight), so once I have a better feel for him, I'll update the guide.

Susano is the newest god to enter the battleground, falling into the Japanese pantheon alongside his sister, Amaterasu. He's an assassin with slightly lower damage than other assassins, however he has unmatched mobility, the only ones that are even remotely close to the mobility he has is Ratatoskr, and Nemesis.

Note: These builds are prior to me playing Susano, and are intended to be played in Arena, any changes made will be pointed out in the comments section below.

Pros and Cons


- High damage (Not as high as other assassins, but his attack pattern is great)
- Extremely high mobility (His passive paired with a dash and a teleport is just incredible for initiating, chasing, and escaping)
- Good crowd control ( Wind Siphon and Typhoon are great for controlling the fight)
- Low cooldown ( Jet Stream is able to reduce it's own cooldown to 6 seconds, nuff said)


- Low health (He's an assassin, they pretty well all have low health)
- Little Protection (Same)


Swift as the Summer Storm (Passive): for each ability (Not counting ones that aren't purchased yet) on cooldown Susano gains +4% movement speed (max +16%).

Storm Kata (Utility?): This is basically all of Ratatoskr's kit in one ability, minus the ultimate. He moves three times in quick succession, each attack having up to 3 seconds to cast. The first attack is a cone, the second is a circle AoE around him, and the third is a non-damaging dash.

Wind Siphon (Cone): Susano deals damage in a cone, enemies in the center of the cone will be pulled towards him.

Jet Stream (Projectile): He shoots a gust of air forward dealing damage over time (DoT) every .75 seconds for 3 seconds. He can activate the ability again within the 3 seconds to teleport to the effected target, this also reduces the cooldown of the ability to 6 seconds.

Typhoon (Ultimate): Susano summons a Typhoon around him that pulls enemies in while growing up to twice its size. You can activate this again to launch it forwards sooner, dealing damage, and knocking up any enemies in its path.

I mentioned his attack pattern earlier, so I'll explain what I meant. His basic attacks follow a pattern, the first two hits deal normal 1x damage, and the third hit deals 1.25x damage. 1/1/1.25


Staple Items:

These are items that are used in every build.

Ninja Tabi/ Warrior Tabi: While most people go with Warrior Tabi for the additional +20 physical power, I prefer the +15% attack speed from Ninja Tabi, either one works for the movement speed and damage that you need early game and it comes down to personal preference.

Asi/ Bloodforge: Both grant a flat +15% physical lifesteal, however the passive from Asi grants an additional 25% for 5 seconds (With a 15 second cooldown), whereas the passive from Bloodforge grants a shield on kills and +20% movement speed buff for 20 seconds. Bloodforge grants a flat +75 physical power, whereas Asi grants +20% attack speed and +15 physical penetration. In terms of lifesteal, Asi is the superior choice, however with the change to Bloodforge with patch 3.8, I prefer it over Asi now, but it depends on the gamemode, and situation.

Deathbringer/ Rage: Deathbringer is a must have on most basic attack builds, granting +50 physical power, and +20% critical chance. Its passive increases critical strike damage by 40%. However, if you want to crit more consistently, you can sub Deathbringer out with Rage, which grants +30 physical power, and +20% critical chance; its passive increases your critical chance by +10% per stack (+60% max) every time you basic attack without a critical, stacks reset on a successful critical.

Cooldown Items:

Jotunn's Wrath/ Breastplate of Valor: Both items give you +20% cooldown reduction, and mana (150 from Jotunn's Wrath, and 300 from Breastplate of Valor). If you want to be a little less squishy, get Breastplate of Valor for the +75 physical protection, if you want to do more damage, get Jotunn's Wrath for the +40 physical power and +10 physical penetration.

Hydra's Lament: Hydra's Lament grants +30 physical power, and +15 cooldown reduction. Its passive activates after every ability, and lasts 8 seconds; the next basic attack will deal an additional 30% damage. You can sub this out for Breastplate of Valor instead of subbing Jotunn's Wrath.

Attack Speed:

The Executioner: This is an awesome item for any basic attack oriented build, and also helps to kill tanky enemies, granting a flat +30 physical power, and +25% attack speed. Its passive reduces the target's physical protection by 8% per stack (max of 32%) for 3 seconds on basic attacks.

Qin's Sais: This is the counter to any tank, granting +40 physical power, and +15% attack speed. Its passive deals physical damage equal to 4% of the target's maximum health on basic attacks (This only affects gods).

Ichaival: It grants +30% attack speed, and +10 physical penetration. Its passive increases your physical power by 10, and lowers the target's physical power by 10 for 3 seconds on successful basic attacks (max of 3 stacks).

Hastened Fatalis: Grants +30% attack speed, and +10% movement speed, while its passive removes the attacking movement speed debuff from you for 1 second on successful basic attacks. This can make it very hard to get away from you.

Odysseus' Bow: This gives +40% attack speed, and on every fourth basic attack chain lightning triggers, damaging the target, and up to to 4 nearby enemies for 30 damage +50% of your total physical power.

Heartseeker: This grants +25 physical power, and +10% movement speed. Hitting an opponent increases your attack speed by +3% per stack (max of 5), and at 5 stacks your next ability gains an additional +40 physical power.

Critical Strike:

Wind Demon: With the changes to this with the release of patch 3.8, it is far more valuable for any basic attack build, not being locked as a anti-healing item. It grants +40 physical power, and +20% critical chance. Your critical hits increase your attack speed and movement speed by 20% for 5 seconds.

Malice: This gives you +50 physical power, and +20% critical chance. When you deal a critical hit, the target is dealt 75% of your total physical power as DoT within the next 3 seconds. Additional critical hits will refresh this effect.


Hide of the Urchin: It grants a flat +35 physical and magical protection, and +250 health and mana. The passive gives you +3 magical and physical protection for each god kill and assist (max of 10).

Shifter's Shield: This gives +40 physical power, and +20 magical and physical protection. While over 50% health, you gain +20 physical power, and while under 50% health, you gain +20 physical and magical protection.

Mantle of Discord: This grants +60 magical and physical protection, and +15% cooldown reduction. If you take damage below 30% health you unleash a shockwave that stuns enemies within 20 units for 1 second, and you gain crowd control immunity for 1 second. This effect cannot trigger more than once every 90 seconds.

Movement Hindering:

Frostbound Hammer: This grants +25 physical power and +300 health, while its passive reduces the movement speed of targets hit by your basic attacks by 30% and their attack speed by 15% for 1.25 seconds.

Different Builds

When I read the effect for Jet Stream, I knew this character was going to be good with a cooldown build, even with his passive working off of abilities on cooldown. Just imagine being able to deal DoT, teleport to an enemy, landing a few basic attacks, and then your ability is already back up, there's just no escaping from Susano.

The attack speed build is more so for tanky opponents, say they have a guardian, and a warrior, Qin's Sais and The Executioner will tear them apart, lowering their protections while inflicting a portion of their maximum health as damage. Your minion clear will be increased by Odysseus' Bow, and will allow you to dish out more damage, and to multiple enemies at once.

The critical strike build is disgusting, you have a 80% chance to land a critical strike, and every time you don't land one, this chance increases by 10% until you land the next one. Each critical strike inflicts DoT to your target, and increases your movement and attack speed. This is by far my favorite build of the six.

This build is a mix of the earlier three, it'll allow you to hit large, and consistent critical strikes, while still having the attack speed and cooldown from the other two builds. This is the most balanced, and can work in a variety of different situations.

This is something a little different, it's a build that gives you more protection, while still having the attack speed, lifesteal and critical chance. This can, and has worked in the solo lane.

Finally, the troll build. It gives you consistent critical strikes, which boost your attack speed and movement speed, while your basic attacks slow the target, and rids you of the attacking movement speed debuff. This paired with his already amazing mobility, no one will be able to escape from you.

Gods to Look out for

Since I haven't been able to play him yet, I don't have much to say on this matter, however I will come back to this and add on to it when I have a better idea of who can shut him down.

Anyone with a crowd control ability on a low cooldown IS a problem, if you get stunned, or rooted for too long, you'll most likely die. With the nerf to S3 Purification, you need to play smart, as you'll only be able to break out of a crowd control effect every 160 seconds. Use your mobility to avoid conflicts you know you won't win, and to escape from fights that are going poorly.

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Susanoo | Sasuke... is that you?! (Multiple Builds)
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