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He Bro - I'll make you wet honey

7 1 31,949
by HiGHFiVE updated August 18, 2014

Smite God: He Bo

Build Guide Discussion 5 More Guides
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He Bo Build

My most recently used Build

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard

Item Slot 1

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi

Item Slot 2

Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone

Item Slot 3

Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation

Item Slot 4

Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Item Slot 5

Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Wall of Absolution Wall of Absolution
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard

Item Slot 6

Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Wall of Absolution Wall of Absolution
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Hide of Leviathan Hide of Leviathan

Common Active Items

Build Item Purification Beads (Old) Purification Beads (Old)
Build Item Aegis Amulet (Old) Aegis Amulet (Old)
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

He Bo's Skill Order

Water Cannon

1 X Y
Water Cannon
2 3 6 8 11

Atlas of the Yellow River

2 A B
Atlas of the Yellow River
4 15 16 18 19


3 B A
1 7 10 12 14

Crushing Wave

4 Y X
Crushing Wave
5 9 13 17 20
Water Cannon
2 3 6 8 11

Water Cannon

1 X
He Bo fires a short burst of water from his sleeves, damaging all enemies in front of him. Lane Minions and Jungle Camps take an extra 20% damage.

Ability Type: Cone, Damage
Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+80% of your Magical Power)
Range: 35
Cost: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80
Cooldown: 4s
Atlas of the Yellow River
4 15 16 18 19

Atlas of the Yellow River

2 A
He Bo unfurls his scroll in a line, releasing the flood waters. Allies on the water are immune to slows and move faster, while enemies are slowed.

Ability Type: Line, Buff
Slow Debuff: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Speed Buff: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Lifetime: 7s
Range: 80
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
1 7 10 12 14


3 B
He Bo calls forth a geyser, causing it to burst out with tremendous force at his target location, damaging enemies while knocking them into the air.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Range/Radius: 55/10
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85
Cooldown: 10s
Crushing Wave
5 9 13 17 20

Crushing Wave

4 Y
He Bo transforms into a wave and crashes forward, damaging all enemies in his path.

Ability Type: Line, Damage
Damage: 370 / 450 / 530 / 610 / 690 (+115% of your Magical Power)
Range: 55
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s


In-Depth Guide is following as soon as possible !

Hello, folks!
This is my first Guide on SmiteFire and its focused on Mid-Lane for He Bo.

Keep in mind that English is not my mother language and this Guide was released 7/07/13 and its currently not finished, im working really hard to improve this Guide for you !

He Bo is a Magical ranged Caster-Assassin and has a huge potion of Damage ;)

I started playing He Bo earlier on in Closed Beta and it was fun wrecking down almost everyone (:

Later on i took a break from Smite and came back after about 6 Month, i started playing again and it was fascinating how far Smite has been going.

A new Smite player called fswag posted on Reddit that he is Streaming his way up to level 30, I took a look at him and it was fun to watch him and his friends playing Smite.

I suggested fswag to play He Bo and i gave him a standart Item Build for him to do better early on.

And now, its his favorite God.
And that inspired me to even write a Guide about He Bo (:

Feel free to post suggestions & Ideas / Tips, critisism and your own opinion for this Guide!

You can aswell send in some Screenshots from your Game History where you followed one of my Builds, i will put them in this Guide !

Remember: Never follow a Guide completely, all games are situational

Guide & He Bo Updates


Keep in mind that this is in the GMT Time Zone

  • 7/07/13 - Guide is created!, added Pro's & Cons Section, new Item Builds, new Skills Section, new Images !
  • 8/07/13 - Added new Item Build, finished Skills Section, finished Combo Section, started Item Section.
  • 9/07/13 - Reworked Item Builds totally, delaying the Item In-Depth Section for a bit, reworked the Introduction


  • Big thanks to fswag ( for somehow inspiring me to write this Guide (: !
  • Thanks to jhoijhoi for this amazing spacebars and an amazingly good Guide on How-to BBCode
  • Thanks to IceCreamy in Mobafire helping me using Columns properly !
  • Thanks to AirCougar from by giving me tips on my Guide !
  • Thanks to these Guys that made those Pictures/Images/Wallpapers, they are amazing!
  • And thanks to everyone that reads this, you're awesome ! (:

Pros & Cons

Pros & Cons


+ Good harassment
+ Good Farmer & Pusher
+ High Burst
+ Abilites are AoE
+ Huge teamfight presence
+ Spammable Abilities
+ Has a He Bro Skin ;3
He Bo is a great pick in solo queue. His duelling and harass aswell as farm potential is huge due to Water Cannon and Waterspout, Most important when considering He Bo, is his teamfight presence. He brings an AoE slow, high AoE damage and long ranged poke with an Interrupt / CC

- Is somewhat squishy
- Has do be in range
- Lacks at Mobillity early
- Ultimate avoidable
- Mana hungry early on
As per all Gods, He Bo has his strengths, and his weaknesses. Compared to other MP Casters, He Bo's Ultimate can be considered as a high-risk high-reward Ultimate due to the mechanics, Its dodgeable and easy to aegis, it's got a cast/rush time. Additionally, he's squishy early Game and needs some extra Health/Defense Mid/Late Game. Lastly, He needs to be in range and All-In in teamfights.

Skills & Combos


Steady Flow - Most likely the best Passive in the Game, if you use your Crushing Wave make sure you have all 3 Stacks up (+ 10% MP for each Stack), this gives you a 30% Magical Power buff and is easily build up by initating with flood Waters, using Waterspout, catching up, using Water Cannon and finally melt this guy down with your Crushing Wave. wuzaah !, you just melted a guy with Water, magic happens.

Remember that this is one of the strongest Passive's in the Game, if steady flow] is stacked up 3 times, it provides [[He Bo 30% more Magical Power (Better then Rod of Tahuti's passive), which can be done by just using your Abilites on enemy Minions/Gods. This passive is very usefull throughout the whole Game, specially for Mid/late Game and it synenergizes very well with the 3rd Build in this Guide, due to the massive early MP it provides. !

Skill Order:

Crushing Wave - Simply always put a point in if available, exception would be if your Ult is on a long Cooldown, put then a Point into either your Water Cannon or Waterspout, this will result in to more Damage while the Ult is on Cooldown, as soon as the Ult comes off CD you will most likely be already one Level Up and be able to put the missing Point in to it. Crushing Wave is one of my favorite Ultimates in Smite, simply because it has such a High Burst, can be used as an escape and the teamfight presence is just awesome.

Water Cannon - I max this first, simply because it has a 3 Second Cooldown, the harass from Waterspout just isnt enough, in a 1 vs 1 Situation, i would prefer to have Water Cannon with a 3 Second Cooldown & more Damage, then Waterspout on a 10 Second Cooldown & less Damage.

Waterspout - This is the Second Skill that I max. The Key to this Skill is just the timing when you use it, when they are moving towards you, try to hit them with your Waterspout they will get knocked to you, this would be your opportunity to either jump in with your Crushing Wave or just simply harass them with your Water Cannon
flood waters

Flood Waters - This is one great tool that can be used in many situations!, like fleeing from an Enemy, simply put it down facing towards where you're moving and the Chaser will get slower, you will get faster. If the Chaser recently used his Leap, there is almost no chance that he will catch up to you.

Using Combo's Effectively:

flood waters

Keep in mind that Waterspout knocks people in the direction they are moving!, use it wisely. If they are moving towards you, simply use Waterspout, they will then get knocked in your direction and you can easily harass them with Water Cannon afterwards.

Use your Crushing Wave while your target is knocked up, this will provide you a secured Crushing Wave which cannot be dodged/aegis'd anymore due to the knock up/interrupt. Afterwards you can finish him off with a couple of Water Cannon's

flood waters > >
flood waters to close the gap, Waterspout to knock them up and use Water Cannon right after that for great damage.

flood waters > > > >
Simply the best Combo if you want to go in for a Kill. close the Gap with flood waters while getting a Stack of Steady Flow, use Water Cannon to build up damage and knock them up with Waterspout, imediately melt him down with Crushing Wave, spinn around and finish him with your Water Cannon.


Viable Item Choices:


aegis shield Magic Resist

Health Warlock's Sash

Pure Magical Damage

siphon blood Magical Lifesteal

Cooldown Reduction

More to come soon ..



He is one of my favorite Gods, the listed Builds synergies well with He Bo.
He is overall a strong pick in Solo que and is fun to play.
If i helped you & or you liked this Guide, please Vote as it shows me that i can keep going and improve.

Keep in mind that this Guide is never finished, i will keep Updating it and if i have time i will add even more Sections for this Guide.

Other Guides that i made:

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HiGHFiVE (1) | July 8, 2013 6:25am

I now changed the normal Pen Boots to CDR Boots.
Simply because it synergizes well with He Bo in general and the CDR buff helps him to get the Cap.

Thanks for that Info though !
All4Games (54) | July 8, 2013 6:16am
i think you should give him a bit of cdr its very good on hebo especially early but it stays strong through the whole game.
HiGHFiVE (1) | July 7, 2013 11:37pm
Thanks for the reply !

Yes, i normally go for Voidstone, but the thing about these Builds is that im atm working on Builds for every Mode.

I had plenty of favorite Builds for He Bo and im atm working on them (:

The Guide was released yesterday, Juni 7th and its pretty much nothing in here, but sections like Countering & Counters and an Item Section on when to buy each item and so on is following as soon as possible.

Thanks for the feedback !
TheAmazingComicBookGuy (47) | July 7, 2013 11:33pm
Maybe explain the item build?
I also don't think that I completely agree with the build since Void Stone is pretty much core on He Bo I also don't really know about the Ethereal Staff, but the guide has potentional if you put time in it
HiGHFiVE (1) | July 7, 2013 10:16pm
Feel free to write down your suggestion's and critisim <3
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