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Bellona da best (Solo and Jungle)

46 9 40,432
by Srbindy2 updated December 28, 2020

Smite God: Bellona

Build Guide Discussion 1 More Guides
Choose a Build: Solo
Solo Bellona Bungle
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Bellona Build


Build Item Warrior's Blessing Warrior's Blessing
Build Item Chalice of Healing Chalice of Healing
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion

The Go To Setup

Notes Ninja Tabi into Berserker's Shield into Frostbound is the only thing here set in stone, occasionally you can play around with running Mystical Mail but that's more for if you already know your going to win, and just wanna rub it in.

The rest of the build has more flexibility, if your not taking much damage but are struggling to get good damage in on the enemy solo get Qin's Sais early. If you need general survivability go for The Sledge, or if you specifically need physical/magical prot go for Void Shield or Shogun's Kusari respectively.

You'll be selling boots for Elixer of Speed and whatever item you need.


Ninja Tabi into Berserker's Shield into Frostbound is the only thing here set in stone, occasionally you can play around with running Mystical Mail but that's more for if you already know your going to win, and just wanna rub it in.

The rest of the build has more flexibility, if your not taking much damage but are struggling to get good damage in on the enemy solo get Qin's Sais early. If you need general survivability go for The Sledge, or if you specifically need physical/magical prot go for Void Shield or Shogun's Kusari respectively.

You'll be selling boots for Elixer of Speed and whatever item you need.

Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item The Sledge The Sledge
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais


Notes Toxic Blade is a no brainer, replace either The Sledge if your not having trouble staying alive or Qin's Sais otherwise.

Mystical Mail is primarily used for snowballing as mentioned. If your 2 minutes into the game having already killed the enemy solo its a good pick for snowballing further, which is Bellona's bread and butter. Can really replace anything other then Berserker's Shield or Frostbound Hammer so go nuts.

Mantle of Discord and Spirit Robe are just generally good if your having trouble surviving, replace Qin's Sais in most situations.

Heartseeker is good for if your spamming abilities out more then holding onto a single weapon, a good sidegrade to Qin's Sais


Toxic Blade is a no brainer, replace either The Sledge if your not having trouble staying alive or Qin's Sais otherwise.

Mystical Mail is primarily used for snowballing as mentioned. If your 2 minutes into the game having already killed the enemy solo its a good pick for snowballing further, which is Bellona's bread and butter. Can really replace anything other then Berserker's Shield or Frostbound Hammer so go nuts.

Mantle of Discord and Spirit Robe are just generally good if your having trouble surviving, replace Qin's Sais in most situations.

Heartseeker is good for if your spamming abilities out more then holding onto a single weapon, a good sidegrade to Qin's Sais

Build Item Toxic Blade Toxic Blade
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker


Notes I personally recommend holding off on getting a relic until your first back to check what the enemy solo gets. If they have a Teleport Glyph you want to match that, your your going to have a lot more trouble keeping up pressure.

If they enemy solo isn't running Teleport Glpyh feel free to consider your other options, Blink Rune if your planning on playing hyper-aggressive, Purification Beads if your enemy has heavy CC, and Shield of Thorns is always good if none of the above apply.


I personally recommend holding off on getting a relic until your first back to check what the enemy solo gets. If they have a Teleport Glyph you want to match that, your your going to have a lot more trouble keeping up pressure.

If they enemy solo isn't running Teleport Glpyh feel free to consider your other options, Blink Rune if your planning on playing hyper-aggressive, Purification Beads if your enemy has heavy CC, and Shield of Thorns is always good if none of the above apply.

Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Shield of Thorns Shield of Thorns
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Bellona's Skill Order

Shield Bash

1 X Y
Shield Bash
3 15 16 18 19


2 A B
1 4 6 7 9


3 B A
2 8 10 11 12

Eagle's Rally

4 Y X
Eagle's Rally
5 13 14 17 20
Shield Bash
3 15 16 18 19

Shield Bash

1 X
Bellona dashes forward and bashes with her shield, dealing damage and Slowing enemies. Bellona gains 1 Stack of block for each enemy god hit. Block absorbs all damage from a single Basic Attack and reflects a portion of the damage around her.

Bellona then makes Basic Attacks with sword and shield until she has not taken or dealt damage in the last 7s. Every 3 successful basic attacks she gains another Stack of block (max. 3).

Ability Type: Dash, Slow, Damage
Damage: 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 / 250 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Block Reflect: 30%
Slow: 20% for 2s
Range: 45
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 14s

*NOTE* Basic attack progression in this stance is 0.5/1/1x damage and swing time.
1 4 6 7 9


2 A
Bellona summons a hammer and spins, hitting every enemy around her and then smashing forward in an overhand attack. Each enemy god hit in the spin increases the damage of the overhand attack.

Bellona now makes Basic Attacks with her hammer until she has not taken or dealt damage in the last 7s. Every hammer attack hits all enemies in melee range and only benefits from 33% of Bellona's total Lifesteal.

Ability Type: Circle, Damage
Spin Damage: 35 / 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 (+25% of your Physical Power)
Slam Damage: 70 / 130 / 190 / 250 / 310 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Slam Damage Increase: 25% Per Enemy God Hit
Radius: 25
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10s

*NOTE* Basic attack progression in this stance is 1.5/1/1.5x damage and swing time, with each attack hitting all enemies in melee range.
2 8 10 11 12


3 B
Bellona summons a scourge, dealing damage to all enemies in a line. Enemies hit are Disarmed, and cannot make Basic Attacks.

Bellona now makes Basic Attacks with a scourge until she has not taken or dealt damage in the last 7s. Basic Attacks have extended range (+4) and every third attack heals Bellona.

Ability Type: Line, Disarm, Damage
Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Disarm Duration: 1.4 / 1.6 / 1.8 / 2 / 2.2s
Healing: 20 / 24 / 28 / 32 / 36
Range: 55
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14s

*NOTE* Basic attack progression in this stance is 1/0.5/1x damage and swing time.
Eagle's Rally
5 13 14 17 20

Eagle's Rally

4 Y
Bellona plants a Roman flag, granting Protections and increased Physical Power to allied gods. Enemies directly under where the flag is placed take damage and are Stunned for 1.25s.

Ability Type: Circle, Stun, Damage
Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 / 450 / 550 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Protections: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60
Physical Power: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60
Magical Power: 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 / 75
Flag Duration: 8s
Radius: 40
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

Bellona Threats

Tap each threat level to view Bellona’s threats


Introducing the best Goddess in the game.

Bellona is my waifu an amazingly underrated Solo god, capable of holding m1 into teamfights and coming out of it with 5 extra kills.

Pros / Cons


    Very ****in high damage

    Nigh unkillable with your S&S out and high enough prot, can jump away with ult if near death.

    Some of the best clear of any solo

    If you don't have a weapon out your dps kinda blows.

    Most of your DPS comes from basic attacks, so any god with a good source of block stacks can shut you down easily.

Kind of a bit of both?
    Your less of a tank tank and more of a tank dps, you cant take quite as much of a beating as someone like
King Arthur or Sun Wukong but you can dish out more then enough damage to make up for it.


First things first, gotta know the kit if your gonna delete teams. Bellona's abilities are (in my opinion at least) less about the ability themselves and more about the weapons they give you, though they do all have their purposes your mostly going to be using them as weapon swaps, similar to a stance swapper like Tyr.

Shield Bash

Charge forward a small distance, smack a *****, and apply a poor mans Frostbound Hammer for 2s. The ability itself is mainly useful as an escape, or as a slow before you get Frostbound.

However, the Sword and Shield it gives you is arguably the best weapon Bellona has for fighting any god based around auto attacks. Every 3rd hit with the S&S out grants Bellona a stack of block, absorbing one auto and damaging nearby enemies for 30% of the damage dealt. This is going to be your go to weapon for any ADC, junglers like Arachne, and some solo laners, like other Bellonas.


Swing the ban hammer around then slam it down in front of you, deals 20% extra damage for each god hit. During team fights this is your main damage ability, hitting 2-3, or god forbid all 5 enemies will let you nuke half an enemies health.

While the hammer is out you deal AoE to nearby enemies, making this by far your best clear tool. As it has the highest damage of your weapons, it can also be good for deleting enemies if they're on low health, or generally squishy (see the bungle build for 1k insta-kill hammers)


Swing your BDSM stick to deal damage and disarm an opponent for 1.4-2.2 seconds depending on how many levels you have in the ability. Good as a panic button if an enemies engaging and you don't want them smacking you around. Alternatively, while running towards an enemy use Scourge into Shield Bash to make your approach ever so slightly safer.

If Shield Bash is on cd the scourge is your second best weapon to have out while brawling, it heals you for every 3rd hit for 25-45 depending on your levels and has the fastest swing speed of your weapons, making it incredibly useful for fights on low health, or healing off minions/jungle monsters/totems.

All of your weapon transformations last 7 seconds, and the duration resets whenever you hit an enemy.

Master of War

Your passive increases your movement speed by +3% and your protections by 5 each time you hit or get hit, this stacks 5 times and lasts 7 seconds. Absolutely insane, if you need to get from one end of the map to the other hit jungle minions along the way to keep the 15% speed boost active, also serves as a good way to know when your weapon transformations will wear off, as they share a very similar timer.

Eagle's Rally

You leap and plant a flag, enemies directly under it are stunned. For the next 8s you and your teammates get power and protections while near the flag. There are three primary ways of using this, jumping into fights and using the buffs to give your team an edge. Stunning a single target to give yourself a massive edge, or outright killing low health targets. And running away like a little *****.

If there's anything even resembling a team fight going on feel free to plant your flag, even if you don't hit any enemies chances are your teammates will appreciate the buffs.

The Game Plan


Early Game

After getting your mana buff, agress as much as ****ing possible on the enemy. You want to get them under their tower and keep them there as long as possible, use your Bludgeon, hit the enemy solo with the initial ring then hit minions with the slam, delete the minions while hitting the solo with the AoE if you can, if you get below 3/4-1/2 of your health swap to your Scourge and heal up, go for Ku whenever possible with Scourge to get some easy healing going.

Mid-Late Game

Stay in front of your team for fights, run Scourge or Shield Bash weapons for maximum sustain and more then enough damage. If your running Qin's Sais melt down the frontliners, then chase backliners with Shield Bash and Eagle's Rally. At this point in the game, not dieing is usually more important then getting kills, so if you get too low for comfort feel free to stop holding W and M1 and retreat.


Early Game

Get to level 5 as fast as possible, if you see a chance to gank for a quick easy kill or if someone desperately needs help you can probably handle it, but until you have your ult ready your extremely vulnerable with little escape or engage options. Once you have your ult ready and your first items built, start ganking as much as possible. You can do more then enough damage to kill the mid laner and ADC in a few seconds, so use that to get those lanes into a position where they can easily farm minions and get as fed as you hopefully are.

Late Game

If your built right then congratulations, you can just pull out your hammer, hold W and M1, and watch the enemy team throw 5 ults at you and run away, or die trying to fight you. Your biggest worries at this stage are tanks, especially if their running spectral armor, if you have decided to forgo crit bellona then this should be less of an issue, though ADCs and mages will be more problematic. If, however, you are running crit then keep jumping on squishies, you want to make sure the ADCs mages and enemy jungles are dead as often as possible, or chasing you rather then the rest of your team, and when you deal a third of their health each hit its not extremely difficult to do either.


If you can put even a little bit of effort into figuring out Bellona, you can go from shield bashing into enemies and dieing immediately to tearing teams apart in seconds. Go out there, tape down your W key and put a rock on M1, and let's get Bellona to a common ranked ban (actually let's not do that one.

Disclaimer: Bellona may or may not actually be the best god, this is an opinion and not to be taken as fact.

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KingChoss | January 12, 2021 7:38am
Great write up!
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