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Tap each threat level to view Chernobog’s threats
This build is the best I could come up with, the joust/arena build is actually not bad at all, crit damage ranged from 500-700 depending on the protections the enemy has, usually 400 crit will be the usual. As the joust/arena build will get you kills.
The conquest build is basically the same as the joust build, hell I literally use the same joust build for everything, but if the enemy team is doing their work on your team the situational items may help you.
The skills will be added as well as new threats. If you have a skill line or threats please comment on this build, I will read all suggestions.
The first 3 items are the core items that you need to build, wind demon is an exception because it gives early crit damage and you can switch it with any other item stated in the build.
The way I start is something everyone should know how to start a build, with a starter. Attackers blessing is of course for joust and arena, then hunters blessing for conquest, or what ever you want to do I don't judge on a starter. Then you buy the tier 1 item of transcendence, then buy any potion/ward if you want to spend the rest of the gold you have. After that I would of course upgrade transcendence first unless you need to grab worrior/ninja tabi to get extra damage before transcendence. After that you need to buy wind demon to get that early crit damage, unless you need penetration but wind demon is the way to go. After wind demon you go executioner to get more damage(obviously) then you get bloodforge to get lifesteal so that you don't die automatically by some over powered character. After that sell your starter to get deathbringer and you are finished!
If you need situational items like more penetration, then sell wind demon and/or deathbringer(again obviously)
And that is the entire build! I have been using this build for months and it never fails me, yeah I do loose some games but I still get a decent amount of player damage.
The skill sequence is created to have maximum damage with cursed crystals in the early game as you can detonate the crystal with the second ability. And example of this is when I was fighting a Ne Zha and I took half of his health with that combo. The third ability doesn't need alot of attention until the other team starts to get their damage up, once that happens you will be able to escape alot of situations.
The dangers:
Alot of gods are dangerous to chernobog, but the worst ones are Arachne, Anubis, and Bacchus, there may be more but I always find a way to kill gods. As I said in the threat tab, they will kill you, unless you get the upper hand on them in the beggining of the game.
This build branched off of another build I saw during one game over half a year ago, I started using that build and thought it needed a little more spice, and low and behold came this build, I got chernobog from mastery level 1 to level 10 within three days and have not stopped playing him, this build got me into playing chernobog alot more than I expected, and you dont usually see chernobog mains going around do you? Well you might see me and you might think "nah this guy wont kill us, it's chernobog, he sucks!" Well you better watch what you say because I am coming for you and your entire team... nah I'm just joking, I do get outplayed by people lots of times but I still come back from it. I hope you enjoy this build, I know I sure did!
Add me on xbox: Zero x Deadfang (soon to be LukatomicYT)
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Luka, I feel the need to point out that your argument isn't exactly sound for the purpose. What you're doing is sort of correlation vs. causation.
Doing 500 damage in a crit doesn't make the build "good." I will say that your build isn't bad at this point. I still prefer Rage, and I think DB needs to be built after Exe in your example. But it's mostly fine in general use.
As discussed previously, builds look to maintain efficiency in build order, and to be synergistic with the god's kit, to get the most out of it.
This match of yours had all squishy tanks to be seen anywhere. If you understand building, you'll see the other players had build issues, meaning you were likely playing against lower level people with questionable build knowledge. Scylla and Agni both built
And yes, when players build 0 protections (understandable when squishy, but normal comps where people look for some balance look to have at least 1 god go tanky), you're likely to deal higher damage like your 500 damage crit example. But against tanks, you won't deal near that much. Again, your build in general is fine, but that damage statement has no real correlation to the quality of a build. How about if I build (in this order) Bloodforge, Wind Demon, Ichaival, Heartseeker, Jotunn's Wrath? No DB there either, and it'll probably deal even higher crits, but there's no boots, the build order is messed up, etc.
Remember that you originally PMd me. In case you forgot, or you didn't actually read, I linked your profile and asked if that was you, and gave you a lot of qualitative feedback.
I still feel like I'm due a bit more response to my above comment than just questioning how I saw the match, when the answer to that question was already in your grasp.
Are there any items that have their flaws with the build? As I have tested before this build can deal over 120 critical damage to 300 protection Odin as for every other God, no matter the protection, they can be killed within 10 hits in most cases.
As for all of the suggestions, thank you! I am still replying to everything people tell me so go right on ahead and see if I need anything else in this build.
"Situational build 2 " - no lifesteal in a crit build, triple crit with trans. Take out wind demon and put asi/bloodforge instead.
If you want explanations, Rage can be helped with earlier stacking. When you build into Rage, you try to get it earlier for said stacking. I even laid out a ton of builds in my theory-crafting post as examples.
I also don't really like your skill leveling. I feel at the very least,
Your conquest build has 2 crit items, yet one of them is not
Of course it's a bit harder to counter his ult. Grouping up tends to reduce the effectiveness of it.
Still all of this doesen't matter. You get players that don't counter you because they're clearly braindead and don't realise that a Chernobog building crit with no lifesteal can get easily shut down.
Also not sure if I personally would consider
And where is
And why does the situational build at the bottom only have 1 crit item? Crit builds, with mathematical considerations, should strive for, at bare minimum, 40-50% crit chance for optimal DPS.