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This forest needs our protection! (Sylvanus, Support, S2)

17 1 98,226
by Covertactician updated October 11, 2015

Smite God: Sylvanus

Build Guide Discussion 13 More Guides
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Sylvanus Build

Starter Items

Build Item Watcher's Gift Watcher's Gift
Build Item Creeping Curse Creeping Curse
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Core Items

Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe

Movement Items

Build Item Traveler's Shoes Traveler's Shoes
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi

Magical Defence

Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope

Physical Defence

Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal

Mixed Defence

Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin

Situational Items

Build Item Witchblade Witchblade
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence


Build Item Enfeebling Curse Enfeebling Curse
Build Item Weakening Curse Weakening Curse
Build Item Shell of Absorption Shell of Absorption
Build Item Shield of the Underworld Shield of the Underworld
Build Item Greater Blink Greater Blink
Build Item Heavenly Agility Heavenly Agility

Final Build Examp

Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe

Sylvanus's Skill Order

Verdant Growth

1 X Y
Verdant Growth
1 14 16 18 19


2 A B
2 4 6 7 10

Nature's Grasp

3 B A
Nature's Grasp
3 8 11 12 15

Wrath of Terra

4 Y X
Wrath of Terra
5 9 13 17 20
Verdant Growth
1 14 16 18 19

Verdant Growth

1 X
Sylvanus throws a seed to a target location. If it hits an enemy they will take damage, lose Protections, and become Rooted. If the seed lands on the ground, after 5s it will grow into a flower providing MP5 to nearby allies. The pod can be destroyed by Basic Attacks (maximum 3 pods), exploding and releasing poisonous spores that reduce Protections of nearby enemies.

Ability Type: Circle, Root, Damage
Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+50% of your Magical Power)
MP5 Increase: 20
Protections Reduced: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+5%) for 5s
Root Duration: 1.5s
Range/Radius: 45/10
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11s
2 4 6 7 10


2 A
Sylvanus releases wisps that seek out nearby allies and enemies. Allied gods are Protected and all allies are Healed while enemies take damage over time.

The initial wisp heals allied gods and damages enemy gods for twice the normal amount. This ability does not create seed pods when hitting minions.

Ability Type: Target, Heal, Damage
Damage: 14 / 20 / 26 / 32 / 38 (+10% of your Magical Power) every 1s for 5s
Heal: 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26 every 1s for 5s
Protections Gained: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 for 5s
Minion Effectiveness: 35% Healing and Damage
Radius: 30
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14s
Nature's Grasp
3 8 11 12 15

Nature's Grasp

3 B
Sylvanus's treant launches his rooty hand out in front of him. The hand stops at the first enemy god hit, stunning them and pulling them back towards Sylvanus.

Ability Type: Line, Grab
Stun Duration: 1s
Range: 60
Cost: 70 / 65 / 60 / 55 / 50
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10s
Wrath of Terra
5 9 13 17 20

Wrath of Terra

4 Y
Sylvanus's treant slams his large trunks into the ground causing large thorny roots to break out of the ground around him. Enemies hit are knocked up and poisoned.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120 (+25% of your Magical Power) every 1s for 5s
Radius: 35
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s


Hello everyone and welcome to my S2 guide for Sylvanus (and of course grover). He is currently one of the strongest supports right now, with the ability to pressure heavily early due to his auto attacks, the ability to heal team mates and finally his huge amount of cc. Not only that but he is a pain to kill and just a pain in general (Those heals though). If you like this guide, please make sure to check out my Janus one, which will be down below.

Sylvanus in a nutshell

Mana Regen Plant
Great Clear
Tons of CC
Large Area Knockup
Nature's Protection_____________

Decent Late Game
Slow movement speed
Hard to land pull
Wisps only effects gods
Small Root
He'll make you want to LOG out.


Verdant growth

Sylvanus throws a seed to a target location. If it hits an enemy they will take damage and become rooted. If the seed lands on the ground, after 10s it will grow into a flower providing MP5 to nearby allies. The pod can be destroyed by basic attacks, exploding and releasing poisonous spores that reduce protections of nearby enemies.

My thoughts


Sylvanus releases wisps that seek out nearby allies and enemies. Allies are healed and protected while enemies take damage over time. This ability only affects gods.
My thoughts

Nature's Grasp

Sylvanus's treant launches his rooty hand out in front of him. The hand stops at the first enemy god hit, stunning them and pulling them back towards Sylvanus.
My thoughts

Wrath of Terra

Sylvanus's treant slams his large trunks into the ground causing large thorny roots to break out of the ground around him. Enemies hit are knocked up and poisoned.
My thoughts


Starter build

Now you may be wondering why I have picked Watcher's Gift over Mark of the Vanguard. It's pretty simple really, Watcher's Gift is good if your ADC can get last hits. A lot of the time you can't guarantee this as you may get pushed into tower or such. But as Sylvanus it's pretty hard to not be the one pushing, as he has immense clear with his auto attacks. Meaning it should be relatively easy for your ADC to get last hits, and you get more gold making watcher's a great item.

With the latest changes to HOG, it is no longer needed on supports. While you might find this hard to believe, it is really not that strong anymore. In the early game rank 1 only hits 1 minion, meaning it is pointless picking it up to start with. The rank 3 version of hog was also nerfed, as it was changed to do 900 health to Objectives, rather than 30%. Meaning that it is also not needed to secure objectives. Hence why I pick curse here. It increases your kill potential inlane, espically if you get a Verdant Growth Nature's Grasp combo. It can also be upgraded into weakening, or enfeebling, both of which are strong. This can also be switched out for blink, which is good for getting a kill in mid.

These are pretty simple, pick up 2 Healing Potions and 5 Mana Potions and you should be set for lane. You don't need many health potions due to wisps, but to keep using wisps you need mana, hence the high amount of mana potions.

Core Items

Sovereignty and Heartward Amulet both speak for themselves as to why they are core. Heartward is core due to it being a relatively cheap item that offers sustain, protections, and most importantly offers your team protections. This item literally makes your team fight better. That's the reason it's core, no question asked.

As mentioned above, Sovereignty and Heartward Amulet are both really good items due to being cheap, giving you and your team proections as well as sustain. However, Sovereignty is the worst of the two due to lotus crown. lotus crown offers a similar thing, but gives you power, and gives your allies more protections. But it's not constant, it's only with heals. Unlike Sovereignty which is constant protections. So while this may be listed as a core item, it can sometimes be substituted out for lotus crown. They are both equally as good, it's just my preference is having constant protections over temporary ones.

This is such a strong item. It offers everything you want from strong defence, good cdr and a brilliant passive. A must pick for most supports.

Movement Items

Travelers shoes What can I say about this item, offers high movement speed, hp5, and a way to help you from falling behind. This item makes farming much better due to the extra gold, and since supports travel a lot around the map it's a good item for them. This is the best right now of the movement speed items.

While its not as good as Travellers shoes, sometimes Shoes of Focus can still be a good choice. It offers CDR which can be a massive benefit when it comes to sylvanus, as having your abilities up faster means more kill potential, more healing, and more CC. I still prefer travellers, but this is also a decent choice.

Winged blade has fallen out of the meta as a first item for supports, and has been replaced by Shoes of the Magi. This item offers mana, power, and penetration. It is CRAZY good for the price, and is completely worth picking up, even on supports. I'd actually recommend this item over CDR boots, as the mana is useful as well as the penetration.

Magical Defence

Just a good magical defence item that offers HP5, MP5, and a brilliant passive. A good item in general, but a majority of the time there's better options such as magi's blessing or Spirit Robe. If you're against a magic heavy team though, this might be the item for you.

This is a good magical item when you're a BURST heavy team. Otherwise this item is not really picked up. What do I mean when I say burst heavy? A team that has a large amount of gods that can burst you at once. Heres a example team: He Bo, Ao kaung, Medusa, Ymir and Tyr. All gods that deal tons of damage in a short time. That's when you should think about picking it up. Just take into mind it only offers magical defence though, so picking it against majority physicals isn't really the best idea.

Physical Defence

Lotus Crown This item can be a substitute for Sovereignty. It offers both type of defence when you heal, on top of that it gives you power, physical defence and MP5. I've already went into this however on the information about Sovereignty so if you haven't read that I suggest you take a look. Even though so far I've mentioned its a good substitute it is also just another good item to pick up in general. If you have both Sovereignty and Heartward Amulet along with this it means you're giving your team a lot of protections. This is a item that no matter what the circumstance, is always a good pick up. I'd almost consider this item core, but sometimes you need something that isn't lotus.

This is just a good physical defence item. It should only really picked up when the enemy team relies mostly on Auto Attacks, other then that it really shouldn't be considered. But with the rise of Ao Kuang again, and with Ullr becoming more popular in solo this might be a item you will see more of.

One of the better items in the game as of right now. It gives you good hybrid stats, as well as one of the best passives in the game. If you are ever winning a fight, this will help you stay sustained and allow you to continue fighting. I consider this a must a majority of the time.

Mixed Defence

This is a item you don't see much of due to the fact it takes long to build and takes long to stack. If you're against a good team there wont be a lot of kills, so picking up stacks is long and tiresome. There's just way better options as well, like lotus crown or Spirit Robe. In short, this is a item you will barely ever pick up.

Situational Items

Similar to Midgardian Mail this is a item you'll be picking up in the face of Auto Attack heavy teams. The only difference between this and midgardian being the fact this slows auto attacks in a aura, and not slow the enemy when they hit you. This is a way better option for that reason, and a majority of the time be picked up over midgardian.

In all honesty I don't think this is that much of a bad pick up. All of your abilities would apply a slow (Except your pull) and it would apply a long one, especially on Wisps. You probably shouldn't pick this up unless you're pretty far ahead though, as it doesn't help you or the team that much.

Anti heal in a aura, what else is there to say? If the team has healing this is a decent item, specially if you have spent your extra active slot on blink. Good solid item.


This is probably one of your weakest choices for a active. All the other actives do so much more for your team compared to this one. There's also good substitutes for this active, such as Witchblade. However, if the enemy team doesn't really have anything like healing, or slows this is a decent pick up. Defiantly good against auto attack teams, or ADCs who go the Heartseeker build right now.

One of the best actives in the game. 100% anti heal. 100%. Its a crazy good active against any healers, and any team. As this applies to lifesteal too. Always should be considered.

Like enfeebling this a active which you should only really pick up if you don't need a active to counter the enemy, or if the enemy have a burst heavy team. It's a pretty good active either way, and should be considered when picking your actives.

This is a brilliant active. It is so underestimated as you can make your entire team faster and slow immune. It's great at letting you initiate, as well as escape. It even gives you extra healing (Direct counter to weakening). I don't recommend picking it up though, as this is one of the actives that are popular with Mid laners.

Ugh. No, bad, terrible, and disgusting. This item only helps YOU. There is way better actives that actually make a impact, this does not. Don't consider this item, as there's way better options. shell is a good alternative to this as it offers TEAM protections. Yeah, don't pick this up.

Not much to say about this one, if the enemy don't have anything that needs countering then this is a good item to pick up as it allows you to initiate better. Good active.


Level 1 - 5
At the start of the game you will be starting at Red Buff. Kill the Red Buff and give it to your mid laner, then head over to Attack Speed. At Attack Speed you would normally be looking to give your ADC the buff, but when you're playing Sylvanus that's a different story. If Sylvanus gets his hand on Attack Speed duo lane clear is much better. But remember your Auto Attacks do not push back minions, so you can't stack up minions as good as you could before. Remember to keep healing your teammate using Wisps. Doing this makes your ADC's laning phase so much better for him.

In lane you should look to hit the wave with your Auto Attacks as much as possible, but also look to keep your adc sustained with Wisps and Verdant Growth. Don't forget that your kill potential in lane is pretty high due to the Verdant Growth Nature's Grasp combo.

Eventually you'll hit around level 5 and mid camps will be spawning soon. You should rotate at around 3:00 to get there in time (Assuming they were cleared, they aren't always killed on spawn), but that also means you're going to miss a wave in duo. This is the point where you get a choice. If you are ahead in lane you should rotate. If you're behind then you can stay, but end up giving up a mid camp guaranteed, or rotate with the chance of dying. This is a decision I can't help you with, as I can't see the situation.

When (and if) you go to mid camps you'll be going for the ones closest to you. Watch out for the enemy support though, as they will be going for the same mid camp a majority of the time. There might also be a fight here, if there does you need to focus on laying down your CC and healing your teammates. Use Nature's Grasp for kill potential, and Verdant Growth to engage/disengage. If you're ultimate is up try and be in the middle of the fight to use it, and use cc like Verdant Growth and Nature's Grasp after. If a fight doesn't occur, you can always look to get a pick in mid with Wrath of Terra if possible. But you have to access this.

Level 5 - 10
During this part of the game Gold Fury will be the main point of contention, and you will be rotating quite a fair bit. You should really start buying wards as often as possible at this point, as knowledge is power. You shouldn't forget about farming either, make sure to leech from duo and mid lane, along with the jungler on the left side of the map. Small camps have a low respawn time and offer lots of XP, so you should aim to clear those often.

You can look to attack the Gold Fury when certain things happen. For instance, if you have killed the enemy middle laner then Gold Fury can be possible. The support may of just backed on a ward, you might of had a brilliant teamfight etc. One of the best times to go for a Gold Fury is when you know there's more than one enemy in solo lane. This means that's one less person to contest, and it also means you can out number the enemy. It's a good time to get the gold fury, or get a teamfight of which you outnumber them.

When doing a Gold Fury you need to keep some things in mind:

You might be the support, but you're not extremely tanky. Share damage between you and other team members, as you can heal them all with Wisps.

You can use your ultimate defensively and aggressively, you can use it to stop the other support from hogging at any time, as well as to pick up a kill/stall the gold fury.

You need to keep an eye on where the enemy are, and if they're coming to you. If they're coming to stop you then be ready to drop the Gold Fury and fight/run, or alternatively burst the Gold Fury with ultimates if you have the damage.

The Gold Fury no longer gives 250 gold each. It now scales, meaning that doing a Gold Fury is not always good great. It doesn't offer a lot of gold, or experience. At this point doing a tower is a majority of the time better than a Gold Fury.

When the enemy are doing a Gold Fury you need to keep some things in mind:

You're ultimate is extremely hard to beads, and a lot of the time is a free knock up. You can use it to stop the other support from hogging, and creating a opportunity to hog it yourself.

Gold Fury no longer can be secured by Hog 3. It goes yellow at 900 hp, which can be the equivalent of im a monster or Spirit of the Nine Winds. You should aim to get your Mid laner in there, or you go in to engage/stall.

The Gold Fury could be a bait to lure you in to kill, so you rather have to have back up to fight with you, or stay stealthy and look for a steal if they continue to attack the Gold Fury.

Enough talk about Gold Fury, let's talk about general gameplay. Since you are the support you should be looking to be the one initiating fights for the team. This is where actives like Greater Blink come in. Which puts you in the middle of the enemy to initiate, definitely an active I'd recommend. You should be looking to initiate when you have your team with you, and when you see a decent moment to use your ultimate. Don't ever keep your ultimate for the "perfect" moment, as 9 times out of 10 that moment will never occur. An ultimate that hits 2 people is enough to win a fight, so don't feel you have to get some crazy 4 man ultimate.

You also need to keep looking for objectives such as Towers. This is the point of the game where you should be getting at least tier one towers, Gold Furys, and team fights.

Level 10 - 20
This part of the game is going to be a lot like level 5 - 10. The only difference is one fight can be the difference between a win and a loss due to the Fire Giant. Take all the tips I mentioned about the Gold Fury and apply it to the Fire Giant, as they are very similar when it comes to taking them.

At this point of the game Peeling becomes a important factor. If you don't know what Peeling means to put it in short you can say it means Delaying. Using your crowd control to stop a enemy from attacking others. So using Verdant Growth to stop someone hitting an adc, etc. Peeling is very important due to the current meta, which is a meta where the adcs deal all the damage and you don't. You have to keep them alive, if you don't then your fight is MUCH weaker. So you've got to use your CC to protect your adc at all costs. They are the ones who will carry this game, and you need them.

Other than what I've already mentioned there's not a lot more to say. All the tips from 5 - 10 apply here, so as long as you know what I mentioned there you should be fine. Look to initiate with Blink if possible, or counter initiate if they attack you using your ultimate.

Support Match Ups

Enemy Support Match ups


Sobek is one of the better gods against Sylvanus. He has an Anti heal on Sickening Strike and he has TONS of CC. He can also get cheeky kills early with Charge Prey and set his teams up for kills with Lurking In The Waters. He will like to pick on Sylvanus due to his lack in speed.

Tips and Tricks

In lane you should be able to outpush him due to your auto attacks. You need to constantly look to not be pulled, and look to aggress when his pull is down. In fights he's going to dive straight in with Charge Prey to intiate, and use Tail Whip as often as possible. You need to support if anyone get's pulled, and if he misses his pull use Verdant Growth and Wrath of Terra for kill potential.


Ymir is all about aggression. Like Sobek he has a lot of cc, but unlike Sobek he has much more damage. He will look to get a kill at mid camps due to Ice Wall and Frost Breath as well as do early gold furies due to Shards of Ice. Always be weary of his kill potential and peel potential, you can't beads a wall.

Tips and Tricks

Much like yourself Ymir is a slow guy. He is a easy target to kill a majority of the time due to this, and you should look to kill him when possible. You also need to watch out for the mid camps fight, as Ice Wall is the difference between life and death. You should look to keep him off of your team using Verdant Growth, as well as keep them sustained with Wisps.


Athena is a god with high mobility and high kill potential. She has one of the best CCs in the game known as taunt, as well as the ability to be anywhere with Defender of Olympus. She isn't really early orientated, she shines mostly in the Mid - Late game. She'll be looking to aggress whenever her team are looking to aggress as well, or when they are under attack.
Tips and Tricks

Athena might have high mobility, but you have lot's of pressure. You should focus on really punishing her rotating by looking for early gold furies, kills on the adc, etc. You can try and also shut her out early so that if she rotates she isn't as big as a impact and she puts herself more behind. I'm not saying you shouldn't always follow her, but if she goes to solo then you're not getting there anytime soon.

I will update these more and more as I have time. So please be patient! :D


Thanks for reading, if you have any feedback on what I should add/change please leave it below. If you'd like to check out my other guide, heres my Janus one:

I'll update this guide as much as possible, so please help me make it better! I'd like to thank the following for their BBCoding:

PiederMan - BBcoding
Sanguis - BBcoding
BestMinionEver - BBcoding

(If anyone has been left out, leave their names in the comment and I'll add them here.)

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FemFatalis (15) | May 20, 2015 1:12pm
Honestly, Weakening Curse should only be built against three gods: Aphrodite, Hel, and sometimes Ra. If the enemy team does not have any of those gods, you should definitely build Greater Blink for the engage. I'm not denying that Weakening Curse is a very situational item, it is, but it is far better than Divine Ruin to combat healing. Maybe Pestilence would be a better alternative for stats?
Setolino (18) | May 20, 2015 12:38pm
Good guide, didnt read everything tho. but your build is decent. However you should really explain the Travelers Shoes item a bit more since most people dont seem to know how it works yet. And how op they are, but overall i like this guide. +1
Covertactician (4) | May 20, 2015 11:13am
FemFatalis wrote:

This guide is really comprehensive and well put together! +1

To Zilby's point, I agree, Rod of Asclepius is a waste of a slot compared to Lotus Crown or a more defensive item. Sylvanus heals, sure, but it's not his main thing compared to the cc his other abilities offer. His healing doesn't scale well late game and often serves as a dot closer on enemies rather than an effective heal by lvl 20. Also, JohnTheScout Divine Ruin is much more viable on mages, especially mid laners with dots like Agni or Poseidon, since they will also benefit from its passive magical power and lifesteal. If the enemy team has healers, Sylvanus is much more suited to buying a Weakening Curse and saving his teammates' actives slots than picking up a non-defensive item.

Edit: not sure if you missed this in your guide, I think you briefly mentioned it, but Wrath of Terra is a hard knockup. This means that in a surprise situation, such as blinking over the Gold Fury wall, your opponents cannot beads out of it once they're in the air. It's a second where your opponents cannot HOG or attack, and is the best support ultimate in the game for contesting objectives. No other support ultimates are uncounterable by a fast beads, and immediately after popping it, you can HOG the objective and lumber out on Grover with no qualms. This might be a good thing to mention in your gameplay section.

I do mention it in the gameplay, but I'll talk more about it in the skills. Thanks for the feedback :D
JohnTheScout | May 20, 2015 10:54am
FemFatalis wrote:

Also, JohnTheScout Divine Ruin is much more viable on mages, especially mid laners with dots like Agni or Poseidon, since they will also benefit from its passive magical power and lifesteal. If the enemy team has healers, Sylvanus is much more suited to buying a Weakening Curse and saving his teammates' actives slots than picking up a non-defensive item.

this is true, but in Conquest most tanks need a Greater Blink to engage, while yes Sylvanus has his 3, its just a single target and not a dash like Sobek's 1, which leaves the other active to Hand of the Gods to secure FG and GF, meaning most of the time you won't have the room for Weakening Curse simply because of lack of space, in arena or other modes though, I would always get weakening because I always have the room for it, if I did put Divine Ruin in though, I'd probably replace magi's blessing if they lack some hard cc
FemFatalis (15) | May 20, 2015 10:37am
This guide is really comprehensive and well put together! +1

To Zilby's point, I agree, Rod of Asclepius is a waste of a slot compared to Lotus Crown or a more defensive item. Sylvanus heals, sure, but it's not his main thing compared to the cc his other abilities offer. His healing doesn't scale well late game and often serves as a dot closer on enemies rather than an effective heal by lvl 20. Also, JohnTheScout Divine Ruin is much more viable on mages, especially mid laners with dots like Agni or Poseidon, since they will also benefit from its passive magical power and lifesteal. If the enemy team has healers, Sylvanus is much more suited to buying a Weakening Curse and saving his teammates' actives slots than picking up a non-defensive item.

Edit: not sure if you missed this in your guide, I think you briefly mentioned it, but Wrath of Terra is a hard knockup. This means that in a surprise situation, such as blinking over the Gold Fury wall, your opponents cannot beads out of it once they're in the air. It's a second where your opponents cannot HOG or attack, and is the best support ultimate in the game for contesting objectives. No other support ultimates are uncounterable by a fast beads, and immediately after popping it, you can HOG the objective and lumber out on Grover with no qualms. This might be a good thing to mention in your gameplay section.
Covertactician (4) | May 20, 2015 10:09am
Zilby wrote:

Sweet guide! Not really any criticism to offer, all your info is solid, your build and skill order are good, just overall pretty great.

Only thing I would mention is that if enemies are building a lot of healing reduction items, it can be good to have Rod of Asclepius since that will more or less cancel out the effect of Pestilence, give you some healing during Weakening Curse and give you additional movement speed regardless which is important for the tree man. This isn't saying that this is a core item (usually lotus crown is much better), but in some contexts it can be very good.

Anyway, nice job! +1 from me

Thanks for the feedback!

I dislike Rod of Asclepius due to the fact it offers no defence, and the extra healing it offers is really small ontop of that. I think it's a option for the future though, in a meta where hunters don't destroy anything that lacks defence.
Covertactician (4) | May 20, 2015 10:06am
JohnTheScout wrote:

Cool guide, I may try it out sometime, you got most of the Support items in there and have all the actives a Support could really use.

But sometimes I feel with tanks with Dots or biggish Aoes, if the enemy has a lot of powerful healing, such as an Aphrodite with Rod of Asclepius I would get Divine Ruin, which would give more healing reduction at the cost of a bit of defense, but for someone like Sylvanus who has a decent aoe(2) and large knockup aoe(ult) both of which have long dots that allows the passive to stay on longer, I'd take that protection reduction to slow down the healing

These are some good points. The only reason I dislike Divine Ruin though is because it has no defence. Next time I edit my guide I'll add this in :D
JohnTheScout | May 20, 2015 9:52am
Cool guide, I may try it out sometime, you got most of the Support items in there and have all the actives a Support could really use.

But sometimes I feel with tanks with Dots or biggish Aoes, if the enemy has a lot of powerful healing, such as an Aphrodite with Rod of Asclepius I would get Divine Ruin, which would give more healing reduction at the cost of a bit of defense, but for someone like Sylvanus who has a decent aoe(2) and large knockup aoe(ult) both of which have long dots that allows the passive to stay on longer, I'd take that protection reduction to slow down the healing
Zilby (132) | May 20, 2015 7:55am
Sweet guide! Not really any criticism to offer, all your info is solid, your build and skill order are good, just overall pretty great.

Only thing I would mention is that if enemies are building a lot of healing reduction items, it can be good to have Rod of Asclepius since that will more or less cancel out the effect of Pestilence, give you some healing during Weakening Curse and give you additional movement speed regardless which is important for the tree man. This isn't saying that this is a core item (usually lotus crown is much better), but in some contexts it can be very good.

Anyway, nice job! +1 from me
Covertactician (4) | May 20, 2015 7:42am
OneStepToWin wrote:

I really like this guide for Sylvanus i tried it and it worked perfectly(i won ez) and i'm pretty sure you should do more of these guide :D

btw. MihayTM here



We haven't played in ages, we got to get around and play some conquest when we can :P
Covertactician (4) | May 20, 2015 7:40am

Great guide for Sylvanus, everything is beautifully covered up.

I think you should consider Heavenly Agility as a possible active, since it gives a +25% healing, and if an enemy uses Weakening Curse, your teammates that rely on healing to survive ( Aphrodite, Hercules ) can still heal 25% of their normal healing, letting them stay in the battlefield longer. Also, who doesn't like going fast ? ^^


Thanks for the feedback!

I think Heavenly Agility is a great item on any support, but the reason I don't suggest it is due to the current meta. You as the support are better with Blink to initiate, since a lot of the time you're going to have a peelish mid like Agni or Eset. These mids can pick up Heavenly Agility, and you can save your active slot for another active. Howevver, I'll go about putting it as a possible active as it's still a good choice.
OneStepToWin | May 20, 2015 5:33am
I really like this guide for Sylvanus i tried it and it worked perfectly(i won ez) and i'm pretty sure you should do more of these guide :D

btw. MihayTM here

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Covertactician
This forest needs our protection! (Sylvanus, Support, S2)
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