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Horus - the king of Egypt (New map update Y10. Bastions is targetable for 3)

351 46 356,367
by Falcrus updated March 6, 2023

Smite God: Horus

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Horus Build

Solo possible y10 build

Notes For more builds open solo role build list


For more builds open solo role build list

Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Golden Blade Golden Blade
Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth
Build Item Runeforged Hammer Runeforged Hammer
Build Item Fae-Blessed Hoops Fae-Blessed Hoops
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Carapace Shard Carapace Shard

Support possible y10 build

Notes For more builds open jungle role build list


For more builds open jungle role build list

Build Item Sentinel's Gift Sentinel's Gift
Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth
Build Item Runeforged Hammer Runeforged Hammer
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Fae-Blessed Hoops Fae-Blessed Hoops
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle
Build Item Carapace Shard Carapace Shard

Jungle possible y10 build

Notes For more builds open jungle role build list


For more builds open jungle role build list

Build Item Bumba's Dagger Bumba's Dagger
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Carapace Shard Carapace Shard

Arena warflag snowball build

Notes Relic Dagger is optional, if snowball is successful specifically for more often relic usage

Genji's Guard can be swapped with Breastplate of Valor


Relic Dagger is optional, if snowball is successful specifically for more often relic usage

Genji's Guard can be swapped with Breastplate of Valor

Build Item War Banner War Banner
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Caduceus Club Caduceus Club
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Talisman of Energy Talisman of Energy
Build Item Fortifying Shell Fortifying Shell
Build Item Thorns of Judgement Thorns of Judgement

arena full damage

Notes This might work sometimes


This might work sometimes

Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher

Relic upgrades

Notes These upgrades are synergizing very well with Horus' kit

Need info? relics part


These upgrades are synergizing very well with Horus' kit

Need info? relics part

Build Item Cloak of the Avatar Cloak of the Avatar
Build Item Cloak of Ascetic Cloak of Ascetic
Build Item Fortifying Shell Fortifying Shell
Build Item Sundering Siphon Sundering Siphon
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Blighted Ankh Blighted Ankh
Build Item Belt of Frenzy Belt of Frenzy

Useful T4 upgrades

Notes These upgrades are synergizing very well with Horus' kit

Need info? Tier 4 part


These upgrades are synergizing very well with Horus' kit

Need info? Tier 4 part

Build Item Breastplate of Determination Breastplate of Determination
Build Item Amulet of the Stronghold Amulet of the Stronghold
Build Item Jotunn's Cunning Jotunn's Cunning
Build Item Malicious Deathbringer Malicious Deathbringer
Build Item Magi's Shelter Magi's Shelter
Build Item Magi's Revenge Magi's Revenge

Horus's Skill Order


1 X Y
1 4 6 7


2 A B
2 8

Protector's Surge

3 B A
Protector's Surge
3 9

To The Skies!

4 Y X
To The Skies!
1 4 6 7


1 X
Horus uses his wings to create an updraft around himself, knocking nearby enemies into the air.

Using the currents from the updraft, Horus' next Basic Attack within 5s will create a gust of wind that travels forward, damaging enemies and slowing them for 2.5s. This attack cannot crit. Enemies that are knocked up when hit take bonus damage.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 50 / 95 / 140 / 185 / 230 (+75% of your Physical Power)
Gust Damage: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 + 100% of your Basic Attack Damage
Gust Bonus Damage: 1.5x
Gust Slow: 25%
Radius: 12
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
2 8


2 A
Horus dashes forward a short distance, ready to strike with his weapon. If Horus hits a god he stops and stuns the god for 1.25s. He will then wind up a heavy cleave. Enemies hit have their Protections reduced for 3s.

Ability Type: Line, Dash, Damage
Dash Damage: 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 (+30% of your Physical Power)
Cleave Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Protection Reduction: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Range: 40
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Protector's Surge
3 9

Protector's Surge

3 B
Horus rushes to the aid of an ally. After selecting an ally, Horus will leap to their location before descending. Upon landing, the selected ally and all nearby allies have their health restored and gain protections for 5s.

Ability Type: Leap
Heal: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160
Protection Buff: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
Range: 60
Cost: 45
Cooldown: 13s
To The Skies!

To The Skies!

4 Y
Horus sends a mirror image of himself into the sky that scouts for a location to fly to. Upon selecting a ground location, Horus will begin to channel for 2s. Allies near Horus after these 2 seconds are flown to the location Horus' image chose. Horus and his allies land with such force, enemies take damage and are knocked away from the landing location. Horus and his allies at the landing location gain a protective shield for 4s.

Ability Type: Circle, Buff, Damage
Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 / 450 / 550 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Shield: 160 / 240 / 320 / 400 / 480
Radius: 20
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

Horus Threats

Tap each threat level to view Horus’s threats


Horus Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Horus’s synergies



This guide had the honor to be a two time winner of Warrior Category of SMITEFire Season 8 Guide Contest and SMITEFire Season 9 Guide Contest and get warrior badges!


From the author:
Back in the days, in 2020 when Horus was extremely unpopular and weak, almost never played in SPL and before any buffs I came to the game to play the god I adore, and I faced there were no actual guides or builds for him, he was abandoned so i had to learn everything at my own and not only enjoy the happines of opening something new but also struggle trying to find out how this god meant to play. So my love for Lord Horus, my aspiration to demonstrate my worship to him and change that injustice made me wish to create the most in-depth and fullest guide to him. So since the end of s7 this guide has only been improving and accumulating my experience through seasons, years and meta changes. To better share this it's been growing while I've been growing, improving and getting more experience not only in Horus, but also in game to better understand how this character fit into Smite's ecosystem throughout more than 1000 matches, 20 stars, and the large amount of different matchups, scenarios, roles and modes. The guide also went through multiple instances of redesign and different concepts to finally look exactly as it looks now to be easier to understand and navigate (yet my English knowledge might make it clunky to understand sometimes). So I hope this guide will be a good assistent for you in your journey of learning The Rightful Heir and will make you like this god if you are novice, or still could offer something interesting if you are already an experienced player. I also hope your path through this guide will also be nice for you, good luck!

With best wishes, Falcrus. In game id - MateMeHorus
(If you ever meet me I would be happy to know if this guide been helpful)


Use this to navigate across the guide!

Who is he in real history and Smite!
Find out what items can help Horus in his journey!
Core Items
Hydra's lament
Other items
Starting items
Manticore's spikes and advanced using
Find out different relics synergy with Heir' kit.
Get the basic understanding of Horus's playstyles.
A short guide for his allies!
Understand unobvious Bird's way to damage.
Explore all the hidden features of his arsenal!
Resolute passive
Updraft [1]
Fracture [2]
Protector's surge [3]
To The Skies! [4]
Skill priority
Tips, strategies for ultimate to use effectively!
Combos and advanced movement
Learn everything about weaving auto attacks!
Some ammusing facts

Check my new old Tiamat guide here
Checks out also my Set guide


Horus is Ability based\AA melee god whose abilities can deal basic damage and who can utilize both ability and basic attack items and playstyle. He is god of sky, freedom, day\night cycle, life, pharaohs, royalty, and all Egyptian gods, With Set together he is the personification of world balance, day\night, life\death, good\evil. He leads his army forward to victory, with wise and noble leadership, uses his control potential to hold enemies and not allow them to leave, making them easy prey for allies. At the same time, he is not only a leader and frontliner he is also a valuable team player, who takes care of everyone in his team, empathetic, caring friend and mate.
And this is reflected in his gameplay, how he moves, what he does. In rough numbers he might look not very effective but his effectiveness goes hide, but he creates many situations to secure the victory. Horus loves you if you love him, appreciate him and he will be your waifu (or even senpai so love him, please) Horus goes to help you, and he will support you if you will be his faithful warrior.
His bird-referenced abilities provide him a specific playstyle and good mobility. Abilities focused on Crowd Control, setting up, peel are typical for supports, but unlike Guardians, Horus is a physical Warrior so he can be often find on the frontline, rather than backline, using his abilities offensively or even ganking enemies from the jungle via his locking down and high burst potential! But also unlike warriors he has big supportive potential in the cost of offensive, so he can provide good help for his soldiers, while they are fighting for their king.
Even more, unlike guardians, he mostly focused on single target, and might have struggle fighting against multiple enemies, but this is compensated by the fact that one unfortunate victim that have gotten into falcon's talons will be torn apart by the Horus's allies who follows his lead, which turns Horus the best and dangerous setting-up character in all the game.
He is not a full warrior and not a full Guardian, he can not provide the same level of assists as support, same amount of peel or live long in the fight against 5 enemies being 3 lvl behind. Either he can not deal a lot of aoe damage to backlines as solo, as he needs help from allies to use that setting-up potential.
Horus should keep it in mind to play with more patience, not dive too deep, balancing between playstyles If playing aggressively (as he should) because he won't forgive mistakes. If playing passively, pay attention to allies and be ready to rush to their aid. Make sure your feathers stay dry and cozy until you get a good chance to snatch a defenceless victim, stand some enemy' damage, until your good allies help you to deal with your prey, and after deleting them rush into attack with allies, to snowball, make sure that your soldiers remain healthy and safe, be ready to catch the next target.
Horus historically have been benefiting from Cooldown Reduction (CDR) to use abilities as often as possible to help his army as much as possible as well as setting up targets more often or use his great movement in team fights to survive longer. As support he is well known for early game aggressiveness making him one of the best First blood gods. Thus he always has been benefiting from mixing survivability and some damage as he has very high scaling on his combo so that damage is not only guaranteed due to CC chain, but also might hurt a lot even from support to make them even easier prey for allies and send their souls in Duat faster. That lock down potential and scaling on his combo also coupled with protection shredd and high power makes Horus hit very hard, adding high mobility and here is an unusual and interesting Horus jungle.
Watch your allies, help them here and now, so that they can fight the darkness and after death, their souls will go to the Fields of Aaru.

Who is Horus? Pros and Cons. Horus Wiki!


The rightful heir

Who is Horus and why he is nor Warrior and nor Support

The most important thing about Rightful Heir that sets up his gameplay is his role on the battlefield. He is a - Utility warrior, Warrior with high supportive potential. I insist, this is very important to understand, because roughly calling him support, “physical support” or “he is meant to be a support”, as often this can be seen in many places, not only very blank and superficial, but also may cause mistakes within the heat of battle. (Moreover the devs themselves did not call him that rough way on release, but only pointed, that he has more utility and less boxing potential, rather than usual warrior and so they expect him to find good usage on support). The class not only assigns the type of damage or attack range but also defines numbers, maths, parameters, and the philosophy behind the character. These are different from what guardians usually have and that takes Heir away from many functions that average guardians are usually able to do (for example, he has 10% less defence and 10% less health). But also unlike most of the Warriors while having the lowest offensive capacity he brings The highest single-target locking down potential as well as higher utility and supportive capability than average warriors, which is more guardian-like in his case, at the same time this is more effective to use on the frontline with an aggressive playstyle, which he is more of warrior-like.

The sense of warriors is to exist somewhere in-between guardians and assassins, inheriting both of their supportive and offensive potential. So as many warriors already meant to be supportive, not the fact of having that supportive potential by itself as a warrior makes Horus unique but the amount of it. At the same time being not supposed to be as effective as supports is the reason why blind copying the way supports are playing or building, might be not effective at best, or even harmful at worst; Horus has to find his own way, strengths and weakness, considering his mixed class specific. Why then do allies need a Horus who pretends to be a guardian If they could have an actual guardian? The same as some warriors are more assassin-like the Horus is support-like. (Not even saying how big his offensive potential could be with full damage)

And The king of Egypt has to bring something from two roles, accumulate knowledge of both of them to help his allies, be the strong rod of the team, and secure the victory. Nor a physical guardian, nor a lane where everyone is used to seeing him, but The Warrior with high utility. This is what makes him unique.

The second detail is what I call Team core character. That means, just by the fact of having such a character in a team, make them change the way they are playing, and use new unique strategies and tactics that character is providing. The most obvious and perfect example is Khepri, having hug bug in the team make new tactics available for his allies - his ultimate that can revive an ally can be used in many different ways, from just being revived to sacrificing own life to get a kill not being afraid of actually dying. There are many team core characters in the game that makes teamplay unique - khepri, athena, terra, nu wa, tiamat, ra, anubis, kukulkan, thoth etc.

Rightful Heir is no exception and also a core character. Team should play around him not as usual support who can simply tank or peel or do other support things. Being not the best tank, not the best healer, not being able to provide huge zone control and a big mess, massive buffs or debuffs he still has The deadliest single target lock-down potential including long stun, knock up do not affect by Diminishing returns, and enemy protection debuff, as well as team teleport. All of these things the team must understand and keep in mind to use Horus correctly and effectively: understand how long Horus could survive, is he in danger and need an ally to escape, is he going to provide massive teleport to engage, or he is gonna use it to create evac point to save your live. The team has to be ready to follow Heir when he is about to lock down one single target, otherwise Horus will be in a very vulnerable out position, surrounded by enemies (especially if he used his protector’s surge as an engaging tool)[/i]. This is not only what the Falcon-headed god should keep in his mind, this is how the team should play around him. Both protector’s surge and To The Skies! as well as lock down potential are very team dependant and require the team to have an understanding of that, that is why sometimes Horus can flip games, and why sometimes he is absolutely useless no matter how effective he is playing

Real God info and Personal status

Other names:
• Heru
(Egyptian version)
• Hrw/Hor/Her
• Heru-Sutekh
• Heru-pa-khered
(Horus the Younger)
• Heru-ur
(Horus the Elder)
• Horakhty\Heru-em-akhet
(Horus of Two Horizons)
• Ra-Horakhty
(Ra-Horus of Two Horizons)
• Heru-Merti
(Horus with the Two Eyes)
• Hor-sema-tawy
(Horus Uniter of the Two Lands)
Pantheon: Egyptian
•The rightful hier
• Sky god
• The king of Egypt
• Horus the Great
Belief type: Monolatric\Monotheistic (later)
God rank: King of the gods, supreme god and demiurge (later)
Age: ~5000 BC - 400 AD
Other personification:
Ra, Aten, Amon, Montu(female)
(Great-great-grandaunt\ Ra' sister)

Game info and lore

Status: Alive
Place of origin: Egypt
• Leader of Egypt pantheon
• Ruler of Egypt
Type: High utility Warrior
Role: Core character
Damage type: Physycal
Target type: Single target
Role in fights:
• Locking-down\Setting-up
• Beads burner
• Frontline leader
• Support
• Healer
• Burst-assasin
• Core-character
• Jungle
• Support
• Solo
Skill floor: Average
Skill ceiling: Very high

Horus is preffering ability damage
Horus is not best tank
As falcon he is using Hit and run strategy
Horus is more agressive

God Spotlight

Auto-Attack canceling theory
Set and Horus
Of-topic facts

Ratings explained

pros and cons


Core items

The most important Horus items.

Although Horus is an ability-based god, his first ability allows him to use this item to increase damage and stack it with the default Updraft basic attack damage multiplier to not feel deprived with offensive abilities and damage.

Important note. Since Horus Gust of Updraft counts as many separated basic attacks, Hydra's Lament will procks only for FIRST target in the line of attack.

Item to increase damage from the second part of Updraft and extreemly good choice for wave clear and cleaning camps. Gust comes through all enemies, each triggers a golden blade passive and gives damage at all targets. This item also get extra damage with scaling from gust bonus damage. Mostly useful at Solo lane Horus.

When its about cleaning a wave and hurt enemies this item makes Gust to deal X2 damage to every targets if at least two enemies been hit but his gust, instead of standart 50%. With very cheep price this is why it's an extremely viable pick!
Important note. This item gives Horus quite unique tactics which makes this item very useful not only to waves clean. Since Horus Gust of Updraft counts as many separated basic attacks Golden Blade will activate after EACH hit in the line. It means that in a 15 pcs radius you can deal significantly more damage if many minions stand inside. So try to hit god when the enemy stands RIGHT IN minion wave. For example, if the enemy god stands near to 3 archers or 3 swordsmen, if you hit them all with gust then enemy god will get x3 Golden Blade damage. This is more effective if the enemy god is locked-down with cc-chain right into the wave.

Late game luxury item with very strong passive very good in full damage builds.
Jotunn's wrath is probably a core jungle item with a lot of needed stats. Unlike most of the junglers this item may be a second opinion in favor of Hydra's Lament. This item provides Flat penetration which is extremely good for Horus innate protection shred.
Penetration opinion tht also provides some extra damage. Guaranteed due to CC-chain.
Flat pen + antiheal.
These items are full defence, and may be an alternative to fae's blessed hoops. Genji's Guard is a the must thanks to it passive + CDR. As alternative is Shogun's Kusari - less protection, and more supportive passive.
A very strong alternative to Breastplate of Valor provides less stats than it but gives a very useful passive that can be used with both Resolute and especially with Protector's Surge on every cast. The passive can be activated even at 100% health.
Despite that fact this item is considered as more solo-oriented and not welcomed in most of the other support builds for traditional supports\guardians, Horus is a warrior with unique support oriented potential, also because of how He balanced and plays, he is getting a very great benefits from building it, especially early game because of it's cheap price. This item gives him:
- Massive CDR that is very crucial for him because of long cooldowns, and makes his set-up play style more effective in teamfights not less than meta Gauntlet of Thebes, because he can do his main work more often.
- Mp5 and Mana even in cheep t2 Silver Breastplate (which he can rush earlier) that gives him early mana regeneration, but which he can also convert into health via Protector's Surge, that means he is getting free health sustain as well as mana sustain in one item and don't have to rush Hp5 items.
- Big early physical defence to protect himself from minion and tower damage. This is why rushing this item in the no boots era, instead of Gauntlet of Thebes may be very effective!
- Can also be considered to replace starting items in some situations or rushed earlier.
After rework became a very useful item with good passive. This item increasing Horus's ability to get mitigation when getting damage from gods. And of course, strong healing aura for allies, increasing Heir' own healing
A very strong must have lock-down oriented item that is very useful with Horus kit, alongside Runeforged Hammer. Provides even more protection reduction additive to Fracture and makes Horus’s set-up even deadlier!

Hammer tree is whole bunch of viable items that can be used in multiple situations.
In a support role, Blackthorn Hammer and Runeforged Hammer, Caduceus Club can be utilized for more agressive playstyle as erly first items
This item now not only works for its owner but also for the whole team. With new passive this item becomes very strong in Horus kit because of his innate lock-down potential, that allows him to keep target inside that area and apply its debuff for the entire cc-duration, increasing all follow up damage from teammates. This makes Horus’s team efficiency even stronger and even dangerous as a setting-up character.
Another useful hammer, can be effective in solo lane as first item, as providing sustain, health, power and ccr, and also be useful in support role for aggressive playtyle, that benefits from these stats. This item provides health so it still gives some survivability as for support.
Is now a worst version and replacement to caduceus shield, has very bad stats and in most cases not worth buying now. This is still a core item only because this item is healer oriented. Wating for buffs.
And the last item in hammer tre is Dawnbringer which is extreemly situative and niche and worth building probably only if your teammates asks for this because of how luckluster horus ult is.
Protection item against heavy cc-comps with good stats and especialy CDR.
New old heler-oriented item. Can be used by Horus in healing-oriented builds as the bonus protection from passive synergizes with inherent Protector's Surge bonus protection, making this ability more effective.


The earrings tree looks interesting and some items has a usage for Horus too

One more healer-oriented magical defence item with CDR and good passive, very good opinion for getting magical def. The item meant for healers has some tricky usage on Horus, but despite HE IS a healer using this item might be clunky. Since the Protector's Surge’s healing trigger is a single-target leap, if only one god has healed the flower will drop directly at them most of the time, but instead of the target the shield will gain Horus. So the best way to use this item is group healing, that adds even more extra choices that need to be made, which makes this item harder to use. But on the other hand Horus can use this item to get the shield every time he heals an ally god which might be some strategy.
Important note. Does not work on self heals
As the ruler of the Egyptian pantheon, as a leader of course the best usage he could get is of SPHINX’S BAUBLES. But no, this is looks like trolling :D
This item also reduces the healing output, so may be not the best opinion for healing-oriented builds

It may look like all the gods with a bunch of Heavy CC easely benefit from this item, but the nature of Horus' setting-up playstyle makes the usage of Manticore's Spikes an advanced level. Because of the CC-chain flow, using the item without special technique may cause some struggling and may drastically reduce efficiency of the lock-down by giving the target more time to counter. To learn how to use them proceed here

Other items

The less important but still can be built items.
Spoiler: Click to view

Starting items and build examples

Note: Do not forget, you can use any other items you think are more effective, here is just a demonstration of some interesting combinations which can be useful for a whole game. You can not change the type of starting items you chose, but you can NOT BUY it at the start of the game and buy an upgraded version of it later.

This jungler staring item provides mana snd health sustain as well as helps to kill jungle monsters faster. Horus may get both auto-attack and ability bonus damage using AA canceling and Gust of Updraft. Both of its updates are useful for Heir.
Using AA canceling after Fracture and before Updraft this item provides extra healing as well as cooldown reduction for every Horus non-ultimate abilities.(Horus is not a best abuser of thi item, as being limited only in two offensive abilities he can not rotate his kit without pauses) Horus' Gust is an auto-attack and gives one more item proc. This items is greatly synergizes with aa-canceling builds and Hydra's Lament as well as Caduceus Club, Protector's Surge and Resolute. Horus has so many ways to heal himself so combining all of them together brings massive healing to the bird. Besides all of this Bumba's Hammer gives CDRand extra HP which makes healing more effective and increases overall survivability, which can be used in more utility-based builds. Worth mentioning that this may be useful not only in jungle build.
Agressive jungle item for a late game, is providing CDR and %penetration, that can be synergized in horus kit with innate protection shred. This is a better choice for more consistent damage, rather than Manikin Hidden Blade because it does not cooldown if situations are needed Horus' permanent teamfight presence.

Build example

Manikin Scepter Is an interesting item That empowers each auto attack with DoT effect. Due to the nature of Horus Updraft and with AA-canceling Horus can get extra benefits from this item rotating around jungle, cleaning camps etc.
or even WITH. (But do not forget about specific way Golden Blade works for Horus, before deciding what you need).
Manikin Hidden Blade is a late-game item which immediately damages the enemy for part of their max HP and fits very well to Horus jungler hit & run playstyle. no more has syergy with Runeforged Hammer so the usage is quetionable.

Important note: Manikin Hidden Blade Damage and Slow applies before any damage
optional Horus item, can be only used in AA-based builds. Due to long slow effect from Updraft, aa-canceling and gust Horus can get multiple activations of this item.

Build example

Benevolence is now rewarding rotating supports by granting them healing and gold after they have gained stacks from assist or roaming. This healing is affected by caduceus shield and synergizing with Horus' healing which makes this item even more useful. Both of its upgrades are useful.
animosity is now a utility late game item with very usefull passive.
Compassion is a backline support item, it gives a lot of magic defense late game and provides even more utility for the team because it allows to mitigate some magical defence being out of teamfight. Every time Horus will go to the backline he still will be helping his allies with tanking.

Build example

Sentinel's Gift is more safe support opinion if Horus doesnt wanna be too agressive. However with this item, Horus will probably be still less tanky than the enemy support with the same item, and still not being able to outtrade enemy support defence with his own.
Sentinel's Embrace is an item for more safe gameplay, to provide strong aura for the team. Can be synergized with Gauntlet of Thebes and such items. Falcon-headed god can get very high protection numbers with this item and still having utility items as well.
Horus does not want to be too bulky, prefers to use his setting-up potential and utility, being able to provide early aggression, instead of rough tanking and backline supporting. This is why Sentinel's Boon is a more effective late game upgrade. Thanks to its passive Heir may try to lead the snowball, constantly healing himself for a big amount of health and keep pressuring enemy team alongside with solo.

Build example

War Flag is one of the best starting items for Horus. An early-game aggressive support item. This item gives a chance to win lane, but after a certain point, this item loses its effectiveness and no more gives gold benefits since Horus can not be aggressive anymore. Healing for Horus and for his loyal Carry that this item is providing can be synergized with Horus's own healing through Protector's Surge. Since Horus Gust of Updraft is also counting as multiple auto attacks, every enemy god hit will be providing extra healing!
War Banner This is the best start item upgrade, despite it has pretty questionable t1 item. This item even more increases Horus's own healing as well as grants healing to his allies. Thanks to its passive Heir may try to lead the snowball, constantly healing the entire team for a big amount of health, due to his Warrior nature Horus' autos may be deadly. Since Horus Gust of Updraft is also counting as multiple auto attacks, every enemy god hit will be providing extra healing!
An optional item. Nothing to say. Never use that, because in situations, when this item may be useful War Banner will be even more effective.

Build example

Warding Sigil is a starter item, that provides extra protection from fighting a lane opponent, and greatly synergizes with Horus' Resolute and Protector's Surge, these in general, gives protection and a chance to get power item as next rather than a defensive one and still not lose too much survivability, since protection outtrades damage. That can be useful, for example, when the first item is Golden Blade or Runeforged Hammer or etc.
Despite this starter item doesn't have a sustain, Horus can sustain his health through passive and Protector's Surge
This is very strong late game upgrade. This allows to deal damage not even having high power, due to aoe nature of its effect.
More safe item, greatly increases survivability and can be used to finish magical protection, if needed.

Build example

Despite bluestone doesn't having a full usage with Heir's kit, due to lack of offensive abilities and the fact he uses half of them for clean specifically, however, Heir still can find some usage to this item. His Fracture - auto - Updraft combo can apply stack twice in against opponent, now with the increased Fracture range Bird can dash through the entire wave, and use knock-up to apply two stacks to either backline archers or frontline melee. Using a 2-1 combo to clean the wave is more effective from behind in order to deal more damage versus frontline melee, since in most cases Heir will be rather one shooting backlines with Updraft thus this is, even more, riskier, as bluestone has no defense in it. This item is also giving good sustain, that combines with Falcon's kit.

Important notes: Both Gust and Cleave doesn't counts as separate ability thus Horus can not deal 1-2 extra procks of bluestone

The same item, but for late game. Overal increases damage output from Fracture - auto - Updraft and higly benefits from CDR
Does not effective item in Horus kit.

Warrior's Axe This is a strong item, that can be considered instead of Warding Sigil, due to Heirs' kit, lack of abilities, and no possibility to provide constant poking to the enemy, this item has not the best performance in Rightful Heir's arsenal. Due to the nature of Horus kit and lack of offensive abilities, He is very reliant on the 2-1 combo. Fracture is increasing the damage He deals with Updraft by protection shredding, thus this is a high burst with high enemy control. With Warrior's Axe Horus have to not rely on bursting the enemy and focus on boxing, to keep some delay between his ability usage to get both two activations and then rotate his kit. This all needed to use warrior's axe as a strong poke item. However Warding Sigil provides more defence and more PvE damage. Another problem is that only Fracture has descent damage on its gust to do a ranged poke, yet this is his main for wave cleaning ability Still Horus can use this item with his Burst damage.
Main upgrade.
Hero's axe Empowers Horus damage.

Build example

Glyphs (Tier 4 items)

Breastplate of valor

Breastplate of Valor is a kinda core item or at least is difficult to overestimate its effectiveness in Horus kit, for its price and amount of bonuses it gives, a bunch of CDR though. With new tier 4 upgrades, this item has become even more effective and wishable.

looks like more preferable t4 upgrade for Breastplate of Valor since it uses stack mechanics, that synergizes well with Horus' own passive Resolute, ability protector’s surge as well as with items such Mail of Renewal. Until stacks are not finished and are kept at 4\3 this bonus effect is unlimited and provides some physical and magical defense. Once stacks are finished it gives even more defense, but for a short duration. Not building a cap defense is now more effective!
Combined with Resolute, protector’s surge Horus can gain a bunch of protection during 6s window and can live longer without a high number of constant protection and gain them during battles even faster.

This is a more team-oriented upgrade and requires good allies to be utilized well ( i.e they have to use To The Skies!). Upon landing, Horus will be not only providing knock up, and shields for allies, but also reducing some attack speeds for a short duration, to make dropship more effective and safe. The main downside is that aura is pretty small and Horus will knock out everyone from himself so to use that aura Heir, at the first, will have to follow chosen enemies, while effect duration is very short.

Heartward amulet

Heartward Amulet with new upgrades becomes an interesting item.

Amulet of stronghold allows to focus on physical defence and then convert part of it into magical defence, and use only one magical defence item. This item is also affected by any other physical protection sources such as Resolute, protector’s surge, and items such Breastplate of Determination, Mail of Renewal, sledge.
So this item literally can bust any other bonus protection effects which make Heir’ Resolute, and protector’s surge little more effective, by increasing their bonus magical defense!

has less synergy with Horus kit, but still can have good usage in 2-1 combo. Using AA-canceling can prevent the enemy from using either aegis or any ability, that may help them to avoid upcoming knock-up. Using Auto before Fracture would prevent them from using ability to avoid whole combo, since the silence duration is longer than Fracture' stun.

Magi’s Cloak

Magi's Cloak has always been a very useful item but mostly for damage dealers. Now, with the new glyphs this item gets viability in support's kit too for their situative slots. Both of them have a potential for Horus' gameplay depending on the situation. Magi's Shelter has a good usage against heavy CC comps, protecting teammates and helping to peel for backlines. Magi's Revenge has potential in a more aggressive playstyle, by debuffing one chosen enemy, who got unlucky to heavy CC Horus.

Jotunn's wrath

Jotunn's Wrath is kinda a core jungle item and Horus can use it as well. After changes into glyphs of this item, there is no more specific items that Horus could use.

Jotunn's Cunning Has some potential in Horus's kit, as for any other ability-based gods, but due to having only two regular offensive abilities this potential is not that big. The passive of this item would only proc at the next cc-chain, after using Fracture and Updraft, not affecting the current usage of them. There is no reason to rush this item, so just a small bonus late game only.

Has low synergy potential in Horus Kit. Long cooldowns, two abbility only, burst-oriented gameplay not a good base for its passive. Situative item


The Executioner This is auto-attack oriented item, but still has a glyph, that can be sometimes godd on Horus.

Being removed from Jotunn's Wrath this glyph not a good as an The Executioner's one

This item is meant for assassins that use their aa frequently. Limited attack speed does not affect horus playtile, while the big Penetration buff greatly synergizes with penetration oriented builds. But due to the way item works, hitting enemies with one auto before Fracture-auto- Updraft combo is crucial, if not - the gust will only proc a second stack, but will not be affected by it. Has some usage against tanky comps, but still other %pen items can be better

Manticore's spikes advanced using

Manticore's spike advanced using

How to use it within Horus' combo

The way the spikes are dropping make the use of this item with Horus CC-chain not that easy, but there is one technique that will require some practice, but will allow Horus to pick-up spikes inside of his CC-chain, without breaking the flow and become even deadlier, effective and have one more trick in his arsenal. It might sound hard, but with some practice this is gonna be as easy as weaving an auto attack inside of the combo!

Step 1

How to perform

Instead of dancing around the spike trying to pick it up and waste the precious time, while in the Cleave phase that follows up the Fracture stun which drops the spike behind, Horus still has an ability to move, so it he simply need to step forward just a little, so he get out from spike hit-box, and then just a little step back. In most cases this is guaranteed pick-up, that allows Horus to proc bonus damage onto following Updraft without breaking cc-chain. And the same with Updraft.
But even more! With the good timings Horus can not only just pick up the spike but pick up it before Cleave is connected and as it counts as ability that will instatnly prock bonus damage.
Important notes before use:
Every ability should be on quick or instant cast!
Using the CC-Chain from angles different to directly to enemy may cause the spikes to drop on right or left!
Using this tech might make bodyblocking the enemy harder, because you will be using ability to move while cleave and Updraft to grab spikes instead of walking around to stand in front of them. But still you could move around them while they are in air

how to grab these nasty spikes

Step 2

Where to use it

This item may be very effective in different scenarios and can fit in most of Horus roles. In Horus playstyle with bunch of cc and lock-downs that allows him to deal guaranteed damage it can be synergize with Gladiator's Shield and Sundering Axe in solo or support builds, so Horus could hit enemies with bunch of bonus damage from items or with additional The Crusher Horus might be very healthy and tanky jungler, while still dealing a lot of damage.
using examples


Horus can use all default and casual relics. But here is list of special interaction and synergies of Horus kit with some relics:
Can be synergized very well with Horus' own healing, which makes this item very useful.
Simly increases the amount of healing.
Instead of simple increasing the amount of healing now provides one extra aoe cknock up, that works in wider area than Updraft. This extra knock up can be combined with either of them Horus has Updraft and To The Skies! in many different situations, since knock-ups yet are strongest CC in game.

Can be synergized with protection buff and with To The Skies! shield.
Increases the power of shield and also works as old phantom veil, allowing to go trough god' structures
Gives a stronger protection buff, that can combines with Protector's Surge
Can be synergized with protection reduction and overall setting up potential
Now works as AoE
Deadly relic for any tanky and healthy target, draining their health and healing Horus for half of that amount. Sinergizes with Heir's innate potential to Self Heal Resolute and Protector's Surge. In close quarters fight could be dificult for the enemy to brake that link, especialy if that enemy is under Horus' CC.
Also considering that Horus playstyle puts him out of position very often, that extra healing could be very helpful
Very important item for horus, combined with To The Skies! can make Horus global presence known around alll the map! In combination with ult Horus may not be afraid of teleporting on towers (later on wards) distant from current team fight or destination point, as he will NOT lose time on running to the fight. He can teleport on any tower and after easily get another teleport into the jungle far from him. Great item for rotation from solo lane.
Upgrading into this item increases the survivability while rotating around the map and combined with To The Skies!, Protector's Surge and Resolute
This increases the constancy of Horus global presence, by matching relic's cooldown to Horus ultimate's.
Situative item, but one it's upgrade can be useful.
Now redirect all healing reducted by this effect to Horus and his army! Sinergizing with Falcon' Healing Protector's Surge
Why even use it?
Can be synergized with Updraft slow.
Can be synergized with Horus high mobility for even better results.
Can be synergized with Horus’s setting up potential, to increase the damage even more with protection reduction and long CC-chain

Roles and How to Horus

Being a very versitile god Horus can flex into a multiple different roles as well as change his playstyle inside of the chosen role. Rush to your allies to help them with your wings. Peel for them. Set-up for them. Lead the strike. Make fast and unexpected ganks using claws and high mobility. Catch them into deadly CC-chain.
Protect your people, lead them, help them, be a good fighter, the deeds worthy a heir, but mastering them all is what will make the Heir King.

Horus the protector

A backline support
Objective: Protect and save
Position: Support and Solo
Protect your ally, make sure that your army is safe under carefull wing of Horus, who is always watching and ready to help

Caring of your army, your people, these, who have trusted their lives to you is one thing that define good leader and Horus is one of the best.
On the battlefield Horus can use all his defensive and healing potential in order to make his allies live longer and feel good. By rejecting all the agressivenes and temper Horus can use his setting-up potential to protect and peel for his backlines. Thus trading some not that important now protection for more utility and aura items will be a good basement for backline safety. And finnaly, instead of focusing on lock-down potential, The Heir can chose his healing as the primary way to be a good support - getting full-strenght healing as early as possible by trading it with damage on his cc-chain (because the duration is always flat) is the thing that can win some fights for his team. All this can make Horus the good backline fellow bird, who is always there to help. There is only one downside, that must be said and that Horus always have to keep in mind: his cc chain is at the first place the offensive and agressive setting-up tool, and only at second a peeling instument, thus to make it effective Horus's allies have to use that as setting-up, because the best peel is kill.

Horus's eye

Aggressive frontline
Objective: Protect and lead
Position: Solo, Support, Jungle
Be a strong foundation for your team. Create a favorable situation and lead the charge, setting up for your allies. Rush to their aid when they are in danger.

Leading the army is the another deed of the worthy king.
Fight as it intended, be at the lead of the strike, risk your own life instead of allies's, find one chosen enemy to be caught into falcon's claws to set-up them for folowing deleting by mates, who should be ready to follow their fellow bird. But in the temper of fight Horus must never forget about his team, always be ready to rush at their aid. Be at both the frontline and backline, using your mobility and utilizing the entire kit effectively. This is where The Rightful Heir can be found. Use the level and gold lead as Solo to be even more agressive and deadlier against the enemy’s backlines; help your frontliner by fighting alongside them as support, but always pay attention to your backliners, who needs your help and who you promised to protect; flex into bruiser and\or more supporttive\tanky\utility, build some protection and health as jungler, if your team needs this or have no frontline.

Kingship keeper

Supportive solo
Objective: Tank and attack
The most important thing for every Horus warriors: He. Cannot. Defeat. Any. Opponent in solo lane (if the enemy has enough skill, [ but this is possible if enemy solo plays out of role character]). Most likely, Horus will have to confront the meta gods or strong gods, who will defeat him even with a bad player. Horus is very limited and neither tactics nor experience will help him win the lane, only win the match. He doesn't need to be too aggressive, and his main job in that situation - killing minions, forget about Ku totem, do not try to kill enemies in solo - wait for help, or attack only win for sure. Keeping towers alive at least is pretty enough before the late game, when Horus is able to unleash his CC and support potential through aggressive gameplay, tanking, and healing allies.

Falcon God

Hit and run jungler
Objective: Gank!
Position: Jungle
Go into the jungle, defeat another threat to your kingdom and bring order in these waste lands. Do not forget to say for all worthy creatures - Thank you for your power .

What king can not stand up for himself and most important for his people? Right, neither. Wield weapon of great power, strengthen the inherent flat prot shredd via an extra penetration from items and combine this all with the deadly cc-chain so no enemy could withstand neither avoid Horus’s gale force presence. His combo is one of the most dangerous and powerful combos in the entire game. Keep patience, find a good time to strike and then attack. Like falcons in life, the falcon-headed god strikes quickly, catches the victim in a dangerous cc-chain and sends their souls to Duat. Using his entire kit fully offensive to the skies becoming and very hard to hit skill shot and Protector's Surge into an agressive engage ability, but do not forget, that at high levels this is still good healing.

But there is a big downside: However having insane guaranteed damage in a short period of time he still has low DPM, thus fighting other junglers could be risky and while most of the time this is all-in-one strategy not being able to deal significant damage to kill them physically or mentally, and having nothing else to fight might end drastically for him.

As a result of his flexibility and mixed role (warrior-guardian) he can сhange the second part of his mixture for being solo-support as solo laner, bruiser or full damage as jungler and full support as support for the duo lane. But one thing remains the same - everything meant to be supportive just in different styles and with different tendency, do not forget it, use all the possibility, flex roles and be not the Heir, but the King that your people have deserved.

Playstyle tricks

Poke and healing
engage info
penetration synergy and true damage
Ultimate strategy

Reverse engage

How to play with the Horus, The rightful heir. A short guide for his allies!

For The Damage Dealers.

Mages, Carry and Jungle

Follow the Horus. He is your core character

When playing alongside Horus as a damage dealer, it is necessary to realize that you are not the one who determines who you gonna damage, but Horus, he is essentially the main character who determines the style of the game , regardless of his actual role role, and ignoring this fact makes him useless and puts your team at a disadvantage. His primary job is to setting-up enemies for further damage by damage dealers. You are the big damage thing, that goes after Horus and together, helping each other you are deleting enemies. This is the basis and foundation which of course can vary from game to game and depend on the game style chosen by him. Thus, there is no need to rush and waste your abilities in vain, this only will make things harder for Heir, forcing him to monitor your cooldowns. This is especially true for burst dd's, capable of dealing a bunch of the damage in a 2-3s window of CC, which Horus can provide. It is necessary to learn how Horus plays and be ready for his unexpected attack on the enemy, like a falcon in real life

Stay close to him

When playing with Horus, it may seem that he is too aggressive and it is dangerous to follow him, but often this is not the case and this is the right playstyle. If you will always follow him you will always have the opportunity to damage enemies using his set-up potential. In addition, in case of failure on his side, if you are within a radius of 70 units from him, he will be able to escape from the battle.

Consider options for flat penetration items.

Horus has an innate reduction of enemy armor by about one-third of its base value, which provides a significant increase in damage at the time of his control over the enemy.IBeing able to synergize with DD's own flat penetration this can increase the damage non-linearly due to the nonlinearity of the armor's effectiveness - lower armor values block a greater proportion of protection. Therefore, summing up the reduction of the armor of the Horus with Your own flat penetration of the damage dealer, you can achieve the highest damage numbers.

Consider options with % penetration items

As already mentioned, Horus has an innate flat armor reduction, thus it can allow damage dealers to ignore items with flat penetration, focusing on % damage penetration. In such a situation, it makes sense to inform Him, so that he could know that his ability is the only way to break through the armor of unprotected enemies and that his set-up of soft enemies becomes even more important.

Consider strengthening healing

In some situations, it may be difficult for Heir to fit such items into the build thus allied DDs can consider this option not only for themselves, but also for the Horus, automatically increasing the effectiveness of these items.

Skill priority

Horus ability kit gives him multiple ways of prioritizing leveling order. His kit is separated for supportive and offensive parts.
This is the main burst damage ability, consisting of two parts and providing 50-60%% of the overall Heir's damage. Horus can prioritize leveling this ability in order to improve wave and jungle camps clear especially with some basic-oriented items such Golden Blade and Hydra's Lament

A locking down ability that sets up enemies for further Updraft or ally’s damage. Provides a stun as well as enemy's protection reduction in order of increasing any next damage target will get. Prioritizing this ability can be useful in supportive roles for early flat protection shred for teammates either for reducing enemy protection on solo lane if so needed. This ability is rather less useful against non-god targets hitting them, does not activate cleave part and does not provide protection shred for AI and deal less damage. Yet this ability steal can deal damage for waves and jungle camps and also provides some stun for them, which can be useful. If overall this ability is less effective as a damage source in the jungle, it still can be very effective in combination with Updraft against gods.

Fully team-oriented ability yet can be used as personal little support in 1v1 fights and as movement escape or engage ability. This provides healing for everyone in that area and protection buff, including minions (that means the wave was affected by Horus healing at least once will win the enemy wave if there are no other factors). Prioritizing this ability can be useful in supportive purposes, to provide Horus' allies even more healing and protection buff, but still can be used in order of increasing personal sustain and survivability via healing and protection bust for a short period. Yet prioritizing this ability in very offensive play styles is very doubtful.

For the most part is Utility and for less - offensive. There is literally no reason to level 2-5 this ability until late game, because it does provide nothing but increased landing damage which is very hard to confirm and shield size. So it is better to level other abilities in credit for this.

Depends not only on the role in a match but also at the current level of teamplay and situation, The Falcon-Headed god can change leveling order to adapt, so there is some examples below.
For classic support:

For Aggressive support\solo:

For jungle and more offensive solo:

Damage breakdown

Explanation of Horus's very unobvious way to make damage

Horus is a unique god that has lack of direct damage through ability but has a lot of interesting mechanics like two-parts ability, morphed basic attacks, protection shred, CC, and knock-ups. Combining these mechanicks and different ability combos makes ways to utilize specific items requiring fulfillment of specific conditions and accumulate different damage bonuses.
All of it allows Horus to embed extra damage multipliers as long as more difficult his playstyle become

Fracture-basic- Updraft in math form:


Item effects

Spoiler: Click to view

Ability effects

Spoiler: Click to view

These little tips help end explains the mechanics of Horus's main damaging combo, why and how to collect, accumulate different types of damage bonuses(without pots and duffs), and useful ability effects Horus has to transform simple CC chain into the most deadly combo of the entire game.



Stacking defensive passive
Each time Horus is damaged by an enemy god, Horus gains a stack of Resolute provides CCR, defence. When Resolute fades, Horus is healed based on the number of stacks. Set provides two stakcs
Pretty weak passive which lets Falcon god get a little bit of healing which doesn't compensate even a part of damage gotten to activate passive. A little defense which is useful only in longer fights (which again activates after he already got damage), and a little CCR still pretty bad with engaging and after getting CCed first but helpful in longer fights.
+ CDR reduction.
+ Some extra heals.
+ A little extra magical and physical protection.

––– Requires getting damage, which lowers the value of the ability in the beginning. Requires a long time in battle to receive a bonus protection and CCR.
Activates only by God's damage.
Healing much lower than damage Horus must receive to get stacks.

Passive CCR explained
Since Horus needs to get 10 hits to get full passive stacks, most of the time he will get full CCR stacks along with DR stacks, and usually when CC-chained. Thus, passive CCR can be considered as 83% less duration at full DR stacks instead of 80%. Increases the threshold where CC duration will be reduced to its minimal time from 2s up to 2.4s. Which means at full DR stacks (usually cc-chained) Horus will be affected by any hard CC that lasts <2.4s as if it were 2s and reduce it to cap. For CC durations watch.table

Thus passive CCR Useless against CC chains, where single CC lesser than 2s because DR stacks will already reduce its duration to minimal possible.


Knock-Up and morphed range basic attack
Horus uses his wings to create an updraft around himself, knocking up nearby enemies, after using this ability Horus's next basic attack is Gust of wind.
Horus' main damage ability consists of two parts: first – knocking nearby enemies into the air and second – Gust attack with a morphed basic attack which gets extra damage to enemies that are knocked up. This ability deals the biggest damage in entire Horus' kit, which makes the source of half of his damage being Basick attack. That meeans Horus can utilize plenty of AA items with this ability. Can be interrupted by the enemy.
+++ Strong CC.
++ CC cannot be interrupted with Purification Beads (only prebeads).
+ Deals significant damage twice.
+ The first part is AOE.
+ The second part is considered as base attack.
+ The second part has a damage multiplier.
+ The second part has a slow.
+ The second part is Horus only ranged attack.
+++ The second part damages all enemies in the line.
++ The second part goes through obstacles and walls.
++ The Gust damage scales from god level
+ Looks very nice.
The ability has a cast time which lets the enemy use escape or their own instant CC.
Small AOE radius.
–– Can be interrupted.
–– Vulnerable to Disarms and block stacks.
–– Applies 40% DR, making all following cc permanently less effective.
The second part has low base damage.
The whole ability takes a long time to apply.
You are not immune to enemy control effects.
"Rooting" Horus around one target.
The only and weak way to clean waves and camps (in early game).

Important note. The Gust part of this ability counts as separated basic attack for each enemies in the line. That means that Hydra's Lament will procks only ONE time for a FIRST target in line. And Golden Blade will stack for EACH ONE target in the line.


Dash to enemies and CC. Defense debuff.
Horus charges forward, ready to strike with his weapon and looking to stun any god in his path, if he successfully hits a god he unleashes a powerful cleave attack that breaks the armor of whoever was hit lowering their protections.
The second damage ability and last one, which allows Horus to engage in fights, dash, catch targets and make them easy to kill by CC and reducing their protection for a couple of seconds, for squishes this reduction around 70% of their magical defense and 50% of physical defense. This is increasing incoming damage from all sources by around 20%. After using Fracture allies are getting a short time gap to kill targets faster, especially at duo lane. Also can be used to escape when everything is crumbling. Important note: This ability has cast time when it may be interrupted by enemy CC and ability will be counted as used. For the same reason it is very hard to use against Thanatos Hovering Death. Also dashing through silence or Cripples zone like Poseidon Whirlpool immediately stops Horus dash.
++ CC.
++ Can be used to escape or engage.
++ Separated for two parts which allows to activate items before main damage.
+ Dash.
+ Deals damage to all enemies 180* in front of Horus.
+ Can be used for wave clean.
+++ Reduces both protection of the target and all targets in front of Horus (squishes get almost 50% protection reduction).
Short distance.
––- This abbility has longest wind-up time among all that type of abbilities in game.
–– As a result may be interupted very easely. Very easy to notice.
––– Not likes Cripples CC.
––– Goes at cooldown after interruption when technically wasn't even used.
The whole ability takes a long time to apply.
Makes Horus very vulnerable and put him in center of battle.
The total ability damage divided into two parts, each does not have significant damage.
Not immune to enemy control effects.
Low duration of target protection reduction.

Protector's Surge

Leap and heal. Protection buff.
Horus selects an ally and flies to the aid. Upon landing, all nearby allies have their health restored and gain bonus protections.
Escape\engage ability with some extra healing (can be pretty useful at a late game). Can only be applied to allies or allied minions, as well as minions of allied gods like Vulcan's Inferno Cannon or Kuzenbo's NeNe Kappa, Scylla's Sentinel, which allows Horus to move in some extra ways. This provides healing and protection buff including minions (that means the wave was affected by Horus healing at least once will win the enemy wave if there are no other factors) Сan be interrupted by the enemy even mid flight despite that Horus untargetable.

Additionaly the leap ends up at the actual target position at the end of the leap so distance may be increased by using it on gods with Dashes, Leaps and even with Blink Rune allowing Horus to cover insane amount of distance if timed correctly.
++ Healing.
++ Can be used to escape or engage.
+++ Increasing both protection of the allies around the target and Horus himself (squishies get 50% extra of their total defense).
++ Moves Horus over obstacles and through walls.
++ Untargetable mid-flight, that means Horus can avoid damage even jumping at minion near to him.
–– Not enough healing.
––– Has no damage.
–– Can be interrupted.
––– Needs targets to be used.
Only some type of targets can be used. Not works with wards.
The aiming is incredibly odd. Be ready to die because of it. Consequently no confidence in success because it does not depend on skill.

To The Skies!

Team teleport.
Horus will begin channeling, sending a mirror image of himself into the sky to scout a destination. Upon selecting a new destination Horus will start channeling to fly to that new location with any ally near him. Horus land with such force, enemies are knocked away and take damage. Horus and his allies at the landing location gain a protective shield.
At the same time If no one knows how it works this is one of the worst ultimates and is able to flip the whole match with good teamwork. Playing solo Horus gets almost nothing in return for the price he pays for using this ability: cooldown time, inability to cancel, damage vulnerability, long charge, low damage despite the fact this is AOE. All of it makes Horus ult extremely hard to use effectively and team–dependent. One thing is that Horus is immune to CC and provides him some tactic benefits. Consider, that Horus ult is mostly offensive forgetting that may cost him a life. Also Horus ultimate is the only one ult that can kill his own ally (if unlucky landing) so Horus must be careful with choosing the destination location!
+ Moves Horus a big distance.
+ Can be used to engage.
++ Good ability to escape from enemy jungle side (stealing indra scepter offerings for example)
++ Expands the tactics possibilities.
+++ Immune to CC.
+ Deal shield for Him and allies even if they stand in the landing zone.
+ Let Horus chase the enemy.
+ Looks and sounds cool, so regal and gold.
+ Сan teleport the whole team.
++ Horus can teleport allies when they ulting, to create a deadly combo.
++ Can teleport minnions. Removing backdoor protection.
+++ This ultimate can change the course of the entire battle.
++ Can be used as escape for you and allies.
+++ All enemies in the landing zone get strong CC.
+ Damage type is AOE.
–– Not immune to damage and executes.
Damage is not worth the effort.
–– Long cooldown.
–– Horus cannot cancel ability.
–– Applies 40% DR, making following Fracture less effective.
––– After interruption by dead, begins cooldown.
Very visible.
The enemy can hear his ult (and sometimes see)

(His own sky)

and sees the landing zone.
––– VERY long charging.
–– VERY hard aim to hit someone.
Enemies can wait for this and the entire team, avoid damage and CC, and kill all.
––– This ultimate can change the course of the entire battle.

Important note: Horus is extra CC imune for 0.5s upon landing.
Teleporting minions under enemy structure removes backdor protection.

timings and no one needed info

Ultimate part has three columns and two categories of advantages because due to the peculiarities and focus of this ability, some potential become inaccessible or very difficult to use depending on the situation, and the actions of allies. Therefore, these advantages can be ignored. And vice versa, if you are good or have a team play you can use these advantages.

Y10 To the skies! Strategy, tips, tricks and avanced knowleges

Base invasion

Backdoor and phoenix sieging strategy
The Phoenixes siege area

While in the sky, Horus is in his native environment and moves faster, that allows his allies to increase pressure on the enemy team while sieging,have new strategies, gain even more map control or even take two objectives at once.

strategies and explanation

Titan room invasion and backdoor

Horus sends his spirit into the sky to fly over the massive walls that protecting titan from invaders, but yet not able to stop Falcon god from achieving his goal.

strategies and explanation

Tier 2 tower pressure

After defeating the last tower on the lane Horus team has some potential decisions to make.
Spoiler: Click to view

Map objectives

Fire giant, and Furry

Best spots are symmetrical for both sides.[/goto]
Horus gets wind and flies in his spirit form when his enemies at gold fury, fire giant, or else. Avoiding jungle geometry and reaches the destination much faster Horus selects his target very carefully, like a falcon tracking his prey, choosing to land at the enemy team to steal an objective, defend it, or while his teammates were near to him he teleports everyone to immediately cleans up the enemy team and secure the objective.

Spoiler: Click to view

Lanes and Towers

Lanes and towers coverage area
Horus using his spirit able to jump between towers and cover very big areas much faster than other gods, which allows him to defend or attack towers more effectively!
Spoiler: Click to view
Horus is an extremely mobile god. Under his protective wings is a much wider area than the lane itself he is on. Concentrating he sends his copy in the sky and gazes very far around an area to find where his help is needed!

This shows Lane coverage area which may be helpful in understanding how far Horus can fly from the lane itself and how far from the lane Horus may start to ult if he needs to reach the lane much faster than if running through the jungle and avoiding obstacles.

Combos and advanced movement

Horus has high and unique mobility. He can use it to fly around the map like a bird, not only for offense or defense. Leap from ally to ally, slide and move where you are not expected, make them think that you are far away, and hit. Here you can find some examples of master-level mobility and complex movement chains combo, besides the usual attack combo.
Open spoilers to see gifs

Base combo

Main set-up combo
The main damage and setting-up combo in Horus arsenal, can be used in a vast majority of situations. With two CC the enemy is locked in one place for 2-3 seconds that must be enough for the team to follow up and use that chance to delete that victim. On the other side this combo being cc-chain can do the big chunk of guaranteed damage (especially with AA-canceling and hydra’s lament), giving Horus high burst potential. Additionally the reversed version can be used in specific scenarios, but remember, that Fracture duration will be DR'ed. This combo is very easy and beginner friendly, not that hard and risky to confirm, base and default cc-chain to start learning Heir with, a literal CC-bot, but for better results and more effective play there is some extra versions of this combo down here:

Main combo

The primary combo
> >
> >
This combo is just the base one, but also considering the escape opinion with Protector's Surge and will be the main combo for all risky situations. Provides safeiness as well as more aggressiveness, yet not that effective due to low range. Again the Fracture and Updraftorder depending on the situation, as sometimes this is more effective to use knock-up first, but do not forget The Diminishing Returns.

Falcon dive

aka Egypt shuffle
> >
> > >
> > >
+ > > >
This is the Advanced combo. This one might be more risky than the standard one as it comes at the cost of escape, but accepting this trade, using 70 units leap Protector's Surge combined with 40 units Fracture dash allow Horus to SHUFFLE for an insane 110 units (and can go even more) and becomes strongest movement in game and an insane engage tool, can be useful for unexpected strikes, bluff, to change positions, swapping between frontline and backline to go to peel for allies from an insane distance, and especially to avoid unwanted damage that might be easily get if use Fracture as engage tool due to its short distance and longest win-up. This combo has the high versatile potential with many different relics and ally abilities as Protector's Surge can be casted on any ally minion or deployment:
With Blink Rune the distance traveled increases for extra 45 units and becomes 155 units, and can cover semi-global ults, Entangling Wings has more utility for the team but can also be used to stop the enemy mid combo.
This can also be combined with some movement abilities of allies (to see them proceed to the synergy tab at top of this page), for example: Protector's Surge+ Sandstorm+ Blink Rune+ Fracture allows to move for an ridiculous 225 units!!!Again the Fracture and Updraft order depending on situation, as sometimes this is more effective to use knock-up first, but do not forget The Diminishing Returns.

> > +
+ > >
Additionally any of his combos highly benefits from AA-canceling and AA-weaving so using them is always good. Especially Hydra's Lament has unique synergy with Gust of the Updraft and all the damage multipliers, which allows it to increase the burst damage and make it drastically high against enemies in air. To learn more about Hydra's Lament go here. Horus can put an additional auto-attack inbetween Fracture and Updraft and also get extra Hydra proc. To learn more about AA-canceling proceed here. Highly effective in Solo and full damage Jungle.

Poke, Movement and Healing combo

Just a fast and annoying hit-and-run poke combo in order to win the opponent mentally and ещ force them to do mistakes, such as burning beads\aegis. Use it when: your team is not helping you; you are alone; there are a lot of enemies; a lot of CC. In one word, always when you have little time before the potential death of you. Additionally dash into an enemy to disable brawling-antiheal status by hitting enemy god, and then leap at the furthest minion or ally - in best scenario the leap will cover 70 units and get Horus out of any Antiheal aura effects and with dissabled global antiheal Horus will be healed for full amount. Pay attention to not getting any hits, especially with antiheal effects. And finally this combo can be used as a default movement ability to get back to the lane faster
using examples

Minor combos

Situative ones
With this combo Horus can get into the fight anywhere on the map even it there is no nearby wards placed
> >
This one increases the CC chain duration upon the successful ult hit
> > >
Same to the previous one but insanely toxic with 3 knock-ups in the row+stun. Nasty as this is the strongest cc type in the game. Make the enemy hate you with the Horus's Brand knock-up cc-chain!
Use your ult in any of those combos only to get in a fight, not to get out (rarely). Drop yourself in their heads. Check the map. Try to surprise them, attack when they think they are safe or have managed to escape, be a real diving falcon who is always above his prey and always sees it. And remember: never expect you to hit someone with Horus ultimate.

Auto attack canceling and advanced combo using

So you want to be more effective as Horus, you think you know him enough... so I have one more Trick for him.
Auto Attack Cancel\Auto cancel etc trick pretty useful on many gods especially on Attack speed based, so how it can be helpful for Falcon headed god since he is an ability-based, and have only 2 offensive ability in his regular kit?

Step 1

How to apply it and differences in timings

First is need to know, that attack canceling working by fast activating skill after some millisecond after you made a basic attack to replace attack animation with ability animation, which wins some time as result. By itself is useless but it useful if performed before ability that gonna be used to free extra damage
Here are some examples of the timing difference of using a basic attack after Updraft with and without canceling. In Horus case, unskippable animation duration is 182-190 millisecond
Spoiler: Click to view

Step 2

Why Horus want canceling?

This may seem useless itself, but Rightful Heir has many combos available in his arsenal, (and many CC that makes enemies very vulnerable and helpless for a long time when Horus can play with new slaves before killing them 👀), and implementing a basic attack may be very useful especially with Hydra's Lament that already viable in Heir arsenal! The problem starts with Fracture - Updraft combo; the remaining available stun duration after Cleave part match with the initial phase of Updraft in gameplay reason to combine them both in CC-chain if the enemy has 0 CCR, but default Basick attack animation + initial animation of Updraft is longer. This is where Horus gives the enemy a chance to escape or use their own countermeasures if Heir has been using his basic inside the combo! Here is an example of using Auto-attack canceling in the combo. Not so big difference in timing
Spoiler: Click to view

Step 3

Results of using that

Using an auto-attack inside a combo allows to significantly increase the damage since Horus has a good scaling of basic attack damage, moreover, Hydra's Lament activating after every ability and increase damage from canceled basic attack as well as Gust after Updraft. There is an example below of how attack canceling allows defeating the Thor bot much faster than the regular use of auto-attack between skills. In the first case with canceling, the AI does not have time to gain immunity and got knocked up, providing increased damage Gust. In the second case, implemented basic attack have increased delay that allowed Thor to gain immunity, which causing Horus Gust deals less damage, Thor also got a chance to apply his own CC on Falcon god. Not using basic attack is lowering combo damage in general!
Spoiler: Click to view

This is very hard to perform, and useless against an enemy with CCR but, you will learn how to use combo and put auto-attack inside very quickly at least. Not all people are fast as heck, boi (+ping)


Horus can teleport his minnion wave under tower to dissable BAckdor protection or destroy the tower faster if he got a time window(for example if enemy rotates) \ or the tower is pretty low. Very useful on Solo

The Fracture has long wind-up and can be casted while moving. Use that to start ability cast a little earlier

Of-topic facts

I think it more interesting for someone to play Horus knowing some amusing facts, lore, and story behind him.
Spoiler: Click to view

Special interaction with Set (bonus chapter)

Being two sides of the same coin, two aspects of something one, the personification of eternal confrontation, but at the same time, the closest to each other, they know all their strength and weaknesses, all the innermost secrets and desires like no one else can. They are so far from each other following different goals with different paths, but they are so close as close, as intimate lovers who are showing affection to each other as a secret from others, like two essences of the same force like two opposites that attract.

Set is an irrepressible source of rage. The rage that follows him on his way to the throne is like a sandstorm erasing all the enemies except, the only one... The anger that he does not hide and ready to use at any moment. But at the same time, he is shrewd, restrained, cold-blooded, and cunning when it comes to reining Horus. Sometimes even kind and loving towards to not just someone whom his life is connected to but also to his own blood represented in his nephew whom he practically replaced father by being in his whole life since childhood as a prophecy and vendetta which the boy was prepared to since birth.

Horus, on the other hand, is always restrained, far-seeing, and shrewd, striving to represent himself as a worthy and perfect ruler, who is ready to take responsibility, when it comes to lead his people to victory. But next to Set, an uncontrollable desire for revenge and an excessive sense of justice both is growing inside of a still young and inexperienced Prince behind the curtain of maturity. This power like the primordial force of a hurricane and wind gust when he tries to suppress, hide, and not use it, makes Horus weak against his own uncle. Close to him, being vulnerable to emotions that he has been hiding under the guise of a worthy heir, his attempts to deny, and unwillingness to accept his inner desire for his uncle and attraction to him as his own opposite, Horus can commit stupid, rash, unworthy to ruler deeds, like a young chick.

Both of them must hide their true feelings to each other due to the circumstances of life: Horus denies the acceptance due to duty of revenge he owes to the elder gods, a confrontation with his uncle, that he did not choose himself and which Set forced to accept suppressing his feelings, because of his idea to make Egypt better and stronger.

But they are opposite and one.

This dualism, their dialectical struggle of opposites, similarities, and simultaneous differences are reflected in their gameplay.

In game they are different - support and assassins, two completely opposite sides. But both are very team-dependent which makes them similar.
And in the game, they can finally refuse their eternal struggle, which brings pain to both of them, in the game they can be together, can work and fight alongside, forming Synergy, the very ONE force, only the parts of which they represent separately.

Horus and Set synergy

Horus and Set can jump into battle together. Nephew is always together with his uncle to protect, tank damage when Set trying to deal with enemy as fast as he can with nephew help!
A default and standart Protector's Surge usage on the Set, allows Horus to follow his uncle on a great distance to support him, give extra protection, and soak some damage instead of his donkey-uncle and setting up kills. Like a personal bodyguard who is always nearby and ready to jump with his KIng to interact and combine their potential.
Besides that this ability may be applied before Set has used Sandstorm on Spawn of Set so Horus will fly after his uncle for an even greater distance. An important feature is that Set doesn't need to wait while Horus comes up because Falcon-god can leap on Set being 70 units away from him and after Set performed his own teleport he will have landed at the destination point of Set' own teleport. This is causing 70 units to leap into 140 units fly which is extremely a lot and helpful, but still requires a high cooperation level!

The very mobile frontliner alongside the very mobile assassin is very strong, making Set much more dangerous.
Horus and Set both have something to slow their enemies and they could synergize it!
Both Horus' gust of Updraft and Set' Skewer have 25% slow and can be stacked together for the whole 50% making the prey unable to run away from a conflicting duo. Duration of these effects is almost the same that makes it fit together well and this also may be stacked with Frostbound Hammer which is viable for Set too, in order to apply absolute slow on their enemies. One more trick is also increasing their fighting alongside potential. After they have made their movement trick (from the previous part) they still may be far enough from the enemy for Horus to catch them with Fracture, thus if Set has a chance he has to consider hitting them with Skewer that could slow them enough to let Heir, who is following his uncle, to approach them and catch the prey. Even so, the enemy could beads that, or the skewer’s slow wasn’t enough the distance of their skillshots is pretty similar and Horus can always use his Updraft to combine their slows, update or apply the effect again. This interaction may be used very well to chase an enemy, making their duo even more effective.
It wasn't said Horus can not use his abilities to help and to fight alongside Set. Healing combined with Set inherent healing in ultimate might make angry donkey even more resilient as well as protection reduction and cc-chains more deadly.
Protector's Surge bonus protection and healing, coupled with Set Sandstorm physical damage reduction is granting bonus survivability that has to be regarded while Set uses Kingslayer and also getting healing from it. Horus can also provide his set-up and CC potential in order to buy some time for Set to unleash his rage versus the enemies that Falcon has caught in the deadly claws. Fracture flat protection reduction makes them extremely vulnerable against Set and CC chain makes it impossible for them to resist, or forces them to use their relics and safety abilities.
Horus can always provide extra mobility for Set and allow him to be more confident in using Sandstorm as an offensive, without being afraid of losing his only escape ability!
Because of the inherent lack of tankines, and the role in team fights Set is usually assigned for, he is very reliant on his movement. His sandstrom is the only one movement ability that can be used either for escape or to engage in fights, so it is always a decision. Due to how Kingslayer works Set is also very reliant on using his Sandstorm during ulting, so he is very limited in his mobility. Dropping both Sandstorm and Kingslayer is allowing Usurper deals a lot of damage, generates marks of Set more consistent, but the price of it is losing of an escape if something went wrong, and being in a bad position. This is where Horus comes to help his uncle. Besides his assistance with CC, healing, peeling, and protecting the enraged Set through his default kit, Heir can provide an emergency evac point to his uncle using his To The Skies!, if needed to. This is also allowing Set to take a different relic, instead of blink rune, which can be more helpful, for example aegis, to survive, or Belt of Frenzy as long as he can rely on his nephew.

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CookieTheBest | October 10, 2022 6:08am
picture at the end is uhm...
Falcrus (3) | October 14, 2022 4:19am
easter egg :D
CookieTheBest | October 15, 2022 6:23am
yeah...easter egg and tottaly not something that puts egyptian mythology, greek mythology, and alabama in the same picture.
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MLGBREADBLOKE | September 10, 2022 10:15am
Falcrus (3) | September 18, 2022 6:47am
Pwuntahs | June 28, 2022 7:11pm
Don't know how anyone can downvote this, very informative, good work.
Falcrus (3) | July 1, 2022 4:12am
Thank you. Many people does not go further than builds and they might be not best, or nor keep up with the meta
AmoralOne (11) | March 9, 2022 8:25am
I have not had the chance to read through this guide until today, this is truly a work of art, well done, v clean, anyone wanting to learn Horus should for sure stop by and read this guide.
Falcrus (3) | March 9, 2022 9:57am
Thank you!

I've put a lot of effort into that, spent lot of hours in jungle practice figuring out what useful I can find, testing builds, doing maths, calculations and theoricrafting. The guide also went through multiple iterations in order to make it easier to navigate when it is getting bigger and some design updates. I m really happy this guide is helping people but the only thing I regret that due to overall complexity of this guide, it size and the fact it covers all possible and impossible aspects, there is no chances for other guides to exist, and other people might loose motivation of making something after seeing this guide or maybe this is simply because god is unpopular overall
An4rchy | September 25, 2021 7:59am
a little complicated but works
Farthus (15) | March 24, 2021 11:57am
heart seeker in Build 2 seems a bit out of place. Horus does have very long cooldowns and does not make good use out of this item at all. Besides that, you need high amounts of power for it to make any real impact which is not the case for that build.
Falcrus (3) | March 24, 2021 1:28pm
Heartseeker is a pen item for ability-based gods, no matter of cooldown, since in gives % of enemy health same to Qin's Sais or Soul Reaver. That build is some kind of bruiser and has more than 200 of physical power so I think it's okay. Maybe Titan's Bane better but not for Horus combo, unfortunately, bust Fracture penetretion not best
Farthus (15) | March 26, 2021 12:51pm
Cooldowns do matter , horus has very high base cooldowns so that already makes the item less viable. Also horus only has 2 damage abilities outside of the ultimate which also reduces the value of this item (fewer times the item can proc). On top of that horus does have very little range on the actual abilities that proc this item so thats even more reason to not build this item on him. You can easily miss the first part of his first abilitiy.

Not to mention this item has been nerfed quite alot and now only deals a mere 5% health damage at 400 power which this build does not have. You would be much better off by getting Sundering Axe, because this item procs even on the ranged part of his first ability and steals 10% Max hp + all the other benefit that the item gives.
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Mother Bear | February 16, 2021 2:54pm
Very detailed. Help me out a lot
Falcrus (3) | February 28, 2021 3:00am
Thank you!~
CastleHaze00 | December 30, 2020 11:51am
So do you have an ability build for Horus? I'm used to seeing an ability build for the gods and I wasnt able to find one. Unless I just didnt scroll far enough lol.
Falcrus (3) | December 30, 2020 11:56am
What do you mean?
Farthus (15) | December 1, 2020 12:40pm
Never EVER build Pridwen on Horus! It has a weird interaction with the shield he gets from his ultimate and basically, the two shields cancel each other out.
Falcrus (3) | December 2, 2020 8:38am
ye, I know, passive just not works on Horus ult, I put it there only for his 20% CDR and both type of protection. They must fix their fix for pridwen and horus.
Farthus (15) | December 4, 2020 12:45pm
Not only does the passive not work, it also removes the acual shield horus gets through his own ult as well. So if your reasoning is CDR and protections there is better options out there for him.
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Horus Gaming | November 20, 2020 11:24am
Have you ever gotten a kill with ult? It's so satisfying!
Falcrus (3) | November 21, 2020 5:30am
Yes, sometimes and only squishy who tried to escape. Lack of damage with ult and hard to aim :D
Hartholz | November 19, 2020 12:01pm
Nice Build, Nice Dude
Falcrus (3) | November 19, 2020 12:06pm
Thanks ^^ you so kind!
Big Damage (37) | October 13, 2020 11:42am
Hello! I see that this is your first guide on this site so just along with this welcome I'm just letting you know that this is all meant to be constructive criticism and honestly your guide isn't even bad, these are just my thoughts on a few things as I went through it all.

I am confused with the explanation of your main build summary. How does Brawler's Beat Stick provide more damage than Heartseeker; where does this 3% damage reduction come in? Also how does the attack speed from The Crusher affect your 'windgust' as it is only a single auto, not several like your auto attacks?

Jotunn's Wrath is not a good mid to late game option. Similar to Breastplate of Valor it's for early pressure and even worse than BoV it's more common for users to sell this item just because of how lackluster it is after 15 minutes, whereas BoV can have optimal use throughout a game.

The builds for vs physical and magical are the wrong way around, you wouldn't be building BoV into more magical damage and you wouldn't be building Genji's Guard into more physical.

In your introduction you mention that he isn't the best at anything but he is average at everything. I would disagree, I would say his early game support damage and set up is one of the best in the game, definitely the best taking into account how much easier his CC chain is to hit compared to Hercules; otherwise Herc takes that spot.

You mention here after the title, main builds and the bottom of your introduction which game mode these builds are for (Arena). I would change this to be near the top or even in the title so people finding this guide can see clearly immediately what they are building Horus for, instead of someone who wants to build him for Conquest reading through and finding near the bottom.

I really like the style and layout of the "defensive build mixer" but here I am confused. As a user trying to find Horus builds I would be asking, what were the main builds for as opposed to this? Why aren't these other builds with the main builds I saw earlier and separated half way down the page? Also I would not recommend picking up Mail of Renewal, overall meh stats and passive for it's price and I can see the passive use in Arena coming into play however there are much better options on Horus.

In the "Supportive Build Mixer" some questions I would be asking are; Why Shogun's Kusari in a build with more magical protections rather than Genji's which as 10 more prots and 150 more health? Why Mail of Renewal over caduceus shield as well in magical protection build even though it provides less magical protections? What is the build with Relic Dagger for?

Just a small typo but for the Breastplate of Valor item choice explanation you should write that it increases your mana pool and provides a small amount of MP5 instead of HP5.

The thing with Heartseeker is that it doesn't decrease your total damage over the next 3 seconds, but just the bonus from the passive. For example you deal 250(100%) damage plus 20(100%) bonus damage with Fracture, then you attack with Updraft which deals 200(100%) damage plus 5(75% less) bonus damage. HS is still a great item on any physical ability based god.

Being brutally honest the abilities description is very off the mark with Resolute and To The Skies! The easily stacked protections and CCR helps with Horus' early aggression which is so prevalent in his kit. Getting an extra 15 protections for free before you get any items is more useful than you think, the heal is good for disengaging and reengaging too; being able to dive in stack it up and get back out so it heals and keep repeating isn't exactly powerful but it's handy.
To the skies I can understand not being that great in Arena, however to write it off as "one of the worst ultimates if..." in the first sentence isn't really doing it justice.

In the combos you accidentally missed the image for Updraft in the first combo.

Overall reading for Arena there isn't anything inherently bad with this guide. There are a few tid bits that need to be fixed when you get a moment but a great effort has been put into this from your personal experience. My main thing that I think you should focus on is clarity; try and put yourself in the readers shoes while you're writing the build perhaps. I can tell (as you mentioned) that English isn't your strong suite which is fine, I'm impressed even at how well you have done. Thanks for the guide I'd love to see if you come along further with this guide or expand on more guides in the future!
Falcrus (3) | October 14, 2020 10:05am
Hello and thank you.

- This is very odd, I made a lot of texts before with that basic build, and each time Brawler's Beat Stick deal 92 more damage that version with Heartseeker. Until now, I made a new test, and Heartseeker made 60 more damage. Strange, but Brawler's Beat Stick still okay if you need anti heal instead of Contagion (its is good as early anti heal if swap with Breastplate of Valor, but then need to use Jotunn's Wrath

- Jotunn's Wrath because build need CDR, and this is pretty well. Same to Brawler's Beat Stick, you could swap it with Mantle of Discord but the problem with 30% cdr and you will need to take Arondight instead of possible Heartseeker and lose extra damage from it (what I just checked). (But yes, you will get more magical protection with that). You can remove The Sledge but then you need to rebuild all, because you will need to Spirit Robe instead of it, then you will need to use Jotunn's Wrath or [[Arondight but you will have less physical protection. It's all about balance Anyway, all those robes made you tanky in some cases and I still plan to add more about balanced build here.

- Yes, I messed that names of builds but I not able to fix that - I do not see my guide

- Not agree, he exactly AVG, his early support damage? There is whole support class (guardians) and they able to deal tonnes of damage and be tanky. Horus - can't. His CC is neat, besides the fact that it is very easy to interrupt and much more risky

- I do not know how to put it higher. I wanted to make a name in an upright corner but it did not work

- Because first build only for them who not want to read anything more. There should be only one balanced build but not for now.

- Mail of Renewal because of CDR and healing, let you not exit from a fight. What can you offer instead of it?

- Shogun's Kusari using with Genji. sense of that build is that you sell The Sledge and Mantle of Discord and buy Runic Shield and Spirit Robe. In summary, you have the same Magical protection, same CCR but you reduce enemy magical defence. (but you pay with 30 physical protection)
Mail of Renewal just alternative, use caduceus if you want. You can combine items as you want, you just need only to not forget about CDR and that list is just items that can be used for sure.
I need to rework that section to make it more understandable. Relic Dagger if you want to support more and +10% CDR



- It seems you forgot, that to activate his passive he must gain damage. Whats a point of 15 protections if you need to be damaged 10 times before and you will gain full damage first, after 5 hits you will get 7.5 protection (how much it mitigate?) and how many damages you will get before? This extra useful only if you already have good protection. Healing is just extra, not cool enough to consider it a plus, because you pay too much for it. Just bonus which will let you stand against one basic attack. It does even not help you against very annoying Nu Wa ult.
CCR is good only if you already have some (20%) and again, you still need to be damaged before, but CC not cares about it, they just stop you and damage. Ofc with each damage on you you will free yourself faster but still (It would be really cool if you could over cap it to 55% CDR, like set ult allow you to increase his damage with Silverbranch Bow and his ultimate (Also, set able to activate passive very fast with his 3 on enemies or minions, so you will go to take damage from minions on horus?) As I said in a guide - those passives useful only in a long fight when fully charged.
To The Skies! - yes, if ultimate working only if some specific situations - it's bad, if you still pay full price for it outside these situations - much worse. In most cases, you will not able to use his ult properly, so you will use it as possible and will pay for it like if you going to teleport the whole team and bring victory, no, you just going to move yourself, few damage, very hard to aim, stupid charging, hard to use as escape, possible to die. As a result, you just use it as teleportation of yourself somewhere with 100 sec cooldown. (Ra have 1000+damage with 90 sec CD and i not think is harder to hit someone than with horus ult). You paying for an opportunity that you will never use

- no, I did not. This is full combo, like fenrir Brutalize+ Unchained or Bastet Pounce. Sometimes using full combo is deadly for you(imagine if his 15% cdr was permanent, but no). + they will able to stop you in flight with your Protector's Surge, you just shouldn't give them time, dive and out

- thanks, of course, I will fix and expand when I will able to edit
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