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Added coding to make it better for the eyes and edited the In Combat section and adjusted the skill section.
7/17/15 Added 3 Conquest chapters for advice and roles for Basete. Added actives to the Builds section.
7/21/15 Edited the builds.
7/29/15 Added Item Selection
8/7/15 Adjusted items once again and noted the nerf.
9/27/15 Put in Duo lane help for early game.
Hello guys. This is my very first guide about my favorite goddess to use in Smite, Bastet!
She is a great assassin with a unique set of abilities that really make her stand out among the assassin class, especially her pounce. Give feedback if you see errors in this guide as it is my first time, or information that I did not know about.
The Great Abilities
-Three of her abilities can be used as escape options, making her hard to kill.
-Her ultimate cat call makes it easy for her to kill enemies early in the game.
- Pounce allows to jump back to where you jumped from, and gives a movement boost when the cat symbol is on you.
-All of her attacks make her great at harassing enemies.
The Costly Drawbacks
-INCREDIBLY squishy, you have to be fast to get the kills.
-Any CC against her can bring her down quick.
-Can be very mana hungry.
-Only capable of bringing down single targets, would not recommend multiple enemies unless they are low health or with an ally.
Good combo for harassing and killing enemies with no risk. I must warn you though. When you pounce you can get CCs, worst being stuns. So know your enemy before jumping in.
This uses your passive and your bleeding effect to your advantage. Slow them, deal the extra damage with your pounce, then make them bleed while attacking them. I found this to be useful against unsuspecting opponents. You deal a ton of damage in a short time.
Her abilities are pretty straightforward, but sometimes can be hard to hit. Just remember your pounce ability and your bleeding effect.
She is an assassin built for SINGLE TARGETS. Do not risk your life trying to take down two to three gods at once without an ally with CCs.
Excellent for ganking and jungling. Pounce can make quick work of gods IF used correctly.
Razor Whip is a no risk reward for low health gods escaping into their tower and declaw is good for closing the distance. Her ultimate cat call basically guarantees a free kill if you catch them off-guard and they have no escape.
Blue buff, red buff, yellow buff, and purple buff are useful for Bastet. I would always suggest Blue buff for her low mana pool and yellow buff to go between lanes faster. Plan according to your teammates.
Always be wary of the Gold Fury and the Fire Giant. Place wards near them to keep track of enemies near them. If they attack either one, Pounce and steal the kill for your team instead. You will escape and your team gets the benefit while the other team rages over a cat.
Because of your ultimate, you can take down the Gold Fury pretty easily and fast early in the game. Remember this. Your cats can also be used against the Fire Giant.
There are many possibilities for Conquest and matchups. So instead of naming all of them (which is impossible to do),I am going to give general advice that i feel every Bastet player needs to know.
Grab Bumba's Mask for the camps. If you spam your abilities or you are not that new to conquest or Bastet, get
Bluestone Pendant. Then get level 1 boots for movement and 2 mana and health potions.
If you feel the solo lane needs help: Stay close or in solo lane with the god. Take the XP camps and let them take the mana buff for them to stay in lane longer. Do not forget mid lane, for they only have one person now. Make the enemies in solo lane know you are a threat. If they try to attack and push, declaw and Razor Whip and help your ally get the kill. If played correctly and if you are careful, you can take down the tower in that lane pretty quickly. Make this lane a kill lane, and the enemies cautious.
If you feel that mid lane needs help: Take the XP camps again as well and get yellow buff to go between lanes faster. Use your ultimate wisely, even though it is a killer early game it has a long cooldown without your items. Gank escaping enemies in solo lane and duo lane and deplete the enemies health in middle lane. If you force them out of the lane you will be able to get a few hits on the tower, or get a headstart on gold and leveling up.
If you feel that duo lane needs help: You focus the adc first. Adc needs to farm to reach his full potential for the mid to late game. You can easily kill him in the early game and stop his farm for a bit for your adc to have an advantage. The support has defenses so its a bit harder to kill them.
Since this is the beginning, the enemies will not have all their items immediately, or their stacks. Take advantage of this. You can get many kills in this phase if you pay attention. If a god has no escape and they are in the jungle, that is basically a free kill. If you have to, place wards near the buffs for a better idea on their locations. Go back to spawn for the potions and to level up items. You have many escapes but still beware of the enemy jungler. Remember your declaw in tight spots.
Another job of yours is to get rid of the hyper carrys and the squishy mages. By hyper carrys I mean a god that cannot do much early game, but almost unstoppable late game. Like Artemis and
By now you should at least 3 items under your belt and maybe a few kills or assists. Maybe a tower down (hopefully not yours). By now you should be taking the red buff and blue buff instead of yellow buff unless a teammate needs it more. This is when things get hairy for you. The enemies have at least 2-3 items and are leveled. This is the time for warding. You either replace one of your potions (I suggest health) with wards. You either ward the Gold Fury and Fire Giant, or the jungle to beware of ganks from the enemy jungler. This is also YOUR time to gank lanes. There should be more teamfights now to try to take the tower. Always focus on the enemy jungler and mages or healer. NEVER the tank. The tank is mostly/always with someone else and you are built for single targets. Use the element of surprise. Enemies trying to take your tower? Slow them down with declaw and cat call and push them back to their tower. You can make or break teamfights. Always callout using V commands where the enemies are, either at the Gold Fury or Fire Giant, missing in lane, or just mark it on the map. What you do in the Mid Game can make it easier or harder for you in the Late Game stage of Conquest.
You should have at least 4 to 5 items now. If you still have 3 then sell Bumba's Mask or
Bluestone Pendant unless you really need it. Only sell your starters to get your last item. This is the time for focusing on the Phoenix and Titan. Your job would be to help the team get Deicide, to make it a lot easier to win the game. Focus jungler first, he is a hard-hitter and killer to your allies. Killing him would be a godsend to your team, and to let them roam the jungle a bit more. ALWAYS ward the Fire Giant. The Gold Fury is still useful but the Giant offers an endgame win. Do not try to kill him when the whole enemy team is still on. Either get him during a deicide, when the other team has initiated the fight, or they went back to base. ALWAYS call it out when its happening. You might opt for
Wrath of the Gods to kill it quickly and steal. Teamfights are more important than ever now, and it is better that your whole team goes in and attacks at once instead of different lanes. But always be careful of enemy teams of two trying to attack your Titan while you attack theirs.
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I would suggest this over ![]() |
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An all around good item for Bastet. It offers everything she needs early on. The CDR and mana are a must on her, while still offering power and penetration. |
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A great item for survival, with a passive that reduces the amount of damage you take. An even better item for its CDR, fully capping it. |
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Another item that goes well with ![]() ![]() |
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A great penetration item, with a great passive. I have observed that the passive does not count for your overall penetration in your stats. So it is possible to add more. |
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Is to be used for tower diving but still offers the same stats as ![]() |
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Only get this if there is a healer on the other team, due to its passive. |
magi's blessing | If you are getting pwned by stuns and taunts then this is your godsend. Remember its cooldown or else you might be jumping into death. |
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If the mages are kicking your behind, then this is the way to go. The passive and the magical defense certainly make it easier against them. |
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This offers a lot for a low price. Plus the passive is good for someone with built in slows and is all around good if you did not cap your CDR. |
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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So the itemization is pretty good except for
I would add in the fact that your team can pull off an early gold fury with cats. Late game, you can easily backdoor a tier 2 or phoenix with cats.
Good look on the guide!
Thx man. I only put
I would add in the fact that your team can pull off an early gold fury with cats. Late game, you can easily backdoor a tier 2 or phoenix with cats.
Good look on the guide!