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Best Solo Laners.

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Forum » General Discussion » Best Solo Laners. 40 posts - page 2 of 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 17, 2013 12:00pm | Report
Now when you get now gold from minions that are hit by the tower, gods that can push hard would be your best choice (but I still love Odin solo though).

Think Ao would be pretty op, but you would have to go on the short lane though.
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » July 17, 2013 3:32pm | Report

Now when you get now gold from minions that are hit by the tower, gods that can push hard would be your best choice (but I still love Odin solo though).

Think Ao would be pretty op, but you would have to go on the short lane though.

I approve. Ao is VERY OP on solo laning for the jungler( as he is an amazing mid laner). And since the solo lane is smaller, it's safer for Ao Kuang and other Mages. I had an amazing match as a Solo lane Ao Kuang( not today, I guess it was yesterday).

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 17, 2013 4:21pm | Report
Yeah I think that is where the game is going to go really (with mageish gods as solo or adc).

Had a fun game with Odin today vs a Guan Yu, where I just pushed all day (with 3, hog and Mystical Mark) and after like 15 min I was 1k ahead of Guan because he lost so much gold to the tower. Would have had like at least 2k if I had gone Ao or some good pusher :P

Got ganked a few times, but just having two wards (one with each blue buff) will keep you safe and sound.
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by iceshots » July 18, 2013 8:50am | Report
hercules is a really good solo laner


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » July 18, 2013 6:31pm | Report
Well, I ended up having to run Sobek in the solo lane last night and I actually did very well, ending the game with 5 kills and no deaths after 22 minutes (the enemy team surrendered because I was so farmed and unkillable).

The trick is to pick up Hand of the Gods to avoid being outpushed if you're using a tank or bruiser solo. It will not only allow you to kill minions instantly, but also nets you last hit gold as well.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 18, 2013 8:07pm | Report
Sunfall wrote:

The trick is to pick up Hand of the Gods to avoid being outpushed if you're using a tank or bruiser solo. It will not only allow you to kill minions instantly, but also nets you last hit gold as well.

Yeah, if you don't pick a good pusher for sololane HOG is your best friend. Mystical Mark is also great as a second pick (so Mark Of The Vanguard into Mystical Mark, then boots etc).
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kintastic » July 19, 2013 8:27am | Report
I actually had to solo lane with Anhur during a troll ranked match last night. I say troll ranked match because the top ELO on my team was some foreigner who picked Freya as first pick... So the rest of my team decided to just pick w/e gods they wanted, fully expecting to lose the match. So my team was Freya, Anhur, Poseiden, Thor, and Ares, vs. a very legitimate Hun Batz, Sobek, Odin, Ra, and Neith. At the beginning, the other team tried to be cute and put 2 people in the 1v1 lane, so I was soloing against Sobek and Neith and was able to hold my own just fine, even got first blood on Sobek. Amazingly, by some miracle we actually won the match after 53 hard fought minutes against incredible odds.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » July 19, 2013 8:41am | Report
I just had a match soloing a lane as Anhur as well. I went 3-2, with a HUGE lag and ping issues ( 200 Ping) and an mega gank of the enemy team( watch the match, you'll see what I'm talking about).

The enemies surrended, I was laning against a Solo Lane Hades. Match: 19305289 for people that are curious about it.

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » July 19, 2013 9:21am | Report
I'm pretty curious how good i played if my ping is good (my ping is usually 300 until 400)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 19, 2013 7:54pm | Report
RazeMage wrote:

I'm pretty curious how good i played if my ping is good (my ping is usually 300 until 400)

As long as you have consistent ping its okey, but with 300-400 I wouldn't have bothered playing xD
That's just bad from hirez, hope they get some more servers ;)
IGN: Marki

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