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1168 DPS...that should keep unwanted advancements at bay.

13 2 31,518
by Zeznex updated July 10, 2019

Smite God: Artemis

Build Guide Discussion 17 More Guides
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Artemis Build

Main: Max DPS

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais

Alt: Tanks/High-AS

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Silverbranch Bow Silverbranch Bow
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane


Build Item Hunter's Blessing Hunter's Blessing
Build Item Morningstar Morningstar
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Non Stacking (non-conq)

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Silverbranch Bow Silverbranch Bow
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais


Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Silverbranch Bow Silverbranch Bow
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer

Artemis's Skill Order

Transgressor's Fate

1 X Y
Transgressor's Fate
2 15 16 18 19

Vengeful Assault

2 A B
Vengeful Assault
6 10 11 12 14

Suppress The Insolent

3 B A
Suppress The Insolent
1 3 4 7 8

Calydonian Boar

4 Y X
Calydonian Boar
5 9 13 17 20
Transgressor's Fate
2 15 16 18 19

Transgressor's Fate

1 X
Artemis places a trap on the ground. Enemy gods coming within 5 units of her traps activate them, Rooting, Crippling, and revealing the enemy god while dealing damage every second for 3s.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage per Tick: 35 / 48 / 61 / 74 / 87 (+30% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Total): 105 / 144 / 183 / 222 / 261 (+90% of your Physical Power)
Root Duration: 2s
Max Traps: 4
Cost: 45
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10s
Vengeful Assault
6 10 11 12 14

Vengeful Assault

2 A
Artemis attacks at a furious pace, increasing her attack and movement speed significantly. Additionally, Artemis cleanses herself of slows and becomes immune to Slows for 0.6s when activated.

Ability Type: Buff
Attack Speed: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80%
Movement Speed: 25%
Duration: 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14s
Suppress The Insolent
1 3 4 7 8

Suppress The Insolent

3 B
Artemis fires a volley into a ground target, suppressing all of her enemies. Enemies caught within the volley are damaged and are slowed.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+75% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 25%
Slow Duration: 2s
Radius: 15
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 9s
Calydonian Boar
5 9 13 17 20

Calydonian Boar

4 Y
Artemis summons the great Calydonian Boar on her enemies, doing damage to the nearest enemy god and Stunning them, and itself. The boar is immune until it hits the first god and then continues to charge other gods for its lifetime. Artemis is also immune to Crowd Control for 1.5s.

Ability Type: Area
Damage: 150 / 220 / 290 / 360 / 430 (90% of your Physical Power)
Stun: 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5s
Boar Lifetime: 6s
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90s

Item Notes: In all these builds I put 7 items...but you can't do that?!?! I want you to buy an Elixir of Speed and sell your boots late game. There is never a reason to keep your boots late game: the Elixir of Speed gives you the same movement speed as boots, and it does this whether you have boots or not because it speciffically does not stack with boots. We thus replace boots with a better item that gives you higher DPS, but you can also sub in Poisoned Star for any of those 6th item choices.

Skill Notes: At level 4 and level 8 I say to level your 3, Suppress The Insolent twice in a row, but you can't. What I really want to say is that at level 4 & 8 you should wait and not use your skill point, then at level 5 & 9, put 1 point in your ultimate Calydonian Boar (Tusky), and 1 point in your 3.

In non-Conquest gamemodes where you don't have to focus on clearing because you have mages and others that do it better, you can really benefit from putting your first and second points in your 3 & 1 respectively, then continuing to level your 2, only prioritizing your ult above it for skill points when possible.


Hi, I'm Zeznex! I've played SMITE since Season 2, and Artemis was my first and only true love. I was smitten since I *almost* got many pentas with her and *did* carry tons of games in my naive, level 10 early days with one of my lovely friends as a great support, so this is actually my third time writing a whole big guide for Artemis!

This will primarily be a guide for Conquest, casual and ranked, where I'll discuss Artemis' skills, gameplay, and especially items! Sometimes I'll go crazy with math and DPS calculations and such, but I'll try to always convey the main idea to y'all and include spoilers to keep things intelligible. The build at the top may be the biggest thing I can give to you, and I think it's really good for Artemis throughout all parts of the game.

The Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon is the an incredibly fun ADC (Attack Damage Carry), who has great CC (25% slow for 2s in our poke, 2s root and cripple with our traps, and a 1.5s stun and CC immunity in our ult). Because of all these abilities, she can have exciting synergy with other Gods, especially your support, because your ult can often set up for harder skillshots, and more reliable CC can lead into one of your traps for a very long CC chain.

Artemis also has one of the best late games because she has a h u g e attack speed steroid (80% for 5s!), a powerful team ultimate through Tusky, and strong autos and very very strong crits because of how her passive multiplies with the crit multiplier. To balance this out, she has a weak early game because of her bad clear and, her largest flaw, she's always vulnerable because she has no mobility/escape outside of the movement speed boost from her 2, so she's complete gank bait.

"Let the hunt begin!"

I've also posted some old SMITE videos here, so check them out if you want. Zeznex, along with having posted a bunch on reddit and places like that talking about items, hunter, and our one and only ~Art~

Pros & Cons

Art is cool, and Tusky is too.


Good poke, Great late game
Lots of CC, big possible CC Chains
Huge attack speed steroid
Passive nad Crit synergy lead to incredibly strong autos (well over 1000 dmg on squishies)
Influential team fight ultimate w/ CC Immunity


Difficult early game
Bad clear early game
C tier escape (only has a movement speed buff and CC to help her escape)
Mana hungry without Transcendence, but not badly (and you should always build it)
Takes a long time for her to get online and relevant, and she can be targeted abd shut down early game

Skills Explanations & Tips

0. Passive Still Target
We'll talk about this more in the items section, but you'll want to be able to utilize this passive by ensuring that you and your team can keep your current target CC'd. I have found that my abilities, team, and relics like Horrific Emblem (I tend to rely on my support, around/with whom I pick my duo lane and with whom I communicate the most. However, it may be worth it to invest in Poisoned Star if you feel like it isn't being utilized enough, though you lose a ton of DPS by losing any item in your build. Nonetheless, it really makes building crit more effective on her, especially Deathbringer, allowing you to deal 264.5% damage on crits!

1. Transgressor's Fate
Your characteristic hunting traps have a lot of uses, making laning a lot safer and helping you secure kills against trapped prey. One easy thing you can do is cover one of the jungle paths into your duo lane. You will need to place 2 traps next to each other to completely cover a path. You can also place these in the minion wave to hide them if you notice that your opponents are standing in them a lot. One of the best ways to guarantee hitting a trap is to put one right under the enemy after any CC, such as your ult or even your 3, to help you in securing a kill.

2. Vengeful Assault
This skill gives you a huge attack speed buff at max level in Smite attack speed boosts always scale off of your base attack speed, which is 0.95* for Artemis. This means at max rank it will ALWAYS add 0.76 (80% of 0.95) to your current attack speed, regardless of your other buffs, items, or even debuffs (as long as you don't hit the cap). With your 2, you only need 50% attack speed from your items to hit the attack speed cap, so we keep that in mind when we choose our items. In game modes other than Conquest where you don't need to be focusing on clearing the minion wave, like Arena or Assault, it can even be useful to level this first.

3. Suppress The Insolent
This circle of arrows is your main damage and clear ability. It has pretty good range and comes out quickly, so it's good for poking against enemy ADCs whose clears are linear and don't reach as far. You can sometimes use it in between the minions to hit the full wave if you've hit the warriors back a bit with your autos while they were marching, but most consistently you'll want to go for the archers and simultaneously poke the enemy.

Sometimes, I would recommend not hitting the minions with this at full health, but rather trying to secure as many last hits as possible. Since this isn't an amazing clear and doesn't have a huge hitbox, you will need help from your support or more basic attacks to completely clear the wave so note that when you pick Artemis and your friendly support. You can use your slow to help you escape, help you with hitting traps on moving targets, and make it easier for your support to hit some of their abilities.

4. Calydonian Boar
Artemis' ultimate will summon Tusky who will attack one person at a time in a circle around you. People in a small cone in front of you will be prioritized. You can use it to help you with escaping if you really need it, and you can also use it to counter other ultimates or hard CC and turn the battle around. Remember that there is delay from pressing the ultimate, to when Tusky actually attacks so you will want to make sure that the enemies can't run, dash, or jump away before they are actually hit. This will often allow you to get a bunch of kills and while the opponent is stunned you will want to place a trap under them to give you more time to kill them and hit them with your 3 to slow and damage them. It is always better to use your ult and survive from a battle or get a kill than to just save it, so don't be too afraid to use it. Also, remember that if your opponent has beads or any other CC immunity they may not be stunned and you might not want to be too aggressive. This ultimate is great for team fights when the enemies are grouped up and distracted because it will hit all of them as long as it isn't killed.

"That's how it's done!"

The Laning Phase

Basic Laning Objectives and Priorities

The laning phase starts right in the beginning. It is probably the most important thing for an ADC to know how to do well. There a few main focuses and objectives during the laning phase. The first and foremost thing that you must learn to do is to last hit the minions, and the most important thing is staying safe and not giving up farm and deaths.

Last Hitting

This gives you a 50% increase in gold and is how you build stacks if you are doing so. Saving you clear to actually kill the minions can be really helpful rather than spamming it at the start. Try to time your pushes and backs so that you've just cleared and don't lose farm when you leave lane. Last hitting is, in general, your primary goal as you lane, along with out-poking the enemy duo. It's most important for the big Brute minions, one of which spawns every 3 waves early game. They give extra XP and can also push well, so don't miss those waves!


While you are clearing the wave and last hitting, you'll want to hit your enemies with as much poke as you can. Most of the time, minions will be first priority though; poking is more of a secondary objective, especially when it's early, you have weak clear, and you want to play safe. However, make sure to always keep an eye on your enemy. Stay of the range of their abilities while they're up, but feel free to push forward and e.g. focus on the minion archers instead of the warrior minions if they've already used them on the wave.

The biggest thing will be noting when the enemy steps near the wave so that you can use your 3 then to hit them and the wave. Often, the enemy ADC will step into the middle of their wave before they use their clear, and the support will step in or around the warriors as they try to clear or threaten you.

Also, just be wary of the enemies being over-zealous and just stepping too far forward. if the ADC or support push forward really far, it can often be worth it to harass them with your AAs and then retreat and give up some ground so you can safely clear after. After hitting an enemy, nearby minions start to attack you, so you'll want to back up until the minions stop focusing you.

Abilities and Mana

While you are first clearing and poking without Transcendence, you want to make sure not to waste all your mana so that you can stay in lane until you need to back. You also would like to always have enough mana to use escape abilities, which for us will primarily be our ult, but also traps and our 2. Early on, you only need to use your 3 to clear once or twice per waves. However, once you've built Transcendece, you should feel free to use your 2 at most waves and if you ever box with the enemies. You should also freely place traps, as you can block jungle routes, catch them by surprise in their wave, or kite around traps close to you. This is especially good when the support has an ability where they charge at you and damage or CC you because you can just stay close and rotate around and they won't be able to get around it. Otherwise, just having them around can sneakily catch unwary opponents, so let them sit around!

Roaming & Rotating

Early on, the only thing you'll probably be doing outside your lane early on is going back to your purple buff or potentially taking theirs if you've pushed them up to tower and cleared wave before them. Remember, minion waves spawn every 30s and buffs spawn every 120 seconds. Try to keep track of time so you can be back in time for what's currently important to you. In general, the most important thing you should be aware of on the map is if the mid or jungler are hanging around your side of the jungle so you can back before a potential gank. Make sure to tell your team if the duo is missing, especially if they have ults; you'll often want to support your team by following them.

Your extra objective during the laning phase will be the Gold Fury. This usually should only happen when you have control of your lane, have at least two items finished, and have a numbers advantage such as right after killing both of the enemy duo. Note what ults are up and if the enemy has good steal potential too. You will want wards around it and a sentry ward on it and even though warding isn't primarily your job you should get used to having wards on hand, especially as Artemis because she needs to be very safe and know what is happening early on since she has no escape. If a fight is happening, winning the fight is much more important than finishing the Gold Fury right then, so don't overcommit and fall into the Sunk Cost Fallacy! When you have lifesteal, you can be the one to tank the GF's damage. However, if you're fighting Fire Giant, which should only be initiated later game and with similar principles do not be the one to tank. You're too important, and the Fire Giant puts Attack Speed, Lifesteal, and other debuffs onto the people they hit.


Your first back will ideally be when you have enough gold to buy your first item, 2000 for Transcendence when you have the tier 1, and you will probably want to recall as soon as you have enough because this item is often your stacking item or an important lifesteal item. Remember that you still can recall earlier if the enemies are very aggressive and have the ability to kill you because it's better to not die, but usually you can just stay under tower and be pushed. Throughout the game, you should follow similar guidelines for recalling and use your mana according to when you think you will recall. Remember to also factor in actives you might buy and wards or mana potions. If you are at a point where you are in lane and you don't feel safe, don't have wards, don't have mana or don't have anything else you can safely do in lane and you don't think you should stay there then feel free to clear the wave and recall or even rotate to mid lane or camps or your own camps.

"Another successful hunt!"


Here, I'm going to analyze the choices you can make as you go along with your build. I've assumed a sort of structure (relatively specific to ADCs) which I've internalized through the trial, error, and learning I've gone through in my years of playing this game, but I'll explain the logic.

TLDR Takeaways!

I'll show you some direct calculations of some theoretical raw DPS, and often I'll use Kero's Build Comparison tables to get numbers. It'll let you see that there's a possible world in which Artemis can deal 1976 damage per crit, leaving her with 3641 raw DPS!..but that requires both Power potions, Red Buff, full Fire Giant buff, fully stacked Void buff (idek what that is), and teammates giving you Pythagorem's Piece aura, Void Shield proc, and causing full Stone Cutting Sword stacks, along with an enemy with around 10,000 health to let you fully stack The Executioner and Rage on them. Fun!
My ideas were also heavily inspired, refined, and confirmed by DukeSloth and his ADC build video

Here are some principles

0. Starters: Hunter's Blessing.
We always start with our Blessing starter items. They give us a lot of core stats for super cheap, in particular the thing we need most at the very start of the game: Physical Power (PP), or for us just basic attack damage, and later on they give us more along with the second thing we need: Attack Speed (AS). We'll still have some money at the start, so we'll buy some potions for early safety/aggression and the tier 1 of our next item, stackers!

1. Power Stacks: Transcendence > Devourer's Gauntlet.
The first thing we want to complete ASAP is our big stacking item, which for us will be Transcendence or Devourer's Gauntlet. They serve us well early by being our main source of priority one: PP, and we of course also need to build their stacks through last-hitting minions (dealing the finishing blow to them) to get their full effect, and we want to get this done quickly while we're still completely focused on laning and not rotating, getting kills, or doing objective pushes for Towers, Gold Fury, or Fire Giant. Devourer's Gauntlet also checks a box for lifesteal, which we want pretty early. However, Transcendence gives a lot more power, while also solving Artemis' mana problems (which are actually now not even close to as bad as before!). Because Asi is so great, Transcendence+ Asi will always grant more DPS than Devourer's Gauntlet+Poison Star or [Ichaival]] or Silverbranch Bow or Odysseus' Bow, though each still have their own utilities. Along with solving your mana problems and imo having a stronger Power Curve, I also actually prefer Asi's lower base lifesteal and big lifesteal passive over Devourer's Gauntlet more consistent lifesteal Late Game, and that would've been the only reason I might've situationally preferred Devourer's Gauntlet. However, you may find laning a bit nicer from the start if you start with lifesteal rather than waiting until 2nd or 3rd item to have any lifesteal, so you may find it better sometimes.

2. Movement Speed: Ninja Tabi -> Warrior Tabi.
Essentially, the DPS are very close and we're weighing 20% AS against 20 PP. Warrior Tabi is initially better at level 1 because we desperately need power then, but because we're building it after our stacking power item significantly later, Ninja Tabi adding to the low AS we have to multiply with our currently high power is better than maintaining our low AS and multiplying it with even higher power. It also is 50 gold cheaper and gives us 200 mana, which with Trans' passive is 200*.03=6 PP. So, I'd buy Ninja Tabi first, but maybe switch it our late game if you want to maximize your burst with Vengeful Assault.
more incomprehensible math to prove it!

3. Lifesteal, or a Bow if you built Devourer's Gauntlet
For your third item, Asi and Bloodforge are your lifesteal choices if you built Transcendence. Asi is an incredible all-around item and is cheaper, the 15 flat pen excelling at the 3rd item slot while armor levels are still low and the AS excelling as time goes on. It adds so much to your DPS and it is also the best lifesteal item, in my opinion, especially paired with Artemis' highly bursty nature with her crit synergy and Vengeful Assault.

For similar reasons to Asi, Silverbranch Bow is a really great and surprisingly cheap item that provides lots of power, pen, and attack speed. It's passive also really gives it the edge when you use your 2 because if you build a bow you will definitely overcap on AS by a good amount. However, again, your passive can be a huge boon to your damage, and if you don't feel it's being utilized, then Poisoned Star can fill this flex spot, though you'll actually probably want to build Rage here then Poisoned Star where you would build Rage.

4. Percentage Protection Reduction: The Executioner, You Have to Have it.
The Executioner is always essential because it provides solid stats in 30 power and 25% attack speed for just 2350 gold, and overall your DPS will suffer greatly without pen, since adding just a little bit of protections can kill damage really quickly. At level 20, e.g. Artemis, along with many other hunters, gets from her base stats 72 physical protections, mages on average a bit less, assassins avg similar, warriors a bit more (hovering a bit under 80), and Guardians often going to around 90. Referring to our principles, just 100 protections halves your damage, and with one hybrid item that assassins often build, they'll already be there, while warriors and guardians will be way above that from their items abilities, and passives, possibly making your damage output only 1/4 of what it could be. Now, no one item will normally quadruple or just double your damage, and The Executioner probably won't either, but it'll do a lot. It's also important that you be able to deal damage to these tankier opponents since your jungler and mid are built for bursting people, while ADCs need to have the highest consistent, sustained DPS.

5. & 6. Crit: Rage & Deathbringer or Bow & Qin's Sais
We build Rage before Deathbringer because their difference in DPS at that point is a completely negligible 8-12 dmg/s, and Rage is much cheaper and more consistent. Afterward, Deathbringer, Rage, your passive, and your overall build play together so beautifully and optimally, also giving you more than the sum of their parts.

If you feel you don't need them because your team's got you (and, well, you're just a sitting duck anyway), you can sell your boots after you've built everything else and you're solidly in late game team fight mode. Silverbranch Bow will actually maximize your DPS w/o your 2 and against squishies. Qin's Sais will have similar DPS that scales upward against enemies with high health. Poisoned Star will always have a bit less DPS, but if your passive wasn't always being procced without it, then it'll definitely increase your DPS. Take your pick! You'll destroy no matter what.


I really want to thank you for reading, especially if you took the crazy choice of navigating through this whole research paper of a guide! I made this because I love playing SMITE, I want others to appreciate all the fun that Artemis can give, and because I feel really happy figuring out optimal strategies and noting down all the things I'm curious about. Discussing ideas and receiving feedback from other members of the MOBA, teaching, and gaming community is incredibly fulfilling to me, so I'm so grateful to all the people who have commented their suggestions and their thanks! Here are some extra credits to sources that have been a pivotal part of this endeavor:

First, I want to thank ThePerfectPrism, and player here who's made a lot of great guides and originally helped me learn how to use BBCode, write more usable and intelligible guides, and just have some fun playing SMITE when I was making some of my first guides. I still went back to some of his advice while making this one a year or two later.
Next, I read around a bunch of sources, so I'm just gonna link some as references for this guide and ADC theory:

A discussion by Branmuffin17 on PP-AS balance. He's made a lot of the huge overarching guides on this website that are absolutely phenomenal
Great discussion by Devampi on item order and DPS

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Kriega1 (143) | June 13, 2019 9:05am
Why not swap silverbranch for qins and get o-bow last? Also I think you may as well get Devourers on Artemis considering she won't get much use from the extra power from trans except for her ult.
Zeznex (2) | June 13, 2019 5:36pm
Auto attacks scale with 100% of your power is the main reason. You'll always have higher DPS with Trans and Asi b/c the higher power and the pen, especially since art will overcap anyway w/ her 2 and 50% attack speed built. The mana is also great for artemis to have, and the passive makes me prefer it as a lifesteal item late gam.
Devampi (105) | May 30, 2019 12:19am
For some feedback, great you're doing calculation on why which boots is better. have done this myself once too
However for most people reading it in the guide they probably aren;t going to care as much or get dizzy from it. honestly would recommend to put it into a spoiler so people that are interested or want to see the proof can read it but also doesn;t clutter up the guide as much.

don;t know if you know how to BBCode however your bold items can be made linkable by the use of brackets (][
[[hunter'sblessing]] [[devourer's gauntlet]]
Zeznex (2) | June 4, 2019 8:45am
I'm gonna agree with you, so I'll end up putting a lot of parts into spoilers heheh. I know a bit of BBCode now from the basic guide on this site, so you'll see it slowly getting a bit more intelligible as time goes on. Thanks!
Gulfwulf (81) | May 29, 2019 2:42pm
Qin's Sais wants attack speed, so going Devourer's Gauntlet, Ninja Tabi, The Crusher (for some early pen and AS), The Executioner, Qin's Sais, Ichaival would put you at 2.6 attack speed when your steroid was active. The last slot could be something like Runeforged Hammer or a defense item depending upon what you need. You could also get Silverbranch Bow and Odysseus' Bow if you want to over cap attack speed without your steroid active, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Crit, on the other hand, wants power and lots of it; so going: Transcendence, Ninja Tabi (extra mana and attack speed), Rage (get this stacked early), The Executioner, Deathbringer, wind demon or Poisoned Star would give you a lot of bang for the buck, as it were since your crit chance would be 75-80% with a fully stacked Rage depending on whether you went with WD or PS. Your AS would be 2.25 with your steroid active so you could swap out Ninja for Ich after you've bought a potion of speed and get a defense item if you needed it.
Vini_sds (13) | May 29, 2019 8:15pm
Gulfwulf wrote:
Crit, on the other hand, wants power and lots of it; so going: Transcendence, Ninja Tabi (extra mana and attack speed), Rage (get this stacked early), The Executioner, Deathbringer, wind demon or Poisoned Star would give you a lot of bang for the buck, as it were since your crit chance would be 75-80% with a fully stacked Rage depending on whether you went with WD or PS. Your AS would be 2.25 with your steroid active so you could swap out Ninja for Ich after you've bought a potion of speed and get a defense item if you needed it.

Is going crit without lifesteal a good idea? What if the enemy team builds Hide of the Nemean Lion/ Shield of Thorns?
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 29, 2019 9:06pm
Actually almost never should you build crits without lifesteal. I think Gulf might have just forgotten.
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Branmuffin17 (401) | May 29, 2019 3:36pm
Gulf, calculations are incorrect.

All AS items are calculated based on the god's base AS. For Art, that's 0.95. At level 20, her adjusted AS is 1.27, so you have to account for her level too.

So, for example, Ninja Tabi is 20% AS. So the actual AS increase would be 0.95 * 0.2 = 0.19. Her steroid Vengeful Assault is not 0.8, it's 0.76.

In your build list at the top, her AS without steroid is 2.315. WITH steroid, it would be 3.075, over 0.5 more than the cap, in which case, Silverbranch Bow subbed for Tabi in that same build would provide 36 added power from the passive.

Keep in mind, Poisoned Star is a way for Art to get CC out of her basics, and it's typically considered a core item for her due to this and the interaction with her passive, Still Target.
Gulfwulf (81) | May 29, 2019 5:38pm
I was thinking it was 1.0 across all levels. Anyway, I'd still go warrior for crit, ninja for qin's, and not mix the two.
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xmysterionz (72) | May 29, 2019 12:31pm
In my opinion, Malice is a very bad item right now and shouldn't be offered as an option. Also I would recommend you split your builds in two. One with crits and no qin's sais and the other without crits.
Zeznex (2) | June 4, 2019 8:47am
I agree! I'll end up talking about that later, but I'm going to take that out as you suggested. I think I'd also like the guide to separate crit and Qin's, but I'm not actually sure how? Thanks!
Kriega1 (143) | May 29, 2019 11:18am
Build/build options need assistance.

As for a non-stacking build, you could go: Warrior, Silverbranch, asi, exe, ichaival, qins.
Zeznex (2) | June 4, 2019 8:49am
Will include some non-stacking bow builds (maybe for someone going crazy and jungling as Art or putting two ADC's in the duo lane hahah). Could you clarify what you mean by the builds needing assistance?
Kriega1 (143) | June 4, 2019 8:59am
I mean basic stuff like not building Qin’s with Crit.(unless you’re Jing Wei and only building Rage) And not listed awful items like Malice, or suggesting the Crusher would be an option on Artemis (you only reliably proc the passive with your ult and 3).
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zeznex
1168 DPS...that should keep unwanted advancements at bay.
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