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This is not a guide for the faint of heart. This is a guide containing almost every jungler you can dream of. Anhur jungle? Done. Ao Kuang jungle? Done. If you want to spice up your jungling life, look no further.
This is a sacred archive of a multitude of jungling guides. Each entry is designed to give a quick overview of what the god does, why they would jungle, and an evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses, and finally, a list of jungling roles and their ability to accomplish them.
Each entry will give a list of criteria, and a rating for each, one being the lowest and five being the highest. Each criteria has a baseline god for the highest and lowest.
Snowball: Basically, if a god snowballs, a few early kills will essentially win you the match. Mercury is one example. There aren't a lot of junglers who don't snowball. Tank
Ymir is one of them. Most gods just sort-of snowball.
Clear Speed: Exactly what it sounds like: How good a jungler is at clearing camps. Bakasura takes first place, while
Bacchus is the worst.
Wave Clearing: Not to be confused with clear speed; this is how fast a prospective jungler is at clearing a minion wave. Ao Kuang is the undisputed master, while Arachne is the worst.
Control: How well a jungler can control his or her jungle as well as the enemy's. Mobility and being a good duelist are both requirements, but there are also other factors, like certain builds and free wards. The best would be no one, but Arachne comes close, only hampered by her lack of mobility. The absolute worst is probably Bacchus, who is the worst.
Ganking: How good your jungler is at ganking. Typically, more CC is better than less CC. Ymir and Arachne are tied the best, since one can essentially cancel dashes while the other can pull through walls. Bacchus has the worst ganks, because he is the worst.
Sustainability: How well your jungler will sustain himself. A jungler who's constantly low on health and/or mana won't be able to accomplish objectives without risking himself. Thanatos is at the top, no contest.
Bacchus is the worst, as usual. Seeing a pattern yet?
Mobility: How fast your jungler can move. This is important for reacting to enemy action, for ganking, and for clearing camps in time. The worst would ironically be Arachne, while the best is
Athena and/or
Post-Jungle: How useful your jungler is when laning has completely dissolved and it's late game. Some jungler's jobs are to make sure this never happens. In general, assassins fare the worst and mages and hunters fare the best.
I'm officially reworking this guide. If you want to see any of the old entries, they will be under spoiler tags.
- Global Presence/High Mobility - Tank Jungler - Great CC - Good Counterjungler |
- Weak early game - Long Cooldowns - ![]() |
- High damage output - Has a heal - Has a defense shred ability |
- No burst damage - Mana problems - Lacks hard CC - ![]() |
This section is taking longer than I thought. So I cannot say it will be coming soon.
- Very high utility - Great counterjungler - Two forms of CC |
- Mediocre damage until ![]() - Mediocre early clear speeds and early ganks - Can't see snake form very often |
- Ridiculous Ganks - Good Counterjungler - High Defenses |
- Ultimate-dependent - Mediocre clear speeds - Mana issues |
9/18/2013: Guide published. Athena only, working on Anubis and Artemis.
9/22/2013: Working on Artemis, and tweaking her build. Minor edits and changes in format. Added rating system.
9/29/13: Artemis section added. Finally! Working on Ao Kuang. Also, I realized that my Athena section looks like ****.
10/5/13: Anubis section complete!
10/14/13: Ao Kuang section complete!
12/24/13: Wow, looking back, I honestly may have been the first Athena jungle. I was certainly the first one that I saw. Anyway, beginning revisions, added Nu Wa.
??/??/13: Added Athena, dunno exactly when.
1/21/2014: Added Guan Yu!!! I also slightly changed the format, and turned post-jungle into a simple y/n question.
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2: Still Target...was a purely aesthetic choice.
1. Are you going to update a pro's and con's section for Athena like your newer sections? Maybe as simple as moving "weaknesses" to the top, in a column format with the pro's.
2. What is your reasoning behind the icons for the pro's and con's? I can understand Anubis's (death gaze OPlol and beads ruins his wrap) but can't quite see it in Artemis's icons.
Dark Jaw, thank you for the compliment! As for Ao, I certain think he's usable in the jungle. I've played only two matches with him so far, so I'll make sure to contact you when I obtain more information. But at the very least, he's viable.
I got a question for you. Do you think Ao Kuang can be used on the jungle,( Not saying viable, only ''useable''), and yet get some good results?( positive K/D or good farming potential in the jungle).
Nice picture of Athena by the way, if only she was like that
in real lifein the game.As for videos...well, I don't have the equipment to record anything, and I have severe problems with public speaking. It would be nice though, and I suppose one day, someone might read this guide and make a video about it.
*Working on the A's right now.
**For example, in my experience an Artemis jungle build needs a vastly different build than a laning Artemis.
I'd like to see Ymir added to this guide, as he is, at least in my opinion, a very strong roamer that has everything that you would actually want from a jungler. A slow (I guess you could say 2 slows as his ultimate causes 30% slow to enemies within the ultimate range), a strong freeze and a giant wall that prevents a lot of gods from being able to run away.
I'll gladly upvote and keep an eye out for any changes.