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Patch 6.9 ~ Queen of the Underworld ~ Prism's Thoughts

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Forum » General Discussion » Patch 6.9 ~ Queen of the Underworld ~ Prism's Thoughts 20 posts - page 1 of 2

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Did you like Persephone?
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » August 7, 2019 2:56pm | Report
Link to the official patch notes is here :

New Goddess, Persephone

Intended Role
Mid, Solo
Kit Features

Basic Attack that activates her plants in a Radius

New forms of CC

Farming mechanic for extra gold

Pet Evolution

New Jump Mechanic

Teamfight Ultimate


Okay, with Persephone out of the way, let's look at item changes and balance (Meaning we won't be talking about Bug Fixes)

Item Balance


Increased Physical Power from 55 to 65

Fair buff, this item was missing something more to justify it's purchase, which I now believe the goal was met with this buff.

Nerf / Shift

Decreased Critical Strike Chance from 25% to 20%.
Fixed an issue where the buff was applying to non-god targets.

The shift was mostly to adjust the fact that Fail-Not was applying to minion, Gold Fury, Fire Giant, etc, which wasn't the intended use of the item, but Hi-Rez still considered this a bug (I consider this a shift tbh). The Crit Chance reduction is nice, this item felt it gave waaaaaaay too much crit chance for the price (Plus CDR and the passive)


Decreased Physical Protections from 40 to 30.
Decreased Magical Protections from 40 to 30.

While I'm sad to see a Pridwen nerf, it was needed. This item was good in way too many situations for it not receiving a justified nerf.

Dynasty Plate Helm

Decreased Magical power from 55 to 50
Decreased Physical Protection from 35 to 30

The nerf is minimal, doesn't even feel like it'll truly change the item or who could use it. I would call this insignificant.

Emerald Ring

Increased Magical power from 20 to 25
Removed 3% Movement Speed

This is a big shift. Most of the rings will now not give the user extra movement speed, but they'll give extra power. While movement speed doesn't translate to power well enough, let's see how this affects the meta. It does concern me this is just justifying double hunter meta even more.

Enchanted Ring

Reduced cost from 1200 to 1100
Removed 5% Movement Speed

Like said above, it's a big shift. Instead of increasing power this one just decreases prices, which isn't also a good translation for the movement speed removal.

Demonic Grip

Increased Magical Power from 65 to 75
Removed 7% Movement Speed

This item isn't OP anymore on magical ADCs, this just feels like any other item now. Let's see if people start building towards different paths.

Telkhines Ring

Increased Attack Speed from 20% to 25%
Removed 10% Movement Speed
Passive – Increased Damage Magical Power Scaling from 10% to 15%

More attack speed and more damage. I think this item isn't worth building anymre, but let's see what happens

Shaman's Ring

Increased cost from 2400 to 2500
Increased Magical Power from 100 to 110
Added 10% CDR
Removed 10% Movement Speed
Passive – Increased Duration of Debuff Mark on enemies from 5s to 10s

This item doesn't make Poseidon stupidly fast anymore, and I like it. I really do enjoy seeing the 10% CDR but I think they overturned the passive, which will probably see nerfs in the future.


Decrease Movement Speed from 5% to 3%

Really happy to see the Katana tree getting adjusted. It overturned the AA assassins by a landslide, so I'm truly glad that it's getting nerfed

Thousand Fold Blade

Decrease Movement Speed from 8% to 5%

Same as above, happy for the nerf.


Increased Health from 100 to 150
Decreased Movement Speed from 10% to 7%

Really happy with the Masamune shift. While 50 health doesn't translate at all for the 3% speed reduction to the item, I'm glad that they didn't over buff this. Will still buy on most of my assassins and warriors.

Stone Cutting Sword

Decreased Movement Speed from 10% to 7%

Stone Cutting Sword wasn't hit that hard, but it was hit. I'm not fully happy that they touched this item but didn't touch Golden Blade or Hastened Katana, but oh well

Bumba's Mask

Increased Damage Taken from 10% to 15%
Decreased Damage Dealt from 10% to 15%

Like PomPom said, if you wanna be fast, you gotta pay the price for being fast. Really really like these changes.

God Changes


Increase Base HP from 350 to 380
Increase Base HP Per Level from 66 to 70

Grasping Hands:
Decrease Mana Cost from 70/75/80/85/90 to 60/65/70/75/80
Decreased Cooldown 15/14/13/12/11s to 14/13/12/11/10s

While I don't see a reason to buff Anubis (If you try to make a character that's all about DoT damage extravaganza that's supposed to be a really risky pick viable, you're balancing the game incorrectly) and I hope this doesn't completely skew the game in favor of Anubis.


Venomous Bite:
Decreased Base Healing per Tick from 10/20/30/40/50 + 10% to 8/16/24/32/40 + 8%

Decreased Slow from 25% to 15

I really do enjoy these Arachne nerfs. It'll make sure Arachne is still somewhat strong, but not the powerhouse she was for the past patches.


Increased Base Attack Speed Per Level from 1.1 to 1.4

Masterful Shot:
Increased Slow from 25% to 25/27.5/30/32.5/35%

Huge buff thet Chiron really needed. His attack speed should match most hunter's late game, and the slow buff is really potent, considering Chiron is the fastet hunter by default (380 mvm speed). Really excited to play Chiron again.


Decreased initial Movement Speed from 25% to 15%

Chronos won't be as fast when he activates this, but he'll still zoom around as this ability progresses like he normally does. Happy for this change


Increased damage from 60/105/150/195/240 to 80/120/160/200/240

Hi-Rez had to buff the true Queen! At least it's only her early game damage, which truly was lacking from Polymorph. While I don't see the need for this change, I like it cuz I like playing Hera.


Circle Of Protection:
Decreased Mitigations from 25% to 20% at all ranks

Small nerf so Eset isn't the craziest character in the game like she is when she's powerful. Don't really care for this change.


Unstable Vortex:
Decreased Cooldown from 10s to 9s

Not a fan of seeing a lot of Janus' in my games, but he did deserve a buff, he was underwhelming compared to other characters, like Hera, Agni and Merlin.


Consuming Bellow:
Fixed a bug where the bonus damage of this ability was not benefiting from magical power scaling properly
Decreased Magical Power Scaling of the initial hit from 50% to 45%
Decreased Magical Power Scaling of bonus damage from 10% to 5%

Fixed a bug that was making this ability hit for less then intended then nerfed the scaling cuz they noticed the numbers were a bit too much. Classical Hi-Rez


Increase Base HP from 400 to 450

Focused Light:
Base Damage increased from 100/140/180/220/260 to 100/145/190/235/280

Olorun was truly feeling lacking in the damage department late game. If he got off a crit, it was a huge damage spike, if he didn't, he felt like he was hitting you with cotton. This should make him feel more rewarding to play and his damage should be more consistent now.

I'm really looking forward to Persephone and more changes to the items in the future. What are your thoughts about the patch? Leave them below!
Signature by Stuke99, check out his Website Portfolio and his SmiteFire Profile!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » August 7, 2019 3:29pm | Report
About shaman's and Poseidon, he won't be stupidly fast but will be stupidly strong with the CDR and the huge passive XD


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » August 7, 2019 3:31pm | Report
They forgot to nerf HK and GB, both are the biggest problem from katana tree


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » August 7, 2019 3:36pm | Report
Passive will likely receive nerfs in the near future, but that argument also serves for anyone that can now use this item more effectively Myst. Imagine Aphrodite's Back Off! with that 10% damage increase.
Signature by Stuke99, check out his Website Portfolio and his SmiteFire Profile!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » August 7, 2019 3:56pm | Report

Passive will likely receive nerfs in the near future, but that argument also serves for anyone that can now use this item more effectively Myst. Imagine Aphrodite's Back Off! with that 10% damage increase.

Not as much as Whirlpool or he bo 1st ultimate or even Merlin skills. Plus you will take 10 secs of extra damage from Trident that really hurts.

Thoth may also benefit from this change since you can fire your shots and even full charge your ultimate.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 7, 2019 3:56pm | Report
Don't have time to do other than this comment and I'm not looking at the changes, but damn your format is nice. Well done Pris.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » August 7, 2019 4:02pm | Report
Did it for you Bran! It's 80% reusable code so you can play around with it if you feel a bit funky!
Signature by Stuke99, check out his Website Portfolio and his SmiteFire Profile!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 7, 2019 8:03pm | Report
Alright, some quick thoughts here.

Love the Nike, Skadi, Cupid, and Kumbhakarna skins. Well done.

Persephone seems slightly slow to ramp up, but I'm gonna guess she's potentially massively OP right now in the right situation. Figures.

I'm okay with the Arondight buff. I agree with the Pridwen nerf, and partially with the Fail-Not nerf (but wonder if it could be nerfed just a bit more, maybe a slight decrease in power or something, cuz that 20% CDR is still huge).

So they're completely removing the MS from the ring tree, but they're just decreasing the MS on some of the the katana tree. Well, it's probably for the best. Gives a bit more function to Talaria Boots / Traveler's Shoes as well, as Boots + SCS, for example, would equal its MS.

Didn't remove the MS from Hastened Katana though...but given the higher price due to the previous nerf, I think this helps balance MS out overall in the early/mid game.

Nice buff to Anubis and Chiron (don't care in the least about Chiron though). Reasonable nerf to Eset but fairly minor overall.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 7, 2019 11:54pm | Report
i don't know what to think about persephone.
Her Kit seems fun but i have 2 things in mind.
1) you need Time to plant this skulls in order to get your AoE
2) those Skulls are, where they are. So it's fine when you're lanefarming but as soon as you start to roam around...

i don't realize how fast she can plant some skulls but ... yeah. We'll see. i'm not overwhelmed.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 8, 2019 6:33am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

I'm okay with the Arondight and Pridwen buffs. I agree partially with the Fail-Not buff (but wonder if it could be nerfed just a bit more, maybe a slight decrease in power or something, cuz that 20% CDR is still huge).

Pridwen and Fail-Not were nerfed.


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