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Let's Make Patch Notes - Hunters/ADCs

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Forum » General Discussion » Let's Make Patch Notes - Hunters/ADCs 124 posts - page 2 of 13

Poll Question:

How to Change Cupid?
Drastically Buff his Late Game and Nerf his Early Game to Make Him more like Other ADCs
Slightly Nerf his Early Game and Slightly Buff his Late Game to Preserve his Unique Traits
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Chiulin » January 29, 2014 8:29pm | Report
I think if Cupid was opposite to other hunters it would be amazing. So, if you were using Cupid his early game would be like the other hunters in late game. Almost like a hyper carry for early game, but drops off drastically late game. Becoming almost more of a support than a damage carry. This way he can be a hyper carry if you get fed, but if you get shut down. Well, you are super duper screwed. How to do that? I don't really know. :/


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » January 29, 2014 8:31pm | Report
Actually, I wonder if the Cupid nerf was big enough to stop him from doing what Sub had listed. I just wanna know.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Chiulin » January 29, 2014 8:44pm | Report
Talenhiem wrote:

Actually, I wonder if the Cupid nerf was big enough to stop him from doing what Sub had listed. I just wanna know.

When it comes down to it; his late game damage only slightly comes from his Heart Bomb. It does help secure kills. However, he can get a kill without the damage that they nerfed. Which is a total of about 40% total on a fully charged Heart Bomb. So really, he just has a lower multi kill chance late game. Early game though.... His heart bomb was his only waveclear. His only harass. His only poke. It was literally everything he had. Yeah it was pretty over powered early game, but what they did to it was almost halve it. That's excessive.

I personally think that they made his late game a little worse. Even though it was already pretty bad compared to other hunters. Then they took away his great early game, which makes him useless...

I'm sorry Cupid I won't be using you ever again. :(


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » January 29, 2014 9:23pm | Report
Eh, i thing artemis has more waveclear. You could wait enemy to wipe your wave, AA minions to knock melee away so is stuck together with ranged and use 3. Cupid's meanwhile deals only 170 (+100% AD) which is a bit small though larger damage to the target


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » January 29, 2014 9:25pm | Report
RazeMage wrote:

Eh, i thing artemis has more waveclear. You could wait enemy to wipe your wave, AA minions to knock melee away so is stuck together with ranged and use 3. Cupid's meanwhile deals only 170 (+100% AD) which is a bit small though larger damage to the target

It's easier to hit the entire minion wave since Cupid's Heart Bomb has a radius of 20 feet rather than 15 of Suppress The Insolent. Not to mention Cupid can spam his Heart Bomb since he has more mana and less mana costs and some mana regen than artemis.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » January 29, 2014 9:31pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

Artemis Specifics: Traps (Sorry if I don't mention you by name)

Utility Increase:

1. Increase radius, maybe to 10 feet. (Sasquatch180 and Ghraf)

2. Give them vision again (Romanians and Razemage)

Punishment/Deterrence Increase:

1. Grant increased damage to trapped targets, maybe 20%. (Jordenito)

2. Suppress The Insolent damages trapped targets like Chaac's Axe + Rain Dance. (Ghraf)

Edit: 3. Trapped enemies have reduced protections. (Jordenito) I'm not a fan of this one because make it shave flat sclaing protections only makes it useful late game, and making it shave % protections also only makes it useful late game.

Which and how many of these changes are acceptable?

I have another idea, rather than any of that. Change the effects as:

Artemis throws the trap, which now has travel time in the air and an animation, and if it misses an enemy it lands on the ground and has the current effects of rooting an enemy in place and being camouflaged on the ground stationary.

If she hits an enemy with it on the initial throw, the trap wraps around them and slows them by 15%/17.5%/20%/22.5%/25% for 1s/1.5s/2s/2.5s/3s, and also grasps out to other enemy gods nearby (within say 15 meters?) and applies the slow to them as well (multiple gods can't proc the chain effect, only the initial hit). Artemis automatically gains full buff effect from her passive against enemies wrapped by the vines or trapped in the ground trap.

This way the trap has a dual function, fixes her CC issues (an AOE slow against grouped enemies), allows an instant self-buff for early game without having to build the initial stacks, and can be used as an escape mechanism as well.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » January 29, 2014 9:42pm | Report
Ghraf wrote:

I have another idea, rather than any of that. Change the effects as:

Artemis throws the trap, which now has travel time in the air and an animation, and if it misses an enemy it lands on the ground and has the current effects of rooting an enemy in place and being camouflaged on the ground stationary.

If she hits an enemy with it on the initial throw, the trap wraps around them and slows them by 15%/17.5%/20%/22.5%/25% for 1s/1.5s/2s/2.5s/3s, and also grasps out to other enemy gods nearby (within say 15 meters?) and applies the slow to them as well (multiple gods can't proc the chain effect, only the initial hit). Artemis automatically gains full buff effect from her passive against enemies wrapped by the vines or trapped in the ground trap.

This way the trap has a dual function, fixes her CC issues (an AOE slow against grouped enemies), allows an instant self-buff for early game without having to build the initial stacks, and can be used as an escape mechanism as well.

I'm going to have to shoot this one down. She already has a slow against grouped enemies in her three, and her gaining passive stacks aren't the problem. The main problem with your changes is that while they do buff her, they don't really buff her where she is needed; her weak early game.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » January 29, 2014 9:51pm | Report
As for Xbalanque, I liked the change mentioned before to make assists during his ult count toward his passive and the fact that you get full map vision. I think it's the way to go.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » January 29, 2014 10:04pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

I'm going to have to shoot this one down. She already has a slow against grouped enemies in her three, and her gaining passive stacks aren't the problem. The main problem with your changes is that while they do buff her, they don't really buff her where she is needed; her weak early game.

That is true, but getting a whole group of enemies in her 3 isn't exactly easy. And it does indirectly buff her early game, because she primarily has low attack speed at low level which makes it difficult for her to kill and also maintain her passive, but this counters that.

I don't really think buffing her traps will help though.

She just needs higher base bonuses on her steroid and more mobility and she'll be perfectly fine. Maybe make Vengeful Assault reduce or remove the basic attack speed penalty for the duration? It would be a somewhat unique bonus for her and also counter how most ADCs have leaps to escape.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » January 29, 2014 10:09pm | Report
Cupid Specifics: Lovestruck + Heart Bomb

Cupid's passive with Heart Bomb is what makes his early game so strong. 30% bonus damage in a time where base damage is king is a recipe for a LOT of damage. Let me put it this way: With a 30% buff, Cupid's Heart Bomb had more contributions than Anhur's Desert Fury: 260% versus 120%.

The passive has two problems: Early game, where it is easy to stack the passives, it is too strong. Late game, where stacking it is too difficult, it is too weak.

Heart Bomb has a similar problem. Late game, the damage it deals was fine, the problem was it paled in comparison to plain ol' basic attacks, making it a virtually useless skill, since you would rarely get a stun.

My solution is to reduce his damage early game and increase his utility late game, while not significantly affecting his late damage damage numbers.

My Proposed Solution

Hi From Buddha also had a specific change in mind:

HiFromBuddha's Proposal

Both of these proposals are valid, so I ask you guys: what do you prefer?


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