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Aladdin - The Sultan

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by Mendar updated March 2, 2025

Smite God: Aladdin

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Aladdin Build

Starter Items

Build Item Bumba's Golden Dagger Bumba's Golden Dagger
Build Item Genie's Lamp Genie's Lamp
Build Item Gem Gem
Build Item Health Potion Health Potion
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune



I'm Mendar, a SMITE player since Season 7 of SMITE 1, currently active in SMITE 2. As a high-ranked player, I serve as a Mentor on the official SMITE Discord server, guiding and assisting new players. Set one-trick in SMITE 1 and number 1 on the god leaderboard for season 11. So far I have 4 stars on Aladdin





Aladdin's passive is the lamp in your inventory Genie's Lamp. It holds 3 wishes which you may use at any point in the game but each wish can only be used ONCE. Every wish is unique and is used in different circumstances during the match. The lamp also provides Aladdin with a (1% + .4% per level) 9% bonus to his stats at level 20. This will apply to your mana, power, pen but not your cooldown rate or attack speed. You may sell the lamp whenever you like.


Aladdin receives 250 gold and a passive ability that lasts for 3 minutes, allowing him to earn an additional 100 gold for each kill or assist he achieves during that time frame. You will lose the passive if you die.


Aladdin may wish for power at any point in the game, which will reset all his cooldowns, including his abilities, relic, active items and genie charges.


Aladdin wishes for immortality enabling him to bypass the death timer and revive instantly with 75% movement speed for 10s upon leaving base.



This wish is used to gain an advantage by securing a gold lead. You should activate it just before you gank, when you're confident you'll get kills or assists. Avoid using it too early, as it will alert your enemies to your approach.


Wishing for power can be incredibly impactful, depending on how you use it. Save this wish for the late game, especially during a Fire Giant fight or when trying to secure a game-ending or game-saving play. It can also be kept for use alongside the immortality wish in a solo defense situation. Avoid using it too early, as its value increases significantly later in the game when you're dealing more damage.


The most powerful wish by far, this should only be used in dire situations, as its value also increases the later the game goes. You can activate it after dying in a Fire Giant fight that's still ongoing, especially if losing could be game-ending. It’s also useful for defending your Titan from enemy sieges. Avoid using it for less critical situations, such as a Tier 2 Tower or a Gold Fury.


Three Wishes Kufic Invocation Sultan's Grace Agile Run Into the lamp



Aladdin's abilities can scale with both Intelligence and Strength. While both attributes enhance his damage output, investing in Intelligence generally yields higher damage for his abilities. Aladdin and his Genie function as distinct entities simultaneously. For instance, casting the Genie's Sultan's Grace allows the Genie to continue attacking even if Aladdin is dead. Aladdin's abilities primarily scale with Intelligence, whereas the Genie's abilities are more influenced by Strength. To maximize the Genie's damage potential, a full Strength build is recommended. Nonetheless, a full Intelligence build remains effective, significantly enhancing the damage of abilities like Kufic Invocation, making it a valuable tool for poking opponents.

A full Strength build would look something like this. Bumba's Spear or Bluestone Brooch, Transcendence, Tekko-Kagi, Pendulum Blade, The Crusher, Heartseeker and Titan's Bane.


Item 1

Archmage's Gem or Bumba's Spearshould be your starter Item. Archmage's Gem over Sands of Time because the tier 1 version allows you to one shot archers and the upgraded version helps your burst to one shot enemies. Bumba's Spear will be your jungle starter and it is more damage than Bumba's Hammer for your ability combo late game.
Item 2

Chronos' Pendant Will be your cooldown item. Very simple.
Item 3

Aladdin's primary objective is to scale effectively into the late game. This item supports that goal by providing substantial power, enhancing his high-scaling abilities.
Item 4

Polynomicon enhances Aladdin's burst damage by empowering his next basic attack after using an ability, adding 65% of his magical power as extra magical damage.
Item 5

Soul Gem enhances Aladdin's burst damage during his combo by providing 30% bonus magical damage scaling with your INT. Divine Ruin is similar damage with anti-heal to counter healers. Magi's Cloak is more of a defensive item that lets you become CC Immune for a short duration after getting hit by a CC, very useful against Awilix.
Item 6

Rod of Tahuti is a must buy for every magical damage dealer going full damage.
Item 6

You may sell Genie's Lamp if you have used up all your wishes. Obsidian Shard is typically your final item, unless you encounter multiple tanky opponents, in which case Soul Reaver can be a more effective choice.



Aladdin's early game is relatively weak, so it's important to play cautiously and avoid overcommitting in fights. Focus on farming by consistently clearing minion waves and jungle camps to gain gold and experience. It's advisable to hold off on using your Power and Immortality wishes during this phase. Utilize the Wealth wish strategically to gain a lead; however, to maximize its potential, consider saving it until the mid-game when you can secure more kills and assists during its three-minute duration. Avoid using Into The Lamp for a 1v1 as you most likely will lose it.


As you begin to scale with Aladdin, you'll notice an improvement in your damage output; however, you're still not at your full late-game potential. Continue focusing on farming and ganking to maintain pressure. Look for opportunities to secure objectives like the Pyromancer or Gold Fury. Using your Wealth wish during teamfights around Gold Fury or the Pyromancer can be beneficial, as it grants extra gold per kill or assist for three minutes. Hold your power and immortality wish for the late game.


Aladdin's late game is where he truly excels. Use Kufic Invocation for poke damage. His ability combo Agile Run + Genie, Polynomicon auto attack, Kufic Invocation, Polynomicon auto attack, Sultan's Grace will eliminate every squishy target. Be cautious when engaging tanks, as this combo sacrifices mobility and leaves you vulnerable. Utilize your ultimate, Into The Lamp, to isolate and duel squishy opponents or even pick a tank that's in a bad position. Be prepared for enemies who may use Beads or other crowd control immunity abilities to counter your ult. Activate your Power Wish to secure objectives like the Fire Giant or to gain an advantage in critical fights. Save your Immortality Wish for dire defensive situations, especially when defending the Titan.



In the JUNGLE, it's important to play slowly, focusing on farming and scaling into the late game. Aladdin's early game is quite weak, making him vulnerable to invasions from most other JUNGLERS. Therefore, it's crucial to be punctual with your camps to avoid falling behind. You can also match the enemy by invading their camps as you are generally a safe character and can get out of most situations. Use Into The Lamp when ganking but do make sure you will have follow-up and be aware of the enemy jungler's position so they don't interfere.


Aladdin is not a traditional SOLO LANER, but he can be played in the SOLO LANE, typically building full damage. Most of your matchups will be unfavorable due to his weak early game. Focus on farming, clearing waves, and taking side camps. Use Into The Lamp only to set up for a gank or deny farm from your opponent after clearing a wave by stalling as long as possible in the lamp. You should still rotate like a normal SOLO LANER when your team is planning on killing the Gold Fury or even if you're just trying to help them get ahead. Be careful to not miss out on too much farm and know when you're rotating as you won't have much impact in the early game.


In the early levels, you can play like a typical mage by focusing on farming and poking with your 1. Even in mid, you might face unfavorable matchups, and you won’t have kill potential on anyone during the early game when you're alone. Use Into The Lamp to help set up ganks, but be cautious, mid is the busiest lane with the most traffic.



  • Wish for wealth at the start to buy more health pots
  • Ulting someone in the early game for a 1v1
  • Wish for power in the early game to secure a kill that likely won't matter as much
  • Wish for immortality in a non-crucial situation
  • Throw Into The Lamp into enemy towers, making it hard for your team to join.
  • Allowing enemies to leave your lamp
  • Healing enemies with Into The Lamp
  • Build Gem of Focus with not enough CDR to keep it stacked
  • Build Oath-Sworn Spear when it reduces phys prots while Aladdin is MAGICAL.


That will be it for the Aladdin Guide. Thank you for reading and feel free to leave some feedback or ask questions.

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Legendkira | March 2, 2025 8:12am
Wow this ate
Mendar (1) | March 2, 2025 8:30am
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