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November 13, 2015
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So, as most people are informed right now, there's a (terrorist?) slaughter on Paris right now. I wanted to address this since Vithaliy is french, and I think it sucks hard what's happening right now.

Some (religious) words for the French people, if any read it :

( Be aware I'm spiritist, so I'll be writting in the Spiritism's Hebrew, which is called Iorubá ( at least in portuguese . )

Oro mimá, Oromi mayor, Oromi mayor, Iabadô ieieo

( God is better, God is greater, God is greater and he helped me win. )

Be save everyone. May Mother Oxúm and Father Oxossi's son, White Feather, be with all the citizens in Paris and Japan right now

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November 12, 2015
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It's the third week in the D.O.G. House and this week's guide is about Medusa. Please go view it and give me your impressions about the guide. Also, I have updated my past guides with some text updates to fix grammar issues and to make the text feel more connected, so please go view those too!

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November 09, 2015
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Here we go again, time to post a clue of the next god in the D.O.G. House. Just like last week, if you can guess the god that the clue is referring to, post the name of the god in a comment to this blog post. Also, can we be more civilized in the comments this week? Here is the clue:
People debate whether this god's punishment is justice or injustice; however, there is still beauty that this god gave birth to in the form of a majestic animal.

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November 09, 2015
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Sun Wukong is dead. Long live Vamana!

In the next patch Shadows of Olympus the king of solo-lane a.k.a Sun Wukong will suffer from a "small" nerf. Not a big one. But big enough so that his supremacy in this lane ends.
Yes, there are some alternatives. Hel and Aphrodite can play in the solo lane in this healer meta. But Wu cares about healers right?

Anyway, if you liked Sun Wukong, you should like Vamana as well.
I've been trying this little dude a few times, and he can do almost everything Sun Wukong can do with the Bluestone Pendant.
I don't have time to write a guide right now (moving from France to Poland in 12 days) but you can have a pretty good guide here that fits with the current meta.

To sum-up Vamana's kit:
- His lane clear is amazing (3+2)
- His 3 is also a 30% slow (attack speed + movement speed)
- Early game kill potential
- His 1 can be used as an escape or gap closer
- His ultimate can be used for sustain early game or for fight initiation late game

Does it…
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November 07, 2015
+Rep | Report

Although I'm hyper and super happy right now, this is basically my mother reaction to my bday :

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November 07, 2015
+Rep | Report
I would like to thank those who have supported my guides as my first guide has reached 1000 views in less than two weeks. If you wish to see more from me, please view my guides and vote on them. Meanwhile, can we do the same for my other guides? If you do, it won't go unnoticed!

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November 05, 2015
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The D.O.G. House continues with the D.O.G. guide for Nu Wa. Please go view it and give me your impressions about the guide in the comments to the guide. Also, please view the D.O.G. Kukulkan guide as it has been updated with build changes and a new build that supports the game mode Assault.

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November 05, 2015
+Rep | Report
Hello guys,

I have been playing more and more in the solo lane, but I have a question that I haven't solved yet.
When to rotate.

I know about rotation mechanism, but my question is specific to the solo lane. I'll give more details.
If you get a kill early, it's pretty easy to rotate as you'll have some kind of snowball effect and thus a faster lane clear and plenty of time to go mid lane.

If you don't get a kill early in the solo lane, it might turn into a slap fest without any death, especially with Sun Wukong, Vamana, Sobek, or even Bellona, all having a lot of sustain.
Thus you'll be fighting over farming and if you both have a good farming level, you'll probably be neck and neck, out farming every other team members.
You are mostly dependent on junglers to force a kill, but as you are probably way higher level than both junglers (sometimes 5 levels ahead), they might be reluctant on fighting as they will probably trade their lifes in the process.

What should I do in that ca
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November 02, 2015
+Rep | Report
Every week I will post a clue of the next god in the D.O.G. House. If you can guess the god that the clue is referring to, post the name of the god in a comment to this blog post. Now, here is the clue:
This god controls the natural elements of the world, but one of these elements is not one people refer to as an element in the modern world.

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October 31, 2015
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I would like to thank those of you who have supported my appearance on this website; I feel that my presence has become accepted. I would also like to thank those who provide critiques for my builds. I do look at these critiques and will update them on a weekly basis. Lastly, I hope everyone has a happy Halloween!

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