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Start 3rd ability if starting alone on your duo side speed buff, start your 1st ability if starting on your solo side speed buff with intentions to split blue buff and XP camp with your solo laner. 1st ability into second ability is extremely aggressive and can catch people off guard in the early mid 2v2.
Tap each threat level to view Susano’s threats
I wanna start this guide with an explanation of my susano experience. Over the years I have practiced and would say mastered the god of auto attack cancels (susano). This character has an overall low skill floor with an extremely high skill ceiling. This is a god you can pick up randomly and do fine on but if you master this character you can easily hard carry games on him.
No cookie cutter build exists for any god counter building must happen and building my exact build isn’t a lot of counter building. For example if you’re against a 5 man healing squad and you don’t go Brawler's Beatstick there is a problem.
The easiest way I can explain Susano's AA Cancel combos is by first explaining the way that I think about his combos. I personally think of Susano combos as 3 separate combos all revolving around his 3 main abilities. His ult combos are just an extra layer and don't really mean too much, however playing around the cc Susano's ult provides is the important part. WHICH IS WHY I RECOMMEND ALSO WATCHING THE VIDEO GUIDE AT LEAST FOR A VISUAL REPRESENTATION OF THE COMBOS
His 1st ability "Storm Kata" has AA Cancels in between each of his swipes on the ability; for example the full combo for his 1st ability would be, Auto 1 auto 1 auto 1 auto.
his 2nd ability "Wind Syphon" only has AA Cancels before and after the ability, therefore the combo would be: auto 2 auto.
His 3rd ability "Jet Stream" is actually an AA Cancel AND it is also an AA Reset combined into one ability. Now don't let that fool you it isn't that difficult to understand and no thought should really be given to discerning an AA Cancel or AA Reset. The combo is simply, auto 3 auto 3 auto.
Now that we understand how I think of his combos as 3 separate combos based on his abilities we can start to realize that full Susano combos are made by essentially just stringing the different abilities combos together. For instance if you were to put his 2nd ability combo together with his 1st ability combo it would look like this, auto 2 auto 1 auto 1 auto 1 auto. This is the easiest way to understand his combos from my experience coaching and thinking about Susano as a whole.
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING that I want people to understand or comprehend is that Susano's abilities are like water, Ever flowing and ever changing. The combos I will be giving you are not end all be all combos and can be mushed, and mashed, and sprung, and wound together into different combos depending on the situation at hand. This, I find to be the beauty of the character.
Here are a few Susano combos to learn. Once you have mastered these combos you can look to make your own combos and do cool things with the characters but these basic combos will help you with the fundamentals first.
2nd ability starter full combo auto 2 auto 3 auto 3 auto 1 auto 1 auto 1 auto
2nd ability mid combo (1st ability starter) auto 1 auto 1 auto 2 auto 3 auto 3 auto 1 auto (this combo will take practice as it requires decent speed.)
2nd ability mid combo (3rd ability starter) auto 3 auto 3 auto 2 auto 1 auto 1 auto 1 auto
2nd ability ender combo auto 3 auto 3 auto 1 auto 1 auto 1, 2 auto 2 auto (after you dash using the dash part of Susano's 1st ability pull them back into you and finish out the combo)
Ult combos are hard to put down in text as really you can ult anywhere at any given time and the combo generally stays the same but i will at least give you two combos, one with the ult as starter and one with the ult as an ender (insert watch visual guide here)
Ult starter combo auto 4 auto 1 auto 1 auto 3 (ult should go off around here) auto auto 3 auto 2 auto 1 auto
ult ender combo 1st ability starter auto 1 auto 1 auto 3 auto 3 auto 2 auto 4 auto 1 auto (either instantly shoot ult off dash or wait to fire for full effectiveness.)
When using Susano ult be sure to charge it as long as possible. This will make it so when you send it off your cool downs will be closer to being available; it also does extra damage when used like this.
When you use your 2nd ability be sure to throw in a basic after it ends to maximize your overall damage potential.
When going into a team fight use you three early in said fight so you can have your three when you need to get out of the team fight safely (by teleporting to an enemy it reduces the cooldown of this ability to 10 seconds flat!!).
It is often beneficial to hold your movement options or 2nd ability until the enemy has either expended their own movement options or is low enough to be killed without being capable of using their movement options.
high mobility
High cc
High chase down
High damage
Great mid game
Good team fight
AA cancels
Obliterated by cc
Meh early game
Needs AA cancels to be used to full effectiveness
So either you made it this far or are just looking for the video guide, regardless I thought I should write a little ending paragraph explaining Susano as well as my thoughts very quickly: Therefore in conclusion Susano is a burst Assassin with high mobility and is a great jungler with an extremely high skill ceiling. The character is extremely fun to play and a character in which I personally believe is capable of bringing countless hours of fun to you through playing, learning, executing, and simply making montage level smite plays using the character. Thank you for clicking on my guide, if you have any suggestions or comments please reply to the guide and I will try my best to follow up in an appropriate amount of time.
AA Cancel Counter: 7
sincerely, Dillan (The Cool)
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So there are a couple of reasons why
No problem, always here to help out and respond to questions from anyone. Everyone's been busy lately, and it's tough because there are just so many games and the core players for SMITE have been getting older (with the game itself getting older!) and likely gaining more real-life responsibilities.
I do think the SMITE dev team has been doing a better job lately on balancing in various respects, and hope that this game maintains a solid core base of players.
But yeah, everything's good from over here. Hope you're doing well also!
Would you update for the new season, with all the new starters coming out?
I don't think the
Something like
@Branmuffin17 may be able to help with the new starting itemization whenever you're ready.
I don't see any sort of play with
I'm also seeing quite a bit of
Anyway, I'm thinking of taking him into conquest soon. I've played a bit with him in Arena. My usual build was
I'll probably have to modify a bit for conquest.
Power build is good too, but I would replace
Anyway, that's my personal preference.
You deserve a +1.
I have a video on combos but I will make a section for combos. Thanks for your feedback.
And Pestilence on Susanoo? Really? Are you being serious?
But in all seriousness, for a proposed Conquest jungle build, this isn't good. Needs offense, as he's got great mobility, damage combos, etc.
When he's playing with us, though, he IS looking to have fun, hence his funky choices...Hachi and Susano tank and sometimes spicy (clearly non-meta) picks in Conquest roles.
Extreme mechanical skill along the line of Taço nets you global KDAs of 22,520 / 9,792 / 30,082 (3.84) current. Stupid numbers.
How dare you...
Also, I hear "reeee!" coming from his mouth a lot, so he gets himself in trouble quite often.
mine's better...
he's not Taço.
How dare you...