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Become the Guardian of the Gods (S4, Patch 4.16)

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by Lopix69 updated August 30, 2017

Smite God:

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This guide is intended to become a valid update and overhaul of ThePerfectPrism's Become the Guardian
of the Gods
S3 guide, but focused on Guardians in Conquest's Support role, with specific informations, Build directives and an analysis of every Guardian.
It's still in progress, but I think I can keep it updated regularly, continuing to add new content in the future. Unfortunately, in this period I have an exam and I will go on vacation for a week, so I think that the development of the guide will be suspended for a while.

Coming Soon: Ares rework, How to Build your Support Guardian rework, Sobek chapter.

Who are the Guardians?

Sacrifice: the act of giving up something highly valued in order to help someone else, considered to have a more pressing claim or need.
You should memorize this definition before picking a Guardian in the Battleground of the Gods. Guardians were made to sacrifice themselves for the team, with their lives, abilities, builds, and playstile as well. Because of this, they're mostly seen in the Support role.

How to Build your Support Guardian

As a Guardian in the Support role, you should aim to build items that increase your Health, Protections, Cooldown Reduction and Crowd Control Reduction, because your main tasks are to soak up damage, set up kills and protect your allies with your abilities. Except in very rare cases, avoid offensive items that only give you Magical Power: you aren't there to be a damage dealer.

There isn't a single Build for every match. The Support role is based on counter-bulding, so focus on items with an Aura or Passive that counters your enemies or that can be useful to your team, and keep an eye on the price, remaining mostly on low-cost items, around 2200 gold.

Already from the start of the match, check out the enemy team composition, their Gods and the Gods of your allies, to start thinking about the items you'll need.

In this chapter, we'll cover all the best and most used items of the moment, with descriptions and explanations on when to use them.
Travelers Shoes


Current situation of the Guardians

In the right hands, every Guardian can be a destructive force or an unbreakable shield on the field, but due to the frequent Game changes and Meta shifts with every Patch, being because of their better wave-clear, peeling and/or damaging capabilities, some of them are having a better time than others.

This ranking should help you get an idea about ​​the best Guardians of the moment and those who are having less success in the Support role.
In the next chapters, we'll go over a summary of every Guardian, with analysis, general informations and personalized Builds.


Ares - God of War, is an aggressive front-line Guardian, having one of the highest damage abilities of his class. He lacks of the hard CC required to peel for teammates efficiently, so he can't be of great help to the back-line.
As result, his main tasks are to initiate Team Fights and be disruptive, focusing key targets to the point of killing them or force them out of the fight.
Also give a look to Ares: Best CC is Death.

Conclusion & Credits

Thank you for reading my guide, and congratulations for choosing the Guardian class! If I have been helpful, leave a positive vote or a comment, feedback will always be appreciated :D

Special thanks to:
-ThePerfectPrism for being triggered honored.
-Branmuffin17 for his comments and tips.
-DV-8 for being a professional guides designer.
-Bernardozomer for his comments when I started.
-Gulfwulf for his comments when I started.



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Tlaloc1050 (17) | October 25, 2017 2:05am
Will this be updated? Or is lopix gone forever? ;/
Technotoad64 (46) | October 25, 2017 5:35am
Only time will tell.
Tlaloc1050 (17) | August 27, 2018 3:04am
Yep, looks like's gone for the near future
Lopix69 (8) | August 24, 2017 5:11am
Updated Guide's name as of Patch 4.16! Also, I started reworking the How to Build your Support Guardian chapter, always taking advantage of DV-8's design lol
overld1 (18) | August 22, 2017 9:34am
Hey Lopix nice re work on Prism's guide it looks really nice and at the same time different from the original. So I hope this guide get completed and maintained for the future. If you haven't checkout yet and you need help with anything or inspiration to help with this guide, check mine out too. Here's the link. Don't forget to have fun with this guide I'm happy that someone finally updated Prism's original guide. Now all we need is a mage one then we're perfect.
Lopix69 (8) | August 22, 2017 11:08am
Thanks for the comment overld :D
I had already seen your guide when I was looking for inspiration before I started, a really nice guide too!
I also hope to keep it updated, but these days I will not have much time
Lopix69 (8) | August 21, 2017 4:41pm
Guide updated!
Only the Build part remains unchanged - for now.
Bernardozomer (33) | August 21, 2017 5:02pm
Looking great, but your tierlist image is broken.
Lopix69 (8) | August 22, 2017 2:07am
Oops, resolved!
With the changes we had discussed about :D
xZeroStrike (46) | August 16, 2017 8:51am
Hey Lopix69!
Here's what I think you should improve so far:

Your coding for Ares' introduction image is missing the icons on the left. Or is that intentional?

Might want to mention why Bacchus is the easiest matchup and Fafnir the hardest. I'm clueless.

A personalized build for each guardian individually would be useful. Especially in special cases with the likes of an Ares. An Ares would benefit from more Aura items than, say a Sobek, because of his passive, and an Artio might find a Gem of Isolation a very suiting pick.
You can keep the general builds as a "base" template or to steer players in a generally acceptable direction, however.

Those are my thoughts on what you should add/change. Aside from that, it's very barebones so the faster you can add the guardians, the better. More as I find other things in the future to mention.

The things you do have already, however, are a job well done.
Gulfwulf (81) | August 17, 2017 10:28am
I just wanted to say I agree with both Bran and Zero: This guide should be an overview of each support, including their strengths and weaknesses, but it shouldn't go into depth because there are plenty of great guides that already do that for each god; that and you run the risk of burnout whenever a new patch is released. I would remove the matchups and go over what types of items are best for a specific god (e.g. Ares' passive builds off of aura items like you mentioned).

As for the icons, I would either put them on both sides or on the left side only because they look strange to me only being on the right. That's a purely aesthetic decision, so it's ultimately up to you how you want to present it.
Lopix69 (8) | August 16, 2017 9:43am
Thanks for the comment Zero!

It's intentional, I prefer it like this. Do you think that putting icons on both sides would be better? I saw some templates with icons on both sides, but I wanted to be original :3

Of course I thought about extending the matchups section, but my problem is, for example, what do I write in the hardest matchup for Bacchus, if I have already written about it in the easiest matchup for Ares? I don't know if I can explain better

That's a good idea, if there are particular items for a god that synergize with the god's kit, I can add them :D
But I've already written what I think about Blessed Presence so.
xZeroStrike (46) | August 16, 2017 10:10am
It's not because Ares has an easy time againt Bacchus that Ares is the hardest counter to Bacchus.

If that does appear to be the case, you could just refer them to the Ares chapter.
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Lopix69 (8) | August 16, 2017 6:04am
Ares chapter has been published!

Coming Soon: Ares chapter, How to Build your Support Guardian rework, Sobek chapter.

Feedback is always appreciated!
Bernardozomer (33) | August 16, 2017 8:55am
You are doing wonderfully. I have a couple of suggestions tho:

-You could link Stuke's or Ricu's (or both) Ares guide;
-In the tierlist, I'd place Khumba above

Nice to see the croc getting some love.
Lopix69 (8) | August 16, 2017 9:47am
-I should read them
-Neither of them is doing too well, and I thought to put both in B. Why do you think kumbhakarna should be above cabrakan?
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DV-8 (35) | August 15, 2017 8:00pm
Nice job so far. It will be interesting to see how this guide develops.

I just wanted to add a quick thought about Relics. I feel that there are a few more relics that you could add to the list pertaining to how they can be used by Supports.
  • Cursed Ankh is a good situational relic to counter healing enemies. As a Support, you will often be near several enemies, which allows you to land Cursed Ankh on a group of opponents.
  • Belt of Frenzy is also a good choice, especially on high damage Supports like Fafnir. The attack speed and damage increases can be useful when used near your teammates, and can help when taking objectives or team fighting.
  • Meditation Cloak is not as good as others, but I feel that it is still viable. It can also help early with your sustain, and later in team fights.
  • Shield of Thorns, like Meditation Cloak, isn't the strongest choice for a relic. But again, I feel that it can still be viable. As you will be taking a majority of the enemy team's outgoing damage, this can help give you an offensive edge in a fight. It can also be handy in countering enemies who focus on lifesteal.
Lopix69 (8) | August 16, 2017 1:04am
Thanks for the comment!

Yeah I was planning to add Cursed Ankh and maybe Belt of Frenzy when I have time :D

As you said, Meditation Cloak is not good as others. It has Mana regen too, but it will not protect your allies as well as Magic Shell, such a strong Relic rn.

About Shield of Thorns, I don't think it's a reliable option. If they see you pop it, they will probably focus your backline or your Solo even more. There are plenty of Relics that can help the team in other ways (with Magic Shell and Heavenly Wings being the best at the moment), but maybe it can work against something like Anubis, I'll think about it.
Lopix69 (8) | August 16, 2017 1:08am
I had to add Phantom Veil only because of Odin, why not to add Shield of Thorns only for Anubis lol
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 14, 2017 12:18pm
Hey Lopix,

Following up with some more specific comments to the guide as it currently stands.
  • You may consider adding Bumba's Mask to the "starter items" section.

  • Rather than a "health items" group, consider renaming to "Utility Items" and moving Gauntlet of Thebes down to the "hybrid protection items" group. I think Winged and Relic fit "utility" very nicely.

  • I know Sov got nerfed a lot, but Heartward Amulet wasn't touched, and it CAN be a situationally functional magical protection item, so I think it could be listed there, unless you just flat out don't want it there.

  • Not sure who your tier list originates from, but you might want to give specific credits if it's from an individual.

  • In the "in-depth itemization" section, rather than starting out by talking about what items were nerfed and so are not as viable, you should probably just start with the items you do suggest. You can detail patch changes and how they affected guardian builds in your chapter "Current situation," etc.

  • Probably just personal preference, but having all text be centered is really a pain to read...

  • Consider actually changing the "in-depth" section...rather than lumping everything together, make it more item group only include the starters, and put them in a spoiler underneath where you have the pictures of the this:




  • If you don't suggest Shoes of the Magi in general, I don't see the need for you to even mention it, unless you really want to.

  • Personally feel Gauntlet of Thebes got a significant nerf...not to say it's nonviable, but losing 50 health and 5 of each protections definitely hurt it. If you argue that Sov got nerfed really bad, then Thebes provides the same physical protection. And sure, although it provides magical protection as well, 15 protection is really not much at all (as magical power is generally much higher than physical). The high health is nice, but Sov also has good health, and still provides the wearer with significant additional physical protection, which is honestly more important...since minions/towers/phoenixes/GF/FG/Titan deal physical damage.

  • Note that Jade is specifically used to counter physical the current meta, Magical ADCs are seeing a resurgence, so it's not great to pick up against those. I know you mention this in the build progression section, but best to also state it in its own section.
Anyway, keep up the good work!
Lopix69 (8) | August 14, 2017 12:41pm
-yeah I was thinking about adding bumba's, it's a pain when the ADC doesn't buy it.
-I can think about changing this.
-mhh maybe I can change the Heartward Amulet part.
-I didn't want it to be a specific tier list, more like a pure ranking, but I used the juice gaming tier list as "background" because it's so cool :3
-I can think about changing this.
-I think the centered test is cool... but I wanted to use it because Prism did :3
-that's a great idea, I like it :D
but I can work on it in the future, in this period I will not have much time...
-yeah I didn't know about specifing that Shoes of the Magi isn't a great choice...
-nah I see that Gauntlet is still often build at higher levels of play
-k, I can specific this in the future, but for now I prefer to focus in other chapters to extend the guide
Bernardozomer (33) | August 13, 2017 4:49pm
You did a really good job. I hope you stay in the site.

Also, I think it'd be interesting to list each guardian and talk a bit about their strengths and weaknesses, while providing a good guide for further information if any, like Prism did.
Gulfwulf (81) | August 14, 2017 10:02am
I agree. Good work so far.
Lopix69 (8) | August 14, 2017 11:55am
Thanks sir :D
Lopix69 (8) | August 14, 2017 12:40am
Already working on the Ares one :D
I don't want to do copy and paste from Prism's work, but I want something more specific than playstile and brief informations, something that can really help someone who wants to learn how to play the god, maybe tips on how to use abilities and combos. At the end I would still link heplful guides or videos.

Also, I have read your Sobek guide and I find it a really well done guide! I took inspiration from it to add spoilers and changelog, you'll probably end up in my "Thanks to" conclusive chapter :P
Papa Murmz (16) | August 14, 2017 6:44am
I heard that Ares may have a slight re-work and be re-classed as a Warrior in the foreseeable future. Can anyone confirm this?
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Bernardozomer (33) | August 14, 2017 3:47am
Go ahead, more In-depth information never hurts.

Also thanks for reading and liking my guide :)
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Barrin | August 8, 2017 6:32pm
Travelers Shoes provides HP5, not MP5.
Lopix69 (8) | August 9, 2017 4:08am
Thanks! I didn't see or :D
Lopix69 (8) | August 9, 2017 4:09am
UlisesFRN (1) | August 8, 2017 2:53pm
Hmmm i think Magi's Blessing its not a reliable option, being Stone of Gaia a way better option
Lopix69 (8) | August 9, 2017 4:29am
With +350 Health, +15 Physical Protection, +15 Magical Protection, it provides the 2nd best Effective Health against Physical Damage as a single item (1st being Midgardian Mail). And it provides the best Effective Health against Magical Damage. It's a selfish item (and this is why people prefer Gauntlet of Thebes, which costs more and gives less tankiness than Magi's Blessing), but it can work.
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 9, 2017 11:09am
That's not quite how eHP works...

Calculating damage mitigation is variable, as it depends to a degree on enemy penetration/protection reduction. But you can start with a base. I'll put the calculation details in a spoiler.

Effective Health Calculations - Urchin vs. Blessing

In both physical and magical cases in this specific situation, Urchin blows Magi's out of the water. I'm not sure where you're getting your values.

But we shouldn't just target the effective's only one part of the equation. We'll open up the item considerations at this point.

Magi's Blessing is specifically great for the CC immunity, but it has a CD of 70 seconds and you can't control when it's going to work. The first hard CC you get hit with when it's available will activate it.

This means it's way more effective for squishier gods that might not build ANY other health or protection items (where that 350 health increase is a higher % boost for their overall numbers), and where they're not always in the thick of a fight...meaning, they close in, try to do their damage and get out...and so they might expect the Magi's passive to be up, so that if they get hit with that CC, they might have some extra time to escape.

If you're playing Artio the way she should be played, the Magi's passive is going to come and go without you really noticing it much. You'll be way better served with other items that give you AND your team other benefit. So, it's just not the best choice for her.

You do list a variety of items (a very large variety in fact), and most of these would be better choices than Magi's. I think it wouldn't hurt if you just completely dropped it from your item options.

As a Support, and just based on her kit, you're going to want more CDR than you've built. Your standard build isn't a bad one, but you should mention that you should replace Travelers Shoes late with Shoes of Focus. 30% CDR late game is fine.
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