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Basic Loki Burst Jungle Guide

7 5 78,205
by Jascom updated May 21, 2018

Smite God: Loki

Build Guide Discussion 20 More Guides
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Loki Build

Core Items

Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath

Recommended Build

Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane

Situational Items

Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Masamune Masamune


Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings

Loki's Skill Order


1 X Y
2 14 15 16 18

Agonizing Visions

2 A B
Agonizing Visions
1 4 6 11 19

Flurry Strike

3 B A
Flurry Strike
3 7 8 10 12


4 Y X
5 9 13 17 20
2 14 15 16 18


1 X
Loki disappears in a puff of smoke. While invisible, he moves faster, removes Slow effects, and gains immunity to Slow effects. His next Basic Attack from stealth (or for 2s after) applies a bleed to his target, dealing damage every .5s and reveals Loki. If Loki takes damage while in stealth he will be revealed for .33s.

Ability Type: Melee Target
Damage per Tick: 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 (+20% of your Physical Power)
Damage Duration: 2s
Stealth Duration: 4s
Stealth Movement Speed: 35%
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 15s
Agonizing Visions
1 4 6 11 19

Agonizing Visions

2 A
Loki summons a vision of his tortured past at a target location for 4s. Enemies in range of the vision feel the poison themselves, taking damage and having their Damage Dealt reduced. This effect stacks up to 4 times. If an enemy gets 4 stacks they become Blinded, allowing Loki to benefit from Behind You! from any direction for 3s.

Ability Type: Circle
Damage: 13 / 18 / 23 / 28 / 33 (+15% of your Physical Power)
Enemy Damage Dealt: -5% for 3s
Vision Lifetime: 4s
Radius: 25
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 12s
Flurry Strike
3 7 8 10 12

Flurry Strike

3 B
Loki unleashes a flurry of 5 dagger strikes quickly in front of him, damaging and slowing enemies hit by 15% for 3 seconds. After this flurry he winds up for a final heavy strike that deals higher damage and slowing enemies hit by 30% for 3s. Loki cannot be knocked up while firing this ability. This ability can benefit from Behind You!

Ability Type: Cone
Flurry Damage: 19 / 28 / 37 / 46 / 55 (+25% of your Physical Power)
Final Damage: 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 (+65% of your Physical Power)
Range: 20
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 12s
5 9 13 17 20


4 Y
Upon activation, Loki teleports to his ground target location. If an enemy god is within the radius, Loki will slice that target doing damage and crippling them for 1s. After he teleports he will wind up a heavier strike, damaging all enemies in front of him and stunning them.

Ability Type: Teleport
Cripple Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+35% of your Physical Power)
Heavy Damage: 100 / 145 / 190 / 235 / 280 (+90% of your Physical Power)
Stun: 1s
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s



Wait wait wait I just want you to know you are about to learn how to play the most toxic god in ALLLLLLLL of smite you will be hated you will loose friends you will become the joke of your group but anyway continue on at your own risk if you choose to and if you do, enjoy the guide.

All criticism is welcome im only 15 and need some help thanks.

First I'll talk about his build and skills and, why i have it the way I do
After that I will go over the pros and cons of loki and his build
Also I will talk about counter building and how to properly jungle with him
Finally I'll talk about how to properly use him in team fight and how to use an early game lead with him
At the end if all this I will give a brief over view for anyone who wants some quick info on it without all of the reading

Also I update this guide every patch to keep it up with the current game state.
Credits to xZeroStrike for the bb code Guide and Branmuffin17 for some ideas

His abillitys



Aimed Strike



The Main Build

Situational Items

Pros/Cons of Loki

HIGH damage output.
High mobility
Can go invisible
Can Kill mages like nothing else
Very Good at split pushing

Very Sqiushy
Not very good at team fights
High Learning curve
Can fall behind easily not a very good team player

How to Jungle Loki

First off you should learn how to jungle with any jungler then you can start worrying about jungling Loki. To start off with loki jungle you need to start at speed buff because you dont have much a base speed and neither morning star nor assassins blessing give you movement speed so you need it. Also as loki you can invade if your a single level behind because you can always escape with ult or 1. so from speed buff I like to hit xp harpies(side camp then middle camp) then i like to gank middle if its open. following up from that I switch sides and sit on the dual lane side for a few minutes and clear those buffs. By then you should have your speed buff up again and from there you just repeat. You also need to remember there is another jungler depending on who it is and how much they got you can out "box" them. Just be cautious about your level positioning and enemy positioning. Also if you want to be a real jerk gank dual lane after you get speed buff.

Team Fights

In team fight loki can be usefull he just has to be played well. There are several ways to go about playing loki in a team fight such as saving your one to escape ulting the mage(if not the "squishiest" person) basic attacking then using your 3 then basic attacking again to finish him. after that use your 1 to escape then wait for your 1&3 to get off of cooldown(Thats why you built cdr) then go back and start poking. You could also engage with your 1(although a little more risky) and do it that way.
The Main Build

Counter Play God Bye God

A Gods

B Gods

[spoiler= Bakasura]

[spoiler= Bastet]

[spoiler= Bellona]


C Gods

[spoiler= Camazotz]

[spoiler= Cerberus]

[spoiler= Cernunnos]

[spoiler= Chaac]

[spoiler= Chang'e]

[spoiler= Chernobog]

[spoiler= Chiron]

[spoiler= Chronos]

[spoiler= Cu Chulainn]

[spoiler= Cupid]


Ao Kuang
Cu Chulainn
Da Ji
Erlang Shen
Guan Yu
He Bo
Hou Yi
Hun Batz
Jing Wei
Ne Zha
Nu Wa
Sun Wukong
The Morrigan
Xing Tian
Zhong Kui

How a game should look (This is in minutes not levels)

1-5: YOU SHOULD always grab your speed buff first followed by the near xp camp then go to the middle xp camp and possibly gank middle lane or help clear middle lane then follow the route lower in the description.(just follow the how to jungle section)

6-10:Now you should have your ult and can start ganking solo lane and middle lane and can switch to the mid game route made for rotation.

11-20:Team fighting should start around here give or take a few minutes now you need to utilize your abillitys and be highly aware of everything. You are going to be able to change a team fight instantly so be careful. Follow the team fight section to learn more

21-Whenever the game ends:There is alot of team fighting and split pushing in this section so look at the team fight or the How to jungle parts to learn more.

That pretty much sums it all up for the game you can change it if you wish this is just if its a good game.

Total Overview/Closer

OK How to basically do loki in a couple of paragraphs. First Practice as with any god you need practice, Second you need to read other guides im not the only source availible, Third Have fun. Ok to start with loki you need to buy him (there is no point in not) Then you need to join a conquest and call jungle. wait for the game to load and then buy the starting kit(as seen above). After that you must move to your speed buff. Once you have taken the speed buff Hit up some camps and if your a Higher level than the other jungler try to invade. If the invade is succesfull spam VEW. Following that Attack Middle lane and mess up the other mage. Rinse and repeat from there. Now ill tell you what to do when 1v1 the other jungler. First i want you to know your Jungler. Are they aa based or ability? Do they have there ult ready or no. Do they have any ccs? Do they have an escape? These are all important questions that must be asked. Because loki is an aa god he cant do anything without his Auto Attacks. So if the Opposing Jungler is lets say camazots be careful because if he hits you he can see you while cloaked and he cam easilly attack you. Next know your team you need to know your team before you pick loki because he doesnt have much cc so pick wisely.

Here is a good loki guide I Recommend:


Also if you enjoy this guide and would like me to finish it faster Comment or like and and ill start to get to work. PS dont forget to share with your friends

Change Log

Last Updated 5/21/18 @ 12:22 PM MT Standard Time.
Most Recent Change

As of 5/21/18
Added Part of the god by god Section (Wip)

May 2018

March 2018

February 2018

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Tlaloc1050 (17) | May 22, 2018 6:08am
I'd recommend cleaning up your Counter Play God Bye God section
Jascom (1) | May 22, 2018 12:13pm
yeah im doing that this is something i do in between assignments at school so its not really a priority
Kriega1 (143) | May 21, 2018 1:13pm
Fix the rainbow text at the end of the guide please.

I wouldn't recommend Soul Eater on Loki. Literally no point in getting it when Transcendence exists. Loki excels in quickly bursting squishy gods like the mage or adc, not in extended teamfights. Otherwise, the build is fine. Also no point of Heavenly Wings on Loki when Vanish gives slow immunity.

And the levelling order isn't terrible, but it can be improved. Check the one from this guide: (build 2 - jungle)
Technotoad64 (46) | May 21, 2018 5:02pm
Kriega1 wrote:
Fix the rainbow text at the end of the guide please.

I know, right? It's such an eyesore when colors just mash together like that.

Especially with the variety of colors easily accessible through BBCode.

(Shameless self-promotion link)
Tlaloc1050 (17) | May 22, 2018 6:06am
How long did
Technotoad64 wrote:
Especially with the variety of colors easily accessible through BBCode.

take you to make? So many different hues
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Jascom (1) | March 9, 2018 11:06am
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 2, 2018 1:29pm
Just a quick FYI, Soul Eater is an interesting item now that it's gone through multiple changes and now provides very nice power...but I think you've overlooked that you've overcapped CDR on your Build 1 by 10%, through Trans (10%), Hydra's (10%), Jotunn's (20%), and Soul (10%).
Jascom (1) | March 6, 2018 10:28am
Hey Bran muffin do you know anyone that coulde help me with the coding for my guide im trying to make it look more appealing.
Jascom (1) | March 6, 2018 10:27am
@Brannuffin17 Yeah i noticed that so i removed it its to bad though it wouldve been a nice addition
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 6, 2018 12:27pm
Soooo...not sure if anyone would agree with me here, but I thought of something that might have some appeal to you.

At level 20 without Transcendence, Loki has a base of 910 mana. Add Jotunn's Wrath onto that and you get 1,060. Although not a huge amount, it's probably sufficient for standard runs outside of base. You also get some MP5 from Hydra's Lament.

So you see where I'm going here? Late-game, after getting your full build, you might consider replacing Transcendence. Sure, you'll lose some power, but your power through the rest of the items is pretty good already, and the other aspect of its benefit, the huge mana pool, isn't needed quite as much late-game unless you're out for an extended time (and you can sort of offset this by getting the mana buff or Chalice of Mana if you want).

This opens up possibilities for inserting Bloodforge, The Crusher, or Soul Eater into the build. Yes, I know SE needs stacks, but since you get it from anything, clearing some waves and camps here and there will get you maxed pretty quickly. And any of these items will give you some added utility you won't get from Trans.

Anyway, just a thought.
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