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Zilby's Blog
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April 05, 2017

Game Development ~(oΔo~)

Views: 5684 Zilby
Hello there peeps.
Just your friendly neighborhood Zilby here o_o

So some of you might know this, but I'm a CS and Game development major right now (currently a sophomore in college). As such... I make games. Over the past few months my ability to make actual, quality games has improved tremendously. With this increase in potential, I've been investing a lot of my personal time into making a game called Refract. It's a solo project that I've been working on for the past three weeks or so incessantly (sorry I haven't been playing games as much this month, but this is the reason why).

In any case I'm at a stage where I need playtesters, pretty much anyone willing to play the game. I currently have 30 levels with a goal of 40-50. Be forewarned: there are probably bugs that still need ironing out and weird quirks that need fixing even in my current stable build. I am but one man, I cannot find them all. I would describe the game as a "top down action game" where you fight waves of enemi…
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January 25, 2017

Game Jam Game!

Views: 1738 Zilby
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Game Jam  |  GGJ2017  |  Node
So as some of you might know, I'm an aspiring game designer, majoring in CS & Game Design at University right now. Last weekend I did a game jam - an event where you make a game for a period of time with other people, in this case it was a 48 hour one. Soooo yeah, here's a game I made with some peeps, just thought I'd share because idk games are cool :P



Download if you wanna try it out

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November 06, 2016

Building Basics Ep. 2: Late Game Items

Hello all and welcome to episode 2 of my Smite education series: Building Basics. Here we'll be going over building faux pas that I've seen on far too many guides, some examples including when/if to buy boots, when to stack/how many stacking items to buy, when to buy Tahuti, and more. I'll be covering just one of these topics at a time, so look for those mentioned above in future installments. Today's topic is about some of the most expensive items in the game, crit items, Rod of Tahuti and more!


Smite contains many items from which you can assemble your god's build. Some of these items are extremely powerful at different stages in the game, and the prices of these items are often reflective of that. The most important factors we'll be taking into consideration today are power curves and cost efficiency. Your character's power curve is how much power they proportiantely gain a…
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November 04, 2016

Building Basics Ep. 1: Shoes and Boots

Hello all and welcome to a new Smite education series I'm starting: Building Basics. Here we'll be going over building faux pas that I've seen on far too many guides, some examples including when/if to buy boots, when to stack/how many stacking items to buy, when to buy Tahuti, and more. I'll be covering just one of these topics at a time, so look for those mentioned above in future installments. Today's topic is about those items you wear on your feet, shoes and boots!


As most player's know, there are quite a few varieties of shoes and boots (the difference between the two being that magical gods can only buy the shoes variants while physical gods can only buy boots variants). These include Shoes of Focus, Shoes of the Magi, Reinforced Shoes and travelers shoes for guardians and mages, and Ninja Tabi, Warrior Tabi, Reinforced Greaves and Talaria Boots for hunters, assass…
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September 04, 2016
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bleh  |  sorry  |  why am I so awkward
So.. in the past I've written a few blogs that go VERY in detail regarding my personal life. I wrote these initially as an explanation to friends on the site why my activity would be more limited both on the site and in game in the near future, but they got a bit out of hand. At some point I stopped writing for the point of informing you guys, and more as a way to just write out my thoughts and record them somewhere. For that I'd like to apologize, even though they were just personal blogs, a smite website isn't the correct forum to be doing that on. It was inappropriate, and.. yeah just sorry about that.

Regardless, if you actually ENJOYED listening to the ramblings of my personal life (for some reason), you can continue enjoying them here. I decided to basically completely redesign my old tumblr page just to write blog posts like those there so... yeah probably better to do it there than here.

I'll still be posting blogs here about smite or video game related content, or particular…
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