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You can also switch the starter to hunters blessing for attack speed.
You can switch the Shoes of Focus for Shoes of the Magi for extra damage.
You can place these anywhere, even switch the last core item for one! But it is recommended to have these items in 4 and 5.
These final items contain most of the devastating damage, you can place them in other places other than the last spot its whatever you want.
Attack speed and lifesteal, with most of the power you want.
All basic attack damage, nothing special here.
This build was created with special thanks to Kriega1 for suggesting this. Thanks again!
When you use the speed potion, you dont need boots anymore.
Relics...nothing to see here, just use them to save yourself.
Tap each threat level to view Chronos’s threats
So, let's get this over with. Chronos. The god of time, one of my favorite gods to play and a pretty powerful god to master. This build was branched off of a build that I went up against(as seen in the core) but I wanted to add some spice to it. As all of the suggestions that have been said in the comments were the most helpful(all build contributers names will be at the end). When I got completely got obliterated, I had to put a build here and here we are. So let me teach you everything you need to know about how to play Chronos and how to build him.
How to play Chronos
Chronos is a god that you usually don't want to deal with because of his speed, stun and damage which all of it combined can really pack a punch in team fights and 1v1s. But if you want to play chronos, you need to know how to use him.
Chronos has 2 damaging abilities which is Time Rift and Stop Time, both abilities are pretty devastating in team fights or even 1v1s. As for the Accelerator ability, it has 4 parts to it. If you use the ability, the clock stops and whatever buff its pointing to, you will get that buff, and a speed buff that keeps on going up for a couple seconds. If you want to see what the buffs are, click HERE. But I will tell you that this first 2 are always used because the first one heals buffs your healing to 1.5x and his second ability refunds 100% of mana when an ability is used. His final ability Rewind, speaks for itself as once activated, chronos becomes CC amune and after a second, he turns into a ball becoming invincible and going back to the last seven seconds, regaining health and mana, and his other abilities are reset, ready to use again.
To use your abilities, you may or may not start with using Accelerate and try to aim the clock at the 4th buff, which increases basic attack damage by 35%. Once activated go up to an enemy, as close as possible(if the enemy has used his abilities and is in a melee situation) and use Stop Time then use Time Rift after they get stunned and start using your basic attack, rinse and repeat. This combo can be used in many different ways or you can just use it on your own time. But if you are not sure about what your enemy is planning, I wouldn't get close unless you are with your team. You can also use Time Rift to tick enemies in the tower range. Rewind can be used in lifesaving situations OR can be used to your advantage to out maneuver and destroy your opponents, just use it wisely, you never know if they can kill you before you can become invincible.
For this chapter, I am only going to explain the builds above as all of them have unique powers that give you and your team an advantage over your enemies.
All threats are bad in smite, like anubis with full lifesteal, he can screw you over, or mabye Posidon and Zeus with their big ults that can destroy you in an instant. So let's give you a chronos player warning about these threats.
As zeus and posidon have their big ults, they don't have to be a problem if you can use Aegis Amulet, or you would have to avoid their attacks as quick as you can. You have the advantage with your speed and your stun ability, use it! Sticking with your team when going against people that can destroy you can be very helpful at times as your numbers are greater than their power, but you got to let your teammates know when you attack. Chronos is special when it comes to this as his stun ability helps your team ALOT and can be devastating to the enemy team. But if you are not careful, they can counter it with Purification Beads and can counter attack after.This is only basic terms with any god, but knowing that chronos can stun gives you and your team a huge advantage. As long as you know how to move with your team and try to avoid dangerous enemies and their attacks, I'm sure you can win.
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Also for "Full basic attack damage build" - get demonic/telkhines before Deso, because it's misleading to call the build that when you only get attack speed for your 4th item.
And overall, Kriega has already talked below about the situations in which this can be used well, and when you might not do so. You might trigger IV AFTER you've connected a Stop Time. You might also just poke with Rift, but you don't really talk about that. It can be difficult to hit without Stop, but it's also got a very short CD which makes it an effective poke tool when you have enough mana.
You talk about the first 2 parts of the wheel being used often as well, but while the first portion is obvious (get a heal), the 2nd part is often functional for laning when trying to conserve mana and clear the wave, and a strategy and time to use should be mentioned. Trigger II, use Rift, Stop, basics, then you can get one last Rift in before
And Stop is difficult to hit, and you will sometimes want to use it when an enemy is close, to help defensively create space, or offensively to ensure the hit. These ability details are, IMO, important to understand and describe, especially to newer players, as that is the target audience you're after here.
And again with the items, I wouldn't lump them all as "choose 2 of these as items 4/5" and "choose one of these as item #6." They should be separated, perhaps into categories. Basic attack items (e.g. Demonic, Telk, Hastened), ability items (Chronos, Ob Shard), etc. The way you state it, you're not allowing your readers to choose 3 items from the "items 4 & 5" category if they want, and that should be an option. Way too limiting there.
Get it? When you define your core, but then open up everything afterward to user interpretation/preference, it makes for more flexibility. And I don't agree with your limitations on where to place those last items.
And no, just combining everything into one lumped list is going to create a huge mess. I already suggested some categorization options, did you not read? Basic attack items, ability items, maybe utility items. You can take some inspiration from other guides that do this. There are plenty, and I'm not going to single mine out.
"Once activated go up to an enemy, as close as possible and use Stop Time then use Time Rift after they get stunned and start using your basic attack, rinse and repeat. " - Yeah, I don't think you will really want to do this in a lot of situations. It depends on who you're against. Im not going to go up to an assassin and attempt this, as 1. they will magi's cloak or beads the the stun as the stun part is delayed (It's a slow into a stun, just like baron's slow into a root), and then they will demolish you before you can get your rewind off (as without your stun, you're pretty screwed). A lot of the time you're going to save Stop Time to use defensively, though not always. In 1vs1 situations with a ranged character you could do this combo, but of course learning to hit it at range rather than always close range (which guarantees that stop time hits but is very risky), because you don't want to try and attempt it close range just to get Ullr Axe Stance 1 into the face and get deleted by his combo.
"Rewind can be used in lifesaving situations OR can be used to your advantage to out maneuver and destroy your opponents, just use it wisely, you never know if they can kill you before you can become invincible." - Except you do know. The casting time when he's about to turn into the "ball" and starts "rewinding", during that period he's vulnerable to damage, and you want to make sure you're positioned properly and/or you stun the enemies so you can get rewind off without dying.
"All threats are bad in smite, like anubis with full lifesteal, he can screw you over, or mabye Posidon and Zeus with their big ults that can destroy you in an instant." - good thing Aegis exists, and you can use it to completely counter Poseidon's ult, and get
Anubis gets countered by using beads for his stun (or just juking it), and aegis for his ult/tick damage abilities. He also gets completely screwed by Divine Ruin and/or Toxic Blade.
As zeus and posidon have their big ults, they don't have to be a problem if you are with your team. " - grouping up means their ults will likely hit more people. Especially with Zeus and
"Chronos is special when it comes to this as his stun ability helps your team ALOT and can be devastating to the enemy team. " I wouldn't say "devastating". Chang'e or Amaterasu ult stun is "devastating". Chronos' 3 is fairly preditable to juke at range, and doesen't stun straight away, which makes it very easy to pre-beads the stun portion of it. Anyone with a hard CC like a stun on your team is going to benefit the rest of the team by setting up other abilities.
Shows the very basic combo with his 1 and 3.
Build 1 /"Lifesteal full build":
Build 2/ "Full basic attack damage build":
Build 3/ "My full build" (ability based):
Alternatively (build 3 - ability based), builds from there are ok:
Also for your relic options get rid of heavenly wings (gives haste effect but...) and bracer (only useful early game, not great for conquest), and maybe add blink rune as an option. Most game should be Aegis and Beads though.
Alternative build suggestions:
Build idea 1: Start:
Build idea 2: Start:
Build idea 3: Start:
Pro/high level Sources:
I will also be putting a better description and this may become in depth in the future, thank you for all of these suggestions, I will be testing and adding for the next few days.
Ok. Luka you've put a lot of effort into taking everyone's feedback and updating your guide. Before I vote, Bran could you take a look at his builds and see if they're more to your liking? The third build hasn't changed (I still don't like only 15 pen in that build) but the other 2 are new additions.
I don't know if I'd bother with
An alternative anti-healing item to
So we just forgetting that Rod of Tahuti is good for AA-based mages?
Also Soul Reaver isn't fantastic on Chronos, no (especially since nerfs). But his 1 is spammable (especially with CDR), so it's up to you what you think.
Could be an option, but Toxic blade isn't great stat wise for him. Divine isn't great for him either (cheaper pen item, but again, meh power and Chronos isn't the best/most reliable god to proc the passive). But hasn't stopped either being picked up in ranked:
OP you might wanna actually test a bit more before claiming such a mathematical improbability.
Note that the enemy
So you can't just say that "this build deals 1,000 damage." No, the build itself probably wouldn't. It would need outside influence. And having the understanding of how these things all interact is important to evaluating this correctly.
Then, as comparison, you look at your team's items, and you didn't get any help from your team in damage enhancement, though your team's
You getting pissed means you got tilted, and it negatively affected your gameplay and judgment. You have to try to keep an even temper.
At the same time, when you're behind, you can either get mad, or learn how to play from behind. Stay safer and closer to tower, focus on clearing wave and not getting further behind, ward to make sure they don't sneak the bull demon, etc.
And I can't control teammates...even if they feed, that doesn't mean it's okay for me to...I don't want to kill my own stats at the expense of another poor player. And technically, that's what it looks like you acknowledged that you did.
Now, understand, I wasn't exactly tilted by being upset. The way the game was progressing (or regressing in our case), it DID affect how I played in a way, but it wasn't from getting pissed.
Instead, our team just had zero synergy, and my (hindsight-provided) awful pick of
Instead of being more patient and waiting for better times to dive (or at least staying back and dying less in general), I felt I needed to do more, because we were getting almost no kills, and were constantly pushed back next to our base. Did get me more kills (barely), but also made me die everytime I went in.
In this case, there pretty much was no winning the game. And if I sat back and died less, my damage would have been even lower, but it's pretty bad when I dealt almost as much damage as the
2) were u ever able to do 1k damage with a single ability?
Spear of the magus isn't good on him because he doesn't have tick damage. You aren't considering items like demonic grip.
Your example build only has +15 flat pen. Most of your damage is gonna get mitigated. There's more to say but let's stop here for now.
>As stated Spear of the Magus should really be swapped with Demonic Grip considering how much damage comes from basic attacking.
Magus isn't really that good on Chronos. You get 1 tick with his 1 (though you can spam it with CDR, it's not always the easiest ability to hit without setup), while always relying on his 3 to get another 2 ticks is very risky (especially seeing as Chronos is quite vulnerable without his 3 unless he has his ult up). This leaves you with 3 ticks after his 3-1 combo which would benefit his autos and his 1, but it's still not a good item choice on Chronos.
Luka, typically you want to focus on either ability damage or basic attacks. You absolutely can do a hybrid, but even that hybrid is going to focus a substantial amount on basic attacks. In this situation, if you DO invest in CDR, you won't want to go
Pythag's IS an option if looking for lifesteal, though Bancroft's is typically preferred. When you focus a reasonable amount on basic attacks (e.g. investing in 2 rings), you'll be at closer range and expect to take damage. You'll then get more out of the Bancroft's passive power/lifesteal boost. BUT...Pythag's, again, is still an option, because it not only helps your team, but it has solid lifesteal % (higher base than Bancroft) which will work great with your basics, AND it goes along with the theme of also getting some CDR where possible. But you WON'T want to get both Bancroft AND Pythag's. Bancroft and Typhons, or Pythag's and Typhons if you want 2 lifesteal least, that's what would normally be suggested.
But IMO, you definitely missed out on an optimal build chose arguably the weakest of the rings (Hastened) as your ring option. You give direction to choose 2 items as items 4 and 5, and don't give the option to use one of those as the final item, and by doing so, and by identifying a core that really limits your best options, it weakens the build potetial.
If we work off of your core as one build direction (but by also giving yourself basic attack function), it might look like: Bancroft's, Focus, Desolation, Demonic, Typhon's, Telkhines. 2 lifesteal items for high sustain if you really need, 2 rings (the stronger ones), and 20% CDR, which is plenty for a basic attack focus.
Another option based on your core would be Bancroft's, Focus, Desolation, Demonic, Telkhines, Hastened. 3 rings for very strong basic attack function, but less lifesteal when boxing.
Really, IMO it's best to invest in 2 rings if you're going to invest in basic attacks at all.
Like it or not, Kriega would have some good feedback since he's a Chronos main.
Pythag's IS an option if looking for lifesteal, though Bancroft's is typically preferred. When you focus a reasonable amount on basic attacks (e.g. investing in 2 rings), you'll be at closer range and expect to take damage. You'll then get more out of the Bancroft's passive power/lifesteal boost. BUT...Pythag's, again, is still an option, because it not only helps your team, but it has solid lifesteal % (higher base than Bancroft) which will work great with your basics, AND it goes along with the theme of also getting some CDR where possible. But you WON'T want to get both Bancroft AND Pythag's. Bancroft and Typhons, or Pythag's and Typhons if you want 2 lifesteal least, that's what would normally be suggested.
Absolutely do not recommend Pythags on Chronos. Item just doesen't benefit him enough at all. Pythag's + Typhon's is a TERRIBLE combo, and Bancroft's + Typhon's gets countered too easily to be worthwhile in many situations (not to mention Typhon's Fang's price).
But IMO, you definitely missed out on an optimal build chose arguably the weakest of the rings (Hastened) as your ring option. You give direction to choose 2 items as items 4 and 5, and don't give the option to use one of those as the final item, and by doing so, and by identifying a core that really limits your best options, it weakens the build potetial.
Hastened (or Toxic Blade) + Polynomicon is not a good combo. I know I had it listed on my S5 jungle build, but 1. That was Adapting's build, not mine. 2. Poly was later in the build, and the rings are necessary for fast map rotation. 3. Jungle Chronos sucks as I stated. You're already hurting your build by picking up Hastened Ring and adding Poly to the build on top of that (need I remind you of it's passive) is just making it worse.
If we work off of your core as one build direction (but by also giving yourself basic attack function), it might look like: Bancroft's, Focus, Desolation, Demonic, Typhon's, Telkhines. 2 lifesteal items for high sustain if you really need, 2 rings (the stronger ones), and 20% CDR, which is plenty for a basic attack focus.
I would re-order it: Bancrofts, CDR boots, Deso, Demonic, Telkhines, Typhon's. Again though, I don't like Typhon's on Chronos for reasons I've explained. Bancroft's is enough for an AA-based build. The 2 main rings picked up on Chronos are Demonic and Telkhines.
Some people like/dislike Hastened Ring, I personally think it's situational (and pick it up sometimes), sometimes the passive can be useful (though sometimes hard to get good use from it, and the stats are meh), and some pros have picked it up on him (as well as Sol).