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Let's Make Patch Notes - Assassins

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Forum » General Discussion » Let's Make Patch Notes - Assassins 79 posts - page 4 of 8

Poll Question:

Are Assassins in General Too Strong?
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HiFromBuddha » April 12, 2014 7:18am | Report
Hmm, turning him into a bruiser is a nice concept... But do you think that's enough to define him as a pick? I mean, I'm pretty sure if a team needed a bruiser, they'd pick a good bruiser. They wouldn't want some mediocre bruiser that is also a mediocre assassin.

I feel like turning him into a bruiser is definitely a good way of going about it though, we'll just need it integrated in a way that's more than just a lifesteal buff. I mean, the lifesteal buff is definitely a step in the right direction though. Perhaps through Ragnarok as well. I mean, he turns giant, so you would expect him to be tankier and stronger.

Also, with Loki, I feel like it's a case of power creep once again.

For one, he's much more of a suicide bomber than any of the assassins in the game currently. He has a lot of abilities designed for all inning, but in order to get out safely, he needs to give up a big chunk of his all in damage.

First, I want to target his ultimate. It's underwhelming, no doubt about that. It's very simple, so much so that it doesn't feel ultimate worthy at all. Not only does it have a small amount of impact in teamfights or on the amount of joy the player is having, other ultimates that are currently in the game essentially does this ability better. And of course, I'm talking about Hovering Death.

Now, here's an interesting mechanic for Loki that might just work actually. If Loki kills a target with Assassinate, he may cast it again within 10 seconds. This duration increases infinitely. I think this mechanic just should be on the ability. It just fits in my eyes. Loki's identity as an assassin who is unseen is enforced even more, with him being a true terror that can go invisible and just blink everywhere.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » April 12, 2014 7:35am | Report
Fenrir actually does gain double protections when he is in the Ragnarok form if he has full runes.

As for Loki. The main problem is, like you've mentioned, that he is a suicide bomber. He is like He Bo in that sense. But the problem is not necessarily him being a suicide bomber, rather than him being exclusively single-target. I'll have to disagree with you - his ultimate is not underwhelming. It's very powerful. And I don't believe grating him an additional ultimate if he gets a kill with it is a good idea, since he can just mega burst down a Mage, which he always can, and then move on to another supers squishy target, etc. It's like I'm a Monster but even easier to hit, as the teleport is instantaneous. Assassinate is not the problem.

My main problem with him is Vanish. I just think its' too powerful. It makes him invisible. There is absolutely no reason for a god that is invisible to take less damage- he is freaking invisible. And it's not like Nu Wa where you can roughly see where she is, he is 100% invisible. He doesn't need a damage mitigation, not a slow immunity.

I think we should make him somewhat more able to deal damage to more than one target at a time. He is exclusively single-target, which renders him being completely useless late game. All he can really do is turbo-burst-suicide someone and hope it was a fair trade.

The cooldown on aimed strike shouldn't be that low. Don't forget, he is a burst assassin. An 8 seconds cooldown next-auto-steroid is not needed. Leaving it 12 seconds, or perhaps scaling (12/11.5/11/10.5/10) seems more suited. Additionally, we need to grant Loki the ability to deal damage to more than one target. Not A LOT of damage, but some. Maybe a 50% damage to all enemies nearby the arget hit by aimed strike?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HiFromBuddha » April 12, 2014 7:58am | Report
Do note that I mean underwhelming in a satisfaction sense, not a power sense. The whole concept of it is underwhelming. I just thought up some random *** mechanic to make it seem more powerful and satisfying to use.

Right now, you use it, and it lasts a second and you're just meh when you use it. Whether you use it to engage or to escape, either way you just feel 'meh', as if nothing major happened. Assassinate just needs some 'wow' factor to it, not an instant blink that has no lasting satisfaction to it. Even if it's nerfing the damage of it, for the love of god, just make it seem ultimate worthy when using it.

Now, I think alongside the invisibility, Loki also has an identity of being a pure single target assassin. Granted, a lot of the assassins are single target, but Loki is one of the defining ones, one of the ones that stand out and you know that he is single-target. I feel like when making these alterations, keeping their identity in tact is a big part of it as well, as long as it is healthy for the game. In Loki's case, being able to deal high single-target damage that is counterable is fine, and needs no alteration.

I feel like giving him AoE damage isn't the fix he needs either to be honest. Being able to deal single target damage to once target at a time is a necessary change though, because right now, like you said, he kills someone and then dies. Refreshing Assassinate was a way to pursue this ideal that I think Loki needs.

I do agree with Vanish being a bit too strong though. Nerfs are needed for it, and power distributed elsewhere.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » April 12, 2014 10:21am | Report
Maybe we can mess around with his decoy to give him more utility/survivability? Something along the lines of his active cooldowns being reduced or gaining speed per shot his Decoy absorbs...

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aphnex » April 12, 2014 10:29am | Report
I have some idea for Arachne and Bakasura:




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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » April 12, 2014 11:16am | Report
Jordenito wrote:

Maybe we can mess around with his decoy to give him more utility/survivability? Something along the lines of his active cooldowns being reduced or gaining speed per shot his Decoy absorbs...

I was thinking about changes for the decoy, maybe it could spawn a copy of Loki (like Sun Wukong's ultimate, it can actually move and hurt you), but it would only deal 10% of the actual Loki's damage. Additionally, he wouldn't chase after enemy gods unless spawned directly on them, this way he can still use it for waveclear. It will still keep the detonation. The reason for this, is that you'll send the decoy in and the enemies will blow their CC on it, and then is your chance to strike. At least then he has a chance of coming out alive.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HiFromBuddha » April 12, 2014 5:37pm | Report
Perhaps, and of course, this is another one of my far fetched ideas, but perhaps we could combine Decoy and Vanish into one ability.

@Aphnex I feel like those nerfs to Baka are going a bit overboard. I feel like we shouldn't be giving general nerfs across the board, but rather nerf and buff specific things.

The best type of game is one with just niche picks and not power picks. I feel like these general nerfs is just going make him underwhelming compared to what the others can do.

The Arachne nerfs, there's some I agree with, some I don't. We'll see what the others think.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » April 12, 2014 8:54pm | Report
I have an idea for Loki: decoy now taunts enemies in the radius toward the decoy for 1 second. Now, he can dive a guy without being immediately murdered afterward, and has some time to escape.

Downside is, of course, is that this would be insanity in a one-on-one situation. So I propose slightly lowering his CC and damage on aimed strike/ Vanish, nothing too major, but just to make sure he won't win every single duel he participates in.

So how's this:

decoy now taunts enemies in the radius for 1 second.

aimed strike now slows for 12/14/16/18/20% for 2 seconds, instead of 25% for 3 seconds.

Vanish now deals 27/39/51/63/75 base damage per tick, instead of 30/45/60/75/90.

There's also one more thing, to make his ultimate slightly more useful: using decoy, then stunning right afterward, will be enough to force them to take a decoy hit.

How's that sound?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » April 12, 2014 9:04pm | Report
@Jordenito/HiFromBuddha: Ugh, I hate it when two nearly completely opposite opinions wind up here. I agree with removing the damage mitigation. I don't object to his high single-target damage, as Ne Zha and Merc has somewhat decent area damage while having similar dueling potential.

I don't think targeting his ultimate is the way to go. Okay, it's not very flashy, but it does what it's supposed to do, and if he can really get two Combat Blinks in a row, he'll be like Thanatos. Loki is already very good at cleanup, and I don't think he needs more tools there.

I do agree with HFB on not giving him AoE damage. AoE CC, on the other hand...How's the taunt idea?

Also, making him vanish with decoy is an interesting idea, but I'd rather work on tweaks over reworks, since while Loki's somewhat weak now, he's not pathetically so.

@Firraria: I...don't think anyone will be fooled by a Loki who just walks in and keeps basic attacking. That won't really work.

@Aphnex: I dislike your Arachne changes, but I like your Baka ones. His crits became stupid with the passive physical power bonus combined with all that attack speed, and adding passive AS instead seems like a good way to keep the focus on his true damage.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » April 12, 2014 9:57pm | Report
I like the taunt idea on decoy, but I think it might be a little bit too much. It has quite a long range to it. How about sort of a mez/taunt? A one that if they take damage the taunt wears off?

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