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Ares - 50 Shades of Flame (Y10, All Modes, Patch 10.9, "The Season of Celebration")

129 24 417,614
by Branmuffin17 updated August 31, 2023

Smite God: Ares

Build Guide Discussion 36 More Guides
Choose a Build: Dominating the Duo Lane - Conquest Support / General Tank Builds
Dominating the Duo Lane - Conquest Support / General Tank Builds Shackled to the Solo Lane - Conquest Solo Builds
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Ares Build

Starting Items (Emerald or Cloak)

Notes This is a generic Support start using Sentinel's Gift as a starter and either:
Alternatively, you can use Benevolence as your starter, upgrading to your preference at 15.

In almost all cases, Blink Rune should be your standard first relic. If you feel you need to start more defensively, you'll typically choose Magic Shell.


This is a generic Support start using Sentinel's Gift as a starter and either:

Alternatively, you can use Benevolence as your starter, upgrading to your preference at 15.

In almost all cases, Blink Rune should be your standard first relic. If you feel you need to start more defensively, you'll typically choose Magic Shell.

Build Item Sentinel's Gift Sentinel's Gift
Build Item Glowing Emerald Glowing Emerald
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Sturdy Stew Sturdy Stew
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Horn Shard Horn Shard

Example Build (Well-Rounded Defense)

Notes This is a fairly standard build that provides some protection and utility auras and good CDR. This build example does not include any specific counter items.

Spirit Robe is a solid general pickup, but is the recommended item for replacement should you need counter items of any type.


This is a fairly standard build that provides some protection and utility auras and good CDR. This build example does not include any specific counter items.

Spirit Robe is a solid general pickup, but is the recommended item for replacement should you need counter items of any type.

Build Item Sentinel's Embrace Sentinel's Embrace
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Reverent Pridwen Reverent Pridwen
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe

Example Build (Defensive Auras)

Notes This is a well-rounded, defense-focused build example providing strong protection auras for tankiness and sustain, flex CDR, and Relic Dagger for more Blink use. Note that your starter in this build will need to use Cloak instead of Glowing Emerald.

You can consider alternative items as needed. Key items include Contagion, Shogun's Kusari, Spectral Armor, and Midgardian Mail.


This is a well-rounded, defense-focused build example providing strong protection auras for tankiness and sustain, flex CDR, and Relic Dagger for more Blink use. Note that your starter in this build will need to use Cloak instead of Glowing Emerald.

You can consider alternative items as needed. Key items include Contagion, Shogun's Kusari, Spectral Armor, and Midgardian Mail.

Build Item Sentinel's Embrace Sentinel's Embrace
Build Item Prophetic Cloak Prophetic Cloak
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Bewitched Dagger Bewitched Dagger

Example Build (Aggressive Initiation)

Notes This is a build example with more offensive team focus. While Pythagorem's Piece is optional, picking it up immediately after Thebes provides a good measure of offensive push via CDR, lifesteal and power from the aura. Alternatively, you could look to an early Relic Dagger especially if the enemy doesn't have CC immunity abilities to cover them while their beads are down.

Also here is Stone of Binding, supporting aggressive play where you initiate and set up for your teammates. Protections in this build are lower in comparison to some other options, so after a Blink-Ult combo, don't be afraid to extract temporarily from the hot zone. If you don't want Relic Dagger, you can consider switching Spirit Robe with Reverent Pridwen and Dagger with Ethereal Staff for more tankiness, especially after ulting.


This is a build example with more offensive team focus. While Pythagorem's Piece is optional, picking it up immediately after Thebes provides a good measure of offensive push via CDR, lifesteal and power from the aura. Alternatively, you could look to an early Relic Dagger especially if the enemy doesn't have CC immunity abilities to cover them while their beads are down.

Also here is Stone of Binding, supporting aggressive play where you initiate and set up for your teammates. Protections in this build are lower in comparison to some other options, so after a Blink-Ult combo, don't be afraid to extract temporarily from the hot zone. If you don't want Relic Dagger, you can consider switching Spirit Robe with Reverent Pridwen and Dagger with Ethereal Staff for more tankiness, especially after ulting.

Build Item War Banner War Banner
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Bewitched Dagger Bewitched Dagger

Defensive Item Options

Notes These are all items providing defensive support. Choose as needed.


These are all items providing defensive support. Choose as needed.

Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Prophetic Cloak Prophetic Cloak
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak

Offensive / Utility Item Options

Notes These are all items providing offensive or utility function. Choose as needed.


These are all items providing offensive or utility function. Choose as needed.

Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Emperor's Armor Emperor's Armor

Counter Item Options

Notes These are all items purchased to counter specific gods or builds. Choose as needed.

Contagion: physical protection, anti-heal
Midgardian Mail: physical protection, anti-basic attack
Spectral Armor: physical protection, anti-crit
Pestilence: magical protection, anti-heal
Winged Blade: magical protaection, anti-slow


These are all items purchased to counter specific gods or builds. Choose as needed.

Contagion: physical protection, anti-heal
Midgardian Mail: physical protection, anti-basic attack
Spectral Armor: physical protection, anti-crit
Pestilence: magical protection, anti-heal
Winged Blade: magical protaection, anti-slow

Build Item Contagion Contagion
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade

Relic Options

  • Blink Rune (Ult / Chase): Core relic for Ares, extremely well known for use in combination with No Escape. Can be picked up first for early aggression, or later if you want a more defensive relic first.

  • Magic Shell (Damage Shield): Standard 2nd relic for defensive function. Can be a core item to help teammates get through enemy obstacles if you pick up the Phantom Shell upgrade.

  • Heavenly Wings (Chase / Escape): Option for increased movement speed. Helpful when chasing or retreating.

  • Bracer of Radiance (Utility / Vision): Consider for greater map vision and teamfight utility. Upgrade and use for its Sentry Ward function to hunt out and destroy enemy wards without having to use an actual Sentry.

  • Cursed Ankh (Anti-Heal): Pick up against healing-heavy comps to significantly reduce their healing capabilities. Level up ASAP to reverse the healing potential and allow your team to deal enhanced damage.

  • Meditation Cloak (Team Survivability / Sustain): Currently viable option as 1st or 2nd relic to provide some survivability for yourself and nearby teammates.


  • Blink Rune (Ult / Chase): Core relic for Ares, extremely well known for use in combination with No Escape. Can be picked up first for early aggression, or later if you want a more defensive relic first.

  • Magic Shell (Damage Shield): Standard 2nd relic for defensive function. Can be a core item to help teammates get through enemy obstacles if you pick up the Phantom Shell upgrade.

  • Heavenly Wings (Chase / Escape): Option for increased movement speed. Helpful when chasing or retreating.

  • Bracer of Radiance (Utility / Vision): Consider for greater map vision and teamfight utility. Upgrade and use for its Sentry Ward function to hunt out and destroy enemy wards without having to use an actual Sentry.

  • Cursed Ankh (Anti-Heal): Pick up against healing-heavy comps to significantly reduce their healing capabilities. Level up ASAP to reverse the healing potential and allow your team to deal enhanced damage.

  • Meditation Cloak (Team Survivability / Sustain): Currently viable option as 1st or 2nd relic to provide some survivability for yourself and nearby teammates.

Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Bracer of Radiance Bracer of Radiance
Build Item Cursed Ankh Cursed Ankh
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation

Ares's Skill Order


1 X Y
2 6 7 9

Bolster Defenses

2 A B
Bolster Defenses
3 8 10 11 12

Searing Flesh

3 B A
Searing Flesh
1 13 14 15 16

No Escape

4 Y X
No Escape
4 17 18 19 20
2 6 7 9


1 X
Chains extend from Ares' shield, doing damage to all enemies in its path. Hitting a god shackles them to Ares, Cripples them, preventing movement abilities, dealing the same damage every second while slowing them by 15% and buffing Ares. While shackled, Ares can fire another chain for free within 2s. Jungle Camps take an extra +40% damage.

Ability Type: Line, Cripple, Damage
Minion Damage: 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150 (+15% of your Magical Power)
God Damage per Tick: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+15% of your Magical Power)
Speed Buff per Target Shackled: 15%
Duration: 4s
Max Shackles: 3
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 15 / 14.5 / 14 / 13.5 / 13s
Bolster Defenses
3 8 10 11 12

Bolster Defenses

2 A
Ares strengthens the defenses of himself and all nearby allies for 6s, granting Basic Attack Damage, Protections, HP5, and reducing Crowd Control durations. For each shackled enemy, the Protection Buffs are increased.

Ability Type: Circle, Buff
Protections: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40
CC Reduction: 30%
HP5: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45
Shackle Bonus: 7
Radius: 35
Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Cooldown: 15s
Searing Flesh
1 13 14 15 16

Searing Flesh

3 B
Flames pour forth from Ares' shield, engulfing enemies in a cone in front of him causing damage every .5s for 4s. Ares is immune to Knockback for the duration.

Ability Type: Cone, Damage
Damage Per Tick: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 (+7% of your Magical Power)
% Max Health Per Tick (Gods): 1 / 1 / 2 / 2 / 3%
% Max Health Per Tick (Minions): 4%
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 12s
No Escape
4 17 18 19 20

No Escape

4 Y
Ares throws chains out to all enemy gods in an area around him. All enemies hit by the chains are pulled to Ares after 2.5s, taking damage and are stunned.

Ability Type: Area
Damage: 200 / 275 / 350 / 425 / 500 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Stun: 1s
Radius: 35
Cost: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100
Cooldown: 100s

An Introduction (To BDSM)

Recent Updates:

2023/8/31: Guide is current as of Patch 10.9, "The Season of Celebration." Builds updated. Combos section added. Starting Process and Warding section added.

Revision History

This guide's information has been strongly influenced by KingScuba. KingScuba is the Supermoderator of the Official SMITE Discord (click for invite link), which focuses on providing mentoring and education services for the SMITE community.

Overview of Ares in a Support Role:

When using Ares in a Conquest Support role, you're often going for early aggression to quickly dominate your lane, get your ADC ahead, and allow you to rotate sooner for further disruption and gank potential. It is helpful if you have an ADC and/or Jungler that has a strong early game, to take advantage of Ares' damage potential.

Note that Ares can only shine when others on your team have viable peel for themselves (or the Solo in particular has plenty of peel), since he has no immediately available hard CC. His greatest potential is as a true aggressor in the late game, and you practically have to have your Solo switch places with the Support role late-game; the Solo will help peel while Ares provides the damage and lockdown.

Your primary targets are going to be the enemy gods, even in the presence of minions.

He has limited peel potential outside of his ult, No Escape. Shackles slows the enemy and cripples them, preventing the use of mobility skills, so you'll need to be time its use well. If you're not good with skill shots, you may not want to play him, because the hitbox for the ability is fairly narrow.

You are one of the best gods at burning enemy beads via No Escape. Learn to time your Blink Rune well to chain as many enemies together at once. Advise your teammates when your ult is up and you're looking to use it, so they can prepare abilities.

Overview of Ares in Other Roles (Solo / Jungle):

Ares isn't the most popular pick in Solo or Jungle, but can serve in these capacities despite not having strong sustain or burst damage potential.

In Solo during laning, he is best played in one of two ways:
  • Play as a stall god, looking to take the early game slowly to farm while they come online. Depending on matchup, he may need to play this way due to his lack of mobility, fairly weak clear, and potential stuns canceling his Searing Flesh.

  • Play as a bully god, playing very aggressively to force the enemy to back and lose farm. He has singular focus with his abilities and can lock enemies down and prevent them from escaping due to the cripple in his Shackles. This is the preferred playstyle, and can be supported by picking up Mystical Mail.
In the Jungle, he'll look to lock lane enemies down with Shackles to allow for teaming up and securing kills. He can also burn Purification Beads easily with his ult, allowing teammates to more confidently go in with their full kits.

Pain & Pleasure (Ability Use, Leveling, Tips, and Combos)


Blessed Presence
Each completed aura item that Ares owns grants him 30 additional magical power

Discussion: Build aura items, get free power.

Tips: Aura items help his damage output, but building aura items should NOT be the primary focus of his itemization. Item choices need to make sense with the context of the mode, your team comp, and the enemy team comp.

TL;DR, aim for aura items when they specifically fit your needs.
Skill #1:

Chains extend from Ares' shield, doing damage to all enemies in its path. Hitting a god shackles them to Ares, cripples them, preventing movement abilities, dealing the same damage every second while slowing them by 15% and buffing Ares. While shackled, Ares can fire another chain for free within 2s.

Leveling Priority: Max this first.

General Use: Damage / Control

Discussion: This is a narrow-line skill-shot that prevents enemies from using mobility skills, while dealing solid damage to up to 3 enemies. You get up to 3 shackles if you don't miss. You can use all 3 on a single target; however, with a 2 second timeframe to cast the next Shackle, you will lose some total damage potential.

When possible, aim for different targets with each Shackle to control a larger group overall and for maximum damage potential in a teamfight. If you're targeting just one enemy, learn the timing, use basics in-between ability use, and maximize the time you have them shackled.

  1. You can use basic attacks in-between Shackle uses if you're close to the enemy, increasing your damage output. Technically, you can get 2 basic attacks in before each chain, but the timing has to be perfect (and you should have the ability on instant cast). It's safer to aim for a single basic attack until you're very experienced or get increased attack speed via Shogun's Kusari.

  2. If targeting only a single enemy, Try to wait closer to 2 seconds before using the ability again, to maximize the time you can lock down the enemy and deal max damage. Upon hitting it again on a target, the DoT resets itself, along with the initial tick of damage from connecting. NEVER spam the ability quickly on a single enemy UNLESS you need to activate your Searing Flesh as soon as possible (to prevent yourself from dying or you know you'll be able to finish the enemy with it).

  3. You can quickly spam Shackles with the intent to hit different targets in a teamfight or after pulling multiple enemies with No Escape).

  4. Patience is key. The ability can be difficult to connect due to the fairly narrow hitbox. Never rush a shot, and try to close on an enemy to make them easier to hit. You may also need to lead your target a bit if they're further away.
Skill #2:

Bolster Defenses
Ares strengthens the defenses of himself and all nearby allies, granting protections and HP5, and reducing crowd control durations. For each shackled enemy, the protection buffs are increased.

Leveling Priority: Level this anytime after Shackles, as preferred for your needs.

General Use: Personal / Group Defense

Discussion: Provides an aura of protections, HP5, and CC reduction for you and nearby teammates. Anticipate heavy damage abilities by activating this preemptively, and always use it in a teamfight.

  • You can activate this in between ability uses, such as between individual hits of Shackles. Using this skill instantly resets your basic attack chain, and your next basic comes out almost instantly like Thor's Hammer spin, allowing you to hit 2 basic attacks faster than you could normally. This is very useful when you're in melee range and want to get an extra attack in-between chains. Example: Shackles > basic attack > Bolster Defenses > basic attack > Shackles. If you choose to grab Polynomicon, this is a very easy way to sneak in the Poly shot.

  • You may want to activate this immediately before or after you ult. If you anticipate a lot of focus on yourself when you blink in on grouped up enemies, use this right before blinking to give yourself an extra measure of survivability.

  • For maximum damage potential in the early game, don't put a point into Bolster Defenses until level 6.
Skill #3:

Searing Flesh
Flames pour forth from Ares' shield, engulfing enemies in a cone in front of him causing damage every 0.5s for 4s. Ares is immune to knockback for the duration.

Leveling Priority: Level this first in Duo to bunch up minions, but max after Shackles, as preferred for your needs.

General Use: Minion Wave clear / Damage

Discussion: This ability not only does base damage every tick, but additionally deals magical damage based on the enemy target's maximum health. This can make the ability deal a large amount of damage if you can channel on the enemy for the entire duration.

Not stated is the fact it provides a small knockback effect against enemy minions. You can use this to group minions up a bit for easier clear by other teammates, and is a main reason to get this at level 1 in the Duo-lane as Support, to help with quicker clear.

Tips: This is typically used after finishing a series of Shackles, to continue your damage output.

[*]Note that it can be interrupted, so if you can, wait until enemies have used any abilities that can interrupt a channeled ability (e.g. stun, silence, freeze, taunt, etc.). However, you are IMMUNE to knockup/knockback, making it a great way to deal with gods like He Bo, Bacchus, Hercules, or Vulcan.

No Escape
Ares throws chains out to all enemy gods in an area around him. All enemies hit by the chains are pulled to Ares after 2.5s, taking damage and are stunned.

Leveling Priority: Suggest leveling this last, but you can prioritize as preferred.

General Use: Initiation / Peel / Teamfight Control / Kill Secure

Discussion: Ares' signature and most recognized ability, this provides a huge measure of control against the enemy team. It forces them to buy (and burn) Purification Beads), and can easily outwork Beads due to a much shorter CD.

You can use it on a single target to help peel or secure a kill, but it is often better realized in the midst of a teamfight, where you can connect on multiple targets.

  • Recommend not prioritizing points in this skill after the first one at level 5, as it doesn't lower CD and your other abilities simply have far more damage and utility potential.

  • Your best bet to connect with multiple enemies when initiating with the ability is to pair it with Blink Rune. That relic allows you to pick an opportune time to teleport into the midst of a group of enemies when they're bunched up. An additional consideration is picking up Relic Dagger, especially in teamfight modes, so you can use this combo much more often and beat out the CD of enemy Purification Beads.

  • Prioritize enemies that 1) you know have recently used any Beads they have, and 2) don't have a CC-immune ult that allows them to get out of the pull.

  • The channeling also makes YOU CC-immune, so you can use this as a counter to those CC abilities.

  • Pay attention to your teammates' ultimate timers, and always double check to make sure they're nearby. If your team doesn't have an ultimate that can combo with yours, hold off on using it unless you're confident of securing kills.

  • Use the VGS command "VVVD" (Ultimate is Down!) to communicate to your teammates you're looking to use this soon. There's a cooldown timer that also appears with this message, giving your team a heads up that you're about to go in.

Ability Leveling Tips:
  1. After maxing Shackles, you can opt to level Bolster Defenses for the utility, or Searing Flesh for further aggression. Bolster is obviously the more team-oriented option, while Searing is great if you're able to continually bully and you're ahead of the enemy.

  2. Note that Searing Flesh has a jump in DPS at ranks 3 and 5. You can consider leveling this to 3, then switch back to leveling Bolster Defenses if preferred.

  3. You can level the ult whenever you prefer. Some like to level it whenever it's available (levels 5, 9, 13, 17, 20), but it only provides a damage increase on a somewhat long CD (though it has more appeal if you've picked up Blink Rune fairly early in the build). As such, you might consider delaying leveling past 1 until other abilities are maxed.

Ability Combos:

Many players appear not to fully understand how Shackles works. They will spam it on a single target thinking each hit will arbitrarily increase the damage total. Instead, remember that each shackle has a specific duration with constant tick damage, and hitting a new shackle on the same target just resets the timer. Spacing them out will get you longer total duration and damage output, especially on a single target, though if you're aiming to hit multiple targets, use your shackles as quickly as needed.

Below is a video showing how you might combo Shackles on a single or multiple targets, and provides an example of a blink-initiated ult with follow-up.

Whips & Chains (Item Discussion)

Starter Item Options

Sentinel's Gift (Universal Support): Good general support / tank starter providing sustain. The Sentinel's Embrace upgrade provides a strong aura of protections to nearby teammates.

Benevolence (Utility Support): Provides situational healing to your nearby teammate, along with consistent HP5/MP5 sustain. The upgrades Compassion and Heroism provide additional direct support to teammates.

War Flag (Aggressive Support): Provides utility and offensive support to teammates via movement and attack speed boosts. The War Banner upgrade provides an enhanced form of this, while Spartan Flag can have tactical use for ults or fighting around objectives.

Warrior's Axe (Solo Sustain): For use in the Solo role to provide sustain.

Tainted Steel (Anti-Heal): Very situational use in Solo or as a tank in non-Conquest modes to provide anti-heal function.

Early Dual Protections

Gauntlet of Thebes (High Dual Protections / Health): Option for first item pickup in a Support / tank role, providing high protections and health. Provides Aura / passive synergy.

Prophetic Cloak (Dual Protection Aura / CDR): Alternative to Thebes, offering similar overall stats, but with CDR and some added mitigations when building lots of protections.

Defensive Item Options

Pridwen (Dual Protections / High CDR / Shield): Currently very situational, as you can easily get CDR from other options. The Shield after ulting definitely has synergy for when you blink ult to initiate a teamfight.

Sovereignty and Heartward Amulet (Protection Auras): Are good pickups if you want to help shield your team a bit more. Sovereignty counters physical damage and is the more common pickup, as physical protection also helps against minions and structures. Get Heartward Amulet if facing at least 3 magical gods and the magical damage potential is significantly higher than physical.

Shogun's Kusari (Team Basic-Attack): Is a great item if your ADC is completely online and doing a ton of work near you constantly, or if you have at least 2 AA reliant gods on your team.

Oni Hunter's Garb (Anti-Magical / Teamfight Damage Mitigation): Is a solid pickup if the enemy team is heavy on the CC and you're taking more magic damage than physical.

Spirit Robe (Dual Protections / CDR / Damage Mitigation): Is a good pickup item if you're getting CC'd into the ground when trying to get off your skills, and want to be tankier.

Magi's Cloak (Dual Protections / CDR / Anti-CC / Glyph Utility): If you don't need other items, this is a great one providing functional support stats. The glyph upgrades can provide good offensive ( Magi's Revenge) or defensive ( Magi's Shelter) functionality.

Offensive / Utility Item Options

Stone of Binding (Dual Protections / Team Penetration): Is a core item pickup for aggressive play, due to the passive's penetration function that allows all teammates to deal more damage.

Ethereal Staff (Health / Mana Steal): Strong item providing health and mana steal for a long time. Great for long teamfights. Acts like a mini Soul Reaver for Ares, despite not having a lot of damage items.

Divine Ruin (Offensive Anti-Heal): A good pickup if you're able to consistently bully a team heavy on healing abilities.

Pythagorem's Piece (Team Aggression / Sustain): Situational offensive teamfight item that can see good use if the enemy team builds very little anti-heal.

Relic Dagger (Relic CDR / Health): Almost core item to help spam relics (typically Blink Rune in combination with his ult). High health and CDR are also appreciated. The Bewitched Dagger glyph upgrade is a good counter to basic attackers.

Mystical Mail (Early Aggression / Physical Protection): early-game item only, due to the dropoff in effectiveness as more protections are built and enemies have higher base health. Allows you to clear minions more effectively, and to deal steady damage to enemies you're sticking to.

Emperor's Armor (Siege Structures): functional item if you plan on living underneath a tower, either offensively or defensively. This can be built at any time, but is a fairly niche item. Can be very functional especially if you're diving an enemy team camped under their towers.

Counter Item Options

Contagion and Pestilence (Anti-Heal): pick up the physical or magical version as needed to counter enemy healing.

Midgardian Mail (Anti-Physical / Anti-Basic Attack): Is a good item to help keep basic attackers under some control due to the attack and move slows.

Spectral Armor (Anti-Physical / Anti-Crit): Build specifically to counter high incoming damage from crit builds.

Winged Blade (Slow Counter): Is good if the enemy team is full of slows and you're having trouble getting in their face.

Starting Process & Warding

Starting Process

Standard Start (w/ ADC): The most common start will ADC and Support pull jungle buff camps together to clear efficiently before heading to lane, and will stay together in the Duo lane for the first few minutes. In these scenarios, the object is to clear the wave as quickly as possible and maintain pressure on the enemy to gain an upper hand on farming, providing you with a variety of options. This will be covered immediately below.

Head to the Back Harpy Camp (1). Your ADC will start at the Support Buff (1). When the camps spawn, the ADC will draw their camp toward you, and you will drag your camp toward the ADC to clear all minions together. Pick up the Support Buff that drops. Immediately go to the Purple Buff (2) and clear that camp before going to lane (3) to clear the minion wave.

When in lane, if your wave clear is stronger than the enemy's, you can apply pressure. Depending on your threat level, you can push them back toward their tower, apply poke damage, etc. Use that pressure to get a head start on clearing the next incoming wave or secure one the Scorpion camp (4).

Your general priority from this point is mainly to clear the minion waves and farm up as efficiently as possible, while applying pressure / damaging the enemy whenever possible and protecting your ADC. Damaging can obviously secure kills, but can just as importantly force them to use up potions, back and lose farm, etc.

You should be looking to secure as much farm as possible. Don't forget to ward. When safe, try to steal camps on the enemy's side.

You'll mostly stay in lane with the ADC in the early game, but will need to choose a time to start rotating, where you will likely spend most of your time between the Duo and Mid-lanes. After your first back, you can start looking to clear and pick up the Support Buff, though it will help if you've got a teammate to help you clear.


Duo Lane Warding

Solo Lane Warding

Late-Game Warding

Some of my Guides

If you liked this guide, check out my other ones below!

The Overarching Series

Assault Guide

Conquest Guide

Individual God Guides

An Alcoholic's Chugging Guide

Pulsing to
the Beat

Gifting Kills

Shifu Guan Yu:
The Battle

Loki: The Backstabbing Bastard

Medusa: Getting Everyone Stoned

God Guide Collaborations

Towards The
New Season

with Daelinn

50 Shades
Of Flame

with KingScuba

I See A
Red Door...

with Tlaloc1050

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Meoooo | February 6, 2022 6:28pm
full of infomation
IDNeon | July 2, 2020 2:07pm
This build helped me to kickstart my Ares career which is my most success in terms of team wins.

But I modified it some. I went for 5auras and stone of Gaia which gave him tremendous sustain and still good damage.

In hind sight I probably should drop stone of gaia for another aura...maybe tyrannicalhelmet. Because that's like adding a damage item and more protection
silentshell (5) | August 12, 2019 5:27pm
Will just answer here since I got three answers. Appreciate the input from all of you. So basically should go magus/ruin/or obsidian depending on enemy team.
Kriega1 (143) | August 13, 2019 4:15am
You don’t need obs shard on him, you can get magus as a damage option but if you’re playing Ares in arena you should be building him tanky with perhaps some hybrid items. Mystical mail, void stone, Pythags, jade emperors are your hybrid options for damage.
silentshell (5) | August 13, 2019 9:26am
Kriega1 wrote:
You don’t need obs shard on him, you can get magus as a damage option but if you’re playing Ares in arena you should be building him tanky with perhaps some hybrid items. Mystical mail, void stone, Pythags, jade emperors are your hybrid options for damage.

Yeah, i normally run magus on him as the last item and run all defense after boots except for blink rune. I already run frequently with void and pythag's depending on when I am trying out one of Bran's other builds. My current regular arena build for Ares has been Shoes of Focus Relic Dagger Stone of Binding Void Stone Breastplate of Valor Spear of the Magus Sometimes if i want a bit of extra pen i will get Shoes of the Magior i will stagger the pen and put bov at the 4 but usually(except a lot lately) this setup does pretty well for me. As I stated in my post yesterday I have noticed more and more players forgoing an item or two on defense to add a bit more offense and doing well. Mystic Mail i don't use much but i might give another look. I always feel like it throws my build progression off. I wasn't sure which of those type of items like jade emporer's crown would work well on him so thanks for tipping me toward one that would do some good on him.

I have been working on building him more standard though because so many groups lately i have been getting hung out to dry trying to go the blink route. Trying out a bit more of an offensive build that dagger slot was what i was looking at shifting into an offensive option at the end of the build.
Gulfwulf (81) | August 13, 2019 9:11am
I'd get Magus if my team was ahead and I didn't feel I needed any of those items, but they are all good for keeping Ares alive and relevant throughout the match. I'd also recommend an early stone of binding as well due to the protection reductions.
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xmysterionz (72) | August 12, 2019 5:36pm
I forgot to say, but soul gem works better on burst gods and/or poking gods with spam abilities and not DoT like Ares
silentshell (5) | August 12, 2019 5:44pm
xmysterionz wrote:
I forgot to say, but soul gem works better on burst gods and/or poking gods with spam abilities and not DoT like Ares

no problem, understandable. I just didn't know since i was building him with a bit more power and more offensive build oriented if it might work ok synced with pythags
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silentshell (5) | August 12, 2019 4:20pm
Hey Bran, I was kind of tinkering with Ares for Arena and was looking at running a different relic/blink build. I was looking at running more offensively but still providing support and some more survivability. What I was looking at right now is Shoes of Focus Relic Dagger Stone of Binding Void Stone Pythagorem's Piece(you already had it in one of your build schemes and had it as an option for it's group utility--and I've seen you pushing it a lot lately everywhere on her it seems lol) i'm then torn on the 6th item. I could just go Spear of the Magus for the extra pen but I was figuring since I had some pen from void and binding I could go Soul Gem for the extra healing utility to go with pythag's and for the burst. Thought i'd see your thoughts on that.
Kriega1 (143) | August 12, 2019 4:32pm
Don’t build Soul Gem on Ares please
Gulfwulf (81) | August 12, 2019 4:42pm
Like Kriega said, don't build that even in Arena. Ares doesn't utilize his basic attacks often enough to get good use out of it and you really don't need that extra healing.
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silentshell (5) | May 26, 2019 1:56pm
well, time for me to relearn ares as an experienced player bran. as with like 4 or 5 guides already I will be upvoting when i pull up smitefire on the right browser.
Gulfwulf (81) | May 26, 2019 2:52pm
Ares is fun to play in Arena, but his ult requires quite a bit of communication with your team so they can follow up on it. He pairs really well with Zeus, Hou Yi, Odin, and Poseidon.
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 26, 2019 4:45pm
And Cerberus / Xing Tian as a double-guardian pair that will guarantee one of you will always get a good pull.
UPLAR (9) | April 24, 2019 5:52am
Seeing this actually made me so happy thanks Bran
:) +1
Tlaloc1050 (17) | April 24, 2019 2:28am
The formatting is simple but aesthetic, and the guide is short and sweet.

One question though, why isn't Genji's Guard an option?
kapciowy | April 27, 2019 1:45pm
Shoguns qusary give your's ADC more and have aura (and we know better to have 30 more power than 20 def) and if u miss chain u are dead so coldowns on ares... kinda average
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 24, 2019 8:58am
Thanks Tlaloc.

This is another item I contemplated. I didn't want to fully list every item that might be functional...only the best to consider for his kit. This is why I didn't list Urchin, or Mantle, or BoV, and also Genji.

I consider BoV and Genji in the same vein of item function. Both provide CDR, one protection type, and mana sustain of some form. And although Ares (hell, ANY god) appreciates CDR, he has more important things he needs to build.

If he really wants CDR, he has options. Spirit, Witch, Focus, Pythag's, and Shogun's are all good options there, and provide some additional form of utility.

If he wants magical protection, he also has enough options. Sure, Pest, Void, Heartward, Shogun's, and Oni are all a bit on the situational side with regard to pure magical options, but besides these, he also has dual protection options from Gauntlet and Spirit.

With that in mind, I just don't feel Genji's stats are as important...not for this god. Does that make sense?
Gulfwulf (81) | April 24, 2019 9:39am
Pretty much what I was going to say, but more in-depth. Because Ares is such an aggressive guardian who has to get close to use his ult, Oni and spirit robe are great items on him because of their passives. Genji's and bov are more solo items that I don't think supports should be building unless absolutely needed because they have other options that also help out the team.
xmysterionz (72) | April 23, 2019 4:41pm
You could buy another nulti potion on the second start :p

Also I have never used your skill level order. I always alternate between 1 and 3, then my ulti and only for last, his 2. My support is kill the enemy.
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 23, 2019 4:51pm
I know, that or another Healing Potion. I contemplated that, but often, I find that on my first back as Support in general, I may not be using all of my potions. Then I have to sell something if I want space for a ward.

Regarding the skill leveling, I did talk about that in the body. If you want the highest kill potential, you would focus on maxing Shackles as opposed to alternating, then moving on to Searing Flesh. But the 2nd and the 4th ranks of Searing aren't that great of a boost. But in any case, if people are willing to read the quite succinct (for me) writeup, I do give the option to focus less on Bolster Defenses. Keep in mind, I can only present one skill leveling path. So I chose the "Support" oriented one. As an FYI, I vary my skill leveling. Sometimes I focus on the 2, sometimes the 3, sometimes I level the ult when available.

This is more of a general thing I created for the community, so I'm willing to adjust certain things if group consensus agrees.
xmysterionz (72) | April 23, 2019 6:58pm
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Gulfwulf (81) | April 23, 2019 6:36pm
I think the guide's a fine starting point, Bran. I can't really think of anything to add.
xmysterionz (72) | April 23, 2019 4:56pm
Get ares and kill alone an ADC is the only reason that makes me play support with him.
Gulfwulf (81) | April 23, 2019 4:37pm
I should down-vote this for the bad pun. :P
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 23, 2019 4:33pm
Alrighty...there's a reasonable base to work from for Ares Support.
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