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Items and Terms - Questioning

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 13, 2019 12:02am | Report
I have stumbled upon several Questions and i'm going straghti forward to ask them right here hehe.

So, First is the Term "Peel". In the context, i guess it's kinda separating an Enemie from it's group into our Group so we can kill him. Is this it?
Normally, one does this with a CC or something, or like Sylvanus 3?

Then another Term "Zoning". As far as i understand, it's like when you are "a threat" to the Enemies due to a certain ability so they stay away from said Zone. Maybe like a strong ultimate or some kind of Thing, or your Presence alone when you're overfed. Is this it?

Finally, i have a Question concerning Anti-Heal. Does this effect ALL Healing effects?
Like one has Heals directly from Abilitys (Hel for example)
But also from Autoattacks (Bellona with her Scourge - which is an Ability first, AND an AA-Heal afterwards)
OR you can have it on Abilitys / AAs with Berserkershield or Gladiatorshield
and finally, you kinda have a Heal from the Pots.
i Guess, from AA or Pots the Anti-Heal doesn't reduce anything right?
And then, some effects clearly say they don't stack. So if they don't mention this, they would stack then, no?

And finally, if i'm playing a God that can heal and the Enemy builds an Anti-Heal, there's nothing i can do to counter that, except maybe walk out of Range and heal then or something?

Hope you all have a nice Day or Evening and some good Matches :)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 13, 2019 12:40am | Report
CafPow wrote:

I have stumbled upon several Questions and i'm going straghti forward to ask them right here hehe.

So, First is the Term "Peel". In the context, i guess it's kinda separating an Enemie from it's group into our Group so we can kill him. Is this it?
Normally, one does this with a CC or something, or like Sylvanus 3?

Then another Term "Zoning". As far as i understand, it's like when you are "a threat" to the Enemies due to a certain ability so they stay away from said Zone. Maybe like a strong ultimate or some kind of Thing, or your Presence alone when you're overfed. Is this it?

Finally, i have a Question concerning Anti-Heal. Does this effect ALL Healing effects?
Like one has Heals directly from Abilitys (Hel for example)
But also from Autoattacks (Bellona with her Scourge - which is an Ability first, AND an AA-Heal afterwards)
OR you can have it on Abilitys / AAs with Berserkershield or Gladiatorshield
and finally, you kinda have a Heal from the Pots.
i Guess, from AA or Pots the Anti-Heal doesn't reduce anything right?
And then, some effects clearly say they don't stack. So if they don't mention this, they would stack then, no?

And finally, if i'm playing a God that can heal and the Enemy builds an Anti-Heal, there's nothing i can do to counter that, except maybe walk out of Range and heal then or something?

Hope you all have a nice Day or Evening and some good Matches :)
  • "Peel" - basically it's a defensive term. An enemy is sticking to your teammate, and you "peel" them off your teammate's *** so they can get away/survive. That's basically always done with some kind of CC ability that can slow, stun, pull, push away, knock up/back, etc.

  • Zoning - yes, that's pretty much it. It's usually the actual presence of a threat or obstacle, not just the possibility of it. So, dropping an AOE that lasts a while and can deal damage, like Isis' ult...or throwing an Ymir wall up.

  • Anti-Heal - Affects all things that affect you gaining health back. This goes for self healing abilities, group healing abilities, HP5, lifesteal, Meditation Cloak, health/multi/Baron potions, and gaining health from the shields you mentioned.

    Pestilence and Contagion auras don't stack. Two of the same item don't stack (e.g. 2 Divine Ruins or 2 Toxic Blades at full stacks).

    However, you could stack Pest, Divine, AND Toxic Blade.

    Also, there's something that's basically NO healing. The two I can think of are Serqet's and Odin's ults...they completely prevent all healing while under the effects...doesn't matter if you have Asclepius or Typhon's, either.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 13, 2019 1:30am | Report
yeah Odins Ult was something i was aware of. Forgot that. Serquet i wasn't aware.
I mean it's just a thing i can't really do much about i guess. The whole Anti-Heal Stuff i mean. But it's always useful i guess, not only when you have healer-Gods in the enemyteam. Good to know.
Cause sometimes i thougt to take Bullwark of Hope instead of Pestilence when they don't have much healing in the Team.

i have big Problems when it comes to peel, positioning and rotating. Like when is the right Moment to do so. I think this is really something you just have to learn over Time i guess.

But all answers perfectly answered, thank you very much Muffin.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » August 13, 2019 5:39am | Report
  • Peel = Prepare the enemy to die for your team
  • Zoning = Put something that limits the enemy space to move ( Vulcan's turret, Skadi ice...)
  • Anti-Heal = Shutdown any healing source, including skills, potions and lifesteal from items. Some items stacks like Divine Ruin + Brawler's Beat Stick, DR/BBS + Toxic Blade, Pestilence + the previous items...

    However, anti-heals doesn't affect the titan regeneration/healing nor the fountain "healing" too.

    TBH, if you don't have any lifesteal in the enemy team/healing characters, there's no need of build anti-heal, at max pest or contagion (is jus me or someone else thinks that this item seems an anime cloth?).

    About peeling, it something that comes with time. The more you play the more you learn how and when to peel, don't worry about that.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 13, 2019 5:49am | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

TBH, if you don't have any lifesteal in the enemy team/healing characters, there's no need of build anti-heal, at max pest or contagion (is jus me or someone else thinks that this item seems an anime cloth?).

thanks for the answer
so if i don't have any much Healing-Gods (or Lifestealers) you'd go for Bullwark instead of Pest too?
(implying i wanna have some magic defense so i go for either one item anyway)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 13, 2019 6:12am | Report
CafPow wrote:

so if i don't have any much Healing-Gods (or Lifestealers) you'd go for Bullwark instead of Pest too?
(implying i wanna have some magic defense so i go for either one item anyway)

Bulwark of Hope isn't the only option (it's good for anti-burst due to the passive), there's Oni Hunter's Garb which gives percentage damage mitigation, Genji's Guard which gives CDR/mana sustain, Heartward Amulet which gives a magical prot aura, Shogun's Kusari which gives an Attack Speed-buff aura (useful on heavy AA-comps), etc...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 13, 2019 6:22am | Report
oh yeah sure. I like to take Heartward especially as a support. Always depending ofc where i am etc.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 13, 2019 6:33am | Report
CafPow wrote:

Finally, i have a Question concerning Anti-Heal. Does this effect ALL Healing effects?
Like one has Heals directly from Abilitys (Hel for example)
But also from Autoattacks (Bellona with her Scourge - which is an Ability first, AND an AA-Heal afterwards)
OR you can have it on Abilitys / AAs with Berserkershield or Gladiatorshield
and finally, you kinda have a Heal from the Pots.

It affects mostly everything, including Fire Giant Buff. The only thing that remains unaffected is Chronos' Rewind. Im not sure if it affects Chiron's ult though. It also doesen't affect shield health (items or abilities that generate health shields).

CafPow wrote:

And finally, if i'm playing a God that can heal and the Enemy builds an Anti-Heal, there's nothing i can do to counter that, except maybe walk out of Range and heal then or something?

Either that or just build more power. Or build Rod of Tahuti/ Rod of Asclepius to boost your healing. Or build Lotus Crown which brings a buff unaffected by anti-heal.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » August 19, 2019 3:10pm | Report
I don't know for sure if Myst intended it, however sadly his description of peeling is wrong. And the same goes for 1 of his anti heal combo item stacking.

So let's start with peeling:
Like Bran said it's a defensive term to keep someone alive. Doesn't exactly need to be when your teammate is fleeing. CC is the most direct case of peeling, however peeling also includes heals, shields, defensive buffs and body blocking.
In most cases late game the support will be peeling for the adc so they can continue killing stuff

Zoning: Well you nailed that one quite spot on actually. Sadly "freezing the wave" (the act of having the minion wave sit in a certain spot usually near your tower) in smite isn't as effective as in other MOBAs, however this tactic uses the ability of zoning so your opponent can't get any farm.
Another good example of zoning is/was Dota during trilanes. Here the supports zone away the offlaner (a solo laner that usually is more exp reliant)) cause they can chip away at him with basic attacks and get him killed easily.
Most common example of zoning in smite would be when you manage to push you opponent to the inner tower and proxy the wave to get the tower killed (either by only minions or a teammate)

Like bran said anti heal is on any source of healing. The point where myst was wrong is that the anti heal debuff from Divine Ruin and brawler's beatstick is the same debuff (or they changed this as I haven't tested this for years). So these 2 do not stack just like the aura of Contagion and Pestilence.
Yes this isn't very clear as smite doesn't use an unique passive/aura/etc naming system.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 19, 2019 7:28pm | Report
Smite changed the bbs/divine stacking thing. They do stack now. Confirmed by inters3ct.

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