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For conquest, you can choose to go into one of the 3 items I've listed above on your first back to suit your situation. Yemoja does tell you to adapt, so pick accordingly. Contagion for any hunters starting lifesteal to directly counter them in duo if your carry is low wave clear. Hide of the Urchin for any high damage magical picks that may show up, choose contagion for a hunter/healer comp. I would start Hide of the Urchin as soon as possible due to its stacks, and once its built rotate mid to start havoc there. Only leave your duo if your carry can manage, otherwise they are priority. The exception to this is boots need to be first or second, so if you're building contagion first you should get always Shoes of Focus next and Hide of the Urchin can wait, but as support you should be in middle before 10 minutes in. So plan accordingly.
(RELICS) Yemojas ult is countered by Phantom Veil, so keep that in mind. Otherwise Shell is usually the best choice.
The last items in this build can be built according to what you need most, selling boots for which ever item you do not have yet. Also Pythagorem's peice could be swapped out for Etheral Staff if someone else picks up Pythags on your team.
This is a different build variation using Breastplate of Valor, Ethereal Staff and Mantel of Discord. This is more of a selfish build, prioritizing supporting your team through your kit, and having abilities up more often earlier in the match. However you sacrifice any real benefits for your team outside of that. This build has high levels of protection, with high CD, but sacrifices power, and a little HP.
Lotus Crown works well when you're looking for protection auras for your team, as Yemoja feels much more beneficial with items outside of your conventional support items such as Sovereignty and Heartward Amulet, due to her omi passive.
Oni Hunter's Garb is a fantastic item for surviving anything, and it really helps with high crowd control teams, dont be fooled by the lack of cooldown compared to others in this tree, this item is one of the best in this game and is great paired with Ethereal Staff for max CCR when against enemy comps that call for it. Just remember to calculate your omi for the best benefits.
These items can be bought in pairs, mixed and matched with core items, or replace them completely in cirtian situations, depending on what your team needs, and your enemy teams strengths. With some practise and carefull observation and planning these items mean the difference between winning or losing, dying or surviving. Become familiar with these items, ADAPT, and plan accordingly.
This build reduces enemy attack speed, and increases your teams attack speed, while giving Yemoja max cooldown, antiheal, and the full passive.
This build is a full Aura support, offering max passive with defensive auras, and antiheal with little offensive capability.
Counterbuild for comps that use crit, CC, or both.
Tap each threat level to view Yemoja’s threats
High Sustain
Amazing Seige Potential
Naturally Supportive Kit
Omi Passive (no CD, or Mana pool)
Low Early Wave Clear
High Skill Ceiling (Must hit abilities)
Low Base Defences
Ally Dependant Heal
This leveling priority keeps Yemoja balanced in her capability to heal, and apply crowd control, while allowing the base damage of her abilities to come online earlier, using the ultimate primarily for crowd control until later stages of play.
Nothing but the base damage increases/decreases as the ultimate levels. The ult is full of great buffs at lvl 1 that dont increase or decrease, and the sheer size, length of time, and having a slow with a tremble makes this ability a great kill confirm for yourself, or team even without the base damage.
Having the extra base healing, and damage plus slightly increased stun duration on the 2nd 1, makes me personally feel leveling the ult later in favor of the max 1 and 2 earlier is the right choice.
The 3 is a great mobility ability, however the clunkiness of it makes your team afraid of them unless you go in first typically, or have communication with your team and the right set up, so the buffs are a little irrelevant till late game when you're team fighting, and moving everyone. And thus no real need to level it till then.
In Conquest, once you leave fountain with your blessing, potions and Chalice, head to lane. Yemojas early game is not the greatest, often times causing you to lose lane in place of out sustaining other supports/comps with better early clear than you. Keep this in mind while laning. Fighting for extended periods may not be the best for you early on.
When the minion wave spawns be in front of your carry, and use your 2 on the wave first to help clear, backing up while basic attacking anything in range till you get grouped with your carry. Be weary and mindfull of heavy lock down comps, as being separated from your carry and having low utility/defence starting out makes clearing early risky. However after you 2 the wave, save your remaining omi for healing through lvl 1, and at lvl 2 begin using the first 1 for primary clear/poke, and the 2nd 1 for lockdown/clear if needed.
As always be mindfull of your carrys HP. And make sure to soak up damage if/when your Omi is depleted in place of popping a heal. Be generous with your shell early, as this relic for Yemoja can turn fights very heavily in her favor through the entire game, and the shell buys you a little more time to recharge your Omi for healing.
Continue to help clear, heal and generally support your carry until you are simply just no longer able to, this will vary depending on the skill of you, your carry, and the enemy team. Most games with a decent carry I myself can survive till lvl 5, with my blessing fully stacked. This is the point where no matter what I will go back for items and wards.
Once back in lane, begin warding and be mindfull of ganks primarily, letting your carry do the majority of clearing for farm. Always be mindfull of your presence in the lane, and how you can support your carry passed just healing/peeling. In ways like body blocking or eating enemy CC that would otherwise kill your carry but you can survive. Do this until your carry can clear effectively on their own, your carry hits around lvl 6, or your game is reaching about the 10 minute mark. If all these factors are in play it's best at this point to begin to rotate, and support mid.
Once you're in mid lane, the game dosent change much for you. Being mindfull of ganks and warding is still your first priority. In mid lane as a support you rotate to hopefully force a rotation of the enemy support, and allow your carry to accumulate "solo farm" meaning they are no longer splitting wave with you, and should hopefully then begin to come online quicker.
If the enemy support dose not rotate, use the advantage of your tankiness sustain, and in Yemojas case your range, to put heavy pressure on the enemy mid-laner and collect their first tower if it isn't already down. Hopefully your jungler will gank for your carry, your carry will retreat, or your mid can gain enough pressure from you that your entire team (No Solo-Laner) can rotate back to duo for an easy double.
Do not go back to duo unless the enemy team is flooding duo lane and your support is needed. It is vital that your carry gain "solo farm" experience in order for your team to have a better offence/seige potential.
While in mid, be looking for opportunities to take the Gold Fury, as again this will be a large boost towards the victory of your team, and at any point, shut down the enemy jungler to prevent any rotations/hyper carry scenarios.
I feel Yemoja really supports the mid-laner more effeciant than most carrys paired up with her, but with practise and skill anyone can appreciate the healing and CC brought by Yemoja.
During this time in the mid-lane be evaluating your team, to see where you're needed most, and how you can best effect the mid-game.
Be carefull rotating to Solo, or as I've said back to Duo, because of the potential to steal XP from these other roles and inadvertently cause them to fall behind. Make your presence known wide and impactful, but always short lived as mid will be your primary home the rest of the game.
Late game, usually around the 20 minute+ mark, is where Yemojas presence becomes the most usefull. You should still be warding and keeping one eye on your team, and the other eye on the enemy jungle/solo for any backline dives or ganks.
At this point if you have not already there needs to be a sentry ward on the Fire Giant, and your team needs to take this objective as soon as you're able to, given the enemy team is dead, behind, or across the map.
Using your Ult, combined with a shell, and a spamming 2 will cause your entire team to be buffed, set up, supported, and at a huge advantage in most team fights, especially around objectives, towers or in lanes where people cannot retreat to the jungle.
Be mindfull of your carry/mid/jungles hp as they will need the most help from you now than ever, and losing them causes offensive capability to plummet.
When seiging remember the 2nd 1 will stun towers or Phoenixs. Yemoja is amazing at soaking up tower damage as long as her team is there for her to gain benefits from her own 2, towers are practically laughable. Using the First one to clear any minions coming in while using the 2nd 1 to stun the tower, and having the buff from your 2 makes Yemoja easily one of the best seiging gods in this game. But you run the risk of getting killed by opponents easily while tanking towers, so be ready to throw a 3 down to escape any bad situation.
(A NOTE ON THE 3) This ability in itself really only begins to shine in the mid to late game style of play as far as "support" for the team. If you're wanting to use this ability for peel or escape be sure to ping or communicate with your team some how, as many allies are weary of being knocked the wrong way. You can also remedy this by using portals selfishly, where they can stick around for someone else to use if need be. However being able to move the entire team quickly across the map, is again a very powerful supportive aspect of Yemoja, and should not be left without mention.
Thank you for reading my Yemoja Support god guide, I hope you've gained something that will help you in winning future games. This is my first guide so any comments or support (lul) is greatly appreciated. If you would like for me to do another build/guide on a different god, or have any suggestions I will take requests and questions in the comment section.
Thanks again!
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If you're body blocking you dont have to chase anyone, they come to you. If youre tanky enough to eat abilities then CC the enemy your carry has the damage you dont, and they'll thank you for the early aura. Especially in a scenario like playing Yemoja, the 3 can get her to lane quickly, and getting an antiheal aura that early means high pressure against any hunter building Devos, or a healing guard/mage. It's just better support. Your boots in a support build are probably the most selfish item you can get, but they are necessary, its truly just a matter of how you want your early game to go. I like being unkillable and helping feed my carry, get my blessing stacked, main aura online. THEN I'm ready to actually play. If you want more offensive pressure boots still isn't a great idea because Gaurds primarily use base damage and 55 is not a "Game changing" amount of power on a tank that early, it really just helps you clear lane which you should not be actively trying to do, but instead defending your carry while they farm, and get the xp. Youd be better off getting Stone of Binding for true early offence with the pen buff for you and your carry. But again, its preference.
If you plan on (early) roaming boots will indeed be the item to go for (especially traveller's shoes because OoC movement speed). If not an item will in most cases be better.
the only problem will be that you won't be able to follow the other support as easily giving him more pressure, and since most supports are melee you also give up lane pressure as you won't be faster then the enemy adc who just finished it's stacking item. which can cost you the early kill as they can more easily disengage from a fight.
And just a seperate point, in my games I hardly ever see a support getting boots first, I really hardly see anyone getting boots first passed cirtian carrys like jing wei, or assassins playing the jungle. And when I do see it, it's often times a teir 1 rush (and accompanied by mana potions frequently for some reason) And frankly they lose their carry very early everytime. Or become first blood themselves. If they do the blessing chalice pot start they may get teir 1 (item) teir 2 boots, but I've never seen someone with my same start go back for full boots. Frankly because if you've done your job you have more than enough gold to finish teir 3 sov or stone of binding immediately, so again buying full boots just becomes a bad investment for your early game imo, especially any support with a decent engage tool. But again, its prefrence.
Mid is dependant on if they are planning to stack or not (or rotate etc) if they are not stacking they will grab boots for the early powerspike it provides.
jungle pretty much always will because it will improve farm speed tremendously.
And getting
Agreed with Kriega,
" stone of fal is really good for her against burst mages" - No, Stone of Fal is trash, and has been ever since the rework to it's passive. If you want an item to deal with burst mages you get
Ideally the only damage items I would consider on her if her kit is meant to be a Support is
The only thing you really need CDR for is the ult. It's important to have some, as the ult has good function and control, but I don't think
Remember also that
As a Support, I would also say that
What's the deal with
What's the deal with
I can empathize with that choice. there are only so many choices for mana items and if I am not mistaken don't heals get bigger the higher your power. I have been putting it at the end of some of my arena builds because i feel like without a chunk of power coming from somewhere the heals are going to be pretty pathetic late match. That 300 mana has also been helpful rounding out on getting the last of the 3 extra omi you can get as well.
I did have a friend build a 4 item lifesteal and ended up doing 14k healing with her in a match and I was like wtf...
I would never be comfortable doing something like he did and he barely did over 5k damage but he pretty much exclusively just sat back and healed and ended up 3/1/9. He has a habit of just kind of building how he wants to and went
Obviously, you normally don't want to build mantle that early and never go that much lifesteal, especially in arena where it isn't as useful, but damned if I have not seen anyone heal or healed myself for anywhere near that much in a match with her while playing her and playing against her in arena.
I have been toying with building mostly full tank with a high power item at the end to help boost healing a bit at the end of the match but it just seems like it will be a waste trying to heal as the match goes on if you just build straight defense.
Items that I have been mostly trying to work in and fit into builds are
shield of regrowth
a few builds I have had success with, albeit only getting between 13-16k damage at most and 4.5k healing at most are the following
3/2/19 same as above but switched genji's and bov position
I did have one outlier for healing in a match where I healed about double what I am regularly.
0/1/19 9.1k in healing
I will be up-front in saying that I haven't played her in Conquest, but I did try her out in an Arena match vs bots (yes I know, it's bots, but still), and I think I did okay. I did have the most mitigated and 4 kills/no deaths. Personally I see her as more of a mid support in a team fight: you hang back and provide CC and minor healing for your team as well as aura items. As I said on another guide, I would only go with aggressive items like reaver on aggressive guardians like
UPDATE: I did some of my own math, and with the finished build you gain around 220 power, thus a lvl 20 heal from the 2 is 100, with a scaling value of 64. So in my opinion 50% increase in healing, considering again you can cast it and stack it up to 3 times, would turn a 300 hp heal to a 480hp heal, also adding 150 extra shield just through scaling as well making power viable, and worthwhile imo.