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Theorycrafting with Vini #2 - Jungle Builds for S7

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Forum » General Discussion » Theorycrafting with Vini #2 - Jungle Builds for S7 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vini_sds » March 14, 2020 7:27am | Report
As I said on the #1 thread:
I plan on doing 3 threads, those being:
1. Solo builds for S7 (Focused on Nike] and [[Mulan);
2. Jungle builds for S7 (Focused on Mulan, Awilix and Set);
3. Mid builds for S7 (Focused on Eset, Hel and the class in general).

Continuing with my "series", now we're moving on to junglers and their builds for S7.

What changed from S6 to S7?
Heartseeker made ability-based junglers more prominent;
• Due to HS being borderline busted, Transcendence is now the core item for ability-based junglers (even for the ones that didn't use to build it on S6, like Pele);
Blink Rune has been nerfed.

How do I see builds for S7:
I think that with Herartseeker, junglers want one thing, and one thing only: To build as much power as possible, so you can scale HS' passive up and one shot most squishies.

For that, they need items that provide lots of power, those being (in no particular order):
Shifter's Shield;
Jotunn's Wrath/ The Crusher/ Brawler's Beat Stick;
Hydra's Lament;
Soul Eater;
Titan's Bane (I now consider this item situational against heavy tanky comps, but I haven't been building it that much).

(Let me know if I forgot any)

However, junglers also need some survivability, so they can build defensive/bruiser items, like:
Mantle of Discord;
Hide of the Urchin/ Breastplate of Valor (an option for Trans builds);
Runic Shield/ Ancile;
Void Shield;
Magi's Cloak;
• Caduceus Shield (if the jungler has a heal).

Build Paths:

- Transcendence
- Warrior Tabi
- The Crusher/ Brawler's Beat Stick
- Heartseeker
- Arondight
- Shifter's Shield/ Bloodforge
- Mantle of Discord

- Transcendence
- Warrior Tabi
- The Crusher/ Brawler's Beat Stick
- Hydra's Lament
- Heartseeker
- Arondight
- Shifter's Shield/ Bloodforge/ Mantle of Discord

Set and Nemesis:

As I was discussing on Discord with SkyPriateShini, I have a hard time building hybrid assassins (Set and Nem are the ones I consider more prominent in this category).

However, I considered something like this:
- The Crusher
- Ninja Tabi
- Transcendence
- Stone Cutting Sword

And I don't know how to finish the build. I considered Hydra's Lament, but I'm not sure about it either.
I also don't know which items to build in the end.

As in the other thread, the intent is to spark discussion about itemization, build paths and choices.

Looking foward to everyone's feedback.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » March 14, 2020 8:28am | Report
On Set you can go trans/jotunns/blackthorn, heartseeker etc... A few different ways to build him. Definitely don't build more attack speed than crusher + ninja tabi on him though.

For Nem you have 3 build path options, ability based with hydra's/heartseeker, hybrid (ability based bruiser with heartseeker I guess), and crit (rage+db).


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vini_sds » March 14, 2020 8:57am | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

On Set you can go trans/jotunns/blackthorn, heartseeker etc... A few different ways to build him. Definitely don't build more attack speed than crusher + ninja tabi on him though.

For Nem you have 3 build path options, ability based with hydra's/heartseeker, hybrid (ability based bruiser with heartseeker I guess), and crit (rage+db).

How would a full crit build for Nem look like?
SCS, Rage, DB, Titans and BF?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » March 15, 2020 5:17am | Report
I am curious too, I acctually think something more along the line of:
ninja, SCS, Rage, Exe, DB, situational (maybe a crusher, asi, a defensive/bruiser item?)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SkyPirateShini » March 15, 2020 2:44pm | Report
Build I've been messing with on Set is Bloodforge, Crusher, Ninja, stone Cutting, Hydra's, and Heartseeker. I'm probably gonna switch Hydra's for a defensive item and use it as a boots replacement. As for the crit build on Nem, I feel like Malice should have a place in there somewhere.


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